A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

I know. As if we need anymore fuel other than all the fluffy stuff we already got :ohoho: they're definitely pluses.
A fan art (http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=17532294) I really like this, I love the back to back scenes/art for them, its like their trademark I think...well that and Hand Holding too

More Fanart

Its like a series of Art, the story goes together in each picture, I love how they recreated Cloud and Aerith's meeting...:x3: So cute.

Here are some more by ゆき at pixiv; (http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=17560235)


And just for the hell of it; Aerith in her Dissidia Amono clothes, I like how she technically got a whole new outfit! She looks so mature and feminine in it, she stands out amongst many of the other females in Dissidia.

Cali, I found one of those amazing animations from tumblr too, if this hasn't already been posted of course; here it is! (http://i55.tinypic.com/2z40pzq.jpg)

Absolutely stunning, I love the scenes and clips they chose, ugh! and the lighting effects are to die for!
That Tumblr one is amazing <33 But the rest of the images won't show up. :C
Hey Club! Welcome to to Club Kaleta! Its always good to get some new members :yay: I saw my links didn't work from last time sorry about that everyone, I fixed it this time around, anyway.

Here are the pics that didn't work last time, in case people wanted them as well.





Found more Pixiv fanart of Cloud x Aerith, and this first one is gorgeous! Cloud looks heart-broken, it surely does to real scene some good.


And one of the two's meeting, well the second one anyway, I like it, the church looks different but it still looks so cute **


(Best for last! *squee time* your gunna luv this Cali)And there is a short DOUJIN/COMIC of the two, and they look so cute and happy, the art is - ugh! to die for!


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OH MY WORD!! baby Doll!!! You freaking whore :rage: That is the MOST PRECIOUS, MOST BEAUTIFUL... MOST EPICLY CLOURITH pictar evar :jess:

I am SO gonna go make a request from Sakura for that. T_T. Kal is gonna LOVE It. <33 Oh, thanks so much again.

Please, post moar T_T
I'll try to find more, but its so hard with Japanese tags and names/kana, I can't even remember what the tag for Clerith/Clourith is in Japanese. But for now I don't think I posted this one before -- its also a very cute art, Clouds not in it but the Artist is Clerith so we know what the art is about ;3


Marlene as a flower girl! I love it! Its so adorable, we all know how Marlene ships Cloud and Aerith so she'd definitely be there at and in C/A's wedding :P

Aerith's in a wedding dress... it's Clourith :ahmed: I'm looking for some more pics now... Why did you spoiler that last part, :hmmm:

EDIT: *cali spots the quin*
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Aerith's in a wedding dress... it's Clourith :ahmed: I'm looking for some more pics now... Why did you spoiler that last part, :hmmm:

EDIT: *cali spots the quin*

I spoilered it so I wouldn't ruin the picture :grin: Yeah that artist is Clerith, I've seen nearly all of their art, its mostly CxA, besides the few Zaeris arts, and they are very few at that.
Yeah, I had their site faved a while back. But lost it. :sad3: I still have tons of their art. <3
I think this is it for today, its all the art I could muster xD One of them isn't strictly Cloud and Aerith oriented but it is drawn by Artists who ships them, and usually and mainly draw for them. Also Aerith looked to gorgeous to ignore xD

I am a big believe in Cloud's love for aerith. Can I join?
sure :griin: Welcome to the club. What do you like about Cloud and Aerith as a romantic couple? C:
Thank you. I believe Cloud loves Aerith.
I also believe Aerith loves Cloud.
Yeah, what do you like about them? :mokken: Reply when you have the time. :hmph:
Hmmm. Interesting question.
One of the things I like about their relationship is that Cloud is Aerith's bodyguard, yet he obviously fails to save her from Sephiroth. I think that the writers of Final Fantasy Seven are trying to say that this kind of relationship that reinforces gender roles is doomed for failure. That being said, their relationship succeeds because they are equals. The bodyguard element of their relationship dies, but their loves lives, and their love is made stronger because of it.