A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club


Good answer. :/ One of the things I love about CxA is the part where Aerith doesn't blame Cloud for her death. It's so romantic. Especially when we take into account the fact that Cloud loves her so much he let the guilt carry him down so long. Poor man.

Love hurts.
Why didnt i get asked questions?!!! Im new too Q_Q

And omfg i jizzed at those cxa pictures /shot
Because you're an epic Clourith. You ask the questions :ryan: No but seriously, why do you like Clourith so much, Kal? :jess:
ahaha, you know it 8)

But hrm lets see. How to sum it up in a paragraph ... well i'd have to say its cause i truly believe they are soul mates. They have the whole scene going for them, love at first sight, the annoying exs ( i joke, i love zack dun kill me ), heavy and difficult backgrounds, they have the whole "fate of the world" thing going for them both, but they both get through it cause in the end they are together. Their souls are intertwined.

Nomura says that Aerith's spirit lives on within Cloud, since cloud is packed full of lifestream, due to all the nice injections Hojo gave him, Aerith resides in the lifetstream thats inside Cloud. Kinda like how Sephy resided in Kadaj, but he went bonkers and wanted a physical form so he used Kadaj to do so, but Aerith doesnt do that, shes happy just being there with Cloud. And thats why Cloud is the only person that can see/feel Aerith manifesting in a physical form, cause shes with him. She was there in FFVII, when cloud says he can feel aerith there, he feels it in his SOUL. I dont see Cloud being with any one in a romantic sense/physically ( as shown in the end of AC, and DoC, he is very much single ~ ) and if hes a free spirit with a woman living inside his soul, It doesnt take a genius to figure out what nomura was trying to say here about their relationship.
I completely agree on the soul mates part. Especially when we actually have proof of them being soul mates. On top of Cloud hearing/feeling her in his soul during VII, the DoC manual says Aerith is engraved in Cloud's heart for eternity. :3 Pretty dang obvious right there, if you ask me.

Lol, and I agree about the annoying exes thing. Zack is definitely one of those, imo. xD
IMO, denial of the fact they will be together forever is kinda stupid. She lives inside him, hes a free spirit. What more you want?

Zack is annoying in a cute way :( Hes the second hottest guy for me *thinks of perverted thoughts* I MEAN *COUGH*
Denial of the fact that "Eternity/Forever" is a word that has been used to link Cloud and Aerith to each other is definitely silly, since Cloud has said she isn't a memory/he won't forget her, it definitely means they are indeed forever :grumpy:

I have seen countless Japanese love stories where one of the lovers are in the others heart, either physically or spiritually, or even if its not literal, the lovers still feel that way, its reinforcing to see this common trope used with Cloud and Aerith.

Welcome, to the club Bjork.


I think Zack and Aerith still being paired off with one another, is also kinda silly, no offense to anyone, but, since Aerith has said in Maiden of the Planet, Dismantled and many other things that she loves Cloud and loves Zack less or no longer.

They are shipped off with each other simply because "Dead + Dead = love" ;)
I agree there, sis. It's a shame people still argue Aerith doesn't love Cloud solely because of their deaths. :hmph: It takes away from Aerith's character to deny her love for Cloud.

You bring up a good point, just having Cloud and Aerith said to be a "forever" between each other is uber romantic.
Technically, the ending of AC shows Cloud running off in the road by himself. No tifa, no going back to seventh heaven and being tied down by romance, no "family man", no nothing. He is show on his motorbike, riding where he pleases. This reinforces the fact, that cloud is indeed single. Since SE will NEVER have cloud say "I love you" to either girls, how we can say which one he is intended to be with has to be the way Cloud moves about in the relationship.

The difference between Aerith and Tifa in terms of their relationship with cloud is that, Tifa needs a physical connection to be with Cloud, she needs to be "together" in a physical way (being next to him, holding hands, sleeping with each other, etc) to make them a couple. If shes not with him physically, then she cant keep tabs on him, make her insecure, and so on. But for Aerith, shes already with Cloud, shes with him in his SOUL
, always there wherever he goes. They are already together, and Cloud doesnt need to be pinned down to anything. As we all saw in CoT, he is one bad family man lol (whether it was a "father" or a "son" role) So her relationship with Cloud, will ALWAYS and FOREVER be much closer than Tifa can ever be.

Cloud is a character, not an actual person, so his love life is determined on how Nomura makes him, even if he states he doesnt want to decide for Cloud ( about his love life ) he makes it extremely clear, IMO, that the intended love is Aerith. He goes out of his way to state that Aerith is part of Cloud's soul, and makes it perfectly clear Cloud aint shacking up with Tifa 2 years after ( DoC ) so whats the fuss about?

As for Zack and Aerith, I myself have to say, LOVE the Zerith pairing. They are cute and innocent, the way a first love should be. There is no denying that they were in love, since thats pretty much smacked in your face in CC. Thing is, people dont like to let the past be past, now THATS the stupid part. First love is called FIRST for a reason, and people should realise that. Aerith clearly says she prefers Cloud more than Zack, which is canon.

Those who dont want to acknowledge that, ignore MoTP and claim its not official, which is another sign of denial. But to hell with them if they are in denial or cant tell the difference between PAST and the FUTURE. Denial of the things that make their couple not canon will do that to you. But what i dont get is, even if your couple isnt canon ... why are people so angry about it >_>


P.S. Im totally trying to find my own "font" to post here, so bare with me ahaha <3


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The difference between Aerith and Tifa in terms of their relationship with cloud is that, Tifa needs a physical connection to be with Cloud, she needs to be "together" in a physical way (being next to him, holding hands, sleeping with each other, etc) to make them a couple. If shes not with him physically, then she cant keep tabs on him, make her insecure, and so on. But for Aerith, shes already with Cloud, shes with him in his SOUL
, always there wherever he goes. They are already together, and Cloud doesnt need to be pinned down to anything. As we all saw in CoT, he is one bad family man lol (whether it was a "father" or a "son" role) So her relationship with Cloud, will ALWAYS and FOREVER be much closer than Tifa can ever be.
Oh, yeah, that's a good point you've made, Kal. :hmmm:

Cloud is a character, not an actual person, so his love life is determined on how Nomura makes him, even if he states he doesnt want to decide for Cloud ( about his love life ) he makes it extremely clear, IMO, that the intended love is Aerith. He goes out of his way to state that Aerith is part of Cloud's soul, and makes it perfectly clear Cloud aint shacking up with Tifa 2 years after ( DoC ) so whats the fuss about?
I completely agree. I mean, back when DoC was being released everyone thought it'd show Cloud and Tifa married with lots of babies or something. Did we see it? No. We didn't see anything like it. If it's not happening by DoC it's never happening, just my opinion, though.

Which brings me to say this... physically and relationship-wise we've seen Cloud and Aerith go from being just friends, to building their own two person world, becoming soul mates, KH telling us the answer of their relationship is them being together, etc, etc. What I'm trying to say is we've seen Cloud and Aerith's relationship evolve into something romantic. But with Cloud/Tifa it's almost sitting still. Even if you take Tifa's Koibito quote to mean she's Cloud's koibito. That just isn't enough to combat against all of the information behind CxA. We have proof that Cloud and Aerith have a "Relationship" we have proof Aerith is in Cloud's heart/soul. We have proof that they have their own world together and that Cloud finds Aerith attractive.

But, Cloud and Tifa are exactly what they started out as in the beginning of FFVII, even after 5 years they are still just friends. If SE so proudly claimed C/T canon like the TLS members said so, then why not show us C/T kissing or hugging or something like it? especially since C/T fans want us to believe that Cloud sexing Tifa under the highwind is a canon outcome. If it was, SE would have no problem with showing their "canon" couple sharing an embrace, would they? :/

As for Zack and Aerith, I myself have to say, LOVE the Zerith pairing.
Me too... if it's done right. :ryan:

They are cute and innocent, the way a first love should be. There is no denying that they were in love, since thats pretty much smacked in your face in CC. Thing is, people dont like to let the past be past, now THATS the stupid part. First love is called FIRST for a reason, and people should realise that. Aerith clearly says she prefers Cloud more than Zack, which is canon.
yes! exactly. That's when the pairing starts to annoy me. It's just really lame to argue against canon/official information like Aerith being in love with Cloud. She loved Zack and she always will. The only thing is, she loves Zack as a friend now. He's not someone romantic to her anymore.

But what i dont get is, even if your couple isnt canon ... why are people so angry about it >_>
I have no idea. I like a couple that isn't canon. It's Tai and Sora from Digimon. I still love them and I still think they were what was intended. That should be all that matters to people. :/
Oh, yeah, that's a good point you've made, Kal. :hmmm:

I completely agree. I mean, back when DoC was being released everyone thought it'd show Cloud and Tifa married with lots of babies or something. Did we see it? No. We didn't see anything like it. If it's not happening by DoC it's never happening, just my opinion, though.
Yeah, all we saw there is how Cloud is yet again, NOT with Tifa, NOT tied to the bar, or tied to anyone for that matter. It reinforces the fact Cloud is very much a free spirit, one that has a womans spirit in his soul. Like you said, if it hasnt happened in DoC, it aint happening. Why? Cause their story ends there, they aint real people. If they were, we could just say Cloud is a person, he too will die. What then? :hmph:

Which brings me to say this... physically and relationship-wise we've seen Cloud and Aerith go from being just friends, to building their own two person world, becoming soul mates, KH telling us the answer of their relationship is them being together, etc, etc. What I'm trying to say is we've seen Cloud and Aerith's relationship evolve into something romantic. But with Cloud/Tifa it's almost sitting still. Even if you take Tifa's Koibito quote to mean she's Cloud's koibito. That just isn't enough to combat against all of the information behind CxA. We have proof that Cloud and Aerith have a "Relationship" we have proof Aerith is in Cloud's heart/soul. We have proof that they have their own world together and that Cloud finds Aerith attractive.
I do would like to point out about the two person world you speak of. It was said somewhere that Aerith and Cloud made a world together that Tifa didnt know/was part of. And that she was jealous of their relationship, if Tifa sees how much they grew together, her fans should too >_>

SE puts MASSIVE emphasise on the fact that Tifa is Clouds FRIEND, CHILDHOOD FRIEND, NAKAMA. People should get the hint. I dont want to get into the whole "who is more attractive, Tifa or Aerith" cause they have BOTH been called stunning ladies by SE. So i dont ever base Clouds love decision on who looks better, but there are fans who simply say that Cloud should end up with Tifa because shes hotter ... that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Next to "you cant love a dead person" of course, that has to top it all.

But, Cloud and Tifa are exactly what they started out as in the beginning of FFVII, even after 5 years they are still just friends. If SE so proudly claimed C/T canon like the TLS members said so, then why not show us C/T kissing or hugging or something like it? especially since C/T fans want us to believe that Cloud sexing Tifa under the highwind is a canon outcome. If it was, SE would have no problem with showing their "canon" couple sharing an embrace, would they? :/
Ok, lets say that the highwind scene was suppose to suggest they had sex. What does that bare for the pairing? They had sex and moved on? Wow shallow much? Cloud shacks up with Tifa under the highwind and then he never lives with her, never kisses/hugs/hold hands with her. Man, Cloud is kinda a d**k. :grumpy:

Me too... if it's done right. :ryan:
You mean if the fans dont use it to make their pairing "suitable". I hate that, i hate people who think they love Zerith, but they actually only "love it" cause they use it to "push" aerith out of the LT.

yes! exactly. That's when the pairing starts to annoy me. It's just really lame to argue against canon/official information like Aerith being in love with Cloud. She loved Zack and she always will. The only thing is, she loves Zack as a friend now. He's not someone romantic to her anymore.
Agreed. Now whether Zack still loves Aerith is up to him, that aint going to change anything for Aerith as shes already stated, she prefers Cloud to Zack, which Zack himself accepts and even jokes about it. Again, people should learn to get the hint.

I have no idea. I like a couple that isn't canon. It's Tai and Sora from Digimon. I still love them and I still think they were what was intended. That should be all that matters to people. :/
Oh i love that pairing lol I liked Mimato too lolz But yes, even if CxA was never canon, id support it just cause the characters and their connection with each other is beautiful. Whats canon is Cloud is single.


Also, how you quote me with my fonts still in the quote boxes, i would not know xD

Yeah, all we saw there is how Cloud is yet again, NOT with Tifa, NOT tied to the bar, or tied to anyone for that matter. It reinforces the fact Cloud is very much a free spirit, one that has a womans spirit in his soul. Like you said, if it hasnt happened in DoC, it aint happening. Why? Cause their story ends there, they aint real people. If they were, we could just say Cloud is a person, he too will die. What then? :hmph:
Yeah, exactly.

I do would like to point out about the two person world you speak of. It was said somewhere that Aerith and Cloud made a world together that Tifa didnt know/was part of. And that she was jealous of their relationship, if Tifa sees how much they grew together, her fans should too >_>
Yes, omygoodness, yes. If Tifa sees how far Cloud and Aerith have come to being something romantic, then her fans really should too.

SE puts MASSIVE emphasise on the fact that Tifa is Clouds FRIEND, CHILDHOOD FRIEND, NAKAMA. People should get the hint.
Yes, exactly. Just like Dissidia. Clotis are harping on about Cloud saving Tifa, but they just ignore the important detail of them being friends. Cloud saved Terra too, does that mean he loves her also? No, of course not. Tifa is, and always will be, just Cloud's friend. Just as Dissidia said, just like VII said, just like the DoC manual said, and just like Tifa said "We're friends, nothing more"

I think it's time for fans to accept that.

I dont want to get into the whole "who is more attractive, Tifa or Aerith" cause they have BOTH been called stunning ladies by SE. So i dont ever base Clouds love decision on who looks better, but there are fans who simply say that Cloud should end up with Tifa because shes hotter ... that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Next to "you cant love a dead person" of course, that has to top it all.
Yeah, that is such a dumb argument. But I only brought up the looks because in Dismantled, Cloud seems pretty awed by Aerith's smile, laugh and eyes. He goes on about comparing her smile to a flower. Pretty romantic. We don't see Cloud doing that to Tifa, huh? xD

Ok, lets say that the highwind scene was suppose to suggest they had sex. What does that bare for the pairing? They had sex and moved on? Wow shallow much? Cloud shacks up with Tifa under the highwind and then he never lives with her, never kisses/hugs/hold hands with her. Man, Cloud is kinda a d**k. :grumpy:
Yeah, if we think of the optional scenes that some people claim to be canon, Cloud would appear to be kinda a douchebag to the woman he "loves". :grumpy:

You mean if the fans dont use it to make their pairing "suitable". I hate that, i hate people who think they love Zerith, but they actually only "love it" cause they use it to "push" aerith out of the LT.
Ugh, yes, that's what I meant. I hate when fans do that. Me, however, I love making love triangles between CloudxAerithxZack. Now those are fun. *whistles*

Oh i love that pairing lol I liked Mimato too lolz But yes, even if CxA was never canon, id support it just cause the characters and their connection with each other is beautiful.
:jess: just another thing we agree on.
Kaleta said:
Oh i love that pairing lol I liked Mimato too lolz But yes, even if CxA was never canon, id support it just cause the characters and their connection with each other is beautiful. Whats canon is Cloud is single.

I'd support them too either way, but I don't think Cloud and Aerith can ever NOT be canon, because Dismantled, the commercial, and the interviews pre-compilation all point to Cloud and Aerith being the original intent of the game. I mean if they ret-con that fact until FFVII is less than nothing then, I guess that'll be that. :ahmed:

Ok, lets say that the highwind scene was suppose to suggest they had sex. What does that bare for the pairing? They had sex and moved on? Wow shallow much? Cloud shacks up with Tifa under the highwind and then he never lives with her, never kisses/hugs/hold hands with her. Man, Cloud is kinda a d**k. :grumpy:

I agree here, Tifa herself, in Case of Denzel; ACC says Cloud never calls/ which was before he ever contracted Geostigma/when he found Denzel. They supposedly had sex and he never even calls her/and Tifa is left asking Cloud if he even loves her? :/

Though some may argue any/every couple has their problems :thehell: If we leave all optional scenes out, what exactly does that leave C/T on a romantic level?
Yes, omygoodness, yes. If Tifa sees how far Cloud and Aerith have come to being something romantic, then her fans really should too.
Its been stated many many times, that Tifa is jealous of Aerith, why is she jealous if there isnt something going on between Aerith and Cloud? Is tifa just that insecure shes jealous of every girl that is with Cloud? Is she jealous of Marlene? Yuffie? Cloud's mom? Why does she get jealous if its nothing more than just "friends". I mean come on, which is more logical here.

Yes, exactly. Just like Dissidia. Clotis are harping on about Cloud saving Tifa, but they just ignore the important detail of them being friends. Cloud saved Terra too, does that mean he loves her also? No, of course not. Tifa is, and always will be, just Cloud's friend. Just as Dissidia said, just like VII said, just like the DoC manual said, and just like Tifa said "We're friends, nothing more"
Lol. The word Nakama is so clear cut i was actually shocked people tried to play out what it meant. Too bad the english version clearly set the record straight. And yes, everyone Cloud saves in Dissidia is his love interest. Get ready for some Cloud x Terra action the moment the screen blacks out.

Also, in FFVII the screen turns black when you GO TO BED, so whenever i have Cloud, Barret and Vincent in my party, we all know whats going down there cause it blacks out the same way as the HA highwind scene.

Yeah, that is such a dumb argument. But I only brought up the looks because in Dismantled, Cloud seems pretty awed by Aerith's smile, laugh and eyes. He goes on about comparing her smile to a flower. Pretty romantic. We don't see Cloud doing that to Tifa, huh? xD
Oh no of course, he notices very well how Aerith looks. Hes a guy that doesnt base looks on how big your boobs are, unlike some fans out there ;)

Yeah, if we think of the optional scenes that some people claim to be canon, Cloud would appear to be kinda a douchebag to the woman he "loves". :grumpy:
If optional scenes were canon, final fantasy would have gone down the drain years ago. One of the optional scenes you get is Cloud getting jealous of Zack in his hometown. Another is like you said before, getting called stupid by the game, when you try to reject Aerith as your girlfriend ( that doesnt happen for tifa lols ). You know what else is optional? Tifa being a character. Yeah i went there.

Ugh, yes, that's what I meant. I hate when fans do that. Me, however, I love making love triangles between CloudxAerithxZack. Now those are fun. *whistles*
I prefer the triangle that makes sense, the one of Cloud, Aerith and Zack. Now that actually has some value, because Aerith has loved both men. Its juat a matter of past vs future. I dont like the triangle where Tifa is content of feeling motherly towards cloud and has "moved on" after she doesnt get a reply from Cloud if he loved her or not. I dont like the triangle where Cloud HAS to apparently be with the living girl cause its just natural, and he cant love someone who has passed, because apparently thats not human .. right :ohshit:


I'd support them too either way, but I don't think Cloud and Aerith can ever NOT be canon, because Dismantled, the commercial, and the interviews pre-compilation all point to Cloud and Aerith being the original intent of the game. I mean if they ret-con that fact until FFVII is less than nothing then, I guess that'll be that. :ahmed:
Some fans claim that Dismantled isnt canon, funny how everything that could prove clorith canon isnt official all of a sudden. Kinda like amano's artworks, the word koibito, and optional scenes. Not official unless its used to prove your pairing canon. Hypocrisy. :bored:

I agree here, Tifa herself, in Case of Denzel; ACC says Cloud never calls/ which was before he ever contracted Geostigma/when he found Denzel. They supposedly had sex and he never even calls her/and Tifa is left asking Cloud if he even loves her? :/

Though some may argue any/every couple has their problems :thehell: If we leave all optional scenes out, what exactly does that leave C/T on a romantic level?
Exactly. If thats how Cloud is suppose to be, then he's worse than Zack in the ladies department. And im pretty sure Zack at least makes some sort of excuse as to why hes not calling them, but according to some, Cloud will just leave you to wonder whether the woman he just hook up with is the love of his life.

Sure couples have problems, problems such as how to pay the bills this month, the kids are out of control, the house is being eaten by termites. This isnt a problem, this is flat out "go to hell and take your mother with you" moment. Sick and wrong.
Some fans claim that Dismantled isnt canon, funny how everything that could prove clorith canon isnt official all of a sudden. Kinda like amano's artworks, the word koibito, and optional scenes. Not official unless its used to prove your pairing canon. Hypocrisy. :bored:

The Commercial as well. Its beyond hypocrisy, though, but I'll stop myself there, because there are the rational people who know Dismantled is canon, after all where else would the proof for Tifa being "innocent" come from?

Isn't Dismantled filled with interviews? How can it ot be canon? I mean sure I'd understand saying "out-dated" by ret-cons but non-canon? ;)

Exactly. If thats how Cloud is suppose to be, then he's worse than Zack in the ladies department. And im pretty sure Zack at least makes some sort of excuse as to why hes not calling them, but according to some, Cloud will just leave you to wonder whether the woman he just hook up with is the love of his life.

Sure couples have problems, problems such as how to pay the bills this month, the kids are out of control, the house is being eaten by termites. This isnt a problem, this is flat out "go to hell and take your mother with you" moment. Sick and wrong.

Which is sad and was ultimately the cause of Tifa embracing her motherly feelings for Cloud wasn't it? It doesn't even stop at Cloud not calling but also moving into the dead ones (as the title detractors have lovingly bestowed upon her goes) church and calling it "His place". And why was Cloud suffering in lonliness if he was so happy with Tifa?:bored:

Thats another thing; Barrets been kicked from the family, and now Clouds the dad but why do Markene/Denzel call him "Cloud" instead of "Daddy" as Marlene does to Barret?

Also; Why is it the "Father" of the family thanks Aerith for bringing him his kid/Denzel, shouldn't that be the "Mother" of the family which he thanks?


Also isn't there a quote that says Tifa is like a woman who has been left/abandoned by a man...?
I'd support them too either way, but I don't think Cloud and Aerith can ever NOT be canon, because Dismantled, the commercial, and the interviews pre-compilation all point to Cloud and Aerith being the original intent of the game. I mean if they ret-con that fact until FFVII is less than nothing then, I guess that'll be that. :ahmed:
Yeah, I agree there. :mokken:

I agree here, Tifa herself, in Case of Denzel; ACC says Cloud never calls/ which was before he ever contracted Geostigma/when he found Denzel. They supposedly had sex and he never even calls her/and Tifa is left asking Cloud if he even loves her? :/
Doesn't make sense that they're some happy couple, huh? :/
Though some may argue any/every couple has their problems :thehell: If we leave all optional scenes out, what exactly does that leave C/T on a romantic level?
Exactly. nothing. :ryan:

Its been stated many many times, that Tifa is jealous of Aerith, why is she jealous if there isnt something going on between Aerith and Cloud? Is tifa just that insecure shes jealous of every girl that is with Cloud? Is she jealous of Marlene? Yuffie? Cloud's mom? Why does she get jealous if its nothing more than just "friends". I mean come on, which is more logical here.
Very good point, Kal. We don't see Tifa jealous of Yuffie or Marlene, just Aerith. Why? Cuz Aerith's just his friend? Don't think so. If it was, that just makes Tifa out to be some clingy crazed girl. And she's not. She's jealous of Aerith because the bond she has with Cloud and the way Cloud feels for Aerith.

It's a pretty easy connect the dots.

Lol. The word Nakama is so clear cut i was actually shocked people tried to play out what it meant. Too bad the english version clearly set the record straight. And yes, everyone Cloud saves in Dissidia is his love interest. Get ready for some Cloud x Terra action the moment the screen blacks out.
Yeah, poor people. If it says Nakama it means just friend. xD

Also, in FFVII the screen turns black when you GO TO BED, so whenever i have Cloud, Barret and Vincent in my party, we all know whats going down there cause it blacks out the same way as the HA highwind scene.
Oh, totally. *whistles*

Oh no of course, he notices very well how Aerith looks. Hes a guy that doesnt base looks on how big your boobs are, unlike some fans out there ;)
Yeah, exactly. He's too busy looking at her smile and eyes and listening to her laugh. :x3:

If optional scenes were canon, final fantasy would have gone down the drain years ago. One of the optional scenes you get is Cloud getting jealous of Zack in his hometown. Another is like you said before, getting called stupid by the game, when you try to reject Aerith as your girlfriend ( that doesnt happen for tifa lols ). You know what else is optional? Tifa being a character. Yeah i went there.
All good points, Mrs. All the more reason why optional scenes shouldn't be used unless stated by officials that one scene is the canon outcome. Like for Aerith's date. :ryan:

I prefer the triangle that makes sense, the one of Cloud, Aerith and Zack. Now that actually has some value, because Aerith has loved both men. Its juat a matter of past vs future. I dont like the triangle where Tifa is content of feeling motherly towards cloud and has "moved on" after she doesnt get a reply from Cloud if he loved her or not. I dont like the triangle where Cloud HAS to apparently be with the living girl cause its just natural, and he cant love someone who has passed, because apparently thats not human .. right :ohshit:
I agree. a CxAxZ triangle is much more interesting as well. We've got the two guys that were like brothers and the girl who has been in a relationship with both. Makes more fun, too :kinky:

Some fans claim that Dismantled isnt canon, funny how everything that could prove clorith canon isnt official all of a sudden. Kinda like amano's artworks, the word koibito, and optional scenes. Not official unless its used to prove your pairing canon. Hypocrisy. :bored:
Are you kidding me 8( They've said that? How could it not be canon? It's as good as the game. >.<

Exactly. If thats how Cloud is suppose to be, then he's worse than Zack in the ladies department. And im pretty sure Zack at least makes some sort of excuse as to why hes not calling them, but according to some, Cloud will just leave you to wonder whether the woman he just hook up with is the love of his life.
Oh, goodness. I completely forgot about that. Cloud is definitely not like that.

Sure couples have problems, problems such as how to pay the bills this month, the kids are out of control, the house is being eaten by termites. This isnt a problem, this is flat out "go to hell and take your mother with you" moment. Sick and wrong.
Great way to put it, Kal.

Which is sad and was ultimately the cause of Tifa embracing her motherly feelings for Cloud wasn't it? It doesn't even stop at Cloud not calling but also moving into the dead ones (as the title detractors have lovingly bestowed upon her goes) church and calling it "His place". And why was Cloud suffering in lonliness if he was so happy with Tifa?:bored:
Good observation, BD. If we were to really believe Cloud and Tifa admitted their love under the highwind and have been happily together... the whole compilation doesn't make sense. If Cloud loved her, he wouldn't feel lonely and all the other stuff. :/

Thats another thing; Barrets been kicked from the family, and now Clouds the dad but why do Markene/Denzel call him "Cloud" instead of "Daddy" as Marlene does to Barret?
Another excellent observation. And something that says alot about Cloud being the daddy of the "family" another funny thing to notice is that it's actually Barret who adopts Cloud into the family and starts the family in the first place. Wouldn't that make him the father of the family and Cloud one of the kids? I think so.

Also; Why is it the "Father" of the family thanks Aerith for bringing him his kid/Denzel, shouldn't that be the "Mother" of the family which he thanks?
Dang girl, you're on a roll! :ohoho: Another great observation you made. xD

Also isn't there a quote that says Tifa is like a woman who has been left/abandoned by a man...?
Yeah. What about it? :hmmm:
Good observation, BD. If we were to really believe Cloud and Tifa admitted their love under the highwind and have been happily together... the whole compilation doesn't make sense. If Cloud loved her, he wouldn't feel lonely and all the other stuff. :/
FFVII;10A "The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…"

Looking at this quote and the argument the detractors have built up against this topic; I have to say, why isn't the "happiness" that the "Love of his life" is giving him enough to blow this regret and sadness away? Why is it Aeriths face/forgiveness/appearance that which resolves him?

"The happier Cloud is, the more lonely he becomes." Nomura

And if like people say Cloud and Tifa have their problems like anyone else; why isn't it that Tifa can see through this and know what Cloud is going through? What about her knowing him best? :bored: But, it was Aerith in fact who did this for Cloud.

In the end Tifa understands him and his behavior so little; she is left wondering if he loves her? Even though they supposedly had bumpy, spiky, rock sex. No, it just doesn't add up that way, way too many contradictions.

Yeah. What about it? :hmmm:
Well, even in the Cloti perspective its been settled, had the Highwind scene taken place the way they believe it to have, The Man left her in the end. She is a Woman who's been left by a man.

And since this is what Nojima described her role as in Advent Children "very much like any woman who's been left behind by a man," doesn't this make her Character dimensions in Advent Children even more clear regarding the word Koibito? Koibito being a general term for the many men/people she is a "sweetheart" to.
FFVII;10A "The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…"

Looking at this quote and the argument the detractors have built up against this topic; I have to say, why isn't the "happiness" that the "Love of his life" is giving him enough to blow this regret and sadness away? Why is it Aeriths face/forgiveness/appearance that which resolves him?
Good point BD. It would make most sense for Tifa to be able to take away the pain and loneliness he's feeling, but instead it's Aerith that does.

And if like people say Cloud and Tifa have their problems like anyone else; why isn't it that Tifa can see through this and know what Cloud is going through? What about her knowing him best? :bored: But, it was Aerith in fact who did this for Cloud.
Exactly. :D

In the end Tifa understands him and his behavior so little; she is left wondering if he loves her? Even though they supposedly had bumpy, spiky, rock sex. No, it just doesn't add up that way, way too many contradictions.
I completely agree, Baby doll. If they really did have sex and admit their love then how they act around each other is just confusing and doesn't add up.

Well, even in the Cloti perspective its been settled, had the Highwind scene taken place the way they believe it to have, The Man left her in the end. She is a Woman who's been left by a man.
Ah, I see what you did thar. Yeah, that would end the LTD, pretty much. But you know what the argument would be... they got back together at the end of AC. :ffs:

And since this is what Nojima described her role as in Advent Children "very much like any woman who's been left behind by a man," doesn't this make her Character dimensions in Advent Children even more clear regarding the word Koibito? Koibito being a general term for the many men/people she is a "sweetheart" to.
I suppose so :hmmm:

(just a reminder, let's try not to delve too into negatives for C/T. I know they're there but I don't want people to say all we do is bash Cloti. Just keep it at a medium discussion)
The Commercial as well. Its beyond hypocrisy, though, but I'll stop myself there, because there are the rational people who know Dismantled is canon, after all where else would the proof for Tifa being "innocent" come from?

Isn't Dismantled filled with interviews? How can it ot be canon? I mean sure I'd understand saying "out-dated" by ret-cons but non-canon?
Like i said, if it doesnt support your pairing, its not considered official. Its very typical.

Which is sad and was ultimately the cause of Tifa embracing her motherly feelings for Cloud wasn't it? It doesn't even stop at Cloud not calling but also moving into the dead ones (as the title detractors have lovingly bestowed upon her goes) church and calling it "His place". And why was Cloud suffering in lonliness if he was so happy with Tifa?
Indeed. Tifa herself says shes happy about her feelings for cloud. Do note she says these AFTER shes asked cloud if he loves her or not. He didnt give her an answer, shes moving on and is happy. Leave the woman be!

Thats another thing; Barrets been kicked from the family, and now Clouds the dad but why do Markene/Denzel call him "Cloud" instead of "Daddy" as Marlene does to Barret?

Also; Why is it the "Father" of the family thanks Aerith for bringing him his kid/Denzel, shouldn't that be the "Mother" of the family which he thanks?
I've had a long discussion with other CxA members about this whole "Family" dilemma, its too bothersome to repeat. Point is, Cloud and Tifa can be romantic with or without Barret there, so i dont see the whole "barret isnt part of clouds family" argument. Whats the point of it? lol

Very good point, Kal. We don't see Tifa jealous of Yuffie or Marlene, just Aerith. Why? Cuz Aerith's just his friend? Don't think so. If it was, that just makes Tifa out to be some clingy crazed girl. And she's not. She's jealous of Aerith because the bond she has with Cloud and the way Cloud feels for Aerith.

It's a pretty easy connect the dots.
Indeed. Tifa is described as this optimistic person, for someone optimistic, her being jealous of "nothing" is kinda contradictory.

I agree. a CxAxZ triangle is much more interesting as well. We've got the two guys that were like brothers and the girl who has been in a relationship with both. Makes more fun, too
Exactly, I find this more squeeable hehe. Also, the fact that Sephy was originally intended to be aerith's brother is even more funny. I can imagine him being all "brother" type to his sisters "loves" /hurr

Are you kidding me They've said that? How could it not be canon? It's as good as the game. >.<
Thats like me asking why on earth they consider maiden not canon lol

At the end of the day, aerith even though has suffered her demise, is still with cloud through and through, soul mates dont need a physical relationship to be happy. Thats what makes them a Beautiful pair.
Good point BD. It would make most sense for Tifa to be able to take away the pain and loneliness he's feeling, but instead it's Aerith that does.

Exactly. :D

I completely agree, Baby doll. If they really did have sex and admit their love then how they act around each other is just confusing and doesn't add up.

Ah, I see what you did thar. Yeah, that would end the LTD, pretty much. But you know what the argument would be... they got back together at the end of AC. :ffs:

I suppose so :hmmm:

(just a reminder, let's try not to delve too into negatives for C/T. I know they're there but I don't want people to say all we do is bash Cloti. Just keep it at a medium discussion)

Okay, okay, although personally I think debunking their point is actually as on topic for this pairing as it can get but, your right we can go over it a billion times, but lets not.


Anyway, here are some fan-arts updated recently on pixiv, also a comic about Cloud and Aerith; its in Japanese though.



13 pages, I think its cute, I like how Zell and Selphie make a cameo xD Aerith looks gorgeous, and I think Clouds nervous/shy (aww, cute!)

Kaleta said:
Indeed. Tifa herself says shes happy about her feelings for cloud. Do note she says these AFTER shes asked cloud if he loves her or not. He didnt give her an answer, shes moving on and is happy. Leave the woman be!

I've had a long discussion with other CxA members about this whole "Family" dilemma, its too bothersome to repeat. Point is, Cloud and Tifa can be romantic with or without Barret there, so i dont see the whole "barret isnt part of clouds family" argument. Whats the point of it? lol

Its sad too, Tifa has moved on and she did it gracefully and maturely as well, its also one of her admirable points imo and some people insist on ruining it.

Because Cloud and Tifa having "kids" is really one of their "strong" points, if that could be said at all. Somehow they think Barret being their ruins their "romance", which is why there is none because Barrets there.

Indeed. Tifa is described as this optimistic person, for someone optimistic, her being jealous of "nothing" is kinda contradictory.

Somewhere the detractors believe its been said that Tifa is unsure of herself and the things around her, they make this assumption from her being called "demure". I actually had a disussion with a C/Ter who said that.

Somehow "Demure =/= Unsure"

That's all I'll say on the negatives now, I promise.

At the end of the day, aerith even though has suffered her demise, is still with cloud through and through, soul mates dont need a physical relationship to be happy. Thats what makes them a Beautiful pair.

Kinda reminds me of one of my favorite songs, A Sorta Fairytale by Tori Amos, the Video is about two lovers completing each other, but the lyrics are about Soul Mates loving each other despite being separated ;3