A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

fdafajflkjsg :rage:

that second video is AMAZING T_T
Its a beautiful song right? Though before that video I never heard of it, I like it nonetheless though, it strangely matches Cloud and Aerith so well, I just had to post it here.

Also these fanarts;

http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j477/FioreNeve/stuff/18584485_m.jpg -Cloud and Aerith.
http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j477/FioreNeve/stuff/18630963_m.jpg - - Just Aerith but its too pretty not to post here.


I noticed I mixed the links up xD * fixed
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those pictures are so T_T worthy of love. I mean the Aerith amano one is brilliant. :jess: more meh love?


AMG, I LOVE YOU :jess:

Tell us what thing you like about Clourith. Even if it's something small.*googly eyes*


I like how the two of em reunite after the second sector bombing mission. Times between them always seemed to be more intimate than times between him and Tifa (I always felt Barret was right there over their shoulders) :wacky:

You're talking about when hojo is about to experiment on Aerith, right? if so, I agree. :3

Times between them always seemed to be more intimate than times between him and Tifa (I always felt Barret was right there over their shoulders) :wacky:
Like their date D: (idc if it's debated who goes on it, dang it)


I like how the two of em reunite after the second sector bombing mission. Times between them always seemed to be more intimate than times between him and Tifa (I always felt Barret was right there over their shoulders) :wacky:
Welcome to the club Harlequin :rage: I like that part too, but then again I always tunnel vision Cloud and Aerith alone anyway.


Like their date D: (idc if it's debated who goes on it, dang it)

Which date, sis? :britt:
Hmm. I thought that Clerith support was low, but actually it's getting pretty high. Go Team Clerith go ! :neomon:
Which date, sis? :britt:
Doh, you got me there. :alone:

Hmm. I thought that Clerith support was low, but actually it's getting pretty high. Go Team Clerith go ! :neomon:
Nopers. There's many many Clouriths out there. :ryan:



not sure if those have been posted. :/
(every time I tried to edit that post it wouldn't load or save the edits...
so I have to write a new post to include this)

Well, I'm sure we all know about how Clotis would like to see Cloud, Marlene, Denzel, and Tifa as a big ol' happy family, with Cloud and Tifa acting as the mother/father. But, unless I'm mistaken here. Isn't the real family Barret and Tifa as the parents, and Marlene, Denzel, and Cloud as the children? Now, gimme a chance to explain.

Just to get this out of the way, I'll mention how Barret is and will ALWAYS BE Marlene's father--there's multiple quotes proving this... just for instance...

Following the defeat of Sephiroth and the halting of Meteor, he reflected on the involvement of so many people in the radical anti-ShinRa activities. Thinking he could be at least of some use to everyone before his own life was lost, he left Marlene in Tifa’s care and set off on a journey in search of an alternative source of energy in place of Mako. Upon finding out that Edge was under attack during the midst of his travels, he rushed over towards the crisis faced by his family and companions. ~Barret's profile; 10th Anniversary Ultimania

The heavy font sentence: "Upon finding out that Edge was under attack during the midst of his travels, he rushed over towards the crisis faced by his family and companions." proves he is still the father of Marlene, otherwise who's his family again? And Marlene still calls Barret daddy not Cloud. That alone proves who she feels her father is--and to Marlene Barret is her one and only father.

With that said, there's no denying how motherly Tifa is to Marlene. So, she is like a mom to Marlene.

So... if Marlene is Barret's and Tifa's child that makes THEM the parental figures and not Cloud. In CoT, Barret sparks up the notion of a family--so it's his idea. Later in CoT, Marlene tells Barret and Tifa that she'll put Cloud in the family too. Sounds like adoption to me, wouldn't you agree?

“A family.” (Tifa)
“Yeah.” (Marlene)
Marlene cheerfully answered in response to Tifa’s murmur.
“I’ll put Cloud in our family too.” (Marlene)
“I appreciate that.” (Cloud)

Now, if the child(Marlene) of the parents(Barret&Tifa) adopts someone(Cloud) that more likely makes Cloud a sibling to Marlene rather than a father to her or husband to Tifa, that's literally the logical conclusion. People don't adopt husbands or fathers. Parents adopt children. And Cloud, in this instance, is the one being adopted, which in my opinion makes him the child of Barret/Tifa and Marlene's already existing family.

The most interesting part about this adopting Cloud scene is this part... after Marlene says she'll put Cloud in the family too... this happens:

After Cloud thanked Marlene’s innocent offer with his serious face, he looked at Tifa. Tifa nodded a little.

See the part where Cloud looks to Tifa after Marlene's "adoption"? I find it pretty strange Tifa's okaying Marlene's notion of adopting Cloud into the family--aka, Barret, Marlene, and Tifa. If you ask me, if Tifa or Marlene thought of Cloud as the husband/father of the family, they wouldn't be adopting him. More importantly, if Cloud felt he was the husband/father figure of the family he wouldn't look to Tifa for approval of him being adopted into the family. But maybe that's just me.

So... my conclusion: Barifa family FTW.
You're talking about when hojo is about to experiment on Aerith, right? if so, I agree. :3

Actually I was talking about the time he falls through the church roof (their first meeting being the flower buying scene in the very beginning). My bad if I was unclear. :wacky:

Welcome to the club Harlequin :rage:

Why thank you Waitress Girl it's a pleasure as always. :monocle:
Actually I was talking about the time he falls through the church roof (their first meeting being the flower buying scene in the very beginning). My bad if I was unclear. :wacky:

just as good, tommy boy. :edd:

I love that scene. It's so cute. I love the way Cloud just nods his head like "yeah, babeh, i'll take that date from you" :wacky:
Not to be mean to other Cloti, but "Clerith" sounds a lot nicer than Clotis. :P
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Well, if that's your opinion, what can we do. I think it's pretty, too, though ^_^
I had a huge reply to the past 3 pages i've missed but this quote made my day.

Not to be mean to other Cloti, but "Clerith" sounds a lot nicer than Clotis. :P
Before there were some who said Clito lmaooo xD


welcome to calis friend ;DD
I had a huge reply to the past 3 pages i've missed but this quote made my day.

Before there were some who said Clito lmaooo xD


welcome to calis friend ;DD

Haha ikr? When I first heard "clotis" I thought of some disease. :P