A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

I see it more like a conclusion, since that is what Nomura wanted us to see; an answer to what their relationship is and all the questions about it. Its funny though we got an answer for Cloud and Aerith but when the situation was on Cloud/Tifa didn't Nomura say he had "No clue" if Cloud and Tifa were ever in a relationship?
Whoa, you're completely right. 8( We did get an answer for Cloud and Aerith's relationship while Nomura said he had no idea about whether or not Cloud/Tifa had ever been romantic. That's a pretty amazing point you've brought up.

I also find Nomura's ability to institute symbolism, hints and the like into these games amazing, Aerith and Cloud are reunited twice in a game about hearts, love and finding your light/Whats most important to you -- as Nomura said:

Oh my word T_T You just made my day. :gonk: It's amazing to realize that. Think of how romantic that is. Cloud working with Hades to find his light(Aerith) then reuniting with her in a game about hearts, love, lights, and what's most important to each individual character.

I'm seriously just speechless at how poetic and romantic they are. T_T

Not to bring Tifa down or anything, because I love the girl, but Tifa isn't even real in this KH!World, how could any of these themes apply to someone who doesn't exist? And only has an optional scene with Cloud in the Series anyway? Something here doesn't quite add up.
Yup, yup, yup! You've brought up a good point. A very good point. These romantic themes can't really apply to Tifa if she doesn't exist in the game or story. And once again, you're right, the scene between Cloud/Tifa/Sephiroth is optional, it doesn't have to happen.

Its non-existent Tifa and her optional scene VS Real Aerith and canon scenes. I think all this speaks volumes for itself ;/

Now, my turn.

What are your thoughts on the parallel ending for Cloud and Aerith in Kingdom Hearts one?

Like you, I say it's a conclusion. A conclusion of what was intended. A conclusion of their relationship... and, Nomura said the answer would be seen at the ending. Well, the answer is we see Cloud reuniting with Aerith, we see Cloud make his way towards her, looking to the floor(probably out of nervousness) as Aerith too is making her way towards him. And just as they look to catch each other's eyes, the music hits a climax. (not to mention this is all happening while other couples are reuniting)

Answer to their relationship is
supposed to be found in the ending... and at the ending we see that they're together.

Canonized it for me. :/
I could not have said it any better WG.

What are your thoughts on the parallel ending for Cloud and Aerith in Kingdom Hearts one?
My thoughts on the question is that, what exactly is happening in the scene? What are they doing that answers their relationship? Cloud walked through the door and meet aerith. They are either meeting for the first time, or being reunited. Since Aerith knew about Cloud to begin with, i'd say the latter. So that means the answer to their relationship is being reunited. It cant be reunion with EVERYONE, else nomura wouldnt have used the ending as example to show THEIR relationship, so it can only be a reunion between them both. And actually, even if you pick the theme of "meeting for the first time", that still means the link to their relationship is that they will ALWAYS meet each other, they will ALWAYS be together one way or another.

Now some may say thats NOT the answer to their relationship. I disagree, in most ( if not every ) game you see them in, they are being reunited or meeting. E.g;

- FF tactis: Cloud meets aerith when she was selling flowers ( i think that was what she was doing lol ) and he protects her from a bunch of people trying to .. steal was it? from her.

- Itadaki Street: First time you see them in the intro, they are walking together side by side and talking. Cloud pays close attention to aerith and vice versa.

- Kingdom Hearts I: The ending says it all really.

- Kingdom Hearts II: I believe Aerith says that even after Cloud is finished, he will be brought back to them. Im pretty sure shes implying to herself since she was talking to Sora and he doesnt really know Cloud that well for Cloud to "return" to sora lolz

- Advent Children: Reunited at the end where Nomura states that Aerith LIVES within cloud and thus always with him. Continued to be true even in DoC.

Need i say more?

I'd also like to point out, the reoccuring theme of the ending of KHI is all the ROMANTIC couples being reunited with each other. Why da fack, would aerith and cloud show up like that if it werent to say something? If cloud didnt find his "romantic light" like the other people in the ending, why would he be portrayed as being with aerith? Couldnt they have a scene to where hes STILL looking? why would they show him STOPPING, specifically a scene with aerith.

Also, nomura CLEARLY states the ONLY reason Tifa was put in KHII was because they had a choice in whether to put her or sephy in KH: Chain of Memories AS A FIGHTER IN THE COLLUSEUM. They picked Sephy so they thought they should put Tifa in KHII instead to make up for it. So how the heck, does her being put to compensate not being a OPTIONAL FIGHTER mean its cloti again? =/


Also, im going insane looking for this, can someone give me a script of the low affection version of the High wind scene up to the part where Cloud and Tifa return to the highwind? I need to confirm something.
Beautifully said, Val!
- FF tactis: Cloud meets aerith when she was selling flowers ( i think that was what she was doing lol ) and he protects her from a bunch of people trying to .. steal was it? from her.
They were suggesting to rape her. :gasp2:

I'd also like to point out, the reoccuring theme of the ending of KHI is all the ROMANTIC couples being reunited with each other. Why da fack, would aerith and cloud show up like that if it werent to say something? If cloud didnt find his "romantic light" like the other people in the ending, why would he be portrayed as being with aerith? Couldnt they have a scene to where hes STILL looking? why would they show him STOPPING, specifically a scene with aerith.
That's the most important part, too. :jess: If they didn't want it to be taken as romantic(like the other couples) why even show it? Why specifically give Cloud and Aerith their own 15 seconds of a close up, showing them reuniting just like the other Disney couples? Like you pointed out, it's definitely hinting at something, that's for sure! :ryan:

Also, nomura CLEARLY states the ONLY reason Tifa was put in KHII was because they had a choice in whether to put her or sephy in KH: Chain of Memories AS A FIGHTER IN THE COLLUSEUM. They picked Sephy so they thought they should put Tifa in KHII instead to make up for it. So how the heck, does her being put to compensate not being a OPTIONAL FIGHTER mean its cloti again? =/
Beats me, to be honest. :hmph:

Also, im going insane looking for this, can someone give me a script of the low affection version of the High wind scene up to the part where Cloud and Tifa return to the highwind? I need to confirm something.
I've looked for it, Aly used to have it at her site but it's down. They most likely have it at CxA. What are you wanting to confirm? :/
They were suggesting to rape her. :gasp2:
OH SNAPPPP, its a good thing cloud gave em a beat down D:<

I've looked for it, Aly used to have it at her site but it's down. They most likely have it at CxA. What are you wanting to confirm? :/
Nvm i got it somewhere else. I wanted to confirm that Cloud and Tifa did NOT have sex under the highwind. The article in TLS says SE SUGGESTS they did cause they shared feelings without using words, so it MUST mean they did it in the blackout.

I just found the quote i was looking for which says they are wrong. :)


Cali, would it be wrong if we added a link to the front page about the article in TLS saying cloti is canon, being false? Or would that be under "cloti bashing"?
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OH SNAPPPP, its a good thing cloud gave em a beat down D:<
Lol, tell me about it! I love what he says to 'em "Get your filthy hands off of her!" So romantic. It's always reminded me of spiderman. :ryan:

Nvm i got it somewhere else. I wanted to confirm that Cloud and Tifa did NOT have sex under the highwind. The article in TLS says SE SUGGESTS they did cause they shared feelings without using words, so it MUST mean they did it in the blackout.

I just found the quote i was looking for which says they are wrong. :)
Do share. :jess:

Cali, would it be wrong if we added a link to the front page about the article in TLS saying cloti is canon, being false? Or would that be under "cloti bashing"?
Hmm, no. It's more providing evidence against proving our couple wrong. I consider "Cloti sucks cuz Tifa's a whore" to be more along the lines of C/T bashing. As long as you provide rational explanations against their claims I think you're good.

Honestly though, I just said that rule though so C/T fans that lurk don't get offended. But now that I think about it. This IS a CxA club, they really shouldn't be looking in here if they get offended. :/

So. I'd love to see your post and I will HAPPILY add it to the front page. :3
Honestly though, I just said that rule though so C/T fans that lurk don't get offended. But now that I think about it. This IS a CxA club, they really shouldn't be looking in here if they get offended. :/
Thats exactly whats written on FFG's site lol. "Its your own fault if you get butt hurt" ahahaha

Anyways, as for my quote about the whole, they did not have sex, it might be quite long so bare with me xD Also, if you want to expand on it and make it nicer or something, please do. Im very tired atm and i dont even know if what i typed was what i was thinking of lol



Lies lies and more lies

Why do clotis think Cloud and Tifa have sex under the highwind EVEN MORE than before? Its mostly the doing of an article over on TLS, which was written by a cloti, that claims it so. Their idea derives from this quote under the HW picture on there;

"The night before the final battle

Thanks to Tifa, Cloud regains himself, and before the final battle with Sephiroth, without using words, he confirms with her that their feelings match."

The claim that these feelings MUST be of love and because they are confirmed without words, it must have been physically, which HAS to mean sex in the blackout cause we didnt see it happen. I say thats a load of BS.

First of all, take a good look at the scene in the picture, its the scene AFTER the so called "sex time blackout" (after tifa says "Words arent the only thing that tell people what you're thinking"), its when the scenario changes to Tifa standing up, to sitting beside cloud. This is the dialogue in the HA version;

"Umm... G, good morning... Cloud."
"Give me a little longer... Just a little bit longer..."
(She rests his head on his shoulder again.)


"This day will never come again
... So let me have this moment..."

(He nods)


"Yeah... okay."

(He lowers his head again.)


"This is probably the last time we'll have together......"

Take a good look at the bolded parts of the dialogue. Cloud and Tifa clearly show they agree about the same thing, the share the SAME FEELINGS with one another and TELL each other that. Then afterwards, tifa stays next to Cloud and just enjoys the moment without saying ANYTHING ( this is portrayed by the second blackout, where tifa goes off to snooze, so no sex there boys and girls ). Also, if it was the blackout that showed these explicit scenes, then why did tifa mention THIS MOMENT, the moment she is sitting next to cloud, and its just them two, and not the blackout scene? Makes no sense.

In BOTH the HA and the LA scene, that dialogue above is said in BOTH versions. The ONLY difference is Cloud's last line.

In the HA scene, Cloud says this in reply to tifa's "Let me have this moment";

Cloud "Yeah... okay. This is probably the last time we'll have together......"

In the LA scene, Cloud says this in reply to tifa's "Let me have this moment";

Cloud "............"

As you can see, in the HA scene Cloud SHARES the same feelings as Tifa ( about this day not happening again or last day they will have/together ), and in the LA scene, he does not. The only part of the WHOLE scene in where Cloud and Tifa SHARE the same feelings is in the HA scene where Cloud agrees to what tifa says.

So im guessing, IF the HA scene is meant to be romantic, it is "Clouds last line" that makes it so. IF its not meant to be romantic, then "Clouds last line" is meant to suggest the "strong and deep" feelings SE mentioned about the scene.
Either way, they didnt have sex like clotis say, nothing happened in the black out, and the feelings ( romantic or not ) SE states are the ones we SEE, not the ones we dont.


So basically, in the HA scene, Cloud will let Tifa have this moment ( which is her sitting next to cloud in an "intimate way" NOT SAYING ANYTHING ) which means he shows his feelings without using words by letting her do that. BUT for the LA scene, Cloud doesnt share the same feelings as Tifa and replies very blankly and quickly.

In conclusion;

Cloud and Tifa DID NOT have sex cause they share feelings of love without using words. Tifa and Cloud share the same feelings of how this day will never happen, and in the HA version, Cloud ALLOWS Tifa to "have this moment" and doesnt say anything. Meaning he shares the same feelings without using words.

There is a place we actually see during the High Affection version of the Highwind scene where Cloud and Tifa share the same feelings with each other, without using words, and sex clearly does not take place there.

Cloud and Tifa are not canon. And still arent to this day.
And Cloud and Aerith have as much chance ( if not more IMO ) of being canon as they do.


Also if you want, i can write an essay to show that the whole article in TLS isnt true, in this post i just mainly focused on the fact they didnt have sex like they claimed, but i can very much just downgrade the whole article, especially how the whole "feelings they share" could or could not be romantic feelings.


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Excuse my french but....

Oh, Fu*k. Crap. Sh*t. THAT'S EPIC!! Val. The part about them "confirming their feelings matching"(the "this moment never coming again") is really just epic.

I'm just... I'm seriously speechless. That actually makes the most sense of what I've heard out of both sides, Val. The thing they confirm is that it's the last time they could have together. This is, like you said, reinforced by the fact that the picture shown is the moment where Tifa and Cloud confirm that they will never have that moment again.

You are my Clerith idol! And I think you should bring this up to the other Clouriths, Val. I really think you just destroyed that BS claim of TLS.

*bows* You're my Clourith queen. *bows*

Seriously... your post is jawdroppingly epic. :gonk: Definitely added it to the first post.
Its really quite simple. Not only is it OOC for Cloud and Tifa to have sex even in an optional scene, its completely "dismissed" by SE if its meant to prove cloti canon. Not only is it NEVER mentioned as being true, Tifa remember even the tiniest detail and talks about it (e.g. promise scene ), but she never talks about this. OOC please.

Think of it logically, why on earth would there be a scene that so many things happen but we cant see it. Thats plain stupid. Whats the point of the scene then? Thing that they dont realise is there there is ACTUALLY A SCENE that shows they confirm their feelings with each other ( may that be romantic in your opinion or not ) without using words afterwards. Tifa and that quote doesnt say when Cloud doesnt use words, it didnt say he doesnt use words WHEN hes sharing the same feelings, it could very well be he doesnt use words AFTER or BEFORE they share the same feelings.

I've actually brought it up in the CXA forums and Aly agrees with me. Though we didnt agree that i dont think the scenes in the article means the HA scene is romantic/cxa date is romantic. But the couples, but thats another story which i may just email to you instead :3
Please do! I'd love to read your thoughts! Although, I just realized. Clotis would say but it says without words and Cloud obviously speaks in that scene saying that he agrees the moment will never happen again. But like you said, who knows when the "without words" thing happens. It could be the gesture of Cloud letting Tifa sleep on his soldier instead of pushing her away that "without words" bit is talking about.
No see, Cloud AGREES with Tifa WITH words, he actually lets her know they share the same feelings by LETTING her do that, and that didnt include any words, he LET her still have this moment by not moving or walking off.

And yeah, they dont say when Cloud doesnt use words, before or after is up to interpretation. And the fact the scene it shows should give you a MASSIVE hint its the scene AFTER the blackout they do this, else whats the point of putting a scene not related to the description?

I'll work on it for a few days and i'll go pm it to you ^^


ALSO WHOOOO LOOK AT THESE, aerith-chan arrived today.
I was so excited to open the box, it was like Christmas!





SHES SO CUTE UWAHHH <333 I like her hand expressions too hehe.



I already had an AC Cloud figure ages ago, but im currently looking for a decent FFVII Cloud atm to buy <3 I also posted the rest of my pictures on my DA journal.
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Ahh, okay! I gotchya now. Yup, makes 100% perfect sense to me!



You got an Aerith doll :gonk: She looks so pretty T_T I can't wait to see more pictures of her posing with Cloud. :kinky:

You are a genius! That post was amazing, even though I am sure C/Ters will find some way around it, I know it makes the only logical sense, but there was never a doubt in my mind that Cloud and Tifa didn't have sex, because that would mean it never happened again like Cloud and Tifa said it wouldn't, leaving once again many holes in the C/T side of things, ugh too many maybes for them :gasp:
Oh, yeah :wacky: Good point, girl. :hmmm: Not to mention, Cloud and Tifa NEVER act like it happens. That's a little odd, if you ask me. Especially if it declares their ship canon. :hmph:
Oh, yeah :wacky: Good point, girl. :hmmm: Not to mention, Cloud and Tifa NEVER act like it happens. That's a little odd, if you ask me. Especially if it declares their ship canon. :hmph:

Lest we forget; she had to ask if he loved her...just plain...sad if you ask me, you have supposedly last day on earth sex and it leaves her asking if the guy loves her...:wacky: I mean, this on top of the fact that he never calls her (A la; Tifa)

*Ow my gosh, 5 posts today, that's way to many for me gotta get off this thing:wacky:*
Oh, snap! I forgot about that D: you're right. either Tifa is clingy(as if) or it never happened. I'm going with the latter. :wacky:

This new fic I'm reading is set to the smexy theme of... wait for it...



That's right. It's gonna be so sexy, i just know it. I suggest reading it, folks.
Actually, they will ALWAYS have an argument about anything. Especially if it proves their theories wrong, it doesnt bother me. At least my explanation can be backed up by something we SEE happen, and theirs is only their interpretation of a scene that they did not see.

Either way, its never referenced as happening, so they can stop dreaming


Sorry cali, i havent been progressing on the pm, been working
:( will try my best soon!
It's okay, Val! Take your time. I don't mind. It'll be like a mini christmas, lol :jess:

I've been trying to write my own KH fic for Clourith but I keep tossin' it. :sad3: I'm lost on a theme to take.
Hey is it okay if I join ? I wanna jump ship and become a Clerith. :) I'm so sorry Cloti's. :sad3:
Im pretty sure you are more than welcome to join Ninja Yuffie <3 Its nice to get another member!

And cali, i will join that, i would prolly post a bunch of doodles on it lol