A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

I know. But. Shush and read this :wacky:

If you react to Aeris talking about Zack with jealousy, Aeris will say
"I was hoping maybe you were..." if she has more than 120 Affection.
However, it is impossible to get her Affection value this high throughout the
normal course of the game, so you will never see this without cheating.

:gasp: I want to hack the game to see this now D=<
ooh, really! I didn't know that. That is very cute.

Have you heard of Clourith day?

It's a cute fun idea. Wish I made videos.:cry:
I'd like to join! I think Cloud and Aerith just look really good together.

Also, speaking of hacking the game, has anyone here seen the awesome mods people have made where they changed it so you only see the FMV images of the characters in-game instead of the usual blocky graphics?

It's really beautiful and it makes some scenes with Aerith and Cloud that much sweeter.

Thanks to step by step instructions from people who know what they were doing, I managed to install the mods once but that was on my old computer. I may try it again and if I do, I'll take some screenshots for here. I was looking for some videos on YT but none of the vids showing off the mods were Cloud/Aerith specific. :(
Also, speaking of hacking the game, has anyone here seen the awesome mods people have made where they changed it so you only see the FMV images of the characters in-game instead of the usual blocky graphics?

It's really beautiful and it makes some scenes with Aerith and Cloud that much sweeter.

Oh wow, no I never heard of that!
That's so cool! I'm not into hacking games, like how people hack the game to revive Aerith, I usually like it in its original state. But then again, I'm a huge graphics person, I'd love to see them with FMV graphics!!
Shit I mistyped. I meant battle graphics, not FMV graphics. You know how in FFVII the battle animations are more realistic while in regular game they are all deformed and blocky.

Here's a screenshot just to clarify.

This is actually an outdated mod from back when I modded my FFVII. Since you like graphics like I do, you'll be happy to hear they've come out with a bunch of new mods that make the characters look even better while also improving the backgrounds. Basically the entire game is in a higher graphical resolution or whatever.

I wish I was half as talented as the people who make this stuff.

Anyway, I hope to install the mods and get them working tomorrow. If I do, I'll be sure to at least post screenshots of Cloud's and Aerith's first fateful meeting in the church.
Oh! Welcome Nikkolas! Thank you for joining. And I can't wait to see your screenshots of the game. I love those. Also, if you have time, tell us why you like Cloud and Aerith so much. :3

There's a hefty front page post that has lots of goodies, read it if ya want. :3
Oh! Welcome Nikkolas! Thank you for joining. And I can't wait to see your screenshots of the game. I love those. Also, if you have time, tell us why you like Cloud and Aerith so much. :3

There's a hefty front page post that has lots of goodies, read it if ya want. :3

I have read it already. ^^ I love looking at pics and vids of Clerrith as well as reading what people say on the subject.

Sadly the modding isn't going so good at the moment. I might try it again later but I just got really annoyed at failing so many times so I decided to stop for now.

As for why i like CloudxAerith... Well when I first played FFVII, I liked Tifa more. But as I grew up I realized Aerith is really more my type. Looking back at the game, it's pretty clear Cloud cares for her very, very deeply and I thought she loved him for the real him and not just the fake persona he had for their time together.

These thoughts are confirmed by quotes in the Compilation so I guess the Compilation did something right.
Yup, that they did. It's very clear how much Cloud loves Aerith. The offcial commercials even said it. xD Remember the commercials for the game that said; "A Love that could never be?" about Cloud and Aerith?

Doesn't get any more obvious than that, right? :rage:
Okay, hasn't been posted in for some time now.

I was jus' wondering if anyone wanted to write some short(or long) Halloween themed Fanfictions with me? I did one last year but it doesn't seem like anyone really likes writing nowadays.

How about it? maybe jus' for the spookiness of Halloween we could write a few stories?

Or, if there are some already writen how about postin' 'em here so I--I mean, we can enjoy some Spooky Clourith fics.

Also, if anyone wants to make some spooky pictures that'd be cool, too.
Oh, yes! I strongly believe Sora is Cloud and Aerith's spirit baby. :rage: I mean, he has Cloud's hairstyle and eye color, Aerith's face shape and hair color, but he also has a mix of both of their personalities. It's like SE was trying to TELL US SOMETHING. :rage:

I've got a fanfic I wrote for Cloud's POV if anyone cares.

Author: Me, Cali
Link: FanFICTION.net
LJ Link: over@myLiveJournal
Summary: "Since I've been loving you I'm about to lose my worried mind."
Cloud's POV during the night he had to deliver a bouquet of flowers to the Forgotten City.
Rating: T
Theme: Angst/Alcohol/ Alan Bates 102 theme challange
Words: 1,100


I work from seven to eleven every night… delivering the things people need all over the world. I revisit the places I once walked with you, and it really does make life a drag. I’ve really been the best of fools, trying my best to act like I’m happy, like I’m moving on. I did what I could to appear happy… for you, because you wouldn’t want me wasting my life. But, I don’t think it’s working out very good…

‘Cause I love you.

Since I’ve been loving you I’m about to lose my worried mind.

“Shall I join you?” Tifa asked in a calm tone.

Without taking my eyes off of the empty glass in my grasp I answered coldly and vacantly; “I want to drink alone.” I didn’t feel like talking, not to her, not to anyone… not now.

I must have pissed her off because her calm tone now sounded like a growl; “Then drink in your room.”

Despite the loud sound of the alcohol bottle slamming down on the counter, my eyes remained on the empty glass in my hands. I waited until I heard her angered footsteps travel out of the room before I went to grab the bottle of booze, my hand fumbling not only from the dark but because how much I already drank. Just as the gold-tinted liquid began to rush into my glass I heard her room door slam shut, a sign of how pissed she was. But I didn’t care.

I poured as much of the alcohol into the glass as I could get, until it overflowed and made small pools on the counter top, a sign I should stop pouring and drink it all ready. So, I did, I drained the glass quicker than I filled it, hoping to nip at the mountain of pain burning inside of me.

But, as I thought, it didn’t do much.

The stinging sensation of its taste was just a clear indication of what I was trying to numb—the guilt I am carrying… the never ending pain from losing you... and the agonizingly depressing thought of being here without you.

I had to deliver a bouquet of flowers for your mother today, destination was the Forgotten City… the place you died.

I can’t lie, I was… hesitant on going there—more like terrified.

I was afraid of going back there because it’s the one place I have nightmares about. The place I lost you. The place where you and I were torn apart from each other… the place where I failed you.

I can still remember that day clearly, the cold feel of your dying body in my arms, the red stains of blood on your pink dress, the chilling ache burning in my heart… all of it I relive every night. It’s half the reason why I don’t sleep much anymore; I don’t want to keep reliving that day.

Just thinking about it makes me want to down this whole bottle of booze.

I poured another full glass of alcohol and immediately gulped it down, hoping that this is the drink that will finally numb the pain. Have I mentioned I’m about to lose my mind? It seems like the only time I can dull this nightmarish reality is when I’m drowning myself in a bottle of alcohol.

…I need another shot…

Instead of pouring a glass this time I took a swig off of the bottle—I’m going to drain the bottle myself anyway...

Since I’ve been loving you , alcohol seems like oxygen now—my body and mind will need it as long as my heart aches for you.

Everyone keeps telling me things get better as we go, I’m finding that hard to believe. I’ve tried until I can’t try anymore… and the ache seems stronger now than it did the day I lost you.

And when the pain gets stronger than usual, I visit the place you loved— your church. It really is the one place I feel the happiest at.

Besides this booze, it’s another outlet that numbs the pain of losing you. I wouldn’t tell anyone this, but, I think I can feel you strongest there… I know it sounds crazy, but it’s why I love it so much—it brings me closer to you. It's the place I run to when I'm dying inside to just feel you closer... even if you're not really there.

The pains getting stronger now … I need another shot

Just thinking about that church reminds me of when we met… you looked so beautiful, smiling so innocently. I had never seen such an amazing smile before, even to this very day.

Since I’ve been loving you , I die inside every time I want to see your smile and there’s no way to.

…I really need another shot…

I took another swig off the quickly draining bottle, the bitter taste a symbol of everything I regret. I must have taken a bigger drink this time because as soon the numbing liquid made it down my throat I realized the bottle was run dry. I glanced up at the clock, noticing I had only been here for a few hours. The only sound made was from the glass bottle scooting across the counter as I pushed it away. I placed some money on the counter, making sure to pay for what I took.

I had finished the bottle all to myself... It was supposed to have taken away the pain from the reality I must live in but… nothing. Maybe I just didn’t drink enough?

No, that’s not it… I could finish off a dozen more bottles of any liquor and it still wouldn’t change a thing. The pain would still be there and you would still be gone. And only your smiling face can take away this pain...

…I’d do anything for another smile…

I really really tried on this piece. Some of what I wrote was really what Cloud thought at times. Like being hesitant on visiting the Forgotten City, or thinking Aerith's smile was innocent, Cloud even misses Aerith's smile in Dismantled-- I just worked 'em into the fic itself.
Oh :sad2: That was so good, I loved what you incorporated into it, its almost more like a compilation of the quotes and facts on the game written into a story, very good.

I really want to note on the fact you kept the scene to what it really was and didn't get biased as you wrote, good work. By the way Cloud was very In Character in the story.

Oh and I love that song you based it on :tehe:
Oh, shucks! Don't make me blush, girl :ryan: Thanks for reading, though. I was really trying to not get too biased in it, so I'm happy you, a Tifa fan, didn't think so. I'm even more happy you thought Cloud was in character *phew* takes that nervous weight off my chest.

And yes, you know that song is my life <33
I would be mad too if a guy I knew, was friends with, and possibly loved said "I want to drink alone" to me, and that is how the scene went, so changing it would be-well, biased.

I think CoT was just showing us FFVII fans that Tifa and Cloud 'relationship' was changing into a more Mother/Son thing,as opposed to a friendship.
Oh, yeah, you're right. And I kinda agree. Cot seemed like it was doing that very thing. I mean, what's with the line Tifa enjoying the mother feelings for Cloud? It's pretty dang clear to me that they're more than friends. They're a mother/son relationship.
Oh, yeah, you're right. And I kinda agree. Cot seemed like it was doing that very thing. I mean, what's with the line Tifa enjoying the mother feelings for Cloud? It's pretty dang clear to me that they're more than friends. They're a mother/son relationship.

Exactly, more than Friends, less than Lovers. I believe there is even an official quote that says Cloud and Aerith are more than friends and less than lovers. Though I can really remember where or when.
No it's not official, it's from a mag. But the Magazine must have gotten it somehow.
No it's not official, it's from a mag. But the Magazine must have gotten it somehow.

What kind of magazine was it? Famitsu or something? because I am sure they have really close ties to SE, that would explain the influence of the quote.
What kind of magazine was it? Famitsu or something? because I am sure they have really close ties to SE, that would explain the influence of the quote.
Oh, yeah, it was Famitsu, I believe. And yeah, I think SE did influence that quote. After all, it was before Nomura was told to neutralize what he was saying to people. I guess Nomura was saying to many Clourithy things, so they told him to level the playing fields thereafter.