A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

Aww, you wrote the Lonely Hearts one, right? Because that's my top favorite, along with Love and Pain
Oh, wow! I had no idea anyone read it. I'm so happy you enjoyed it. And yes, I love Love and Pain, too. So sweet.

And oh, my! That video is so pretty and so bittersweet!
Well, of course you can!:x3: welcome, welcome. Tell us why you like Cloud x Aerith so much. And if ya wanna, take a lookie through the front two pages, too, if you'd like. There's lots of goodies there.
Well, of course you can!:x3: welcome, welcome. Tell us why you like Cloud x Aerith so much. And if ya wanna, take a lookie through the front two pages, too, if you'd like. There's lots of goodies there.

Oh thank you so much Forty Six & 2! :grouphug:
Let see, why I love Cloud x Aerith...
Because I love the fact that Aerith seems to be the only one Cloud really listens to. And he always protects her, when she died he was seriously devastated :cry: that proved to me how much Cloud loved Aerith :inlove:
I'll check out the front posts now! :highfive:
I agree. The fact that Cloud's heart broke over her death really does prove how much he loves her. Did you know that in one of the official novellas that it describes Cloud's mind shattering just from Aerith leaving for the forgotten city? They also say Cloud's heart breaks like an egg from her death.

Here it is in case you never saw it;

"When Aerith left her companions and headed for the Forgotten City, Cloud's heart was like an egg that was on the verge of cracking open. It wasn't going to crack open like the way an egg hatched but, as if only the yolk was going to seep out of it. It was as if his mind was going to shatter. She wanted to comfort him. If she wasn't the last survivor of the Cetra she probably would have done so without a doubt."

Isn't that so romantic? :3

Channi! You didn't know about that? It's from the official novella Maiden of the Planet. And just in case none of you saw this, either;

"Cloud was Aerith's friend, her lover/koibito— a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected." -Case of Lifestream: White

[Backstory; the "koibito" used in that sentence can either be translated as lover or sweetheart.]

And yes, the book that sentence is from is official.
Do even get started on that koibito thing, I've been apart way too many arguments involving koibito. It's a shit word. >.<

But those excerpts are lovely. I started to give Maiden a read the other day, but I lost the link when my computer died an I forgot about it... Will have to finish it soon. :3
Yeah, lol. It's a complicated ordeal--the koibito is. But yeah, Maiden is a good read through, it's so long, though.
Is it? Ahh. It'd be brilliant if SE did hardcopies of all the Novella's and OTWTAS novella's... or a hard copy of everything mashed together.
Well, yeah, being combined, it would all be very long. The Cases of B,D, and T and also the newer novellas of Yuffies, Shinra, Red, and Sephiroth and Aerith's are all hardcovered in one big book. But Maiden is just in one of the ultimanias.
Wait... they already ARE hardcovered? Eff me... knowing that though they're probably Japanese only though, huh?
Verily much. I just ebayed it and it looks all pretty liek, but Jap only.. maybe they'll translate it/port it out to English for us noobs...
I don't see why they don't translate it. I mean, it's like they forget they have english fans.
Eee, I'm replaying FFVII right now, and I love the scene where Cloud crashes into the church. The dialogue between him and Aerith is so cute, it makes me squee every time.
I know. But. Shush and read this :wacky:

If you react to Aeris talking about Zack with jealousy, Aeris will say
"I was hoping maybe you were..." if she has more than 120 Affection.
However, it is impossible to get her Affection value this high throughout the
normal course of the game, so you will never see this without cheating.

:gasp: I want to hack the game to see this now D=<