Abortion - your views.

im not saying its got anything to do with being illegal or legal, in this country its legal,
my point was, i was saying from view, in what scenarios i think it is appropriate for a girl to have an abortion.
i would never be for it being dubbed as illegal.
I believe that a fetus is a person from the moment of conception (and have arrived at that conclusion through a self-searching study of a variety of philosophies, including religious ones).

I also believe that women have a reproductive right to choose what happens to their bodies.

The struggle comes in trying to find a balance between the two: At points to the rights of one outweigh the rights of another? It is something that I struggle with.

On a side note, if you want to read a philosophically tenable but personally horrifying take on the subject, read some Peter Singer: He comes to the conclusion that a fetus is just like a baby: Thus is should be ok to kill babies. I think it is sort of tongue-in-cheek, a sort of new age Modest Proposal, but I also can't help but think that part of him believes it. Kinda gives me the creeps

For me, the issue of abortion is like the issue of gay marriage in that it shouldn't be an issue.

I am highly pro-choice. I don't care what the woman's reason to get the abortion is, it's her choice to do it. Many places don't offer abortion services and then we get horrible outcomes. For example, last year I believe a woman put her 8 week old baby in the microwave until the baby died, radiated from the inside out. Why did she do this? She didn't want her boyfriend to know that the baby wasn't his. She could not find an abortion clinic. If I had to choose between infanticide or abortion, I'll turn towards the latter.

However, I do find stipulations that should be put on said abortion. For instance, if the woman is passed a certain point, say she's already on her second trimester, then I am against abortion and would suggest putting the baby up for adoption.

I find that if something is your decision about yourself, no one should be able to tell you what to do. And I wasn't raised under secular beliefs, I'm actually the only one in my family to not be a Republican or a very strict Christian. This doesn't mean I'm loose on my morals, it just means that I think a person's body is their own. God gave you a body as your own temple, do with it as you see fit.
I believe that late term abortion should be illegal. At that point I consider it murder, killing a baby as it is being born is not acceptable in my opinion.

However beyond that I believe it is a personal choice. While I admit that some people are just careless (I know a woman who has had 12) it still boils down to personal beliefs. I believe that the issue of abortion is up to you and whatever god or moral code you follow and that it should NOT be a government issue.
I am not against it as there are girls out there who end up in this situation out of no fault of their own.

I can't stand people who care more about the unborn than the born.

They'll be there every step of the way ensuring you don't 'get rid of it' but when the child is actually born are they there?

I have a friend who's partner told her not to have an abortion when she really really wanted to due to the fact that they both had no income and lived at her mothers house at the age of 17.

During the time she was pregnant he cheated on her numerous times and then decided when the baby was born that he didn't feel like taking care of it. They remained together but he didn't offer the services a father should.

I think it's alot more cruel to bring a child into a world such as this, into a home that is clearly not going to meet a childs needs. In these kinds of cases the child would be better off having never been born. In most cases the child will follow the same dodgy footsteps of the father and end up only being harmful to the world. Not a blessing at all.

For rape I most definitely support the idea, unless they have their own beliefs and choose not to abort.

For myself however I could never abort. It's a personal choice for myself and although I support abortion for certain cases I don't apply those cases to myself. I just couldn't feel right with myself if I ever did such a thing and knowing that I can full well support a child and give it love.

If however I did get raped and it was too much to bear I would possibly give it up for adoption. Knowing that people who adopt undergo alot of check-ups in order to adopt, would definitely make me feel alot better about giving the child away.
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Well, abortion in and of itself is taking a life. There's no denying that the baby is alive after all, no matter how primitive it currently is.

So I am against abortion. If someone doesn't want a baby, don't have sex.

If I went back in time and convinced your mother to have an abortion instead of giving birth to you, and then went back into the future and had what I did posted in a newspaper, that I'd gone out of my way to snuff your life out and destroy everything you'd ever done in your life, I'd probably be looked on as a murderer (provided the people believe my story of course).

Now as for rape... Well here's where things get tricky. My answer: It doesn't make a difference whether it was rape or not, it's still a living thing.

Instead, we should simply elevate the crime "rape" to a higher offense. For example, if we decree that rape is of the same caliber as murder, and that punishments for rape will be equivalent to those given for murder, then we can expect a sharp decline in rape throughout the area that this law is enforced.
And that's how I would do it, make rape such a serious offense that the very thought of it is as horrifying as murder.
I don't think it's wrong. What a women does with her vagina and what's inside it is her choice and hers alone. Who am i to say she can't have an abortion? I can understand where in the case of rape. I can even understand in the case of it just happening. I would recommend getting tubes tied though. But either way, its her choice, let them make it if they so choose.
I'm absolutely disgusted by abortion, but not in the sense that I believe that it's evil. I am disgusted by it because of the fact that it's a gold watch issue, a luxury issue. The fact that people devote their lives in the U.S. to abortion related issues is indicative of a small mindedness that permeates that particular segment of society. While religious figures and politicians pine away about theoretical human beings, real human beings, undoubtedly real live human children, are starving to death in Africa. I believe that as long as real live children whose existence is not theoretical or debatable suffer systemically in the world that discussion of abortion should be frowned upon, and those who would divert resources to the issue of abortion should be openly shunned. Out of all the world's vast and sweeping problems abortion is 9999 on a list of 10000. Save the real human beings first, and worry about the theoretical ones later.
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To me, I think abortion is flat out wrong. Yeah sure its just a "embryo" but its just like an person really. Like I just couldn't stand the fact that some one's growing inside of me just so i could.... throw it away y'know? Its a horrid thing in my eyes.
The only way I think a girl were to do abortion is if she were to get raped. Then I would do it. But.. if you were to have sex with your partner ya know all plan and stuff and you weren't being safe and you get pregnant and get an abortion is really messed up. I think everyone deserves to go out and live.. life. Most teens that get pregnant at an early age and get an abortion is just as wrong. They had the choice of having sex or not. Yeah education is important but, they should've thought about that before they had sex not after she gives birth -__-.

I really despise it like a lot girls that do have an abortion have their reasons or whatnot... I still believe they should only get an abortion if they were to get raped. A person's a person weather they're "unborn" or "born".
That's just what I think.
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I don't like abortion. If a woman has unprotected sex and doesn't want a child, then she should take the morning after pill, while the "baby" is just a few cells..

Serious discussions require further elabouration. So if you bear that in mind in the future =]
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I do wonder about one subject that tends to be brought up when concerning abortion. People always say that they would rather abort a child rather than bring it into a world of poverty, seeing that the parents are two teenagers with no stable finances. Ok, I get that, but what makes me raise my brows is the fact that they seem to conclude that it's the child's fate to be miserable for the rest of his life...when really, we don't positively know for sure if that would be the case later down the road. My point is that even when raised in poverty, a child can live to be someone successful if he/she choose the right path, even if his parents are not the most supporting people in the world.

We can take two successful 30-year-old parents, have a child of their own, and that child growing up in the wrong side of town, making bad decisions and ending up living in poverty because his parents would not support his ways of living. Obviously, he can still choose to clean up his life, but what I'm looking at is the big picture here. Abortion or no, we don't actually know how a child will turn out when he grows up. Naturally, it will be hard in the beginning, especially if the parents don't know what they're doing, but I like to be a little more optimistic and say that changes comes to those who are willing to work hard and make a good life for themselves, including their children.

As someone who was almost aborted, I actually did grow up in poverty. My dad freaked when he found out my mom was pregnant with me, and one day he brought her some sort of herb (this was back in the Philippines) that would make her abort me if she drank it. So he gave the drink to her and she looked at him and said, "Okay, I'll drink this if you drink it first." I thought that was a little funny when she was telling me the story, but I guess my dad changed his mind and threw the drink away. Mind you, they both had no jobs and were both in college, and I will say that it was a hard life for us four (my brother was born a year and a half after me) back there.

I was also almost adopted by a successful doctor who wanted a child. According to my mom, everything was settled and both parties had agreed to the deal. But my mom backed out in the last minute. What made her change her mind, I don't know. I didn't really ask as I was a little hurt when she told me the story, so I changed the subject. My guess is probably because once she held her child, she knows it's hers and would rather be living poor with me in her life than with me living with someone else she doesn't know. And I am really glad she chose that path. I don't regret living in poverty at all, especially in a 3rd world country.

I'm not saying I'm successful right at this moment, but hey, there's still plenty of years ahead of me. Who knows, right? Successful or not though, I sure am glad to be living life as I am now.
I can say I am a pretty liberal person, but when it comes to abortion, i have to say no because it is not a choice the affects yourself, it affects someone else. I am for stem cell research, allowing gay marriage, and maybe even euthenasia, but all of those things are chioces that a person decides for themself, whereas abortion is a life ending decision made for someone else.

And I usually am open to ideas and viewpoints, but people who use the whole "raped woman who got pregnate" story to rationalize abortion is just rediculous. . . rape very rarely ends in pregnancy.
I could understand this if it was a form of Rape. Now if it was their own choice, and suddenly they decide to not want it, I just think it's pure lazyness, and irresponsible behavior. It's not something you should mess around with, but take seriously, me thinks.
Personally I'm pro-choice, if for nothing else, because at least then those getting the abortion are in a sterile and safe environment. Though in the end since I'm male it's not my choice but the woman with the growing belly deciding.
I do wonder about one subject that tends to be brought up when concerning abortion. People always say that they would rather abort a child rather than bring it into a world of poverty, seeing that the parents are two teenagers with no stable finances. Ok, I get that, but what makes me raise my brows is the fact that they seem to conclude that it's the child's fate to be miserable for the rest of his life...when really, we don't positively know for sure if that would be the case later down the road. My point is that even when raised in poverty, a child can live to be someone successful if he/she choose the right path, even if his parents are not the most supporting people in the world.
No one is saying that these children will not go on to lead full lives. However it's unlikely that this will happen.
Look at all the children who starve to death in Africa every day, they barely ever live past ten and all these children know is pain and suffering, as a parent it would be your choice as to whether you would put any child through that. All the arguements against abortion are on supposed moral grounds, which oddly enough are arguements which makes sure that they can live with themselves. It's not in the slightest immoral to abort a child that is going to be born into poverty, especially if you have other children as are very expensive.
It's not just places like Africa where people have extremely short life expectancies. The life expectancy of males born in South Central LA is 21.

To me, I think abortion is flat out wrong. Yeah sure its just a "embryo" but its just like an person really. Like I just couldn't stand the fact that some one's growing inside of me just so i could.... throw it away y'know? Its a horrid thing in my eyes.
But you have the right to chose, which is the crux of the matter. You have your own opinion, but you can't expect everyone to share it. Ergo you cannot force it on people.

And I usually am open to ideas and viewpoints, but people who use the whole "raped woman who got pregnate" story to rationalize abortion is just rediculous. . . rape very rarely ends in pregnancy
But it can and it does.
Are you saying that aborting a baby that was conceived through rape is irrational?

I could understand this if it was a form of Rape. Now if it was their own choice, and suddenly they decide to not want it, I just think it's pure lazyness, and irresponsible behavior. It's not something you should mess around with, but take seriously, me thinks.
There's a huge middle ground you've missed out there.
Very few abortions happen because a couple have unprotected sex and use no other force of birth control and then go OHSHI xlolx abortion.

I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control, but I'm against forcing people to have a baby they don't want anymore. The latter is worse imo.
I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control, but I'm against forcing people to have a baby they don't want anymore. The latter is worse imo.


Mod Edit: Please expand more on your post as this is considered spam. Thanks. :)
I believe that abortion can be acceptable, but only near the very beginning of the pregnancy. Quite early on, an embryo would have no nerve cells. At this point, it cannot know pain. But as soon as nerve cells develop, there's a nervous system and pain would be very real. I disagree with abortions that'd possibly cause pain to the aborted baby. So along my lines of thinking, there's a very short window for abortion. So in most cases, I disagree.

But of course, this is just based on my opinion and what I have been taught by teachers, television, mostly reliable internet sources, etc over time. I'm no expert and I do know that there's a lot of debate as to whether abortions cause pain for the aborted baby, or even as to what time nerve cells are developed.

So for the sake of simplicity, I cannot agree with the majority of abortions.
And I usually am open to ideas and viewpoints, but people who use the whole "raped woman who got pregnate" story to rationalize abortion is just rediculous. . . rape very rarely ends in pregnancy.

But it can do and does do, if someone were to be raped and they found out they were pregnant, would it be selfish of them to abort? It would take a very strong person to carry through that pregnancy and be able to bring that child up, imagine the drama of explaining who daddy was. I wouldn't be able to do it

Also, what if contraception fails? Yes, unlikely but again, it's something else that also happens. I know there are people that cant have children and it must be like a smack in the face to them when they hear of people having abortions, but I'm already a lone parent - if my contraception fails, I don't want to be a single mother of 2 down the line. I don't think I'd get through it tbh, call me selfish if you will, but it's my sanity that's on the line, and if I find out soon enough, it's nothing but afew cells that feels no emotions or pain

BUT I will take all precautions necessary, Im not going to be irresponisble and put myself in a situation where I know I could end up pregnant, that's just foolish

But at the end of the day, no matter how despicable some peoples reasoning may be, it's THEIR body to do what they want with

I HATE This thread, why do I keep coming back :ffs:
I think abortion is wrong, but I am not against it. There are many people who abort because they can't feed them, raise them, or other reasons. But instead of killing the child, there are other solutions, such as adoption. The people who abort are usually not ready for a child either.
I am all pro-choice, especially when it comes to this. I have had countless arguments about this topic in the past with people against it, and I just want to say that I think it's pretty ridiculous when someone expresses their disagreeing with someone else's decision. Especially if it's a big one such as abortion.

Let's say a girl gets raped and ends up pregnant. Would she want that baby? Very unlikely. There are other options to get rid of the baby, yes, such as adoption, but it would be very hard wouldn't you think? You would have to see the baby, and I was told you have to hold the baby before you completely make up your mind (not sure if it's true) and I would like to believe that, that would be emotionally hard on someone.

However, I don't like it when careless, irresponsible teenage girls spread their legs to anyone, even *after* getting a -few- abortions. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson by now, but at the same time, why keep it if you're not going to raise it properly?