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The root of abortion debate is economical.
Allow me:
I would like to address both the religious aspects and emotional aspects on behalf of the women. God loves women....its a global reach in global language....
The foundation for the Westernized abortion debate, we know, stems from the control grid of Modern Church Ethics. Like any governing religion/cult fill-in-the-blank....the grid, number one does not live by its own rules which are constantly subject to change, but not even its own text: The Holy Bible. If it did, we would find a word that needs to be brought to the forefront of Judeo-Christian abortion discussion. This is the same word that is used by Churchianity as leverage for their main argument. It is the entire foundation for the debate.
The word is "psuche", Hebrew for "soul". The soul is defined as "emotion". A fetus that has not developed a consciousness has no emotional response system, and thus, at that stage, If one is Christian, then one has been wronlgy told that sin is a " any immoral or damaging action taken against God or fellow humans." If we are going to honestly integrate all subscribed scriptural understanding of the Gospel, (The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ) into this discussion, we must first look ar why it is said he gave Himself in the first place. Not only to restore to us direct communication with The Trinity, but to insure we would not feel condemned about the choices we make. To put it into perspective, if you decided to die IN THAT WAY....for the world and its coming there anything ELSE on Gods earth any of them could do to make you condemn them....when you died so that they would not be condemned, and said so? Churchianity has no argument if they rely on " soul " to do the dirty work. Sin is not an act, its a sequence of emotional heaviness that depletes joy. Joy, in the bible, is defined as a fruit of the Holy Spirit, or a characteristic of a person who has relationship with The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirits symbol is the dove. Joy is the ability to remain in a positive attitude through trying circumstance because of a portion of peripheral The Holy Spirit gives of ones situation. We remain positive because we can see how trials benefit us. Sin is the condemnation we allow ourselves to feel...this depletes joy. Its peripheral because a dove has the ability to see all the way around themselves. Heavenly Mother is Holy Spirit.
Abortion is constituted as murder when a fetus developes emotions. The circumstances of rape, nonconsentual or statutory, casual sex or intimate relationship, matters not. If your unborn is at the stage of emotional development, adopt it out. Churchianity thrives on condemnation and mostly for monetary and obvious political agenda, nothing of which Jesus stood for in the first place. Heavenly Mother loves her girls. The modern church ethics wants to use them as a soapbox to stand on. Every woman takes a negative action and is forgiven. Thier Word says, There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus."
Heavenly Family, The Trinity does not look down on women for seeking emotional fufillment, getting pregnant and aborting it. However, for those planning abortion, if it has not only break its body, you break its heart. Those who have had abortions, forgive are not condemed. Heavenly Mother Holy Spirit loves you and accepts you.
The politics of the situation sicken me overseas....those who are not christian(She still loves you) but you are still subjected to the condemnation brought about by governments. Governments/dictatorships hand select from historical culture what they need to impliment policy beneficial to their agendas. Eastern customs call child reduction policies economical efficiency, and then leave in place...."the woman knows her place." Then Western Media is ordered to step in to highlight the "evils" of the Eastern propaganda as it relates to childbearing. The women of Eastern cultures and religions are then torn between the pride in the demand for a healthy womb, and the degradation of having to be a machine that rations out children to government for the purpose of human capital. Job security....the problem is the illusion presented to the public that the West gives a shit that the east is fucking over mothers. The media handle of the west is Modern Church Ethics....The unveiling of the operation lies in this statement.
"Where do we, as the west, get our imports and who signs the weapons contract?"
The both governments need the smoke & mirrors of cultural combat in order to establish war on lower and middle classes as a foundation for the elite stand on. Women who seek emotional fulfillment are driven by media to materialism...which provides goverments the insurance of feminine emotional void. This in turn sends them into the beds of men as well lubricated machines through which human capital( corporate labor) is rationed into unsoundly obese accounts, which build corporations to drive the megalithic tank of consumerism to continue the cycle.
Its their job security to convince you that you need to put out...for one reason or another. And if men understood the real Op drains them of more than jizz...they would not put up with just putting out either. Women are beautiful the way they are and they do not need a man who is convinced he is worthless without a job to tell them so...because whether they have a job or not, they are beautiful as well.
There is from Christ no condemnation for those who believe or don't. But for those who do not believe, there is no logic in self- condemnation either for abortion in those eastern cultures, for there simply is no choice. There is no divine judgment ordered when there is no true conscious decision. And the judgment for those who made the decision, the judgment rest deep in the consciousness. Forgive yourself, for you are forgiven....and be set free of the heaviness that depletes the joy.
Allow me:
I would like to address both the religious aspects and emotional aspects on behalf of the women. God loves women....its a global reach in global language....
The foundation for the Westernized abortion debate, we know, stems from the control grid of Modern Church Ethics. Like any governing religion/cult fill-in-the-blank....the grid, number one does not live by its own rules which are constantly subject to change, but not even its own text: The Holy Bible. If it did, we would find a word that needs to be brought to the forefront of Judeo-Christian abortion discussion. This is the same word that is used by Churchianity as leverage for their main argument. It is the entire foundation for the debate.
The word is "psuche", Hebrew for "soul". The soul is defined as "emotion". A fetus that has not developed a consciousness has no emotional response system, and thus, at that stage, If one is Christian, then one has been wronlgy told that sin is a " any immoral or damaging action taken against God or fellow humans." If we are going to honestly integrate all subscribed scriptural understanding of the Gospel, (The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ) into this discussion, we must first look ar why it is said he gave Himself in the first place. Not only to restore to us direct communication with The Trinity, but to insure we would not feel condemned about the choices we make. To put it into perspective, if you decided to die IN THAT WAY....for the world and its coming there anything ELSE on Gods earth any of them could do to make you condemn them....when you died so that they would not be condemned, and said so? Churchianity has no argument if they rely on " soul " to do the dirty work. Sin is not an act, its a sequence of emotional heaviness that depletes joy. Joy, in the bible, is defined as a fruit of the Holy Spirit, or a characteristic of a person who has relationship with The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirits symbol is the dove. Joy is the ability to remain in a positive attitude through trying circumstance because of a portion of peripheral The Holy Spirit gives of ones situation. We remain positive because we can see how trials benefit us. Sin is the condemnation we allow ourselves to feel...this depletes joy. Its peripheral because a dove has the ability to see all the way around themselves. Heavenly Mother is Holy Spirit.
Abortion is constituted as murder when a fetus developes emotions. The circumstances of rape, nonconsentual or statutory, casual sex or intimate relationship, matters not. If your unborn is at the stage of emotional development, adopt it out. Churchianity thrives on condemnation and mostly for monetary and obvious political agenda, nothing of which Jesus stood for in the first place. Heavenly Mother loves her girls. The modern church ethics wants to use them as a soapbox to stand on. Every woman takes a negative action and is forgiven. Thier Word says, There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus."
Heavenly Family, The Trinity does not look down on women for seeking emotional fufillment, getting pregnant and aborting it. However, for those planning abortion, if it has not only break its body, you break its heart. Those who have had abortions, forgive are not condemed. Heavenly Mother Holy Spirit loves you and accepts you.
The politics of the situation sicken me overseas....those who are not christian(She still loves you) but you are still subjected to the condemnation brought about by governments. Governments/dictatorships hand select from historical culture what they need to impliment policy beneficial to their agendas. Eastern customs call child reduction policies economical efficiency, and then leave in place...."the woman knows her place." Then Western Media is ordered to step in to highlight the "evils" of the Eastern propaganda as it relates to childbearing. The women of Eastern cultures and religions are then torn between the pride in the demand for a healthy womb, and the degradation of having to be a machine that rations out children to government for the purpose of human capital. Job security....the problem is the illusion presented to the public that the West gives a shit that the east is fucking over mothers. The media handle of the west is Modern Church Ethics....The unveiling of the operation lies in this statement.
"Where do we, as the west, get our imports and who signs the weapons contract?"
The both governments need the smoke & mirrors of cultural combat in order to establish war on lower and middle classes as a foundation for the elite stand on. Women who seek emotional fulfillment are driven by media to materialism...which provides goverments the insurance of feminine emotional void. This in turn sends them into the beds of men as well lubricated machines through which human capital( corporate labor) is rationed into unsoundly obese accounts, which build corporations to drive the megalithic tank of consumerism to continue the cycle.
Its their job security to convince you that you need to put out...for one reason or another. And if men understood the real Op drains them of more than jizz...they would not put up with just putting out either. Women are beautiful the way they are and they do not need a man who is convinced he is worthless without a job to tell them so...because whether they have a job or not, they are beautiful as well.
There is from Christ no condemnation for those who believe or don't. But for those who do not believe, there is no logic in self- condemnation either for abortion in those eastern cultures, for there simply is no choice. There is no divine judgment ordered when there is no true conscious decision. And the judgment for those who made the decision, the judgment rest deep in the consciousness. Forgive yourself, for you are forgiven....and be set free of the heaviness that depletes the joy.
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