Turk reject. SeeD dropout. Member in good standing
To all the folks knocking me for calling them kids:
Change your whippersnapping name to bitteryoungman/bitteryounglady. I've called myself bitteroldman, hence my calling you kids and whippersnappers. You bitteryoungfolks oughtta learn to take a joke.
I agree that someone shouldn't be forced to raise a child they don't want. That's why you give the child up for adoption.
You see, all this talk of inconvenience and rape and such are used in courtrooms. They are called motives. People can excuse anything. ANYTHING. It's just a matter of perspective, and sometimes, the view is pretty screwy, y'know?
To ya folks who have been in some of the worst shoes in America: yes. Your situation was horrible. And believe it or not, I'm not going to preach your head off and say you did the wrong thing. Life is friggin' hard. People do things, that they sometimes regret. Some people do things that are absolutely screwy, but they come from a screwy place. So who am I to knock anyone else for what they've done? That's not really how I roll (homey), and yes, I'm a Christian, and that's how I learned not to knock folks for doing things that I disagree with, or that are "sinful". I truly, truly, truly regret that you had to go through that (the abuse/rape and the abortion) and I hope that someday those scars of yours can be mended. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
And, for the record, almost everyone I know who is actively against abortion (not passively ("Oh, that's NAWRTY, the dirty liberal sinnahs!" Whaddabunchajerks, making Christianity and this issue nothing more than a political view.) is a woman. I'm the only guy I've met personally that actively hates it. Several womenz around me do, just me on the male side. I don't think it's something a lot of fellers really spend much time thinking about, except the pundits, because it's not something that directly affects guys until it's in our faces.
It's a baby. "Fetus" is Greek for "little one". "Embryo" is simply a living thing that isn't fully developed. That being said, an (we'll use your word this time) embryo begins to form its muscular, circulatory, skeletal, and neural systems are forming within the first week of fertilization. By day twenty, his heart, brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are nearly complete and his eyes begin to form. At twenty-two days, his heart is beating. So it becomes "human" and not just a clump of cells within the first month by most standards. My personal standard says its human from the beginning. You don't change species.
I don't see why there isn't a question of custody in most circumstances. As I said, most abortions ARE NOT for cases of rape, so most cases should have a viable case for legal custody. So if mama doesn't want it, there might be a lineup of folks who still have a claim. Such as the man-toy, the girl's parents (if she is underage), etc. Come on. This is America. The number of single fathers out there is becoming more prominent. Still a minority, but to give one sex rights the other doesn't have is discrimination. Daddy ought to have a say. Might not be much say if he hasn't committed, but I think if it's a choice of giving the baby to the one-night-stand man and killing it, that's no choice at all.
Personally, I think if abortion's going to be legal, you ought to have a court order to get one. I mean, this isn't a meat market here.
And, if I were the bitteroldking of America, I'd make it illegal to get an underage girl prego. So there.
Hmph. What was I saying? Get away from my car, you hoodlums!
Change your whippersnapping name to bitteryoungman/bitteryounglady. I've called myself bitteroldman, hence my calling you kids and whippersnappers. You bitteryoungfolks oughtta learn to take a joke.
I agree that someone shouldn't be forced to raise a child they don't want. That's why you give the child up for adoption.
You see, all this talk of inconvenience and rape and such are used in courtrooms. They are called motives. People can excuse anything. ANYTHING. It's just a matter of perspective, and sometimes, the view is pretty screwy, y'know?
To ya folks who have been in some of the worst shoes in America: yes. Your situation was horrible. And believe it or not, I'm not going to preach your head off and say you did the wrong thing. Life is friggin' hard. People do things, that they sometimes regret. Some people do things that are absolutely screwy, but they come from a screwy place. So who am I to knock anyone else for what they've done? That's not really how I roll (homey), and yes, I'm a Christian, and that's how I learned not to knock folks for doing things that I disagree with, or that are "sinful". I truly, truly, truly regret that you had to go through that (the abuse/rape and the abortion) and I hope that someday those scars of yours can be mended. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
And, for the record, almost everyone I know who is actively against abortion (not passively ("Oh, that's NAWRTY, the dirty liberal sinnahs!" Whaddabunchajerks, making Christianity and this issue nothing more than a political view.) is a woman. I'm the only guy I've met personally that actively hates it. Several womenz around me do, just me on the male side. I don't think it's something a lot of fellers really spend much time thinking about, except the pundits, because it's not something that directly affects guys until it's in our faces.
It's a baby. "Fetus" is Greek for "little one". "Embryo" is simply a living thing that isn't fully developed. That being said, an (we'll use your word this time) embryo begins to form its muscular, circulatory, skeletal, and neural systems are forming within the first week of fertilization. By day twenty, his heart, brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are nearly complete and his eyes begin to form. At twenty-two days, his heart is beating. So it becomes "human" and not just a clump of cells within the first month by most standards. My personal standard says its human from the beginning. You don't change species.
I don't see why there isn't a question of custody in most circumstances. As I said, most abortions ARE NOT for cases of rape, so most cases should have a viable case for legal custody. So if mama doesn't want it, there might be a lineup of folks who still have a claim. Such as the man-toy, the girl's parents (if she is underage), etc. Come on. This is America. The number of single fathers out there is becoming more prominent. Still a minority, but to give one sex rights the other doesn't have is discrimination. Daddy ought to have a say. Might not be much say if he hasn't committed, but I think if it's a choice of giving the baby to the one-night-stand man and killing it, that's no choice at all.
Personally, I think if abortion's going to be legal, you ought to have a court order to get one. I mean, this isn't a meat market here.
And, if I were the bitteroldking of America, I'd make it illegal to get an underage girl prego. So there.
Hmph. What was I saying? Get away from my car, you hoodlums!