Aerith or Aeris

I played Final Fantasy VII after playing Crisis Core. Although I was aware that the mistranslation was there, it still annoyed me. So, when I play Final Fantasy VII, I renamed her to her proper name.

Aeris is so plain.
Aeris is so plain.

And changing two letters suddenly makes it non-plain?

When I played FFVII I wasn't really aware of the Aeris v Aerith business so I always thought of her a Aeris and I've kind of got stuck in that mindset now, so I get the feeling I'll always refer to her as Aeris.
The Version i play it's Aeris, but when i type it, i just like Aerith, makes some more sense too me dunno why ^^
In all the SE games ive played with her in them she was called Aerith.In my VII her default name was aeris but i prefer aerith since im used to it.I guess its up to you what you call her in VII since you can name her but for me its always been and always will be Aerith...
And changing two letters suddenly makes it non-plain?

When I played FFVII I wasn't really aware of the Aeris v Aerith business so I always thought of her a Aeris and I've kind of got stuck in that mindset now, so I get the feeling I'll always refer to her as Aeris.

Yep, you'd be surprised what small changes can do to things. It's like with art, just the tiniest change could make all the difference in the whole drawing.

It's like that with Aerith's name. Her official name is Aerith. It was a mis-translation that put her name as Aeris in the original game. In my opinion, I think Aerith not only looks pretty but sounds prettier. It almost sounds like "earth" which Aerith is the protector of. I'd say Aerith suits her better than Aeris, because if people don't look at it properly or pronounce it properly it comes out sounding like Aries, the God of War. We all know that's something Aerith is not.
Wow I use Aerith of course but I know some people use Aeris but Aerith is her real name. Aerith is a much better name in my opinion it makes it have a nice feel to it if you know what I mean.
♥Aerith♥;469812 said:
it comes out sounding like Aries, the God of War. We all know that's something Aerith is not.

I still feel there is little difference between Aeris and Aerith in terms of how they sound in my eyes (leaving aside of course the debate about how her name was translated to start with) but of course in the end people are free to call her by the name they feel is more appropriate, which is understandable. Perhaps I just see Aeris as little different to Aerith because of how I played the game not knowing the name debate at the time, saw her as Aeris and I got used to it. Who knows...In the end it does seem to be personal preference.

Just to say though, I presume you mean Ares, the god of war. Aries is of course the starsign, which is something very different to Ares and Aerith/Aeris! :)
wow.... battle of the nerds with this one. Would you guys argue over this in RL? Its obviously that this is offensive to the hardcore FF nutts. I think FF7 is probably the best game ever created but I was never so hardcore about it and ive played it since 97-98.

During that time i called her Aries and will continue to do so. Just happens after 10 years. This doesnt mean I would harp on people who call her Aerith, after all we know who we are referring to.

I'll concede that Aries was a translation error of MANY that are in the game. Both are right, its personal preference.
I know her official name is Aerith, therefore I call her by the name that was apparently originally intended. To be honest I prefer Aeris, and I still say her name as "Aeris" because I can't stand how it's pronounced in Crisis Core. "Aeriff" kinda left a bad taste in my mouth, I wish her name had not been spoken, like in Advent Children.
^ Wait, 'Aeriff'? I don't recall anyone in game saying the 'th' as 'ff', or anything other than 'th'. Perhaps a youtube link of someone saying it as such?
When I first played this game I always called her Aeris when talking about her. Then I got on a website and I remember that people kept calling her Aerith and they said it was from the Japanese version. And then I just started calling her that too.:P
of course i called her Aeris when i played the game. but after searching for the correct name, it is Aerith. so i call her Aerith now, i think it sounds prettier too. :3 and they translated it wrong in the game. just think about, why do SE call her Aerith in CC and in the english version they also call her Aerith and they spell it with "th" and not "s". okay? xD *sigh*
I always thought of her name being Aeris. It was her name in FFVII so it's what i always called her. Although it is the wrong name i still think since it was in the game originally that it is the actual name. I like it better too :P.

Although sometimes i do call her Aerith, but i still like Aeris better.