Aerith or Aeris

I've always called her Aerith because that's what they called her in the original game. Even though they called her Aeris in Crisis Core(Atleast I think, lul.), I still call her Aerith because that was her name in the 1st game.
^^they call her Aerith in Crisis Core, I'm doing a replay of that game right now! That's where I learned I was pronouncing it wrong too. I used to pronounce it as "a wreath" instead of "air ith".

I call her Aerith because back in the day that's what the video game magazines that I had were calling her. I was surprised when the game finally came out and in the game her name was Aeris and I changed it to Aerith.
i vote Aerith because i played the Kingdom Hearts series before Final Fantasy, and that's what everyone calls her in it, so i'm more adjusted to 'ith' not 'is'.
I've always called her Aeris. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that it was her default name on my FF7. I only learned of her "other name" when I started playing Kingdom Hearts: CoM.
I don't mind Aerith. But, likewise; my FFVII copy had her named Aeris, so I went with that despite what the developers intended. Either way, she'll always have a special place in my heart.
It's more or less the same problem with Tifa ... How many didn't know it was prononced "teefa" ? It's again because of the nature of the English language and people assuming anything written with an "i" should be prononced a certain way.

I've always pronounced it 'Teefa' probably about the only pronunciation Ive ever got right

Don't get me started on 'Yoofie' :hmph:

Anyway, started a new file recently, um'd and ahh'd over Aerith/Aeris for abit, last play through was Aerith, and I know it's the correct spelling, I just prefer the sound of Aeris, and over the years I've become far too accustomed to it.
Its so strange to hear names of characters spoken in different terms when voices are brought into FF games as a whole, at least in AC they got Tifa right in pronunciation but Yoofie.......thats a killer lol to me it has always been yuffie like when you say slushy.

Tidus and chocobo always grind my gears, though I have never heard Seifer's name pronounced I expect they would say that oddly as well.
Its so strange to hear names of characters spoken in different terms when voices are brought into FF games as a whole, at least in AC they got Tifa right in pronunciation but Yoofie.......thats a killer lol to me it has always been yuffie like when you say slushy.

Tidus and chocobo always grind my gears, though I have never heard Seifer's name pronounced I expect they would say that oddly as well.

I pronounce Seifer the same was as is pronounced in The Matrix... I guess it could just as easily be 'Seefer'

I don't like it when I become accustomed to the pronunciation of something, in this case, Aeris, then later down the line you realise you have been saying it wrong. It's a habit I find hard to get out of

It's like, IRL, if this happened, I'd be doomed ...oh your name ISN'T pronounced.....? can I still call you that anyway? Not sure that would wash really.... at least she can't be offended by it :andry:

So what's really about her name? Why Aeris changed to Aerith? I assume she first was Aeris [ FF7 ] but then everyone started calling her Aerith? What's the story behind it and when she started being Aerith?
It was always supposed to be Aerith, but it got translated wrong. KHI fixed it and called her Aerith because it was always what she was supposed to be named.

It's Aerith not Aeris.
I thought she was changed to Aerith/Aeris (can't remember which they changed it to) in KH, not really sure what reason they would have done that though, I know they changed Squall to Leon in it because of his 'past' etc.

Perhaps because Aerith is easier to pronounce or something? If anyone has the real story I'd be interested in hearing it also?
Ah, thanks and sorry 'bout that :P

Yeah, is there a really "official" story, and WHO and WHERE changed it anyway ;)?

And where after KH does she appear as Aerith?
I call her Aerith because it rolls off the tongue a lot easier that Aeris. Also by the time I had Played KH and saw her name was Aerith in that, I'd kind of forgotten she was ever called Aeris haha
Im sure Ive answered this before:lew:

But who cares.

Aerith has become more of rival for Sephiroth instead of Cloud and in terms of there position in the hierarchy of FFVII IMO, where as cloud is Sephiroths physical rival, simply put: the guy he fights.

But In this vain I like her called Aerith like Sephiroth its an ancienty type of thing.

Aeris is also a cool name, and I switch between the 2 names when ever I play.
i honestly thought that "Aeris" was a mispronounciation error by japan, then they decided to change it to the english version "Aerith" for the movie and the KH games.....