Aerith or Aeris

Yeah, is there a really "official" story, and WHO and WHERE changed it anyway ;)?

In the original Japanese, her name is Earisu. The su can be transliterated as both 's' and 'th'. The intended spelling is generally accepted as Aerith, as the official Japanese stuff usually uses it, and the game's designers have mentioned that Aerith was intended to be a near anagram of Earth. So neither is really incorrect, but Aerith is more official.
I don't really mind what I call her. For some reason I prefer the spelling "Aerith" when written or typed out. When it comes to pronouncing her name though, I sound like I've a bad lisp or something, so I revert to calling her "Aeris" vocally. So I like the written variation "Aerith" but the vocal variation "Aeris" - so ehh, I really don't mind what I call her. No one's really wrong for using "Aeris" either especially as you examine the Japanese pronunciation of it and realise that there is probably more than one way to romanise it.

EDIT: Oh, Jesse already mentioned the above sentence it seems. :ahmed:
Reading what I've read in this thread...I guess there was some translation error or something in the Western VII so her name should've really been Aerith...but I don't really care. I like either name, but I'm still going to call her Aeris because that was what she was called during the version of VII that I played. Whats in a name anyways? -shes still the same character...and the two are so similar to each other, I don't see how someone could get a bee in their bonnet..or get offended when a person calls her by the wrongly translated name. Both names are equally pretty to me...and fit Aeris very just boils down to personal preference.
Aeris was a mistranslation. This was unveiled round about the time of Advent Children. In Crisis Core, it is corrected to Aerith. In all honesty, I still prefer calling her by Aeris because I grew up with her bearing that name. However. that is why others sometimes choose to call her Aerith.
When I first started playing Final Fantasy VII I did have her name as Aeris but, with Kingdom Hearts and other FF spin-offs calling her as Aerith I started to rename her as Aerith throughout my more recent gameplays.
I used to refer to her as Aeris. Any more though, I refer to her as Aerith. It grew on me, and it is her official name. I like to spell and say the character's names as they were meant. What other people call her doesn't matter, whether it's with an 's' or with a 'th', as long as I know who you are talking about.
Aeris seems a lot better to me than Aerith. Aeris just sounds a lot prettier to me while Aerith isn't as appealing to me. Aerith is also a lot harder to say for me.
I prefer to call her Aeris. I just flows better, and sounds prettier. And, it was the name that I first connected to her. I just can't really imagine the 'th' difference. But I still know who people are talking about either way...

Still, it's Aeris.
If I am talking to other people about FFVII I usually change her name during the conversation, I would start by saying something like "Do you know when you get Aerith in your party at Midgar" after that I change to "Well when you have Aeris in your party you have to go to her house first then...." So I use the two names one to define her first to other people and one that I use too talk normally about her and by using both names it is easier for people to understand who I am taking about as some of my friends have only played the original game or only played the spin offs and Kingdom Hearts or only watched Advent Children. I don't really mind what I call her but I like the spelling of the name Aerith and the sound of the name Aeris but depending on what I am talking about usually determines what name I use
Usually when I talk about her, I call her Aeris because most people here in my country know her only from FFVII and the 'th' sound is a bit hard for us to spell correctly. When I write, though, I usually use Aerith. In the end, it is all the same.
I used to call her Aeris, till KH came out. Now I prefer Aerith because it appears to be the way they want it to be said (I hate being wrong).
I used to call her Aeris, but that was before I learned that her Japanese name was Aerith. Now, whenever I play FFVII, or even refer to it, I always call her Aerith. Because with Aeris, myself and a friend always have an argument over how to pronounce "Aeris"...
I call just flows better than Aeris..

Also Aeris looks weird to me. It always did. Aerith sounds more like a proper name.
I call her Aeris because that's the name I grew up knowing, I didn't realize there was even a debate on it until years after I completed the game, although I do like Aerith.
I used to call her Aeris because thats how I saw her name on FF7 but now that Im on forums I use Aerith since it makes people angry when I call her Aeris o.o;
You can call me either > u >

Who does it make angry? D:
I guess some people just see it as more 'official'.
When I'm offline, I call her either when in conversation.