Aerith or Tifa?

Aerith or Tifa?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 47 38.8%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 74 61.2%

  • Total voters
Aerith, for lots of reasons, but the main ones being how sweet, upbeat, cheerful and kind she is and despite not having the strength to enforce it she never gives up on her desire to fight alongside her companions.

And alongside all this she never once said "Help me" or "Save Me" when in danger, she courageously protected Marlene at the cost of her own safety. She cared for people she never knew - when Wedge fell from the tower while protecting the plate from falling she sheds tears for him.

She is a strong yet feminine protagonist, she never had to be androgynous to be tough, serious and strong willed. I also love the majestic and mysterious aura they decided to give her it really ads to the entire movie vibe of the game.

She never pulled people into her own problems or brought them down with her own sadness, she'd rather look onward happily and make the best of things while she could.

She immediately befriended Tifa, quickly putting to rest any drama even though they had it out for the same man XD

She is an independent female and she takes shit from no one, although no doubt it may have hurt she decided enough was enough and refused to write to a man who would not reply to her.

Most of all she isn't a Mary Sue, as Asian female leads tend to be. She is beautiful, inspirational, and carried a burden all on her own throughout the course of Final Fantasy VII and she stuck it out til the end and never backed down and in the end made a great sacrifice.

What could be more respectful than someone who would die for the entire world, a world full of people she didn't even know? And some were people who wanted to hurt or imprison her, even though Aerith got the worst of the world she didn't let it affect her resolve to sacrifice herself.
Which is irrelevant to the statment in your initial post about and she sacrificed herself for the whole world.

I am saying that she did not. Because she did not. And I make this point because it is a very salient point about the

She still risked her life and freedom for Marlene, hence a sacrifice.

Cal, you're not one to call anyone a fanboy, since you're far more a fangirl than I could be a fanboy. I'm a fan of Aerith as well, but you, by your own admission, are not a Tifa fan.
My question about 'Are you telling me' was a rhetorical one. I did not expect you to provide me with information. The point was to try and trigger some reflection, to get you to look outside the bubble answer you've constructed for yourself. It apparently hasn't an effect. Also, the point of comparison of the smile to the flower was its RARITY in Midgar.
What? No, Cloud compared her smile to a flower because it's beautiful. He thought it was beautiful. What bubble are you talking about? Are you even reading what I'm typing? Are you telling me I can't have an opinion of who's better? :pitler:

And you won't go looking. Because you've already made your decision. And that, more than anything, is why we rankle.
Rankle? The hell? 8( I am not causing any bitterness between us, stop letting my personal opinion be the center of your world. I'm not looking because it'd be a waste of time, I've never seen any such thing. So, why don't you bring it here. :ryan: Please, I wanna be learnt.

And alongside all this she never once said "Help me" or "Save Me" when in danger, she courageously protected Marlene at the cost of her own safety. She cared for people she never knew - when Wedge fell from the tower while protecting the plate from falling she sheds tears for him.
Ooh, yes! That's exactly why I like her, too. Good wording. :ryan: I loved seeing how kind and selfless she was in those two scenes.
She is a strong yet feminine protagonist, she never had to be androgynous to be tough, serious and strong willed. I also love the majestic and mysterious aura they decided to give her it really ads to the entire movie vibe of the game.
Again, I agree. That was the beauty I was speaking of earlier.
She immediately befriended Tifa, quickly putting to rest any drama even though they had it out for the same man XD
Lol, true.

She is an independent female and she takes shit from no one, although no doubt it may have hurt she decided enough was enough and refused to write to a man who would not reply to her.
Two words. One song.
"I'm a Survivor"
Most of all she isn't a Mary Sue, as Asian female leads tend to be. She is beautiful, inspirational, and carried a burden all on her own throughout the course of Final Fantasy VII and she stuck it out til the end and never backed down and in the end made a great sacrifice.
*slaps on wrist*
No, no, it wasn't a sacrifice, silly. Yes, I agree, she had a huge burden on her heart and she never let it bring her down, even when she knew the dangers.

What could be more respectful than someone who would die for the entire world, a world full of people she didn't even know? And some were people who wanted to hurt or imprison her, even though Aerith got the worst of the world she didn't let it affect her resolve to sacrifice herself.
Purely poetic. :ryan: You seem to say what I wanted to say better than I could ever type it out.

For those very same reasons you picked Aerith for, are the same reasons why she's one of my favorite characters of all time.
Tifa. For one, she was much more practical, has mad awesome skillz of asswhooping, and is a very secure woman, which gets my vote. And she doesn't take shit from someone and ask to be rescued -- to hell with that! She kicks the shit out of the poor, stupid sonofabitch that tried to lock her up in the first place! Hell yeah!

Aerith was okay.... I definitely didn't like the way she kind of decided to give up and die; she never really fought to survive, which I could applaud her for, she just ran off knowing it would kill her and accepted it. :brooding: Which is stupid. Not to mention she was really laying it on thick with Cloud, the poor dear. Bad way to try and start relationship when one half of it is always flustered and embarrassed. And perhaps the most annoying thing about Aerith -- wearing boots with a dress. :rage:

EDIT: Tori Amos -- I demand you take back the implication that Tifa is androgynous. How could you possibly utter such a heinous, silly lie?
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Aerith was okay.... I definitely didn't like the way she kind of decided to give up and die; she never really fought to survive, which I could applaud her for, she just ran off knowing it would kill her and accepted it. :brooding: Which is stupid.
Some would say that kind of sacrifice was an amazing thing for someone to do.

Not to mention she was really laying it on thick with Cloud, the poor dear. Bad way to try and start relationship when one half of it is always flustered and embarrassed.
That was adorable. :mokken:

And perhaps the most annoying thing about Aerith -- wearing boots with a dress. :rage:

I agree, it's odd. But a mini skirt plus boots isn't very attractive either.
To Fiore Below: I sigh, and reiterate her decision was not to sacrifice herself. Her intention was to return alive. Accepting the risk to die on behalf of the world is not the same as deciding to die to accomplish the same.

Honestly, why your opinion should come in here and mean anything at all puzzles me Ryu.

But I'll entertain the notion.

Aerith knew her destiny and what was going to happen, that's the source of her denial of being an Ancient in the first place when she was a child, her real mother even told her she would leave Midgar one day and "find" her Promised Land.

"Then, I'll be going now. I'll come back when it's all over."


Isn't that what this line implies?

"I wonder what Aerith felt... when she was on that altar...?"

"I'm sure she wanted to give her life for the planet..."

And this one?

"...Aerith. Aerith has already prayed for Holy."
"...After I gave the Black Materia to Sephiroth...... Aerith's
words came into my dreams..."
"She said, she was the only one who could stop Sephiroth......
And to do that, there was a secret here..."
"That was Holy...... That's why, she had the White Materia.
Aerith knew about here... and what she had to do."

"Aerith has left us great hope. But, it cost her her life... her

"I'm sorry... Aerith. I should have figured this out sooner."
"...You left us without saying a word...... It was all so sudden,
so I couldn't think..."
"That's why it took so long for me to find out... But, Aerith...
I understand now."
"Aerith... I'll do the rest."

Tifa. For one, she was much more practical, has mad awesome skillz of asswhooping, and is a very secure woman, which gets my vote. And she doesn't take shit from someone and ask to be rescued -- to hell with that! She kicks the shit out of the poor, stupid sonofabitch that tried to lock her up in the first place! Hell yeah!

Actually Tifa isn't that secure, FFVII: Dismantled reads she gets jealous of Aerith.

Didn't Tifa make a promise with Cloud for him to come and rescue her? And I don't remember her kicking the shit out of Loz who lets face it-was able to take Marlene under from her protection.

I have nothing against Tifa, I like her a lot BUT it seems like you are contrasting her to the points I made of Aerith, and picking Aerith apart.

I won't sit Idly by and watch Aerith be picked apart :hmph:

EDIT: Tori Amos -- I demand you take back the implication that Tifa is androgynous. How could you possibly utter such a heinous, silly lie?

Tifa? Androgynous? I wasn't implying that at all I was referring to the typical Shonen Manga androgynous females who were the only strong women.
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:ffs: If people would just leave each others opinion be, enjoy the game for what it is, not turn stating their favourite character into stating their favourite pairing (which WASN'T asked) and just respect what other people might think, the world might just turn in to a better place.

It's not about stating true or false facts about what their reasons were. It's about why you picked them to be your favourite character.

This isn't about Cloud x Aerith.

This isn't about Cloud x Tifa.

Seriously guys? :ffs:
I second your post Kira. 8(

Fiore, those quotes about Aerith knowing what she had to do, is really interesting. I completely forgot about those. Great job on bringing those up.

To prevent any complaints, let's stop nit picking people's opinions, whether or not they're right isn't ANY of ANYONE'S business. This is a thread about people's opinions, now leave it be.
Colours and Sky are right, this is an opinion thread. You really don't need to argue your opinion. The game's been out for what, 13 years? Do you think you're going to change opinions?

Just state what you think, there's no need to start fights.


That said, I prefer Yuffie to both of them. :wacky: fast little thieves <3

I really don't think I can pick between Tifa and Aerith as a second, I like both of them for different reasons. It also varies by game/movie/media, since in Crisis Core I much prefer Aerith to Tifa, but in AC, I think I like Tifa more. In the actual game though... It really is hard to pick. I love white mages, but Tifa's a strong female character which isn't always very common in these types of games.

I'm not voting because I really can't decide. :wacky: Both :sad3:
On a personal note Tifa all the way she is great!

No one aspect defines her for me I just like the complete package of personality and her fighting style. her out look is very endearing and she cares about her friends..........l bet Tifa smells really nice:awesome:

No wonder raging kira was raging this thread went of the rails.........Tifa over Aeris for me.
Both is always a great choice, too. After all, both can be seen as strong and beautiful. Heck, lots of people can't pick between them. Maybe the poll should have had a "both" option?
Your absolutely right Cali both are good!

Possibly for completely different reason I find myself agreeing agree with you :kinky:
In these last couple of years I have found myself a little more drawn to Aeris, I think as the antithesis of Sephiroth as opposed to the the Girlfriend/Soulmate(Tifa) of the Protagonist(Cloud).

I want breakfast!:gonk:
That said, I prefer Yuffie to both of them. :wacky: fast little thieves <3

I really don't think I can pick between Tifa and Aerith as a second, I like both of them for different reasons. It also varies by game/movie/media, since in Crisis Core I much prefer Aerith to Tifa, but in AC, I think I like Tifa more. In the actual game though... It really is hard to pick. I love white mages, but Tifa's a strong female character which isn't always very common in these types of games.

I prefer Yuffie too. Too bad she wasn't in the poll. :cry:

I share much of the "I can't pick" which is why in my first post I put Tifa in. Tifa is strong, willful, funny, brave and a martial artist. That's awesome (Like Jay-Lo in Enough :hehee) and Aerith is as I said before "sweat person, who speaks funny (This guy are sick) and she is spunky".

But Yuffie and Tifa are great characters, and so is Aerith. There should have been a "both" option for the unsure/undeciding :x3:
Your absolutely right Cali both are good!

Possibly for completely different reason I find myself agreeing agree with you :kinky:
In these last couple of years I have found myself a little more drawn to Aeris, I think as the antithesis of Sephiroth as opposed to the the Girlfriend/Soulmate(Tifa) of the Protagonist(Cloud).

I want breakfast!:gonk:
Sure if your fandom swings that way. 8( I just still happen to think Aerith is better for many different reasons. I'd pick Aerith because, to me, she's just prettier. Not saying Tifa isn't pretty, but there's nothing outstanding about her, if you ask me. She just seems so... normal. Which, isn't bad. But if I could look like anyone in the world, it'd be Aerith. Aerith's even a great role model, if you ask me.

She's respectful towards others, never calls anyone any real names, never gets mad for petty things, she dresses like a lady instead of dressing skimpy to look "attractive", she's independent, strong willed, and has a strong faith in what she believes in.

She always puts others before herself and to me, that's an amazing quality in a person.

Sure Tifa can physically beat the crap out of Aerith, but if Tifa were to ever beat the crap out of Aerith, Aerith most likely would never hold a grudge towards her. In a matter of a fact, Aerith would probably walk away with not an ounce of anger towards her. THAT's why I think Aerith is better.

I mean, when Yuffie stole their materia Tifa said "I'm never gonna forgive her!" But Aerith says; "I'm so------mad!" I even remember Aerith telling the Don to take her instead. That says everything
WHAT! No Yuffie!!!!

Lol, well since I can't pick my favorite girl, I'll say Aerith. Tifa got way too whiney from the second disk to the end of the game, to the point that she greatly annoyed me. I mean "I just don't know what I'd do without Cloud!" OMG get your own fucking life! Also wasn't fond of the fact that she lied to Cloud about his past.

Tifa also looks like 90% of all anime girls. Long brown hair. She has the same face as Ukyo, Torhu, Rei Hino, yep you can put her in their clothes and she'll look exactly like them.

But Aerith. I like sweet gentle girls and I like healers. Healers are badass. I was a healer in WOW and everyone in PVP wants you dead because you can make it impossible for the other team to kill yours D:

And her life didn't revolve around one person. She sacrificed her self for the good of the planet. And she didn't do the annoying thing that all anime girls do where they go "Waah! No I have to be with my twu luv!!!!"
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"Prettier"? thats the word your gonna use?
How a bout striking or stunning or beautiful...........Tifa is normal looking and wholesome
and is caring, Aeris would hold a grudge if Tifa hit her.......of course she would Aeris is not a punching bag lol.

Tifa understands that the use of violence is necessary to protect others and would not hurt her friends anyway, Aeris on the other hand would not even defend herself.........hence why She hired Cloud to be her body guard, unwilling and unable to defend yourself may as well mean the same thing.

There is no right or wrong answer here just more preferences.

Sorry Rids.........yuffie the sexy minx is not in contention
Aeris on the other hand would not even defend herself.........hence why She hired Cloud to be her body guard, unwilling and unable to defend yourself may as well mean the same thing.

There is no right or wrong answer here just more preferences.

So... if I'm out somewhere, and I know someone is stalking me, and has the intention to kidnap and do God knows what with me, and I know that I could in no way stop or hurt this person if I am caught by him alone. If I ask a male friend, who is much stronger and more capable to escort me to my car or home, then I am unwilling to defend myself and useless D: Even if I were to get a surprise attack, I would try to fight tooth and nail which would probably still end up with me losing. Trust me, I'm not strong or tough in real life.

Call me sexist, but if you are a girl, and short, small, and not particularly strong, sometimes the smart thing to do is ask for help from someone else if you think that you might be in danger.

Ah this thread got closed once a long time ago due to drama.
Ah this thread got closed once a long time ago due to drama.


Like Rinoa stated, this is an opinion thread, so really, posts like "why do you think that, that's wrong" or "I don't agree with that!" aren't necessary, relevant or needed, from anyone.

That being said. I've never liked Tifa. I've tried to, and there's just something about her that just doesn't sit right with me. I didn't find her an altogether interesting character. I found the whole "childhood friend of the hero" to be rather cliché. Simply put, I just don't like Tifa.

Aerith on the other hand, I've always loved. Even before playing the game, everyone always referred to FFVII as "the game where the girl in pink dies!" I found her personality utterly fascinating, and I prefer her design by far. Aerith just appealed to me more as a character, and that's why she's one of my favourite characters in the game, if not the series.
Honestly, why your opinion should come in here and mean anything at all puzzles me Ryu.

Err, it's not my opinion. The creators have rather explicitly said 'No, Beautiful sacrifice is not the message. The message is that death sucks, it's sudden, it's unexpected, and it sucks. This was murder.'

But I'll entertain the notion.

Aerith knew her destiny and what was going to happen, that's the source of her denial of being an Ancient in the first place when she was a child, her real mother even told her she would leave Midgar one day and "find" her Promised Land.

Isn't that what this line implies?

No. It implies that she intends to come back when she's done praying for Holy.
You'll not she does not actually come back. She's still dead 'when it's all over.'

And this one?

Now include Tifa's line immediately following that one. It denies the idea that Aerith was planning on Dying, reinforces that she was planning on coming home.

With that said, I will relent on this matter in this thread. If you wish to continue discussing this, we can do so in another thread. I will see it if you make it.
Now, I normally wouldn't do this on this kind of a thread, since it's pretty clear that you're supposed to say WHY you like YOUR favorite and expect that others will not share your opinion thus making it pointless to argue about but what the hell.
Sky+Earth said:
Some would say that kind of sacrifice was an amazing thing for someone to do.

Oh sure, noble sacrifice and all that. But she didn't have to go to it like a lamb being led to slaughter, either. She just submitted to it, not even attempting a fighting chance. It's really the culture behind it that annoys me more than anything -- that women can make a sacrifice through The Power Of Love Inc., but being able to physically defend herself? Shit no, that just doesn't happen. There's a difference between a heroic sacrifice and a martyr. Because of her unquestioning, unresisting decision to let herself die, without even attempting to fight for her life, she strikes as me more of the latter. A person charging toward the enemy to hold them back, even though they'll die, just so the rest of the heroic band can get away is one thing; to be lead toward your death like a meek, tragic little thing is quite another. Now I expect you disagree with me on that, but I really can't say that it matters; my opinion alone. I'm sure you see differently, but at least now you know why I think that way. Insight, such a lovely thing to share. But let's agree to disagree, hey?

That was adorable.
Debatable. Adorable to some. To others, it was funny the first few times, and then it became awkward.

I agree, it's odd. But a mini skirt plus boots isn't very attractive either.
Don't you fuss with me, you whippersnapper! Tifa wore sneakers, a new order of less clunky. Aerith wore hiking boots. Hiking. Boots.

Explained with pictures!
What Aerith wore:

What Tifa wore:

Quite a difference there! And don't you go pulling up any original concept art or anything, everyone's feet look big in those, and they aren't proportionate anyhow. *shakes finger sternly* Putting boots on Aeris was just stupid design on Nomura's part, clear and sheer as that. Let's all pelt his dinky car with rotten potatoes or something and call it day, whaddyasay?

Tori Amos said:
Tifa? Androgynous? I wasn't implying that at all I was referring to the typical Shonen Manga androgynous females who were the only strong women.

Oh, okay, well in that case, demand withdrawn. You should really make your posts more clear about these things, you know, never know when a really rabid fan jacked up on caffeine might wander along...



Ha! A joke! Laugh at my own self-degradation please, I'm not sacrificing my pride for nothing short of at least a chuckle or two!
My opinion is that Tifa's a slag. Try fight that. :monster:

Seriously when did opinion arguing become so fashionable? Oh, I guess only when TxAxC is involved.. :hmmm: