Aerith or Tifa?

Aerith or Tifa?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 47 38.8%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 74 61.2%

  • Total voters
My opinion is that Tifa's a slag. Try fight that. :monster:

Actually, that's pretty easy, given that the definition of 'a slag' is rather incompatible with Tifa. It's also not an opinion. It's a substantive claim regarding Tifa, which can't actually be supported with evidence.
That's part of why I dislike 'opinion' threads. They are very rarely actually such. They most often turn out to be people claiming things about characters they like or dislike and then claiming these things are opinion.

Seriously when did opinion arguing become so fashionable? Oh, I guess only when TxAxC is involved.. :hmmm:

How is Cloud involved in the matter of treating substantive claims regarding characters and plot as if they were opinion?
Although we really only knew her for one disc, I really enjoyed Aerith a lot. I've said before how I loved how she appears all helpless and damsely, but she's pretty damn street smart and confident. I liked her outfit too. Something real sexy about that cord around her neck :ryan:

But still, even after all these years, I love Tifa more. Maybe she managed to one-up Aerith for me 'cause she's a physical fighter (nothing against Aerith being perceived more as a magical being, but I love chicks that fight with fists or swords ♥) and because she stuck around longer in the game, but something just clicked for me when I played and she just kept growing on me more and more. Like Aerith, Tifa is more than she appears. I love how even with her confident, hooter-like appearance, she comes off humble and polite, like the mountain girl we know she is.
Stevie already told you guys to cut it out, say your opinion and be done with it. There's no need to keep arguing and quite possibly derail the thread. If I have to tell anyone again, infractions are a definite possibility.

Knock. It. Off.

Thank you. :)
Rinoa, if I may be so bold, I do think it's important to clarify what actually is and is not an opinion. Because there is an important difference between an opinion about something 'I like pie!' and a claim about it 'Pie is evil and made of poison!'

Both are based on nothing, but one is decidedly not an opinion. While I will agree with the ruling to discuss matters of facts elsewhere, I do think pointing out when others are treating claims as opinions is valid in this thread if such are not allowed. Unless you'd prefer they all be reported.
I believe it depends on perspective. I think most of what has been stated in this thread could be taken as opinion, therefore I'm going to treat it as such.

Please stop taking this thread off topic. :)

If you believe that it's important enough to argue whether people are posting claims or opinions, you could always take it up with them via PM rather than having the thread turn hostile. :)
Actually, that's pretty easy, given that the definition of 'a slag' is rather incompatible with Tifa. It's also not an opinion. It's a substantive claim regarding Tifa, which can't actually be supported with evidence.

I don't quite see how one coincides to the other. It's not a substantive claim regarding anything. By me stating "My opinion is..." is akin to saying "I think..." Therefor, saying "I think Tifa is a slut" for any numerable reasons (and I don't think I need to say why :wacky: ). Therefor, it ISN'T supported with any evidence because it doesn't NEED to be. It's my own thought.

That's part of why I dislike 'opinion' threads. They are very rarely actually such. They most often turn out to be people claiming things about characters they like or dislike and then claiming these things are opinion.
Then... don't... post? :wacky:
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There's a reason I didn't include Yuffie in this poll, because when I asked you to choose between Aerith and Tifa what I really meant was, "Who would you choose as your girlfriend?" :awesome: And had I include Yuffie the pedo jokes would have been off the chain, trust me I've been on the Internet for five years. =[

But it was hidden under so much subtext that the original meaning was lost in discussion meanwhile I got to feel like a brilliant mastermind for about two seconds.

Thank you for playing "Aerith or Tifa" please remember that no actual commitments need to be made because neither of the choices available to you are real, therefore you may continue to see other people. :awesome:

No my point is that she did not even try to defend herself she went straight for Cloud,
Tifa would have defended herself and helped cloud, Aeris was a put in a situation where there was a strong guy who could help her and if Cloud were not there she would not have fought she would have gone willingly with no resistance, Tifa tears down the house in defiance coz she is strong and self reliant.

Lets try and not to forget that we are talking about a game........I dont want to start any arguments.

If you want to do Real life hypotheticals........then go to TotA.
Returning to the topic at hand: Another reason I prefer Tifa is that she was subtle about her intent. And it's probably st been damn crappy writing, but I thought it very odd when Aerith saw the big C-whose-name-shall-not-be-spoken-here for the first time ever and instantly latchedon to him. Laying it on a bit thick, I thought. It was suspicious, and I generally don't take a liking to characters I suspect of sabotage and betrayal. And what really got me is that she kept it up, throughout the game -- it was, well, tiring and a bit creepy. Like she hadn't gotten any action, found a fine specimen, and immediately started laying the groundwork to the obvious conclusion of such intent... needless to say, the way her dialogue was written, so obnoxiously flirty, made me suspicious and got rather tiring after a while. And as I said, that generally isn't conducive to liking a character.

Shame on the writers, I say.
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OT: I think Yuffie shoulda been included.. even if it does make some of us peado's. :wacky:

If I could add her I would but I'm not sure if I can. I'm not even sure if the staff have that kind of power. Oh well she can be added to a future poll like, "Who stole your heart?" then people can make bad jokes like, "Yuffie stole my heart. Because she's a thief and she steal things." Get it? :awesome:


...xD That kinda made me lol. Although I'm sure if there's enough demand, a mod could maybe add her in. :wacky:

I'll admit when I first played VII my first love was Yuffie.. it was through later playthroughs that I switched to Aerith.
I think I liked Aerith the most my first play. Though at the time I thought Tifa was -snickers- Barrett's wife and that meant -snickers- Marline was Tifa's daughter -snickers- so I didn't want to mess with the potential bride of Barrett lest I get smacked halfway across the room so that only left Aerith at the time.

My brother had the same thought as me his first play through too.
Aerith's in game artwork profile picture made her look old. Especially the faded gray near her bangs.. I thought she was an old woman at first. :sad3:

You know what's also startling now that I looked at that and thought about it... why it never actually kinda occured to some people that Marlene wasn't Barret's daughter. She isn't even the slightest bit coloured. :mokken:
Yeah Aerith is only older than Tifa by two years. Aerith = 22 Tifa = 20 at the time of Final Fantasy VII.

I guess they just assumed that the mother was white or that she was adopted. The way Tifa and Marlene connected I thought that was her mother so yeah, I assumed she got her mother's looks. I'd give Tifa points for being motherly but Aerith seems motherly too so they tie again =x
I like to use Tifa in the party more, because I generally prefer melee fighters more than mages, but I assume this poll is about personality and character development, and so my vote goes to Aeris. She is one of my favourite females from all of FF because she is too sweet and has that certain divinity to her. Tifa is great too, and she'd make a perfect girlfriend for Cloud too, just like Aeris, but I am more into the girls who are intact with their innocence and a somewhat naivity to the outside world. Tifa scores 10 points out of 10, but Aeris breaks the scale completely.
Aerith for serious relationship.

Tifa for booty call.

Reasons seem pretty apparent to me. :D


Channizard said:
Then... don't... post? :wacky:
Power Owned.

Tifa would have defended herself and helped cloud, Aeris was a put in a situation where there was a strong guy who could help her and if Cloud were not there she would not have fought she would have gone willingly with no resistance, Tifa tears down the house in defiance coz she is strong and self reliant.
you do realize, Tifa is physically stronger and bigger than Aerith, right? Of course Aerith can't defend herself against a GROUP of men. She was smart for asking for help.
Sky+Earth, I don't believe there was any negativity toward Aerith, there. I believe that the point is that whoever made the post (can find it) meant that they preferred Tifa's self-sufficiency more than they preferred Aerith's wisdom in getting and asking for help when faced with unfair odds.

Which I do feel sympathetic with: I don't doubt that it was smart of Aerith to ask for help (it's clear she is no expert warrior, so it is without question the right decision to make on her part), but I personally prefer a character that's more self-reliant. A personal preference made clear by way of a comparison, Sky+Earth, not a hateful remark on Aerith. But I can see why you thought so.
Yeah, especially, the way the threads been going lately. But when this; "willingly with no resistance" is said, it makes it seem like Aerith will just give up and be killed/raped/kidnaped. when she wouldn't. She does fight and escape, that's how she survived in Midgar.

It's just unlike Tifa, Aerith doesn't have the muscle to back her up.
Aerith would look a bit weird to be rippling with muscles. Plus then it takes away from the whole "frail flowergirl who needs to be rescued" persona she's got going on. Which at the same time, I think works with her. Because she's not your typical Mary Sue who asks for protection because all the bad men will get her... Sure she asks Cloud to be her bodyguard, but at the cost of a date. :wacky: While she's physically unable to protect herself, to me her personality is just so strong.