
Marin pushed as far as her legs would carry her before the sounds of other footsteps disappeared. Once at a safe enough distance, she did the logically normal thing to try and save her life, and that was to check with her angel.

Her Angel, a raggedy looking man, scruffy with a hat pulled down nearly over his eyes. His shoulders slacked, he shifted back and forth in her screen which finally cleared.

"Hello?" She called, looking right at him. Then realizing it was a phone..."Hello?"

"Oh. You're still here? How did that happen?"
His voice was gruff, yet relaxed.

"What do you mean? I thought you would know how I got here."

"No no. How are you still alive?"

Her heart dropped at the question. Without an answer, she lowered her phone and stared blankly at him. Was she meant to die so quickly? Was she even supposed to be alive now? Was this all wrong?

"You won't last much longer. Me either. I think you should just get it over with now anyway." He sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

"No! I don't want to be here, I want to live! Tell me what I can do!" She started to get angry with her Angel, what sort of help was he?

"There's nothing you can do. We're all going to die here eventually, you'll just be one of the first." She pressed the button to turn him off. His voice muffed as he still continued with discouraging messages.

"That's not true. I will survive." She mumbled to herself, pressing other buttons on the screen. Reading the FAQs and Rules of the Game, she familiarized herself with what was to happen if she were to escape. As it was already discussed, the others needed to die. She needed to acquire points. She needed to fight her way out if she wanted to live.

She swallowed a dry lump in her throat at the thought of bloodshed by her hands. If it came to it, she needed to. She'd have to.

"Yo.." He tried to call her, her phone flashing but she ignored it, scanning over the map. Her closest area was the hospital, pitting her inbetween that district and the Slums. "Hey..." Again, she ignored him. "....food drop.."


She turned up the volume on the phone, listening in. "W
hat are you doing still kicking? If you want some food there's a drop going on in Bradbury Park and the Hospital...But I doubt you'll survive to even get a taste."

She paused and let it sink in. She was close enough to the Hospital already, with no signs of others. Maybe if she could make it there in time. "Thanks, maybe you are good for something." She flipped the phone off and switched her direction slightly, making her way for the Hospital.
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The phone rang. X answered.

"How was your nap?"

"....*yawn* Less than fulfilling. You should know there's a food drop happening soon. One will be at Bradbury Park, one at the Hospital."

"And I'm sure that Gabriel or whoever is running this travesty is just going to hand out food to us with no possibilities of negative outcomes whatsoever."

" .... That's generally not how these things work, no."

A pause.

"Any chance of some booze in these drops?"

" ... *yawn* ... Doubtful. But stranger things so on and so forth."

"I don't think I have the stomach for food right now. But it might worth gathering some information on my marks. Which drop is closer to me?"

" ... *sigh* ... According to the map that you could easily pull up on your phone and look at yourself, the Hospital is closer. It also affords you a chance to watch the bridge between there and Bradbury Park."

"Anybody who goes to Bradbury Park will likely pass by the Hospital then. You're right, you're starting to be useful."



Father X had made his way to the Hospital district. Scoping the area, he looked to be the first to arrive. He didn't see anything that would resemble a food drop yet, and there were only a handful of likely places for the drop to take place. There was a helipad on the roof of the Hospital which seemed to him to be the most accessible place for the alleged drop to happen. Entering the Hospital, X went in the opposite direction of the helipad, taking a position in the eastern wing which would allow him to see both the entrance to the Hospital grounds and the bridge across to Bradbury Park.

Dragging a visitor's chair over to the window, X made himself comfortable and waited for the show to begin.

Kiresta heard a Noise. yet when looking around like a rabid Dog. She couldn't see much of anything. Noticing movement out of the corner of her eye She bolted down to the hospital.

Her boots pounded the ground as she turned into the hospital district. She didn't see the Drop anywhere so she resigned to looking around.

Walking down the main hallway she looked into the rooms. Yet she found no food, Nor trace of life. Exploring the Surgeon's wing Yeilded nothing. Not any surgical tools Nor Health kit's.

"the Reapers must have cleaned this place out before hand.." Kiresta mumbled. looking around cautiously. There We're cart's and Trays scattered around in rooms. yet she couldn't make use of any of them, The metal was too strong.

Walking back into the hallway She continued to scour the bottom most floor before supplies Coming up short on anything. She wasn't Surprized though, This was the first floor. and apparently it was for surgerys.

Climbing the stairs she silently entered the second floor. and wander'ed over to the Western wing. Exploring the many rooms. She attempted to find anything that could be used as a knife or something similar.

Walking back down the hallway she peered into a Examination room. A White sheet was set across the Examination table. Picking it up she sat on the table and opened her phone. "Maru?" Kiresta asked tentatively.

"Yes master?" Maru happily sang out. "Can you tell me why There aren't any medical tools here?" Kiresta Asked, Brushing her finger's across the sheet.

"I don't know master, Possibly the Reapers Tee-hee. Yet you could be missing things. did you explore the room Completely?"

"no..I was antsy" Kiresta replied. "I might go look..." Kiresta was mainly talking to herself now.

"Ok Master! Do be careful..People might be coming!" Nodding, Kiresta thanked Maru and out her phone away. Sighing she stood up. She was not liking this. her training in physical combat while extensive, Was never put into a real scenario. Leaving Kiresta worried about how to react to someone who could outwit, Outlast. and Overpower her.

"I wish I had a knife. Or a Gun. At Least I'm familiar with those things" she held up her Rock sack. "This thing will probably get me killed..."

(OOC: I'm not sure at how the hospital is supposed to be played out. So I had Kiresta only look briefly into rooms. just to check for "in your face" Supplies. Instead of going all Detective. The Sheet I expected to be there since it's a sheet. Which would always be left in plain sight since it's a sheet.)

(OOC 2: God damnit. Why do people post when i post! :rage: i mean it's not their fault but It's annoying when i have to make Kiresta act like an idiot. BUT OH WELL!)
Lafiel Gremory-Laffinty

The usual 9-5 Day

"Ah well, lucky for us this one, was one of those boring family man types."

The telltale disgust of Gabriel's voice was not missed by Lafiel. How could she when he is so open about it. The two were very different people, with Gabriel enjoying the carnage for entertainment whilst Lafiel herself just wanted some people to at least come back alive. She herself was unable to, but hopefully she can ensure that the game was played by the rules.... and that "she" didn't show up. He was a bearable man at the very least.

"I find that young people like these make for interesting entertainment... Something about that preacher rubs me the wrong way. And then there's the curious smell of a foul demon riding in the train car. I'd say we have an interesting bunch this round Lafiel"

So it seems. I do think this round shall go by rather fast, if they are as interesting as you say they are

"Oh here"

From his hand, Lafiel took the small headset and screwed it into her right ear. From within came Gabriel's assistant.

I think it's been a while sir! Oh? Hi Madam Lafiel!

Hello Nanicci. It is good to hear that you are still well.

"What is it Nanicci?"

Oh it seems the players have all gone their separate ways sir. It's been a while sir! The almighty is tiring sir!

"Right. It is about that time to handle the first food drop."

Yes sir! Oh! Madam! You will find your location to be stationed at the food drop in Bradbury Park! Sir Gabriel! Your station is near the hospital for the food drop there. There is only enough food for two people per food drop. Tell the rest that if they want food they'll have to kill those that possess it! Nanicci out!

"Alright Lafiel, we've got jobs to do. You can call me or contact me at any time. Nanicci will give you any info I pick up and vice versa. Let's move out."

Of course. Then, i shall be on my way.

As Nanicci sent off the mails towards the participants, Lafiel altered her vector values and shot off like a bullet, becoming a blur. At this speed, she should easily reach the park before anyone. However, just moments before the bridge, Lafiel slowed down to a walk. The hospital was to her left. By her guess she guessed that a few people would have already converged on it. The park is farther than the hospital, so when the contestants realised that it has been given already, they would go to the food drop at the park. With more time on her hand, Lafiel could probably take her time getting to her drop. If there is people at the park already, they'll have to wait.

Ryu Matsuri

A ring told him that he got a message. Flipping open the phone, Ryu read the message and smiled a bit. Apparently the person wants the alliance as well as long as kept his distance of three feet. Speeding up, Ryu soon reached the district. Seeing the Hospital, Ryu entered the hospital. He opened his phone up and start to whisper speak to Jenna.

Jenna: What's up bro?
Ryu: Is there any supplies left in the hospital?
Jenna: No idea there homie. I suggest improvising some stuff into weapons if you have to.
Ryu: Ok then. Get ready for a fight.
Jenna: Right.

Ryu hung the phone up as he made his way into the hospital. Looking quickly into each room, Ryu saw nothing that would be useful as a weapon. Just as he left a room, Ryu saw a shadow. Quietly following the shadow, Ryu peered from a corner of a hallway and saw a woman there holding up a bag of who knows what.

"This thing will probably get me killed..."

Ryu sighed as he walked around the corner and stood there.

"It's possible if you can use the rocks as projectiles." Ryu muttered as he held the trash can shield up.

Kiresta froze, Someone had entered the room.

Looking up she saw a man. he looked older than her at the very least. Well built and holding a Garbage can lid.

Slowly standing up she tightened her grip on the Scarf of Rocks. Trying to quell her Shaking hands she spoke. fingering the phone with the other.

"...Who are you?" She asked, Slipping into a Defensive Stance. She wished she could grab her phone, But he was to close in the room. Kiresta Backed Up and bumped into the examination table.

"...Are you here to kill me?" Kiresta asked. Fingering the phone.
Ryu Matsuri

"...Who are you? ...Are you here to kill me?"

Ryu shrugged as he looked at the girl.

"I'll be asking the questions and I'll only ask one question. Did you receive a message?" Ryu muttered as he curled a fist incase the person in front of him is not his contact.

Looking at the girl again, it was somewhat obvious that she was not expecting him considering that he just popped up behind her.
(OOC: This is the last post I'll make untill three/two more people have posted. So as not to spam)

Kiresta nodded silently.

"I did indeed Recive a message...Your The Sender, i presume?" Kiresta picked up the dropped sheet and starting intertwining it around her hands.

"Now I ask again. Who are you?" Kiresta fell back into a defensive stance, easily moving into position with easy acsess to the phone in case she needed it.

She stood stark still as she waited for a reply. This man could end her in an isntant. but if he tries he better be prepaired to have a real toughie on his hands.
It wasn’t long until she’d reached the outer limits of the Health District, the Hospital a several yards ahead of her. From way far back she thought she’d seen something.. a shadow, a figure? moving on one of the upper levels of the building.

What if she wasn’t the first one here?

With a deep breath, Marin pressed a few buttons at her side. “What can I do to defend myself so I don’t get my head blown off?”

“Run and hide somewhere?” He wasn’t very enthusiastic about it.

“No, really!”...”No, really.”

She sighed, taking the time to flip through some files on the database of the phone. Bits of information flashed across the screen, names, locations, powers? All things foreign to her but she would have to cram if she was going to stay alive. “You have... abilities?”

“Yeah. Not very good ones though. You can use them too, I guess, if you want.” He sighed, and pulled up his right hand, snapping his fingers and her small screen illuminated in a bright flash of fiery reds and oranges. “Fire?” “No, water.Great. Just when she thought he didn’t have an attitude.

“What can I do with it?” She tapped at the screen, trying to make some sense of it. “I don’t know. Does it matter? I guess you can light things on fire, maybe blow some things up. Kind of point and shoot with a flamethrower.” He shrugged his shoulders.

Marin glanced ahead, the figure that she’d thought she’d seen now gone from that level of the hospital. She pressed forward, trepidation in every footstep that brought her closer to the hospital. Once she was near enough, it was clear that others were nearby, at least from what she could hear. She was only on the main level of the hospital when she’d heard a few footsteps above her, the still air being broken by the faintest of voices. Someone was here... at least two, hardly aware of the third that sat just a few halls down.
Sarah Wisely

The phone was ringing, but Sarah was hesitant to pick it up. Huddling up behind the building was also a bad idea itself, just as leaving the phone ringing, but she was far too afraid to do anything else but tremble. A minute goes by without any further action. By then, she mustered up enough courage to check on the cell phone that she had picked up.


"Um…hi..er…welcome to the Afterlife."

".... Who's this?"

"Um, I’m…I’m Sanser your familiar."


"Please read the rules and regulations…..Um…er….Oh! And read the opponent info in the database of Afterlife if you want..."

"... Okay..."

"Um…er…I’ll see you then?"

"Ah wait... Um... Do you know where I am?"

"Um... Just, er, wait a moment... You're still near the train station."

"... Okay... Thanks Captain Obvious. Bye."

Without a waiting for his response, she quickly disconnected the call. Hearing another voice, even if it weren't someone she knew made her feel slightly better. She was starting to become more calm as she stared ahead at the endless ocean. The phone rings again as she does so.

"Hi...um....it....it looks like's there's a food drop...in Bradbury park and near the hospital....yea..."

"Oh okay, thanks."

Sighing softly, Sarah glanced in the general direction of where she presumed the hospital would be. Seeing the mass of buildings, some of which were taller than those it surrounded, she figured it has to be the place. It seemed by now many people had already left the station.

It was fairly deserted save for two figures, whom she could not clearly recognize, and the dead body of the poor man. Seeing the body sprung the memory back to mind as she began shaking in horror. All the horror movies could not prepare her for this day where she actually witnessed a murder occur right before her very eyes.

The hole that was formed and the disgusting pieces of that-which-Sarah-could-not-recognize that burst out from the back of his head...

To think she would see it up close! Sarah crouched lower as the revelation sank in. This was a free for all. No one was anyone's friend. When it came down to it, even she had to kill or be killed.
Father X sat reclining near the window, reflecting on the new information he had gathered from observing a few of his fellow competitors as they approached the Hospital, as well as what he saw on the train.

First was the girl with the pistol. Clarissa was her name, if he remembered correctly. Clearly she had no qualms when it came to killing someone. She wouldn't be a problem. The arrogant demons were always the easiest to draw out and dispatch. Their lack of temerity always made them play that "I'm invincible" card, which was fine and dandy when dealing with the common masses who didn't know any better. But when that demon ran up against someone who knew what they were doing, it became a problem. Of course, having a shotgun loaded with ammunition sanctified in the baptismal font at the Vatican didn't hurt matters either.

Then there were the two who came in to the Hospital earlier. A young woman and a young man, both of whom seemed to be nice, wholesome young people with bright futures. And, from the lack of fighting coming from below him, they seemed to have predictably formed an alliance. X had to wonder if they realized that two people could not emerge victorious from Citadel City. One of them would have to die. And if they were the only two left at the end, one of them would have to kill the other. Young people, he thought, scoffing. If only they were divested of their hope sooner.

And then there was the other young woman who came in later. She apparently had not come across the other two yet. But then, she just seemed to be a bit lost in general, he thought. She might be dangerous if she ever found a purpose.

It had been a few hours. X was beginning to wonder if this alleged food drop was just a hoax to get all the players together. It would be a clever ploy, he had to admit. Hell, he had fallen for it even though he had no desire to partake in the food distribution part. But it would be a way to heighten the odds that somebody would die. Or die again. Or whatever.

With nothing else to do, and still not having seen half the competition come by en route to one drop or the other, Xavier settled back into his chair, waiting.
Ryu Matsuri

"Now I ask again. Who are you?"

Ryu sighed as he decided to give his name before anything were to happen. In the living world, he would disarm and disable. But this is far from the living world and if he wanted to get out of this entire 'game' alive, he would have to play smart. Step one is to get her to lower her guard and if giving his name was the first step, then he will take it.

"I am Officer Ryu Matsuri. I have told you my name. How about you tell me yours?" Ryu muttered as he looked at the woman and her cloak of heavy stuff and her soon to be formed rope.

He subconsciously got into a half ready stance so he can dodge out of the way should the woman decide to try and kill him.
As it had turned out, Cora had told her of food in the park. She couldn’t have been more lucky. Alyss was already on the way there! Without waiting for Cora to chew her out over anything else, she picked up her pace to the park. Besides, the hospital was closer to the train station than the park. Most people would probably be heading there. If she could get to the park first while everyone else was swarming the hospital, she would have an entire food drop to herself.

From there, she could find a nearby building and hide in it. Surely there had to be something there she could use as weapon. It would be a perfect spot for an ambush as well. It made sense; it really did. However, she wasn’t sure if Cora would go for it or not. Cora seemed to be out for blood while Alyss seemed to be doing everything she could to ignore it. Normally, Alyss wasn’t the type to try and sucker up to someone. However, Cora was a demon… Alyss didn’t feel very confident back talking a demon in the slightest.

“I will fight at some point, I swear. I have to use some kind of strategy, though.” There was no reply from the phone. At that point, she wanted nothing more than to go back and pick a different demon that didn’t scare her with talks of blood. As she neared the park, she saw what appeared to be a crate. It wasn’t very big, but from the looks of it, it was exactly what she was looking for. Before she took another step closer, she looked around to her see if anyone was nearby. From the looks of things, the coast was clear.

Slowly and cautiously, she walked towards the crate. After she peered inside of it, she tried to lift it. It was heavy, but not overly so. If anything she could at least drag it somewhere. There was a nearby building that looked to be abandoned. Thinking it a perfect base of operations, she started sliding the crate to it. There was broken glass everywhere around, but she paid it little mind. Once she got the crate inside the building, she closed the doors behind her and took the crate behind a wall. There were no windows, so being seen didn’t seem like much of a possibility.

However, one thing did catch her eye. It was a smallish kind of wooden baseball bat. It wasn’t the best weapon in the world, but it would have to do. She picked it up and quickly ran back to the crate where she thought about her next move.


The boy stood in a circular space of buildings. The Hospital entrance loomed tall behind him. Other buildings surrounded his sides to fit the curve of the large circular space. He pulled out a microphone, knowing that every player within this setting would hear him. "Attention all players." He began searching the barren streets with his eyes. "I have before me two sacks of food full enough to properly feed one person. The first player to reach me will obtain the reward of nourishment. The second and third players to reach me will have to claim their sack of food, yet they will have to pass a test or strengthin order to acquire the meal."

Gabriel's voice boomed through the district. He held out two sacks of food, filled with a fresh loaf of bread, a bottle of water, a slice of moist cake, and an apple. The man stood stiff waiting to see who would dare approach him. For he had one task for the group who were to reach him. Such were the rules of the game. Gabriel's eyes searched fast around the barren city wasteland. He saw not one player. "Ah the silent treatment aye?" he mumbled.


Sir! Sir! I see many players in the district sir!

"I guess they must be hiding. Maybe I should help them." Gabriel spoke holding his palms in the air for a moment before slamming them on the cold ground before him.

For a moment it seemed as if nothing happened until a hideous creature burst from the concrete of the ground. Many more of the imp creatures escaped behind the first, four hideous monsters for four nearby players. For a second these imp demons had done nothing. And then in a rage they let out an ear piercing screech before running off in separate directions to hunt down and kill any players in hiding. Patient waiting was all Gabriel could do for now.

Madam Lafiel! Madam Lafiel! Two players have spotted the food crate in the park. What would you have me do with them madam?


Ryu: Oh great! Here comes a demon. I guess your end came sooner than I thought it would huh?

Jenna: Yuck! What the heck IS that thing? It's coming for us! Quick yo!

Maru: Master! Master! Take action quick! An icky demon is coming after you!

Bastion: *yawn* Oh? You should probably get ready. There's an imp demon *yawn* behind you.

Demon profile:
Name: Imp

Description: Hideous abominations of God. These creatures have the gift of flight. However they prefer to use their claws to tear into a victim's flesh and/or rip their victim's eyeballs out.


Clarissa Montague & Romeo Willis

"Stay here?!"

"Yes I'll get the food. You just focus on the bridge!" Clarissa spoke as she ran towards Bradbury park, with both hands around her pistol.

Romeo gasped. "Such a controlling bitch." he chuckled before clapping his hands together.

The runes he planted on the Eastern bridge exploded with such sheer force it shook the whole of Citadel City. Clarissa ran through trees and as she did she collapsed upon the ground and smiled back at the sight behind her. The bridge was collapsing into the sea and the force shook the area around her violently. Her plans to survive were going just fine. "Whooooo! YEA!"

She could hear Romeo's cheer of their success in the distance. Clarissa had to chuckle a bit to herself. If this whole competition were a dream of hers she wouldn't want to wake up anytime soon. It took her twenty minutes to reach Bradbury park and only 30 seconds to hear footsteps. The girl could see no food, not reaper, no players, nothing. However she could hear the moving of a crate up ahead and must have realized someone beat her to it."Fuck." Clarissa swore letting her own frustration get the best of her.

So many thoughts were swirling through her own head. One thing was certain in her mind. She would survive no matter what. She just had to! Even if it meant killing all of these other people. After all they were all already dead right?

Clarissa crept silently towards the shuffling sounds coming from a building near the park. She held her pistol steady in front of her. "Anita please stop annoying me." she whispered to her angel before entering the building, her pistol aimed at the redheaded girl whom she recognized to be the whiner from the train.

"What have you got there?" she asked softly while examining both the girl, the large wooden crate, and her finger on the trigger.
OOC: Btw, can i control Nanicci like i did with Reyu in crystalius?

Lafiel Gremory-Laffinty

Like moths to a light

It wasn't hard to notice the increasing number of people that were going into the hospital. From experience, she could hazard a guess and say that at the very least, there was three right now within the vicinity. Unfortunately, only two of those will procure food and rations so altercation and confrontation was mere minutes away. All that was Gabriel's problem now. Lafiel had the park and it was going to be a while before it got heated up. It took a further 15 minutes to stroll across the long bridge and Lafiel took a deep breath in. Parks were soothing, no matter the circumstances. Spending another 5 minutes dwaddling around and without a purpose, the maid got back to her job and went looking for a post.

Hmmm... well.... let's make it easy for the first one. I guess i can set up at the main fountain in the middle of the park. Open and clear. I can see everything from here.

Within minutes, Lafiel reached the main fountain. Lights were lit all around the perimeter of the bricked clearing and water flowed from the decoration. It was indeed a large fixture, with multiple levels of bowls and knights and ladies all carved and positioned around with a large rearing unicorn at its apex, looming over the fountain. Testing her footing, slowly, she made her way upwards towards the unicorn. Feeling somewhat whimsical tonight, Lafiel wanted to sit on the haunch of the beast, rather than wait on the ground. She could have used her powers but this was more fun in her eyes.

Indeed. The view is not too shabby.

Checking to make sure she would not be exposing herself, Lafiel sat down on the marble saddle, closing her leg and waited.

Madam Lafiel! Madam Lafiel! Two players have spotted the food crate in the park. What would you have me do with them madam?

Oh, that was quick indeed.

The reverberation from the collapsing Eastern Bridge was quite obviously the doing of one of the players. A smart one at that. Lafiel waited for a second, wracking her head for something to do. She knew Gabriel was going to summon something nasty or such, but like she said before, Lafiel wanted to take it easy for the first run.

Well, my dear Nanicci. I was going to let them have it easy, but nothing said they won't be working for it. Keep on the line.

Zooming all the way to the building in which the crate and the two contestants were in and with one swift motion, tapped the girl's gun hand, ruining her aim and swooped up the heavy crate. Holding the wooden box on five fingers only like a waiter, Lafiel curtsied at the two

Evening. Lafiel Gremory-Laffinty, at your service. I am a colleague of Master Gabriel which you have met at the station. While i can just allow Mistress Clarissa here to just execute Mistress Alyss, I am afraid i would prefer something different.

Whilst still talking, Lafiel pointed the box at the now open door. With a reassuring smile, she continued.

Do not worry. I am not as sadistic as Master Gabriel. This first task is quite easy. Just fetch it... well the tickets anyway. Nanicci, A pair of demon pups please.

Lafiel shot two large medallions out the door before being swiftly caught in mid air by a pair of demon pups. Without a pause, the pair darted off into the dark shrubbery and into the park.

Oh, and Nanicci, some prepubescent shadow spawns, just to make it a bit more challenging.

All around the park, small shadow spawns emerged from the ground mulling about.

Rest assured, these spawns are easily dealt with if one is careful and the pups will stay within the vicinity of the park. Although they will be separated by a fair distance as to not make it so easy. So retrieve the medallions and bring them back to me. One medallion, one sack. Happy hunting, and good luck.

However, sensing that Mistress Clarissa wasn't going to be that civil if she left, Lafiel remained inside, smiling and still standing in between the two. Lafiel was determined to give Alyss a sporting chance at least. Call it whatever anyone wanted, but there was nothing Clarissa can do unless she was gutsy enough to fight her.

Ma'am, don't you think this is a bit..... childish and easy?

Ah, it should be fine. I prefer scales.

If you say so Madam Lafiel.

Demon Profile:

Name: Shadow Spawn


Description: Demon spawns made from shadows. Weak and slow without much intelligence, these demons will, however, without fear approach a being regardless of power. Its only main offense is small immature claws which they use during their flailing.

Name: Demon Pups


Description: Young demon dogs which have yet to fully mature. Lacking in magical powers, they are, however rather dangerous with their sharp teeth and claws and can be just as deadly modern dogs.

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[OOC: Halfway through my post, I refreshed to see a couple of new posts... lol. Here goes, anyway]

Sarah Wisely

Considering the speed at which Sarah was moving despite crouching and ducking from cover to cover, she reached the hospital in mere minutes after she had set out. Up ahead, Sarah spied a female figure entering the hospital. Yet a general survey of the hospital building's windows suggested there was someone else facing her general area. Ducking back behind a building, Sarah's pulse spiked as she whispered a prayer.

"Oh, God... D-don't let him see me. Don't..."

As she uttered those, she felt herself trembling again. Her legs felt like jelly as she staggered out of sight. "I-I must find something to defend myself with, damnit. Damnit," She mutters as she glance around on the floor, scanning the patches of grass for something she could use.

"God damnit."

Sarah slams her fists against the wall as she fell to her knees.

"Why am I dead? Why can't I just die and be nothing at all. Oh God. What about Mum and Dad?" Her tears were welling up in her eyes. Slamming her fists against the wall again, she sighed," Calm down, girl. C-chill. Chill out."

Leaning against the wall, she took a deep breath. Grabbing her cell phone, she looked at the screen, clicking on the "Abilities" tab to expand it. It showed only one name 'Soaking Shield' and a number that seemed like the points required. She quickly dialed the number of her angel.

"Um.. Hi?"

"What's this Soaking Shield?"

"Er, well, it blocks most physical attacks..."

"Oh.. Okay. Thanks."

As the line cut off, she gripped her phone tightly. Edging closer to the hospital, she peered over to the hospital entrance. There had been several people that went in so far and no signs of trouble.

"M-maybe I should go talk to them?"

The thought was a tempting one, but in light of the current circumstances, it seemed like a mammoth task. Then there was the issue of the figure by the window. Who's to say someone owns a rifle of some kind?

Sarah sighed as she hesitated, ultimately succumbing to taking this risk. Walking out from behind the building, she stared at the window to watch for any signs of hostility. As soon as she reached the door, she kicked it open and dashed in. Just as she does so, the screams of some foul beast echoed through the building, startling the girl and subconsciously leading her to activate her Soaking Shield.
(Correct me if I may or may no have misinterpreted some posts/writings. But here's my confrontation with Valk. Thats as much as you get out of me for tonight tho. Sweepy.)

Marin explored through the main entrance of the Hospital, careful to open and shut the doors as quietly as she could to draw less attention to herself. Little did she knew she was being followed.

Her stealth mode was deactivaed when she let out a short yelp at the booming voice, familiar, Gabriel? He was calling out to her, to all of them. He had the food? Where was he? He sounded so close by, was he outside? She went back to the door peering through the small windows to find him standing outside by himself, holding a couple of sacks.

He explained the rules of the game; strength, prove yourself worthy to survive, of course, just like anything else here. But he was only a few feet away, surly victory was within her grasp. She could just run out and grab the first sack of food for herself. That is.. until demons started rising from the ground.

Hellish apparitions skipped along the ground, and their sudden appearance caused her to back away from the door instantly. She covered her mouth to hide any harsh breathing that may or may not attract them, and she waited a few moments before peering out again. Two of them were patrolling around Gabriel, making it no walk in the park to get food.

“Oh Great! Here comes a demon. I guess your end came sooner than I thought it would, huh?”

Ryu spoke to her without even being called, his message screening from within her pocket. She gritted her teeth, annoyance tensing up within her.

“Those things... Can fire kill them?” She reached in and gripped her phone tight, almost as if she wanted to hurt him for not being supportive. Some partner.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you try and find out? The worst that can happen is that you die.” He stroked his chin a moment and sighed. “Except you’re already dead.”

“Shut up!” Marin paused, realizing she may have revealed herself to others by her sudden outburst and cursed herself inwardly. As she thought about her situation and began to back away from the entrance to put as much distance between herself and those demons for now, someone had just come bursting through.

The sudden appearance of one of her foes caused her to yell out, stumbling back several paces and throwing up her arm, holding her phone up defensively. After a quick examination of the person; a girl, alone and just as scared as she was, she hesitated. Then another thought dashed in her mind and suddenly she was yelling at them. “Close the door!” Don’t want any of those demons inside.
[OOC: I'll probably stay up a little later tonight to post more now that I'm making contact eh. Hehehe!]

Sarah Wisely

Sarah would have attacked the girl if not for what she said at the last moment. Instead of addressing her as an enemy, her words seemed to imply an alliance of some kind. True or not, it wasn't an issue now. The hellish screams from earlier seemed to have come from a beast more fearsome than a fellow human being. Without thinking much, she turned and slammed the doors shut.

She hurriedly tried to feel around the door for a lock of some kind, but quickly gave up on that. Glancing over to the girl brown-haired girl, she decided to make a break for it. "This door w-won't hold," Sarah said, trying to hold back her fear. "W-we need to run. Further in. I saw someone else inside."

It would have seemed like a silly move to make if Sarah were in a less stressful situation. However, the circumstances left her with little chance to consider the possibility of death in choosing that route. Sarah broke into a run from the door, grabbing the girl's hand as she dragged her along deeper into hospital.

Her run was impeded by her own fear. With every two to three steps or so, she would toss a fearful glance over her shoulders. Running along with someone beside her only served to make her run all the more haphazard. "The eastern wing! Follow me," said Sarah as soon as the two were some distance away from the entrance.

Beckoning the girl over, Sarah continued on her way towards the eastern wing.

"I am officer, Ryu Matsuri. who are you?"

Officer? So he was a police officer. huh.

"Kiresta calisto, Scientific Detective in training" she replied. cursing herself for giving her name now that she thought more about it. he could get under her skin. but oh well now.

"...Do you really want an alliance?" She asked. "Or is this some ploy to get me killed....I don't think it's possible for two people to win this....right?" not faltering for one second

Suddenly her phone beeped and Maru's voice echoed out.

"Master! Master! Take action quick! An icky demon is coming after you!" Kiresta froze after Maru finished. A Demon..? well shit. Cracking her knuckles she looked straight at Ryu. "Shall We kick ass?"

She silently started concentraiting.Maru's said this was how to activate the sleep ability. If she could cause him to be drowsy(Or Really drowsy if she can concentrate hard enough). she could test his mettle. She doubt he would die, but if he was busy fighting while tired his stamina would be down and that would cause him to take time with the Demons. she might be able to check for food.

Or Kill him, But she doubted she would or could. Which was stupid, This guy could kill her in an instant. and was probably planning to anyway. she really shouldn't have accepted that proposal.

And then she heard the Demons
Ryu Matsuri

"Kiresta calisto, Scientific Detective in training....Do you really want an alliance or is this some ploy to get me killed....I don't think it's possible for two people to win this....right?"

Ryu sighed a bit. She was just as tense as he was, even more so. Ryu decided to answer her questions.

"Yes I want an alliance. You did take a look at the prizes right? There are two return to life options as the prize. If it came down to it, I will see to it that you get out of here first." Ryu answered before he heard a loud voice.

"Attention all players. I have before me two sacks of food full enough to properly feed one person. The first player to reach me will obtain the reward of nourishment. The second and third players to reach me will have to claim their sack of food, yet they will have to pass a test of strength in order to acquire the meal."

Ryu nodded a bit before an inhumane roar was heard, instantly putting him on alert.

"The hell was that?" Ryu muttered as his phone rang.

Quickly opening the phone, Ryu put the phone up to his ears as he listened.

Jenna: Yuck! What the heck IS that thing? It's coming for us! Quick yo!
Ryu: Thank you very much Captain Obvious.

Closing his phone, Ryu looked over to Kiresta as he opened the door.

"Shall We kick ass?"

"OK. But let's get back outside so we are not at a disadvantage." Ryu replied as he ran out of the room and back towards the entrance. Bursting out of the hospital, Ryu saw Gabriel standing there. Just before he took one step, something swooped in front of him. Ryu jumped back slightly as he barely missed the sudden attack. The being flew back up to the air as Ryu caught sight of what Jenna was warning him about.

"The hell is that? Any case, let's take it down quick." Ryu muttered as the being flew at him again, swinging it's deadly claws at him.

Ryu raised the trash lid up and caught the attack. But more worrying for him is the fact that the trash lid did not fare well against the attack as the claws left a small but clean cut into the shield. Taking note of the fact, Ryu dropped the shield and got into his martial arts stance. The imp flew in to attack again, but Ryu was ready as he grabbed one of the imp's arm and threw it to the ground. The imp tried to get back to the air before Ryu jumped on it's back.

"Time to see if what Jenna said is right." Ryu muttered as he pointed his hand at the imp.

Nothing happened at first until the temperture started to drop as an ice spike started to grow from Ryu's hand. Once the spike got to a foot length, the spike fired off into the imp's head, killing it. Getting off of the imp, Ryu was about to make his way to the angel/man when is phone rang again.

Ryu opened it and saw that he had a message. Quickly reading it, Ryu's mood fouled quite a bit before he closed the phone.

"So much for benevolent." Ryu muttered as he walked up to the angel.

"Ok you bastard, you never mentioned anything about those things coming after us." Ryu muttered as he turned around to look at the hospital.