Any plans for tonight?

Going to whip out the ol' Jack and Coke and investigate the reason behind it 'not' making me drunk on Saturday night. <_<

Shall test it against my other bottle and see how weak it is. XD

Then I shall pick a movie.

I have 4 options:

* Twilight. Seen it before so I'll leave that one until last.
* Yes Man. Seems hilarious so I really want to watch it first. XD
* The Day The Earth Stood Still. Not something I'm overly excited about.
* Marley and Me. Definitely can wait. Not overly fussed on it.

So it seems the Yes Man has been decided. XD
I'm going to level up and get sources AGAIN then play abit of resident evil 4 (trying to get the perfect file lol) then sleep
Well it's 5pm and people are meant to be coming over at 7pm for my housewarming party.

I still have to shower, hook my computer up to the T.V SUB and then organise seating for everyone!

Holy shit I just realised I forgot to go to mums and get more chairs!!! :gasp:

Oh my effing gosh I am screwed!!! D=
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Just got in from seeing Terminator Salvation not to long ago. Was pretty damn good I have to say. Best in the series I think. Lot more stuff blowing up that's for sure, but hey that's what I like lol.
I plan to get in from work and just fucking relax. Obviously I'm going to be doing stuff for the surprise, but I'm not doing anything that requires leaving my room tonight. I'm going to be working my arse off for what could be eight hours. I need to kick back and relax more.

Might even play the RPG tonight... like I keep saying I'm going too. <_<
Im in work 1 till 7 and after that I have no idea. Grandparents are having their mate round for few drinks, not sure what Im doing lol.
I plan to go out with my friends. We'll decide between three possible events:

- snooker, which I really want to play;
- catch a movie, maybe Star Trek AGAIN (I loved it and I'll watch it as many times as possible XD), or
- play poker, which is another good idea.

Whichever happens, I'm fine with it. ^^
Tonight I'm probably going to take it easy and just watch Marley and Me with Steve.

I really just feel like having a good long sleep tonight. I don't want to have bloodshot eyes for work again.

They must think I'm a stoner or something. <_<

When it's all due to the fact that I have to stare at a computer all day for my job and then I come home and stare at a computer for another 5 hours or so and then go to bed late. XD

So anyway enough rambling. I'm gonna go get some fish and chips, take back the chairs I borrowed from mum and dad last night for my party and then come home and watch Marley and Me. =)
I'm going to just watch some movies tonight.

I also have to take back the ones I borrowed from the video store and while we're down there we'll probably get some take-away for dinner.

Hmm, I think I might watch 'Take Away' the movie tonight now. XD

Then I think I'll just go over my entries for SOTW and AOTW. XD
Looking forward to receiving those entries, Kandy ;D

I'm going for Japanese food with my girlfriend, which is great since I haven't seen her since Sunday, and then we might be going back to her place >_>

And then at home, I'm going to go to bed early, and watch Britain's Got Talent. Cause I'm kewl like that. :wacky:
Well it's Saturday night, so party 'awn!

My boyfriend is coming over to my place to stay the weekend and we'll hopefully get some drinks, watch some Lost probably and just have a relaxing time.

I might work on some GFX.
Well tonight me and Steve are going to one of his mates parties.

I'm not going to drink though, so I think it's only fair if I don't help him pay for drinks. Considering he'll drink the rest of the bottle at tomorrow nights party for his other mate. XD

I really wanna go to the lookout! I haven't been their in ages and it's so nice!

Brings back memories of when me and Steve first got together too. XD
I'll be off to PCD's (Pussy Cat Dolls :gasp:) concert in Manila in an hour. Unilever sponsored the event and my mom's a director there so me and my sister got V.I.P. tickets. Not that big of a fan, but why pass up the free, awesome tickets? :gasp: :awesome:
Eh I just intend on watching 'The Wedding Crashers' and eating the bacon and eggs Steve finally conjures up.

I'm freakin' hungry for some BACON!!!

Odd thing to be saying when Swine Flu's about. <_<

Aye I think I'm becoming an alcoholic. Well not really. I have like one drink a night I've noticed lately and I don't know why.

I don't really fancy the drink that much and I don't really intend on getting drunk either.

I think I just like to pour it and look cool is all. <_< XD
Well, it's 11:26pm here. And I've done nothing all night =)

Tomorrow is friday night though...So no doubt it will involve copius amounts of alcohol.
Soccer practise tonight which I really am looking forward too. and after that i guess I'm going to play some FF :D
Since i'm in the middle of studying for my exams, I'm nerding it up a lot. Gonna head out on Saturday and go on the tear for a bit, but then it's back to nerding.

I really want this month to be over. At the end of this month, I predict i'll be on one of the biggest piss ups of my life.
I'm just going to sit on the computer and finish my tagwall entry for tomorrow.

Then I'm gonna go over my SOTW and AOTW entries and then edit my FFF Video entry some more.

After that I reckon I'll watch a movie of some sort.

We are having DIM SIMS tonight and Jack and Coke!

Though I think we need more coke.

Sigh aren't my weekends so eventful. XD

I was meant to go out to my mates tonight but she never got back to me. I didn't want to go out in this weather anyway. =P