Any plans for tonight?

Nope nothing at all, im working tommorrow. Its a 7am start so il have to get to bed early ish if im gunna get up in time. So itl be a quiet night in with tv and a takeaway i think.
I won't be online tomorrow, so I'l post now. Just relaxing tonight. Got most of my shit packed for tomorrow. Off to Blackpool over night for fancy dress with the girls, should be a great night, I well can't wait, I'm gunna end up spending a FORTUNE, so I wont be going out for a good while after this so Im gunna make it a good 'un
No real plans tonight.

I was meant to go to a workmates place for drinks and play some pool, but I lost her address. <_<

So I'll probably just sit here at home again or take Steve out to dinner if I'm up to it.

Kinda wanna surprise him like he did when he bought me my new computer chair! XD

If I don't do any of those things I'm gonna fix up my FFF Video again. I always save it thinking it's all good and then go, "I reckon that bit looks dodgy. I should fix that. Oh and I can add this in here too. etc." <_<

Nothing planned for tonight, but I think that I'm supposed to hang out with my cousin tomorrow, to play some Rock Band with her. Since most of her gaming materials were stolen a while back, that means I'll probably lug around a plastic drumset, 2 fake guitars, and a microphone. Eh well, I used to do that when I first got Rock Band for Christmas. She could just come over to my house for that, but well, she really doesn't like the smell of smoke radiating from our house, thanks to my parents, and I can't really blame her. Besides, plastic instruments aren't that hard to carry.
Probably catching a movie with the crew on my dorm floor. We're still sorta restricted to going out past curfew at night at the Air Force Base I'm at until next week.

So probably movies, more pizza, and might hop online here a bit before doing some classwork.
No plans for tonight, but tomorrow morning I leave for Iowa with my friend. :)
I would have posted earlier on but I went straight from work to my plans. :dave:

I went down the park with (nearly) my entire school year, along with the year below, for a final "farewell" to one of our friends, who's leaving for Qatar on the 1st of July. Sad days are approaching somewhat quickly.
girly night in with clare

but we ran out of wine like, half an hour ago, so shes gone to bed and Ive come online xD

weve had a really go od night though, good old gossip, putting the world to rights, eating pizza and other such j unk food, and complaining at te fact we ran out of win half an hour after the ashot shut, sucks to be us

we also watched Peep Show, cant beleive i neve rwatched that before, its hilarity
I would have posted earlier, though I didn't get a chance to get on here today. :gasp:

We went out for dinner with Steve's family to celebrate Steve's grandad's and grandma's 58th wedding anniversary.

Even though his grandma passed away around 7 years ago, he still celebrates it which I think is really nice.

And anniversary's are the only thing they can celebrate due to their religion.

I got tired really quickly after one drink though.

I really should go to bed now.
Livin this thread up a bit. I'm going out bowling with the fellas, and grabbing a brew or 6. I plan on taking it easy, since the last few nights I've been a bit on the sleepless side.

Anyways, I'm out.. later yo.
One has no plans for the weekend :gonk:

I'm doing nowt but recovering and eating ice cream. No beer for Kelly, I shall make u for it next weekend, or perhaps the weekend after, theres a girly night planned at some mansion Im told she has like, a stream in her back garden, Im well taking my camera ¬¬ - She's friend of a friend, she's dying to meet me apparently, Clare says she is insane, so we should get on swimmingly, not sure how to take that....:wacky:

So anyway, nothing tonight, or tomorrow, curses to the stitches
Tonight I just went out to my mates place for a few drinks and a BBQ.

She made the best effing potato bake. *drool*

I had two plates. XD

We played a few games of pool and played with her two puppies. Was heaps of fun.

Though we left rather early due to being tired. XD
Tonight I'm going out with a few mates. I have absolutely no idea what we will be doing though. It is Monday night of all things and there is very little to do. But whatever, I'm sure we will end up finding something to do.
Tonight I intend on staying in, save for when we duck out to get some take-away.

May watch some more of the O.C. again and then go to bed.

I'm also sitting here patiently waiting to buy something off of Ebay, though I just need to wait for a reply from the seller.

I really want this week to hurry up and finish so that my weekend can come sooner!
I just got home from varsity training and it's 10:30pm. Fabulous.

So my plans for tonight? A relaxing bath and then hours and hours of sleep. :ffs:
Well I got big plans for the weekend. Gotta go home and pick up a ring in Nashville, TN. Head back on Sunday and pick up L and head to ATL. Go to a tool concert and propose to her.. then go to six flags the next day..

Right now, trying to stay focused and not be nervous as hell. Not working too well.
Pah, Ive no plans AGAIN.

I MIGHT gt myself a bottle for tomorrow night, or I might just have a weekend off and maybe mong out infront of the TV and watch some Buffy, t hen if I finish that off, Il carry on with FFX.. my friend wants me to go out down Bridge with her tomorrow but I was strong and said no

Im getting old -_-
I'm going to a gig tonight and then out for drinks for my birthday. And tomorrow night i'm going to a friend's 21st with my girlfriend that's in a different county, so there'll be some camping.
went to this party where u can only wear black or white and u get these face masks was pretty fun lots of drinks n dancing =D
It's my friend's step dad's birthday. So I'm going over to my friends place for a BBQ dinner type thing. Then I'm going out to a pub with a few friends and we will probably end up going somewhere else after that.