Any plans for tonight?

Well I wouldn't say tonight, but tomorrow night I definitely do. Aside from cleaning up after 16 or so girls two nights ago - I plan on having a Halloween grill out... So I have a lot of people to cook for.

This will be fun.. just call me Chef.. Wang.

You have been deleveled!
Nearly the same here! It's not tonight, but tomorrow night I'm going to a Halloween costume of course!

Anyone here played JUON The Grudge? I wanted to dress up as that horrific looking girl in the game, but that was a little too ambitious for me.
I might be going out as a Ghostbuster to a local pub.

It's Halloween'ish time and there are a lot of ghosts about this time of year, so people need me!

It depends on who else I go with dressing up though.. Apparantly people actually are dressing up, so I may put on the jumpsuit. However the jumpsuit is slightly / a lot more yellow than it looked on the packet so I might look ridiculous... But I'll show the ghosts I mean business when I slam them into my trap!
Not much watch my simpsons DVD and then watch Family Guy later on not much.

*EDIT: Can you please put more effort into your posts. This is classed as spam being a one liner post and this is a post count section. Thank you. =)*
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I might be going out as a Ghostbuster to a local pub.

Awesome! Im either going to be a zombie CSI agent (got a CSI shirt, so meeh!) or a zombie Hannah Montana. Only problem is Im short on stuff to wear for it lol!!

Tonight? Well at 9 Im going to watch Benidorm with my gran. And at the moment Im playing Escala VERY loud to piss my granddad off :awesome:
Tonight I just plan to watch some movies and hide from the trick or treaters.

We just finished watching 'The Simpson Movie' and it's only 10:30 so I think we'll watch another soon.

Just taking a break at the moment.

The weather is rather nice tonight too. It's the first hot night we've had in a while this Spring.
Gonna go driving later today, i don't really see the point because i don't have a car anymore. But i need to have a license so i'm going to do it anyway.

Its raining here so i don't think there will be trick or treating tonight but i could be wrong.
My plans for the evening are hiding from the trick or treaters

Went to mothers last night, just monged out there and ate curry, was nice. Managed to not over do it with the face stuffing as well, Ive decided Im having an alcohol fre weekend, not had one of those for a far so good

It's officially my dullest weekend ever whil every fuckers off out getting pissed. Oh joys
I think I'm being forced to go to Ollie's tonight :hmmm: Srsly can't be arsed to be honest, it's a shite bar and there's bound to be tons of shitty chavs there ¬¬

on a brighter note, last night was mint 8F Went to this Cricket Club party and got absolutely smashed :)
Tonight I'll just be doing nothing really.

It's Sunday night and I don't really want to go to work tomorrow. :gonk:

The year really has flown by me yet again.

I'm considering going to Uni. I don't like Retail and it's the only decent job you can seem to get outside of Uni jobs.

I'm thinking of doing a teaching course. *ponders*
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Well tonight went exactly as planned.. 4 beers later and half a bottle of wine - plus friends and my fine cooking (sigh burned the burgers but not the brauts or chicken) Serves me right for gabbing too long.

Halloween... just another reason to get down.. Hope everyone hada goodone.
drink and guard the forums lol well drink watch shaun of the dead eat hot pockets and try not to annoy 2 many people in the forums, scare the hell out of trick or treaters walk my dog watch advent children, maybe play some halo3 read forrest griffins book then go to sleep around 4ish insomniac
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The year really has flown by me yet again.

I'm considering going to Uni. I don't like Retail and it's the only decent job you can seem to get outside of Uni jobs.

I'm thinking of doing a teaching course. *ponders*

Go for it hun! Im going to college next Sep for criminology and then moving onto uni! So go for it!! Retail takes its toll on you so much!!

What am I doing tonight? Spending it on my own in my room watching XFactor results and Dr Martin. Woop ...
Absolutely nothing, it's college tomorrow and I really can't be arsed with it. It all seems very pointless now since you know you're only there for the exams now and nothing else. Even the socialising has gone down the shitter since no one even stays or comes to college unless they have a lesson right before they come in. Role on college finishing >.>
Gonna head out and practice driving more, i still can't believe i failed the damn driving test. I guess i'm not used to auto as much as stick shift, but i'll get the hang of it...i hope.

Other than that, i'm gonna apply for a better job. They don't pay me enough for all the hours i put in and that really pisses me off.
Tonight I'm just going to curl up on the couch with Steve and watch a kids movie, like 'Over The Hedge' or something.

I need something to laugh at and to get my mind of things.

I nearly had an accident coming home today. On my street too. :gonk:

Imagine that. Four houses away from home and having a car accident.

Anyway, the idiot in front of me didn't indicate and I had to slam on my brakes! I could smell burnt rubber and my car skidded about a bit and scared me. <_<

Not having the best of luck lately.
I won't have the time to post in the morning, at most Il comeon for 5 minutes, barrell roll then set off on my way


Tomorrow I'm off to Glasgow to meet James & Lewis for the first time ever, and Dave too, there's going to be lots of beer involved 8F Making a tit of myself on kareoke and hopefull playing Twister in this bar Ive heard has board games and shit in it 8F I'l also be off the diet at long last so I shall be stuffing my face :griin: I think Friday night we're taking advantage of the cheap beer at the SU and Saturday we will be out and about round Glasgow, when I shall be wearing the dress of dom :rage: Fun times ahead I hope 8F

the weekend will then be topped off by Muse on Monday night, can not fucking wait

And I shall be offline til Tuesday hence the plans for the weekend rather than the night 8F
Technically it's already Friday here and I DO have plans for tonight. XD

I am going to see Hilltop Hoods live somewhere in the city tonight at around 8pm or so.

I know a few of their songs which helps as I don't want to just stand there like an idiot not knowing any of their lyrics. XD

I hope it's got good seating. I don't want to stand in a mosh pit all night. <_<

Hopefully it doesn't rain either. :gonk:

Anyway off to bed! It's 1am. XD
the weekend will then be topped off by Muse on Monday night, can not fucking wait

Or get a shexy photo of the man and his butt if you can :D

Plans for moi tonight. Im going to have a ncie hot shower later to drown out the crappy rain lol. And play some Dragon Origins and watch some shexy Supernatural later
Well, went to a party last night at half 7 and was back by half 9. It was rather shit and boring. The whole social side of it seemed very bland and the majority of people either separated into groups or didn't want to be there to start with.