Any plans for tonight?

I went to see Hilltop Hoods last night.

The music was good but the atmosphere was shit.

I don't like standing in the middle of a million sweaty, smelly, drug abusing people who keep standing on my toes!

It was so annoying. I was glad to leave in the end.

If it weren't for all that I would have enjoyed it.

Anyway tonight I'm off to a party at one of Steve's mates.

I only found out today, because Steve forgot about it. XD

I don't really know this guy. All I know is that he's pretty old and probably won't have the best party happening. I hope the music is at least half decent. <_<
Tonight we'll be sitting in front of our new 42 inch (106cm) Plasma T.V. =D

It's not as big as most but it's still freakin huge!

Might watch a movie or play a game. Not sure what yet. Oh and I get to eat left over creamy chicken pasta. :gonk: The best ever recipe made by Steve. XD
Gosh what's wrong with this thread. :gonk: I look like I keep double posting. :gonk:

Anyway in a about an hour we're off to Pizza Hut and then the RSL for drinks.

Not sure how long it will last though because some of the girls have work tomorrow and they've worked today as well.

We might come home early anyway and just watch a movie or something.

Gotta go to my friends tomorrow. Still not sure if we'll go to Wet N' Wild or not.
ROFL, Il rescue it Kandy xD

Plans for this evening are maybe a dvd a glass of wine and getting my latest Matt Bellamy onto canvas, though I still have no white paint, I can at least transfer it over and get the black parts painted

At most Il see what Kelly's doing, but quiet weekend on my own after the last few weekends ftw, plus Im out next weekend so abit of rest is called for 8F
Thanks Kelly. XD

Anyway, plans have changed.

Friends all got tired and we didn't even make it to the RSL, so we just came home and decided to watch a movie and get drunk.

Though I'm stuck on here at the moment chatting and just can't leave. :gonk:

I am also pretty tipsy. :wacky:
My plans involve Posting Frantically, Then Joining FFFRPG, then going to sleep. This will likely be my routine until Christmas Break.
I'll be at netball training, then I'll come back home and probably do some posting/RPGing as well as having something to eat.
I'm probably going to post on here for not much longer seeing as it's late and I'm not feeling to well and then I'll head off to bed.

Not done much tonight.

Was meant to clean out the lounge room a bit but instead came home and hopped straight into bed.

Hopefully tomorrow night will be more eventful. XD
Not really...I have class at 5 pm and I get back at 7 pm.Till then it's gotten pretty dark.But who knows,maybe somethung might come up,although I wish not.Would prefer to devote my free time to something else today.
I had my friend over tonight but she had to leave early which sucked.

I really wanted to catch up with her seeing as she was down in Sydney for two weeks visiting her mum.

Though I suppose it leaves me free to finish off my avatar for AOTW and just go over my SOTW entry too. =)
Im getting comfy with a good book and maybe a game of DOA later with some sabuca. I was meant to be going for my uncles for tea, but Im too tired to go. Not in tommorow and having a lie in!
I'm hoping to catch up with my best mate again.

Though I don't think she'll be up for it after her day at work.

If not I'll gladly sit down and watch one of the DVD's I buy today. That or I may play a video game. It really depends on how I feel I suppose.

Usually I tend to watch DVD's because they don't require effort. XD
I gotta work, and miss my wife. She's stuck in the hospital.

[Mod Edit: Can you please make more effort when posting in post count sections. This is considered spam and will be deleted next time. Thanks. =)]
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That's bad...

I just ate some delicious pie and now i gues i'll go play a bit of SmackDown! vs RAW 2010 on the PS3, those are my plans.
Well tonight we went to see car races!

And I got to go for a ride in Steve's truck from work, because he had to use it to bring home the new fridge we got today!

I am so excited! A brand new fridge that works! XD

Anyway, moving on to what I'm doing tonight, seeing as it is 1:30am.

I am going to my best mates place to have a girly night and I think we're going to watch American Beauty because I've never seen it and she reckons that I must. XD

So it should be fun!
I have plannnnns for a change woo

the girlies are coming round for drunken shenanigans, hopefully i can convince them playing twister is a good idea xD I just hope my newly decorated room doesnt get destroyed.... should be fun either way
Off to the pub tomorrow night, I havent been out in FOREVER. So Im looking forward to that, hangover or not.
Il be back Sunday with a hangover of doom no doubt
It's very much later, but hey.

Tonight, my mother would be taking a trip overseas, leaving me and my father alone. I'm expecting he'll probably turn late since there's almost no need for him to rise early on a Sunday...!

However, ignoring that fact, I'm so going to sleep early tonight. I've been staying up for the past few days to use the computer. Time to let it rest, and bring down the electricity bills.
Im staying in, playing computer games, read and have some booze :D Yes all on moi's own!!! Shocking. But its cheap, just got no one to take prat photos :|