Any plans for tonight?

Going to watch the dozen DVD's I rented out last week and forgot about. >.<

I borrowed them out on Tuesday night last week and only remembered this morning that I hadn't watched any yet. =0

So my night will consist of that...and most likely the afternoon will as well.
An all-nighter.

My mum said she bet I can't do it, so I'm going to prove her wrong. :mokken: I wish I had alcohol mind, it would probably make the night go much quicker, I'm probably going to regret it at some point mind especially since last time I did it I was constantly hungry then felt ill with the lack of sleep. :sad3:
I'm going to try and watch either Xena or Sabrina the Teenage witch.

I have too many DVD's to watch and I still have a load on layby and I also have the ones I need to return to the DVD store tomorrow night.

I really need to get a move on and get them watched!

Though I suppose I'll have enough movies to get me by for the next few months or so. >.<
Sleep. Play games. Sleep more. Repair Disk Permissions. Charge notebook. Sleep more. And uh. Other stuff. Seriously my plans are flat. And its 11:00 PM
My plans for the night (what's left of it) is starting on writing up my Christmas cards for my workmates. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve so I need to do it now!

I won't get time in the morning because I have to start at 8am!

I should really get off here and get a move on with it. :gonk:
Wrap my mothers and fathers Xmas presents. I need to do my brothers actually, but that's because I needed to put music on it for him. Though the present is off the mothership, not me. Tbh, I hate wrapping, it bores me and I'm not that good at it really. :wacky:
Tonight, hmmm I think i'm gunna relax a bit, then maybe go out somewhere with my buds just before Christmas and spend sometime with them :-) Then play some IX and whatnot :monster: then sleep. ALOt
Hope to hit the club tonight (in 1-2 hours) , but damn our designated driver doesnt feel like clubbing, and im so in the freeking mood to drink my ass off :D

Beer!, whisky is too expensive, like 4 bucks (euros) for 1 tiny ass glass :P
Going to post on here a bit and then go to bed.

I went to see Avatar tonight so if I had posted earlier it would have been that I was going to do that. XD

But now it's getting late and all I intend to do is catch up on here for a bit and then go to sleep.
NOthing :gonk:

Christmas gifts has left me skint :lew: i guess its my own fault for getting everything last minute :lew:
So i guess its a night in for me. Hoping to get out 2moro and maybe get in about some of the sales in the town. Got a few gift vouchers to spend so im gunna get some new clothes. But for tonight its just a night in the house :sad:
Im going to have whats left of christmas dinner, have a few sambuca shots and have a night in of Harry Potter movies. Still love them after all these years. And Emma Watson and Rupert Grint are just gorgeous >.<
Got some College football bowl games on. Pittsburgh and north Carolina are about to play, then USC plays the late game tonight. Just stayin' in cuz most of the people I know are on Christmas break still and don't get home ;til after this weekend.
Going to post on here for a bit and then head off to bed.

I did plan to have a night of movies, but I'm far too tired and I have to get up early to head over to my mates house tomorrow to keep her company.

Her partner is leaving for three weeks to another state to look after his mother who's sick at the moment.
im supposed to be going to rokeoke, apparently theres a band rather than a kareoke machine, but this is all dependent on me escapoing from my mothers, so wish me luck folks :gonk:
Tonight I will be sitting in and watching all the overnight movies I hired out.

I have:

My Sisters Keeper;
apparently it's really sad, so it has to be watched first so that I can laugh at the other movies before I go to bed. >.<

Year One.

The Proposal.

Some movie with Hilary Duff that I've never heard of before. But I like Hilary Duff so I though it'd be alright. =)

So there's my night. But I have to wait for Steve to get off the XBox first. So I'll be here for a while yet posting away.
MW2 sesh. :mokken:
I'll have nothing to do tomorrow during the day so I might as well make myself tired having a few seshes then sleep during the day. I have a party to go to tomorrow night though so that'll be pretty epic. :ryan: