Any plans for tonight?

I was planning to read a book for a change but ended up sleeping the afternoon away.


This heat really is a downer sometimes.

Might just watch the remaining two episodes of Alex Mack and then cry because they still haven't put the last three seasons on DVD yet. >.<
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Plan was to finish of this final piece for Art A level tommorrow.

That plan was supposed to spring into action hours ago.

I'm going to go and buy pizza and hire out some movies and have a good night in with my Steve. <3

It's been a crazy few weeks...or couple of months rather since I started my new job and I'm a bit stressed. I need to have a good cosy up with my man. >.<
Possibly hitting up Hooters in Macon, GA.

But the fuh' sho plan is to grab chow after work, hit up Wal-Marty for cases of beer, play beer pong throughout the nighttttttt! :busta:
Completely chilling, after exams this week I refuse to do anything :mokken:

I'll probably just watch a bit of TV and play on my PS3. I have half a bottle of vodka left as well so I might just get drunk for the crack then have a lie in tomorrow.
I shall be sitting on my butt in front of the T.V, whilst watching My Name is Earl. =)

After todays tidy up of the house I won't want to do anything else. >.<

I did actually read some of my book before I went to bed last night which I was rather pleased about, so maybe I'll continue with that tonight too!
Going to Anime Club tonight, and maybe end up picking up my roommate from the bar if he gets too drunk. After that, I'unno. Might get some homework done.
My gran has her friend round, so theyre getting drunk XD Shes made us some nice cottage pie with beetroot :) So going to eat that and get playing on my PS1 for night. Have couple drinks and a good read also before bed. AND have a nice lie in followed by a nice hot shower in morning. Sorted XD
Shall be going out to a restuarant for dinner if we aren't too tired.

We were thinking of going to our local pub/club/restuarant thing that we're members of, seeing as it is only around the corner. But it's not really that flash. >.<

Still it'd be good to get out of the house either way. :gonk:
Watching Nuku Nuku TV
Going to bed late
Planning my last high school outfit
spamming twitter
maybe a bit of gaming
I guess its going to be another gaming night lol. Im playing my games as much as I can before I go to Oz next Tuesday :| Its mainly PS1 and 2 games, so my 360 is getting a well earned rest lol.
5aside and a bit of English poetry coursework. The latter being fun, fun, fun. Especially since I'll need a bath when I get back as well, I suppose it's not too bad though, hopefully I'll get back for around 22:15 which gives me plenty of time since I only need to write 600 words max :)
Tommorrow I'm off for the evening in London to see a play with my lit class, so right now I'm just going to try and and yse the last hour to have a decent bit of relaxation and searching for more music. Seriously, the stuff works wonders on my writing nowadays, I get thousands of concepts out. I'll probably spend the last hour finishing off project magnum opus if things work out...
Well I get tomorrow off, so I'll probably stay up late watching movies or something.

Haven't had a good drink in a while either, so I might get into that before Steve drinks it all. XD

I only have one week after this until my holidays so I'm so excited. >.<