Any plans for tonight?

I'm going over to my mates house and dyeing her hair blonde tonight. Got the awesome capes and everything ready. XD

We were meant to do it two weeks ago but she's been sick. I really hope it turns out okay.

She has to work the next day and it would suck if it turned out orange or something. >.<
I'll just be sitting in I think.

Kind of broke after this week. Had to get my car in for a new timing belt and a couple of other belts which cost me $520.

Then we went to dinner and a movie last night and we have to do shopping today, so I think I'll just sit on what's left until Tuesday when I get paid, just in case I really need it.

I would transfer money... but then that would defeat the purpose of it being in my actual 'savings' account. :gonk:
Well Keke has a strange thing where she likes to go to the Grocery store like reaaally late. Idunno she asked me to come but I dun feel like getting ready :gonk: Go in sweats or some shit xD.
For now, just listening to music and relaxing.
Im going to get some more reading and DS playing done. I want to complete my DS games before FF comes out so I can trade them in.
I shall be having a couple of mates over.

My best mate and her partner who's also our mate. XD

Going to be getting some drinking done. Though I just realised that we're out of Jacks and they're going to be here within the next hour so I need to get out and get some more before they get here. >.<
I'm going out for a meal with my friends. It's to celebrate my 21st birthday which was nearly a week ago. Yeah, it's quite late, but no-one had organised anything at the time and I got a phonecall a few hours ago telling me we're apparantly going out today. :ness:
Well as far as tonight goes, nothing considering it's too late to do anything XD. i'm just going to be here for now, just kindof taking it easy since I have yet another day of work :rage: I feel like listening to beethoven and then fall asleep to it :awesome:
going to get only 4 hours of sleep, drive through ice and snow to get to class, then go to work and do homework after work. Grad school can suck sometimes
off out...somewhere. Ive forgotten already, I need to get showered and wotnot, need to go into town for more pain killers. I',m already high as a kite without adding alcohol to the mix xD
I shall be sitting at my mates eating yummy food (nothing that will get me too sick again) whilst watching True Blood.

Can't wait to finally watch this series from the start!

I've been watching snippets here and there and I'm confused at the moment.
Well my buds left a while after playing card and board games so as of right now, no plans fo me :D I like it better that way just go with the flow you know? I might go out and get some things at the store sinve I already know what keke is doing tomorrow for me >.> other then that, i'll just be home doing nothing xD
Right now, I'm at home watching Whiteout. I'm probably going to stay up real late since I don't have to do anything tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can do something fun tomorrow before I go back to college.
Well, the events that I had planned tonight have already occurred, so this is more like recapping. <_<

Had a dinner party with a university organization that I'm a part of. The group consists mainly of Chinese students, and they made dumplings, which were very good. After that, I came back to my apartment and watched a few episodes of Battlestar Galactica with my roommate and a couple of other friends. Good times.
I just watched Romy and Michelle's highschool reunion this arvo after about five years and I loved it so much all over again that I asked Steve to watch it with me again tonight. XD

Then we're sitting in and eating roast potatoes, with chicken, or we're having a shephards pie. I can't pick which sounds yummier. >.<
I have lecture, so that'll be the first part of my night. Then I'm coming home to make me and Damon some spaghetti bolognaise. It'll be my last lectures of the week, so I'll probably celebrate by gaming and coming online here as well as MSN.