Any plans for tonight?

Staying in I think. Bit too bleh to go round to my friends. Fancy a day to myself. Doubt it'll happen though cause this is family meet point central.
Im going to get my CV done, if I can be arsed. And play some old skool Final Fantasy and start series 3 of 24 XD
Going to go down to Coles and get a hot chook for dinner. Mmmmm.

Then I'm going to tend to my ears. I got my tragus's pierced last year about six months ago and just this week they've started to irritate me for some reason.

I bought methylated spirits to try and kill any germs and I intend to repeat the process as much as possible without overdoing it and harming my skin too much.

Then we'll probably just sit in for a movie. >.<
Yay, it ate my post :dry:

Clare's coming round I think. This ruins my de-tox plans as I wasnt gunna drink this weekend. Alas
Going to be sitting in having a few drinks until we pass out I think.

I remember the days back when I first moved out and we would literally go through a bottle of Jacks in one weekend. >.< I was so excited about being able to drink whenever I wanted that I got drunk every weekend for about two months. XD

But yeah, not had one of those nights in a while since my mates came around last. >.<
Im going to play some more Final Fantasy XIII, read some more Morganville vampires and watch The Damned United. Plus try and spend some time with my grandma!
I just want to Sleep soudly tonight 'coz I'm tired of everyday struggle. Tomorroe's friday, so I'll just thank GOD. :)

My sister is asleep in my bed, and I'll just play my NINJA SAGA here until it level up (just 1 level, just 1. It's fine, though its hard to make a lot of experience points in just 1 night/day.)

I'll just keep listening to music I want then, go to sleep.

Oh how I wish I could post again this weekened 'coz I really miss this forum (didn't open this account for about 2-3 months and during my rest it has thousands of posts already. Need to catch up with FFXIII.)

Just finished watching The Hangover and now we're going to have a few drinks and such before heading off to bed. Also discuss a few issues that still need to be sorted.

I really should get some sleep but I'm so motivated to do things at the moment. >.<
I'm looking forward to tonight, actually. A few hours of Final Fantasy XIII then an outing with my friends, possibly for a meal. :) Nothing better!
I'm going to have a few drinks with a mate I've not seen in nearly a year!!! How bad is that!!! And he only lives around the corner from us! That is really slack. >.<

He called me out of the blue this arvo just after I finished work and asked if we wanted to come over to his and have a few drinks, so we're off to do that in a minute, after Steve gets ready.

We'll stop in at Macca's on the way too. >.<
I think I'll maybe get a few beers in and have a night of guitar, FF13 and speaking shite on MSN (and beer obviously). I'm sposed to be going out tomorrow at some point for a pint or 12 too so my weekend won't feel so wasted.:lew:
Clares coming round tonight, she's bringing the wine, I'm doing the cooking, might have a wander down to Asda after my dinner if I have time otherwise I'l just have to go to the shop and see what they have in :hmmm: Was thinkin' cod in butter sauce, new potatoes and steamed veg :hmmm:

[Off to the mothers tomorrow for takeaway and chocolate. Staying there the night, mothers day weekend an' all that. Wonder if there's even any chocolate left...she's probably troughed it all
I think I'm having a quiet night roaming the forums and playing on PS. I also want to watch a good film so I'll squeeze that in there.

If I change my mind I might go and play pool with a few courses mates or just see what my flat mates are doing. I don't really have the dosh to go out drinking all that much so it'll probably be a quiet evening for me.
Tonight i'm just going to chill really. :gonk: I know how boring.
Gunna play A.C.II some later tonight as well. I think keke said something about going somewhere :hmmm: Like we're suppose'ta go to some play so, that should be fun =]
I'm going to be sitting in my lounge room playing FFXIII! XD

Can't wait. Was meant to go to a mates but I don't want to spend any more money and I really want to have a good play of FFXIII.

Might have a few drinks as well I think. Only got to have one last night.
I'm planning on leveling my character here in Ninja Saga, review for my final exams and sleep. I just want to have a sleep!
I think I'm off to watch Alice in Wonderland tonight... but my friend, Lucy doesn't seem to be texting me with any details on what time to meet. Never mind.