Any plans for tonight?


Well I might have a MW2 sesh but I'm not doing anything productive, I'm full of cold so I'll just sit next to the fire in the living room and play games. I'm not going to get back to mine until after 6 so there's no point in starting revision or anything >.>
Well, Ive been invited on a night out, an afternoon on it and to the mothers

Can't be arsed to do a single one of them :mokken:

Mother even offered to babysit without my even having to ask, and instead of taking advantage of this, I just said nah, cba going out 8F

I think I'm getting old xD

So, unless I have a change of heart later, I'm staying in :mokken:
Revision, coursework (sorting out my word count), go into and and buy Guantanomo Boy, piano etc. Plus FFX and sleeping.

Remind me to take up a new sport >_>
Im going to get all electric stuff charged for Perth and making sure everything is packed and sorted. Im freaking out alittle bit cause this is big for me. Im traveling alone, so bit scared.
Plans for tonight include:

-Playing Wet for a bit
-Guitar Hero with the boy
-Maybe a movie
Well im gonna take a nice hot bath, then some hot choc.
After that im gonna watch a movie, and then get some sleep.
Or instead of sleeping stay some more @ forum ;p
I shall be going off to my monthly work meeting at a hall somewhere near work.

It's kinda shit that you have to still go to the meetings even if you originally had the day off work.

Meh. I don't mind them that much. They're fun and you get to play games and stuff too.

It's just that I won't be able to relax properly at home and have a drink or anything because I'll have to drive this afternoon. =/

EDIT: IDEA! Get brother to pick me up on his way to the meeting (since we work at the same place)! Genius. >.<
I'm going to be writing until I feel I've edited a fair amount of my novel and then I shall start a anime series I've been wanting to start for a while, and then play thirty-forty minutes of CoD: MF2. After of which, I shall read a few chapters in Waverly and then watch George Lopez and than get some sleep.
I'm going to watch my shows till late around 12am, and then sleep early. It's one of the few times I've slept this early at 12 instead of 4am. Also the second consecutive time, counting the night before, where I slept at around 12 as well. Nonetheless, for me, school is starting some time soon.

I'll have to start adjusting my biological clock soon, or I'll be having real problems getting to school on time.
Law revision. Fun, fun, fun!

It's not really difficult there's just a lot to learn, I'm taking a gamble with the C&R and learning what we've been told has been hinted by the exam board to appear because that is quite complicated on the whole. All being said, I think my last exam probably had more to learn. Revision is just boring >.>
Just came home from Australia Day celebrations! Fireworks=:awesome:

So...nothing else for the night
Gonna play Phantom Hourglass till my eyes hurt, then take a bath, then go to sleep.

I might do some posting, though. And read the naruto manga.
Schools going to start all over again for mentomorrow. Hence begins the cycle of having to wake up very early in the morning. That said, it is a certainty that I shall sleep early tonight, or at least try to sleep early. Knowing myself, the mere thought of the excitement that follows my imminent return to school is likely to keep me awake, however.

Guess I have to try. Hopefully, I can, or there will be more posts coming into this forums and my own Facebook. Tsk tsk

I have 5aside in an hour which is pretty awesome, the main problem is that I have to walk there and back and I probably won't finish 'til around half 9 which means it's going to be balctic on the way home. Not impressed. :mokken:
Chill out.

Its awesome here in Oz and the last few nights Ive been relaxing with a book or spending time with my family.
Well I just finished watching Lost so as for now, i'll just be chilling and relaxing since I have work tomorrow. I think imma take a nice long warm bath.... that sounds nice :gonk:
I'm going over to my parents to take back a few things we borrowed and such.

Don't really feel like doing much now though seeing as we have been doing a lot the past few days.

Haven't had any internet so I've been doing other things outside of the house and now I'm tired. >.<
Relax. I have a meeting for work tomorrow so imma relax and take all my worries away. Won't have to wake up so early so I can stay a bit longer. I feel like watching a movie with Keke and eating popcorn :D idk usually fridays are my movie night but, i'm just in the mood for a movie.