Are you worried about swine flu?


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
The media loves to screa the crap out of us doesnt it? I was only told this yesturday and kinda freaked alittle bit. The poor people in Mexico who died because of it and some Americans aswell.

When bird flu was on the news, people panicked, but it wasnt able to jump from human to humn, unlike this time. I myself am abit anxious as (I know it sounds silly) I work in retail and the customers arent the healthiest bunch. Ive caught so many flu cases, coughs and colds from that place because customers have brought the illness into the work place and Ive had more then a few cough on me!! Seriously, its disgusting.

Are you worried? Or is the media just scaring us to the extreme again?
And just heard on the radio, its found a case in Spain now.
I think it's the media hyping things up a little until the next big story comes out. Obviously it is serious, but I'm sure we can contain it. I don't think it will be as bad as, say, the original influenza outbreak :gasp:

No I read something before about How it will Die out Because it is summer But it might return in the Fall I suppose we will find ways to cure it by then
Nope, not afraid at all, its one big media circus and fear mongering once again, the reason it has claimed so many lives in Mexico is there healthcare system among the general population is among the poorest in the world, countries that have a decent health care system will suffer fewer fatalities if any at all, this wouldnt be the first time there was fear mongering over a flu now would it?

If anyone remembers just how OTT they were about Avian flu?

Honestly though I really do think someone in the news has been watching too much 28 days later by how much there panicing!
I think we, the general public, should think nothing more of it. There is no point being scared of what is probably going to be another failed attempt of flu trying to take over the world.
It'll probably fizzle out and be revealed to not be much of a threat to the worldwide human population at all after a few months.

But for scientists, pharmacists and diseasists (mental block making me forget what we call people who research and develop cures!) should work on sorting it out, which I have no doubt that they probably are.

But we shouldn't be scared about it. I hate it when diseases are revealed like this because it can only lead to mass hysteria with everyone who feels slightly queezy begining to think they are going to die from "swine flu".

As people in the Shoutbox were saying when I first heard of this thing, it'll probably be used to the max to give the news a bit of variety for a while. That is not good as far as preventing "we're all gonna die!" attitudes.
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To be honest, I ain't as scared as I am stressed out cause of the flu. Reason I say this is because I'm supposed to be going on holiday with the family down there in June and going will be out of the question if the flu is still bugging us then. I am just hoping it clears by then. If it doesn't but they've developed an antibiotic by then, then I would be half damned, half relieved, cause I'm allergic to jabs, but the rest of my family would be able to go, so that'll be all that really matters to me.

As for whether or not I am scared by it, yes and no. As mentioned above, it does sound like a pretty violent bug, but Mexico does have a poor Health Care, so I'm pretty sure our Health Care Industries would be able to handle it better. Plus, those coming in from abroad are being checked to see if they are carrying the disease, so that should stop the spread from hitting us too badly if not at all.

Edit: Bird Flu just came to mind, as well as Mad Cow disease. Them diseases didn't turn out to be the end of the world, so we should see this through just fine.
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Up until a minute ago I didn't even know there was a "swine flu", so I can't exactly say I was worried about it. :P

Meh, I'll just refuse to learn any more about it and go on with my life. Ignorance is bliss. xD
No I read something before about How it will Die out Because it is summer But it might return in the Fall I suppose we will find ways to cure it by then
A tad more effort in your posts - The Sleeping Forest does require members to contribute more than they would in other parts of the site. Thanks. :)

If anyone remembers just how OTT they were about Avian flu?
"Unless you actually slept with chickens, there was really no way of contracting bird flu" - Carol McGiffen, Loose Women, this morning. xD

Swine Flu actually can affect humans and so there is a very real risk to us. I'm not personally sitting in a corner of my room armed with detol and a protective mask but I'm not careless, either. I don't think that there's much sense in worrying because, as a population, there's very little that we can do but I do think it's worth knowing about.

But for scientists, pharmacists and diseasists (mental block making me forget what we call people who research and develop cures!) should work on sorting it out, which I have no doubt that they probably are.
Immunologists? xD
Meh, I couldn't really care less about it really. Yes, there is certainly that risk but what's to say that the people who died weren't generally of poor health anyway and that the swine flu was just enough to finish them off. It won't be long before it eventually dies down or a cure is found, which is more likely to happen if doctors etc know there's that risk of passing from human to human. We'll just have a mass scare for a week or two before we hear nothing about it again, there are worse things I'd be scared of catching, and in fairness, more likely to than swine flu >.>

As long as Derek's okay, I'm cool with it all!
I know it sounds daft, but Im concered for my gran. She and some friends went to Ibiza last week and are due back this Friday. Ive been worried sick about her as she doesnt haev her mobile with her, but if there were any problems, I know she would call and let us know. My boyfriend has been teasing me saying they may not let her come home, which is pretty mean as she like my mother to me and I live with her.
WHO has already moved it up to stage four on their scale of measuring pandemics, and the last time that happened 2 million people died. There's no way of stopping it from spreading to other countries and there is no vaccination so far. Infact cases so far, have only been mild, which is why only 147 people are dead, if it were, the death rate would soar. And viruses can mutate at any given moment, this is exactly the same kind of virus that killed 50 million people after WW1.
All that being said, I doubt much will come of it. There is a cure, and this is widely available in the western world. I'm slightly interested as to what effect this will have on Mexico, which is already in danger of becoming a failed state.
Don't know, guess a little bit worried about it. Life is unpredictable, anything can happen..
But trust in the world, and today's technology power and that we are okay..

Worried about Mum, being a nurse always treating people with sickness and illness.
If Swine Flu does break out, may never see her again..

Just hoping that the media is over-hyping this to a high extreme, and this Swine Flu won't become a dangerous and deadly fate to us all..

Okay, guess a little scared. But trying to stay calm and collected.
Well, I don't know much about it but to be honest, I'm not worried about it happening to me. If I catch swine flu, then oh well. It'll suck big time, I'm sure, but I'm not worried about it. I am worried about people I know getting it though. To me, it's not something to panic over but I'm cautious.
Nah, I never worry about illness in general, if I get ill then I'll just have to deal with it.

I'm not going to go out of my way to avoid infection.

Swine flu? Bird flu? Asian flu? Whatever. If it gets me it gets me, if it doesn't it doesn't.
Don't know, guess a little bit worried about it. Life is unpredictable, anything can happen..
But trust in the world, and today's technology power and that we are okay..

Worried about Mum, being a nurse always treating people with sickness and illness.
If Swine Flu does break out, may never see her again..

Just hoping that the media is over-hyping this to a high extreme, and this Swine Flu won't become a dangerous and deadly fate to us all..

Okay, guess a little scared. But trying to stay calm and collected.

I feel the same way especially since I feel everything is going to somehow be okay even though they go to great efforts to make Swine Flu even scarier than it actually is, I have faith everything is going to be alright.
Not too worried. I hear tell China is though. They're afraid this will cause them to lose out on the tourist economy eventually losing money. I saw a news clip with them all pannicked about a student in ShanXi that came down with it but how they cured her 100% so nothing to worry about.
ok like i said yeaterday it doesn't matter if i get killed by the flu: i have already gone through the precautions for h5n1 before so i think i can manage, and plua, you can get killed by almost anything, compared to that, swine flu is just nothing at all.
Nope, not worried at all. People who have had it in the UK, are being treated with drugs etc, and they're doing well. I fear and feel sorry for those with less decent healthcare then what we have.
That's why so many died in Mexico. They truly have a poor health care system. Some bitch was on the news last night that's supposedly a doctor and she was carrying on about how "YES! She FULLY expects to see DEATH in the US from this pandemic!" I mean please people, give me a fucking break. There have been much worse than this and only 50 cases of swine flu found in the US (at least 50 confirmed so far, could've changed overnight). Really I think the media is just making a huge hype out of this over nothing. They've got a story and so they're gonna sit and talk about it and say the scariest things possible to freak the fuck out of people. Now, if all of a sudden a 100+ cases were being reported and people were dying in more states than just 6, I'd start worrying then.
All this hype is really starting to boar me. *ba-dum tish!*

You have a right to be scared in Mexico or other places with comparatively terrible healthcare. In the UK I feel ok. We have the healthcare here, unless it mutates and becomes super-swine flu or something crazy and monstrous I think we'll be fine.

All this hysteria is rather rash in my opinion. *ba-dum tish!*
But no seriously people are going crazy. My university is putting out e-mails telling us not to panic.. Those same e-mails are likely to make people want to panic more as then they'll consider why they should be panicking.

I just find it rather crazy how last night I logged onto msn to recieve this news headline.
"Wolverine hit by swine flu".
I was like what the heck!
It appears that an outbreak occured in the Mexican premiere of the Wolverine: Origins film. Seems to me that they are just using it as an oppurtunity to promote their film!
(or the disease!) Seems they are all trying to pig out on publicity. *ba-dum t- oh wait that was even worse*.

But seriously. I wish people would let this thing trot off.
It's making people scared and fear is not really good. I don't want to hear people moaning about it over HERE. Yes people who develop drugs, oinkment (*ba-dum tish*) etc should do their work, but the general public need to try not to stir up this hysteria by thinking we're all going to die.