Are you worried about swine flu?

Some people's points in here are interesting, but are non coherent to be honest. I mean let's take some factors into mind.

Thanks to the Media in the U.S. we have created Fear in people that should have never been there in the first place. So in ways we can call our own media a form of Terrorism, due to hyper informing our fellow citizens.

Here is what I've seen on the front page of the our paper around here

1) Obama getting a small dog. (umm...)
2) Oil prices going up so refuel while you can. (this in itself created a hype in which made oil prices even go further up)
3) New threat of WMDs found in IRAQ (Where were they?)
4) O.J. going to jail and writing a book saying "if i were to kill someone I'd do it this way" (honestly.. no words)

And my last post was not meant to be offensive, but when people say "people die from the swine flu and not the normal flu" well there is a reason behind it. The flu used to be just as deadly, until there was such a thing as flu shots and other preventative tools. Same with small pox, mumps, cholera and other various diseases.

I will feign ignorance and actually turn off the news until this hype is over.

Why can't the news focus on important stuff again, like finding the Higs Boson, Young man gives all his money up for a young mother to raise her 2 kids, or something else at least non corrosive to the brain.
Apparently there was something on the news in Australia about some people in NSW having caught it.

To me it seems the media just likes to keep people on their toes. I mean, they advertised face masks and within the next day of hearing it on the news, every second person was in the pharmacy asking for face masks, which we have now sold out of.

I certainly hope it isn't as serious as they are making out it is, but when they continually make a big deal out of every disease that makes it's way into the country, how do you know what is really serious and what isn't?

and i highly agree with you on that..again they said that this is something they really havent delt with before..its not immune to our bodies..yeah the media like to hype things up..but its better to be safe than not feeling a bit sick..i have a headache sore throat coughing and my muscles are aching.. my ears and eyes hurt and i have a slight fever but i dont think it'll reach 100 degrees like its suppose to..guess i will have to wait till tomorrow morning!! gosh..xD a lot of kids were coughong at school and..ew lol
Just Watching something On tv Now It's like a news show and the experts are talking on it and they seem to think the Media are over hyping it

this a direct qoute

" we have been preparing for this for some time outside of mexico everyone has made a full recovery will it stay that way we don't know "
Just Watching something On tv Now It's like a news show and the experts are talking on it and they seem to think the Media are over hyping it

this a direct qoute

" we have been preparing for this for some time outside of mexico everyone has made a full recovery will it stay that way we don't know "

and thats all we need..a straight forward..honest answer..they're all mixing us up..first saying it was from pis or birds..not its not..NOW THEY CHANGED THE NAME SWINE FLU TO GENEVA..UGH
but my mom my twin brother and i are all sickkk
and thats all we need..a straight forward..honest answer..they're all mixing us up..first saying it was from pis or birds..not its not..NOW THEY CHANGED THE NAME SWINE FLU TO GENEVA..UGH
but my mom my twin brother and i are all sickkk

Geneva!!! when did they call it that sounds a bit creepy :(
Well as long as you havent got a high fever and think thats the main syptom
Am just going to stay indoors

Order pizza and Coke for 6 months :kelly:
I wouldn't take any sign of illness as having swine flu though.

I mean I know the disease is in my town now as it is confirmed. And I feel ill. But I'm not squealing about it. *ba-dum tish*

I've been ill for weeks to be honest, long before swine flu was announced. If we take any sign that we are ill as having the disease and lock ourselves in and padlock the doors etc then that is just really, really crazy. It's not going to help the situation, and the doctors are going to be pretty tight if they keep having to see to people.

I watched the news today and I was horrified. No, not because swine flu is a menace.. But because of how they treated two victims of the flu in the news. They held blankets and coats on their heads and ran for their front door away from the press etc. I mean it's just stupid. Damn media. Damn idiots.

Also.. What the heck is up with Youtube?

A whole section on the home page now to remind us of it. Brilliant :brooding: .

I'd ignore the whole thing if it wasn't thrown in my face EVERYWHERE.
Im not rlly worried about it because the chances that a person could catch it may be high but the chances are higher in mexico. and ther arent very many cases of it in north america. and if ther was an epidemic in a town or something. evryone int he town opr city would pretty much be under quarintene to stop it from spreading.
Ugh, this is starting to get really annoying. Let me just start off with saying I live in Australia, where I'm fairly sure there aren't any confirmed cases.
At school the other day, seniors kept walking around in face masks, and this girl ran up to me (the kind that browses Myspace for "sexy guys with real sex abs.." Psh. I shall stay true to the highly-covered up Vincent, tyvm.) saying "Ohmigod, you know there's this uncurable disease going around and we're all going to die?"
A new disease? What madness do you speak of?

According to her there were 50 confirmed cases (I googled it. WRONG <3) and despite the fact that I informed her we have far better healthcare than Mexico and it's treatable, she told me that we won't have another cure for six months.
Well. Okay. TREATMENT WOMAN. :gasp:
I know that in China my friend's school might be closing down, although they're probably more worried because their population is so massive. o_O;
Today I saw on the news that people are stocking up on food so that they don't have to leave their houses for ages, in case they come into contact with someone who may be carrying the flu whilst shopping every week.

I mean seriously, you have to take your kids to school who will bring back some form of sickness into the household. Your husband works and therefore will also be bringing unwanted germs back into the house each day.

There is no way of getting around it. People need to stop freaking out or they'll die of stress before they die of swine flu. <_<
Preliminary analysis of the swine flu virus suggests it is a fairly mild strain, scientists say.
It is believed that a further mutation would be needed in order for the H1N1 virus to cause the mass deaths that have been estimated by some.
But at this point, it is impossible to predict with any accuracy how the virus will continue to evolve.
UK experts at the National Institute for Medical Research outlined on Friday the work they are due to start on samples of the virus sent from the US.
The research, being done at the World Influenza Centre in Mill Hill, will be vital for working out the structure of the virus, where it came from, how quickly it is capable of spreading and its potential to cause illness.
Analysis done so far suggests what they are dealing with is a mild virus and nowhere near as dangerous as the H5N1 avian flu strain that has caused scientists so much concern over the past decade.
Influenza A viruses are classified according to two proteins on the outer surface of the virus - hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N)

In the Uk the latest person to catch the swine flu is someone who works for the NHS
The first person from the uk without visiting mexico to catch it over here the total is Now at 11
they are making us feel worse by actually reporting it on the new. although it should be heard around the world, there is absolutely no reason why they are making a big deal of it. it will stick our minds and other important news are shadowed. also it is gonna be pretty boring soon enough.
I think the media is just scaremongering really. Everytime I turn the news channel on (which is quite often really...I'm a geek xD) I get told "A PANDEMIC MAY BE IMMINENT" when you know, no one in the UK has actually DIED yet, and we have a health system that's well prepared for it (allegedly.)

I think people may just be getting themselves into a panic over nothing. Remember SARS? Everyone was terrified that the world was going to get infected by that. Remember Bird Flu? How many "millions" was that supposed to kill?

It's just media hysteria over nothing, really. Yes, over 100 people in Mexico have died, but as many many people have said, Mexico is lacking the healthcare services that Britain, the US, Europe, etc can provide. I think if the media and the news channels weren't in overdrive with panic about the disease, it wouldn't be as big a fear. Yes, informing people is important, panicking people is wrong, in my opinion.
I think the media is just scaremongering really. Everytime I turn the news channel on (which is quite often really...I'm a geek xD) I get told "A PANDEMIC MAY BE IMMINENT" when you know, no one in the UK has actually DIED yet, and we have a health system that's well prepared for it (allegedly.)

I think people may just be getting themselves into a panic over nothing. Remember SARS? Everyone was terrified that the world was going to get infected by that. Remember Bird Flu? How many "millions" was that supposed to kill?

It's just media hysteria over nothing, really. Yes, over 100 people in Mexico have died, but as many many people have said, Mexico is lacking the healthcare services that Britain, the US, Europe, etc can provide. I think if the media and the news channels weren't in overdrive with panic about the disease, it wouldn't be as big a fear. Yes, informing people is important, panicking people is wrong, in my opinion.

They are saying On bbc news that the death toll from the flu is No where Near 100 Not even 20 in mexico

300 confirmed cases and 12 confirmed deaths

13 confirmed deaths around the world and 484 confirmed cases

The latest person to catch swine flu in the Uk has spoke to bbc news

Mr Pacitti himself told the BBC he was really "disappointed" to find out he had contracted the illness.
He plays in the same six-a-side football team as the UK's first swine flu patient Iain Askham.
He said he had been given the anti-viral drug Tamiflu as a precaution after meeting him in a pub.
Now confined to home, Mr Pacitti said by telephone: "Today I started to feel better than I have done all week. I'm quite gutted.
"It started last Saturday when I started to feel like I had an upset stomach. From then my throat began to get sore.
"The worst was when I started to get headaches and feel quite feverish."
I think the media is just scaremongering really.

Pretty much, I read something today about how the World Health Organization decided to stop calling it the swine flu because everyone thought pigs were causing it, in Egypt they slaughtered like 1000 pigs or something because of it.

But the drug companies are loving it, they said on the news that drug sales shot up by 900% because of this scare. There have been a couple of reported cases in Nashville (about an hour from where I live), but no deaths or anything. And already the Nashville school system has been shut down for a week, and I guarantee you everyone is panicking and rushing out to every Walgreens and CVC pharmacy to stock up on medication.

It'd be kinda cool if schools were shut down here though, then I'd have an extra week to study for exams >_>

Mr Pacitti himself told the BBC he was really "disappointed" to find out he had contracted the illness.
He plays in the same six-a-side football team as the UK's first swine flu patient Iain Askham.
He said he had been given the anti-viral drug Tamiflu as a precaution after meeting him in a pub.
Now confined to home, Mr Pacitti said by telephone: "Today I started to feel better than I have done all week. I'm quite gutted.
"It started last Saturday when I started to feel like I had an upset stomach. From then my throat began to get sore.
"The worst was when I started to get headaches and feel quite feverish."

Unsurprising. There was some micro-biologist talking about it on the news tonight (don't remember the guy's name) and he said it's not even that much different than the normal flu virus people typically get and as of now, doesn't seem to pose much of a threat unless it somehow mutates.

I can almost guarantee you that the people dying from it already have weak immune systems and could have died just from the normal flu.
Yeah I heard about the Name change i think there Just going to refer to it Now as H1N1

And wow!!!! I just checked on the BBC website and it aint the Main news for One's it's been shunted by the baby P story

I laughed at the swine flu advise


Use clean tissues when you cough or sneeze

Bin tissues after use
Wash hands with soap, hot water or gel

I must have heard all this about 30/40 times this week
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Yeah we have a leaflet at work that basically says just that. It also said the masks dont really give you the right protection as its your hands that will pick up the virus. Your hands arent protected because you touch surfaces other people touch aswell. So a mask is sod all help.
Nah not really, it's just basically the stomach flu....

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I think it's a tad more serious :wacky:
Even with masks it's very difficult to contain since all you have to do is sneeze or cough onto a surface and it will stay there for hours, even with a tissue if you miss the tissue even slightly there's a good chance you'll infect someone. It's evident it hasn't been contained and is most likely spreading faster than scientists who are trying to find a cure would like so it seems like just a case of letting it run its course >.>
Swine flu in Mexico, the epicentre of the world outbreak, has peaked, the Mexican health minister has said.
Jose Angel Cordova said the virus, blamed for at least 19 deaths in Mexico, appeared to have peaked between 23-28 April.
"The evolution of the epidemic is now in its declining phase," Mr Cordova told a news conference.
World Health Organization officials said authorities should remain vigilant as the virus could return.

Swine flu in the UK is being confined, contained and treated effectively, Health Secretary Alan Johnson has said.
However Mr Johnson said it was likely there would still be more cases and there was the possibility of a second wave in the autumn or winter.

Judging from this The swine flu wont be around for much Longer or at least it will be a much weaker strain that it was. Suppose it could return like they say though. It's rare for Virus's to spread in the Summer
Declining in just Mexico? D:
I mean, how can you judge something is declining over such a short period of time, what happens if it hits a 3rd World Country whose health system is going to be worse than Mexico's? It'd peak again. :gasp: