Are you worried about swine flu?

I'm assuming it was treated here in the states since I haven't heard to much shiznit on it. Thankfully, as you have seen from my other two posts in this thread I'm purely satirical when it comes to the swine flu.

Not to say I would want to have it, since I hate getting sick in general, but I never have worried about it. I never will. I mean its a joke that the media did this in the first place, but it is to be expected.

I just wonder what will happen when something huge exactly does happen the media will shiz their pants around here. I mean what if we only knew we had a week to live as a planet, do you think the media would BS us anymore? ... I highly doubt it. We would want only the important stuff, but I guess then again we are to blame, since they are the ones who are getting all the ratings because we think this stuff should be popular in the first place.

Mad Cow Disease, now this. Next you know it will be Manitee (sea-cow) flu.
I'm not too worried about it. Yeah, people already died from it, but it's not something I consider a huge threat to anyone. Besides, the death count is so small. Unless there's something horribly wrong with your immunity system, then worrying won't help 'cause it's not going to solve anything.
There is no need to be worried, only roughly a hundred people have died.

So I will still go country hopping this summer, as I say,
Its better to burn out than to fade away....
Not at all. It's all a media blowout really...I'm in Queensland, Australia...And all schools etc have been closed around here, but only 16 confirmed cases in Cairns??

Like I said, personally, I am not phased by it. And nor would that change if I contracted the virus.
Not at all. It's all a media blowout really...I'm in Queensland, Australia...And all schools etc have been closed around here, but only 16 confirmed cases in Cairns??

Like I said, personally, I am not phased by it. And nor would that change if I contracted the virus.

There is a very high chance that even if you did contract it, you would not even be hospitalized.
All they do is 'quaratine' you for 72 hours. That's it, and AND, they treat it with off the shelf fucking flu tablets!!!!
I am not really worried. Not many from Sweden have been infected. But I guess I will when it spreads to here ^^ But I think a flew like this in the future is going to wipe out all man-kind ... We are not spending enough money in development of cures, or medicinec overall for that matter either !
All they do is 'quaratine' you for 72 hours. That's it, and AND, they treat it with off the shelf fucking flu tablets!!!!

The only reason why some people are panicking, is because the flu affects some people worse than others and supposedly they don't know why.
Today is the day that WHO (world health organisation) annouce that the H1N1 virus, swine flu, is the first pandemic or globeal epidemic outbreak since the Hong Kong flu outbreak in about the year 1968. It is likely to attack all seasons, with young teenages/adults vulnerable. People who said they had no flu symptoms are likely to be infected.
I tried ringing the swine flu hotline...All I got was crackling.

Bastards are telling porkies.
I was freaked out at first...but then I found out the regular flu is deadlier...and I've had that multiple times and not died. So I'm not too worried.
It's just media hype IMO. Every new death that comes in is on the news, especially ones where the victim was not elderly, a child or had underlying health conditions. If the media were consistent, they would report all the regular flu deaths that happen everyday. I think it's just another flu, but I'm no expert :D
There have been over 100 cases at my school in the two weeks it's been in session. I'm doing what I can to not get swine flu, not because I'm afraid of dying or anything, but because it would be a real pain in the ass to have to deal with a sickness at this time. I'm in grad school right now, and if I were to miss a day of classes, I would be missing a lot and it would be a real pain to have to make them up.

And I hate being sick in general, especially having a fever.
Try missing a good amount of work, I know of quite a bit of cases around here springing up, and its only a stupid amount of time before I touch the wrong door knob or whatever.

You can make up school, but work is a bit harder when you only have a set amount of sick days/vacation days. I have a lot to plan still for my wedding in april, and if I miss even a day more than what is allowed, I would be screwed!

So right now, I'm hoping no one is ignorant enough to come to work because they have too. I hope everyone is considerate here.
I really do think that the swine flu virus is fairly over-hyped by the media, as Mage Masher suggested. I've lived in 3 different states since the good ol' h1n1 showed up and I've yet to meet anyone who has it or has gotten it. Perhaps it's just luck, but I really just don't think it's all THAT bad. Still though, I don't want it.
I've had it actually! It was going around at my girlfriend's workplace about a month ago and she managed to get infected and infect me in return. To noone's surprise, it isn't all that different from having the ordinary flu. I just stayed at home for 4 days, feeling like crap and eating cold and flu tablets by the dozen.
I'm not worried about swine flu.

When the current strain of swine flu was first discovered, there were some troubling signs: it seemed to be unusually contagious, and it seemed to be attacking young people disproportionately. That's the same pattern as that awful 1918 flu that killed more people than WWI. That's what had health professionals worried.

But this swine flu seems to have mutated really fast (flu mutates all the time), and the strain that spread out from Mexico seems a lot less lethal than the earliest reported cases. So we dodged a bullet. Unfortunately the media grabs onto a story and keeps gnawing it like a dog with a bone.

We're not out of the woods: while this swine flu strain seems to be a fairly mild flu, it seems to be especially contagious, so we could get a LOT of teachers, workers, public safety personnel, etc out sick all at once. Schools, workplaces, etc need to have a plan in case just in case that happens.

And people with compromised immune systems like me need to be extra careful about washing hands, getting our flu shots this year.

Those are just commonsense precautions. It's like making sure you've got flashlights, batteries, a little extra water and canned food, and checking your home emergency kit, when you hear a hurricane might be headed your way. No need to panic, just check to make sure you're ready.

One thing I AM a little worried about is the possibility of avian flu mixing with swine flu. Swine flu -- this latest batch -- seems to be extremely contagious, but not very severe. Avian flu is NOT contagious, but is very severe. If they combine the wrong way (and flu tends to pick up bits and pieces from other flu viruses), THEN we have a problem.
I just wish I still had the Metro (UK newspaper aimed at train-users) with the front page headline saying '2,000,000 could die within in two years'.

I've had swine flu. It knocks the life RIGHT out of you, but you get better in 6/7 days. Faster than normal flu.....

I wasn't worried before. I wasn't worried when I had it. I'm still not worrying