Are you worried about swine flu?

I'm not worried about it, there's no point in worrying really. The people in Scotland who had it are doing fine now, and Britain are (apparently) the best prepared for it anyway. And as most people have already pointed out, Mexico have a very poor healthcare system so when the news says that 147 people there have died of it you really shouldn't take it to mean too much, presuming you live in a country with good healthcare. And most if not all flights to Mexico have been cancelled for now so the chances of somebody bringing it back with them are pretty low.
And today, they are STILL prattling on about it, it really does bring to mind the boy that cried wolf, the way the media always blows things out of epic preportion.

The Meteor, CJD, Avian Flu, So-called Super bugs, so on and so forth....

It's about time the news started using less of the fear mongering, more of the going on about issues that people want to know, people dont want to hear about Death, Destruction..... and now for the Football every single day!
You know this is a big topic. Ummm yes I am quite worried seeing how it was explained today at school. The swine flu is spreading all over the world. But here we have found 3 cases but it can be the media just messing with us here. YES I would be extremely scared if this freakin flu becomes an epidemic here or even worldwide. Lets just always wash our hands with soapo all the time and have lots of water. I heard that tap water is going to be shut down here. Maybe we can set up a quarantine Zone or something. Anyways DO NOT I MEAN DO NOT!!!! GO TO MEXICO!!! You will probably die instantly. So all this is kind of making me worried but like I said if i becomes a HUGE problem then I dont know what will happen. Maybe swine flu will go away during the summer. So yes I am a little scared. I think everyone should if it becomes an epidemic.
Well I don't think everybody being scared is the way to go, what's the point in spending your life worrying about diseases that you MIGHT catch? Obviously you could be careful, but at the moment there's not really much you can do except from stay away from Mexico and go to the doctor's if you have any flu-like symptoms, because the quicker it's detected the easier it is to get rid of.

I don't think it's such a bad thing though that the media are making such a big deal out of this, because at the end of the day it's better to be over-prepared than under-prepared if it did become a pandemic. The main problem I would consider at this stage is that it's causing people to worry about it which isn't really good for their health, given that so many people already seem to be panicking about the economy.
Heard a few times on various different news shows that the majority of people who've died, died from pneumonia. Obviously the cause of this could come from the flu, but pneumonia is treatable if spotted, my mum came through it a year ago (and found out she had lupus in the process from the blood tests she had)
It's been revealed that Redditch is one of the first hit areas in the UK of swine flu... The town which I live in. :awesome:

I don't get how the heck it got here.. We're a crap town. It's just a ditch.. With buildings in it. We have no pigs or anything so it's probably came back with someone from Mexico or something. :ness:

Still. Not worried. My terrible pig jokes still stand. I'll just take this as the UK witnessing the day pigs finally flu. *ba-dum tish*

Hopefully our healthcare is good etc and we'll be fine. If we're not, then screw it. There's nout we can do about it.
Deathly afraid, I went to extreme of buying custom made masks for all my cats even. Right now I am wearing a gas mask along with a Gordan Freeman Suit special ordered from Black Mesa. I have barred off my doors, screened all the windows, and now have one hole to look outside. Can someone call me when its all over?

Sorry folks, I'm not taking this seriously. As I told Mits I'm not going to regurgitate what people say here either. I know I may not be attributing to this thread, but seriously folks, wake up and smell the effin roses. Pull your heads out of your ass, and realize the media is full of shiznit. Good day.
Obama said it the best.

"It's a concern, not a panic"

I like Barrack. I hope he doesn't get Swine Flu. :sad:
The World Health Organization raises the alert over swine flu to level five - one short of a full pandemic - as the virus spreads.

So Were One Level Short Off a full pandemic

Am writing My Will Now
Obama said it the best.

"It's a concern, not a panic"

I like Barrack. I hope he doesn't get Swine Flu. :sad:

Which reminds me, I heard my in-laws saying something about this archeologists who had shook hands with Obama when he was at Mexico, and that person had died of the 'swine flu' the next day, and now they're worried that Obama would get it too, but apparently they weren't even really worried, yet there's the media probably boasting the fact that the numbers of deaths from 'swine flu' has increased and really trying to scare the people by raising the alert level to five. I mean, thousands of people die of the regular flu every single year. There's a lot of things we should be worried about, quite frankly, not just this flu. I seriously think it's just a bunch of inflated figures. A giant scare tactic to redirect our eyes and thoughts to something else. I could be wrong, but that's just my thoughts at the moment. I can go to a doctor's office, cough a few times and they'll probably freak and say, "Oh you have the swine flu, we're going to quarantine you."

I mean don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with taking precautions, so out of respect for those who have died and are worried about their loved ones, I don't see anything wrong with that. It's always better to be safe than sorry. But the way I see it so far, is that the media sure likes making things sound so crazy. Let's see, there were SARS, anthrax, West Nile virus, bird flu, African killer bees - whatever happened to those? And now the swine flu? People have been around pigs for thousands of years, and now we're hearing about this crap that may likely kill what, 'millions' of people?

Let's not forget, the government controls the media, and the media is the easiest way to channel 'information' to the people. Hey, it's a possibility, right? I mean who seriously put their faith and trust in the government these days? Probably not a whole lot. The media? Millions of people.

I can guarantee that months from now, our memory will recall, "Whatever happened to swine flu?"
Are we talking about media or the actual virus itself? Maybe I'm missing the point.

The flu itself is something of concern, with or without the media. Just because it's overhyped doesn't mean it's not dangerous. I heard someone bring up today that the flu has killed way more people than the swine flu to date and yet that's not hyped. So what, it's still killed people.

What I'm getting from people's tones is that 'the media is overhyping this so I guess swine flu is not much of a concern' and 'god, another super bug, what a bunch of bullshit'. The media shouldn't be the reason why we pooh-pooh the threat of the disease (we shouldn't), blown up though it may be.

Also, don't you think we should be happy we don't hear of SARS, anthrax attacks, and bird flu anymore? The day we hear 'Whatever happened to [insert deadly overhyped disease here]?' should be cause for celebration.

Don't get me wrong, I'm hoping swine flu stays this contained.

Just my two cents.
Are we talking about media or the actual virus itself? Maybe I'm missing the point.

Pretty much both.

The flu itself is something of concern, with or without the media. Just because it's overhyped doesn't mean it's not dangerous. I heard someone bring up today that the flu has killed way more people than the swine flu to date and yet that's not hyped. So what, it's still killed people.

What I'm getting from people's tones is that 'the media is overhyping this so I guess swine flu is not much of a concern' and 'god, another super bug, what a bunch of bullshit'. The media shouldn't be the reason why we pooh-pooh the threat of the disease (we shouldn't), blown up though it may be.
Oh yeah, I won't deny that the flu (anything dangerous for that matter, not just flu-related) is a concern to everyone since it's killed many people in the past - trust me I've spoken to a few people about this and they probably thought I was just going on a rant about the media, but that aside, yes I am concerned about it - it's there in the back of my mind that hey, even though it's over-hyped, it can potentially harm my loved ones. But then I'm also looking at the media and my opinion and thoughts starts to go on a whole new different tangent here. The threat of the flu disease (swine or not) is there, it exist. We all know that since people die from it every year, but I'm not using the media here as an excuse to just shrug at the whole thing as if it were nothing. Of course it is concerning and it's sad that people had died. But the media is a different story and that's just the way I feel - it's kinda complicated to explain but I suppose you could say it's a two different issue for me. I feel this way about one thing, I feel that way about another.

I'm just a little irked at the way the media is going about this whole thing. It's one thing to be concerned, but another to live in fear. I mean if people would look at the way the media does it - they're beating it into people's brain so much that they're causing fear. But like I also said, if people really want to take preventive measures, then good for them.

Also, don't you think we should be happy we don't hear of SARS, anthrax attacks, and bird flu anymore? The day we hear 'Whatever happened to [insert deadly overhyped disease here]?' should be cause for celebration.

Of course, naturally. But then, I've heard so many controversial things about those matter too and one just cannot help but be a little wary and speculate a lot of things when it comes to the media. I guess you could say that I'm one of those that you'd love to argue with for hours upon hours because of the way I think, knowing it may annoy a lot of people. But let's not go there. =] Those are just my standpoint.
As someone who hasn't turned the news on for weeks even I am getting fed up with the media hype. The news gets to you. Logging on to msn gives you the headlines. I read them here. People tell me.

I can agree the media isn't quite doing its best to keep everybody calm. The way they should be doing that is by not milking this at every opportunity and telling us to keep calm, as then peope still panic as they make the assumption that the threat must be serious.

It's not just the government media blowing this out of proportions. I said a few posts back how the Wolverine movie was "hit by swine flu" in Mexico *cough* publicity *cough*.

I know there is an element of the threat that is real though. And now that it is in my town (apparantly) it has been brought as close to home as it can get. I'm more worried about some of my friends (actually all thats left of my friends!) who all seem to have weak hearts, bad immune systems or are elderly. Not sure how the symptoms work, or how easy the cure is but if it gets bad they might not take it.

On the the other hand though theres no need to worry. It's just been a reported case in my area that has probably been dealt with swiftly if it was genuine. Worrying about it does nothing. The media is doing its best to keep us scared which can lead to another danger. The media might keep us scared to the point that we're used to it and we get a cry-wolf scenario. If this turns into nothing more and more people will just sod it. If the next pandemic is serious it might take people longer to respond and equal more deaths. But meh, I just wish they'd shut up a bit more, though obviously they have to mention it.
Am writing My Will Now

lol good idea

precautions: take temperature everyday and wear masks

I just want to say that you should be worried (yeah, i know, it goes against everything in my last post, but...) about your families and friends and how they're doing because if they're quarantined you might never see them again.

also, for my will, i just might give someone here something... :D
Which reminds me, I heard my in-laws saying something about this archeologists who had shook hands with Obama when he was at Mexico, and that person had died of the 'swine flu' the next day, and now they're worried that Obama would get it too, but apparently they weren't even really worried, yet there's the media probably boasting the fact that the numbers of deaths from 'swine flu' has increased and really trying to scare the people by raising the alert level to five. I mean, thousands of people die of the regular flu every single year. There's a lot of things we should be worried about, quite frankly, not just this flu. I seriously think it's just a bunch of inflated figures. A giant scare tactic to redirect our eyes and thoughts to something else. I could be wrong, but that's just my thoughts at the moment. I can go to a doctor's office, cough a few times and they'll probably freak and say, "Oh you have the swine flu, we're going to quarantine you."

The difference with Swine Flu compared to regular flu is Swine Flu can kill anybody, where as with normal flu, deaths have usually been within the elderly or people with weak immune systems.

The raise of the alert level has been over hyped aswell. All it really means is that the virus is spreading from human to human, and it's happening in more than one country. So it's nothing really to be too alerted by, it's intended to keep people aware, but ofcourse, the media will do what it can to make it into some huge panic.
I mean don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with taking precautions, so out of respect for those who have died and are worried about their loved ones, I don't see anything wrong with that. It's always better to be safe than sorry. But the way I see it so far, is that the media sure likes making things sound so crazy. Let's see, there were SARS, anthrax, West Nile virus, bird flu, African killer bees - whatever happened to those? And now the swine flu? People have been around pigs for thousands of years, and now we're hearing about this crap that may likely kill what, 'millions' of people?

The Flu virus constantly evolves. So in 10 years time we could be hearing of another type of flu that noone's heard of before.

Let's not forget, the government controls the media, and the media is the easiest way to channel 'information' to the people. Hey, it's a possibility, right? I mean who seriously put their faith and trust in the government these days? Probably not a whole lot. The media? Millions of people.

I can guarantee that months from now, our memory will recall, "Whatever happened to swine flu?"


You know what's pretty funny? People seem to think the name "Swine Flu" is offensive to certain religions. :lol:

Honestly...i have been reading and keeping up with everything...many schools have shut down around where i live..i guess there was a mexican girl who just came here about 4 weeks ago..or school isnt closed yet..but..i've read that our bodies are not yet immune to this..that Flu diseases every year can grow and..generate themselves into a new type of disease..i think its quite scary..the only reason it hasent quite hit US as hard as in mexico is hasent been here long enough unlike in mexico..this disease as they said is new..and there isnt a vaccine..also it reached a level 5 out of 6..they said if it reaches level six they wil isolate the infected and qaurantine the unaffected..which i think is messed up...everything i read is here,8599,1894129,00.html?xid=feed-yahoo-full-health-related

click other links as well..i dont know what to think..its true they are blowing some things out of porportion..but i think they know more..than we actually do.Also i wouldnt like if it affected my loved ones..if they are quarantined..i would never see them probably..also on another topic..a guy left a comment about this swine flu saying.."Finally America got this..its good! All americans should die! All american children, women, and all of america's existence..america should fall"
How can someone be that heartless? also he kept spelling america wrong..its not good that people are dying..also shouldnt wish for people to die..this guy is German..The swine flu..isnt all to serious yet..[key word..YET] in my school dont understand that this disease is airborne and can spread just by think..we should be on the safe side and not underestimate something we dont quite understand.
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o_o They can go fuck themselves. I'm not being quarantined just so I can get sick! What the fuck is wrong with these psychotic, obsessed people? I'm sorry, but I still think this is just a bunch of pyscho-babble bullshit. Just like I said earlier, the economic and political hype is dying down, the media needs something ELSE to freak people out over, so they're using this swine flu crap. Don't you also find it funny that all of a sudden now that we have this outbreak of swine flu, the market is suddenly doing well?
♥Aerith♥;538825 said:
o_o They can go fuck themselves. I'm not being quarantined just so I can get sick! What the fuck is wrong with these psychotic, obsessed people? I'm sorry, but I still think this is just a bunch of pyscho-babble bullshit. Just like I said earlier, the economic and political hype is dying down, the media needs something ELSE to freak people out over, so they're using this swine flu crap. Don't you also find it funny that all of a sudden now that we have this outbreak of swine flu, the market is suddenly doing well?

that is also true..but again as i said we shouldnt underestimate something we are not too sure about..the media may be a bunch of motherfuckers who wanna make money..but the president..said a lot of things about it and im sure..[as he is being watches like..HARDCORE] he wouldnt want to cause an uprise..or a huge panic over the country since he is president..i dont think..he would want to..put more pressure on his shoulders..just to get the media something to talk about..
Apparently there was something on the news in Australia about some people in NSW having caught it.

To me it seems the media just likes to keep people on their toes. I mean, they advertised face masks and within the next day of hearing it on the news, every second person was in the pharmacy asking for face masks, which we have now sold out of.

I certainly hope it isn't as serious as they are making out it is, but when they continually make a big deal out of every disease that makes it's way into the country, how do you know what is really serious and what isn't?