Are you worried about swine flu?

Honestly, this Swine Flu shit isn't that bad. It killed a bit of people in Mexico (not that many) and when it spread to the U.S. it killed 1 person. And that was a Toddler with an underdeveloped immune system. Cases of the normal flu kill more people. :wacky:
Actually, that toddler had just crossed the border into the US from Mexico with his/her parents. The toddler was sent straight to a hospital in Texas where they tried to fight the infection there. Obviously the child's immune system wasn't strong enough as the child was very young, so he/she died. I'm not sure if the toddler was a boy or a girl. o_o All I know is that's the only person to have died from it in the US and it was a person who'd been in Mexico and had just crossed the border.
727 cases in mexico and 26 deaths

I always check this tells you the Latest cases and how many people in the infected country's have swine flu

The pandemic alert status remains at five. Almost all infections outside of Mexico have been mild and only a handful of patients have needed hospital treatment.
Cases have now been confirmed in 20 countries around the world, including El Salvador, Costa Rica, Spain, Germany, South Korea, Hong Kong and Israel.
♥Aerith♥;541585 said:
Actually, that toddler had just crossed the border into the US from Mexico with his/her parents. The toddler was sent straight to a hospital in Texas where they tried to fight the infection there. Obviously the child's immune system wasn't strong enough as the child was very young, so he/she died. I'm not sure if the toddler was a boy or a girl. o_o All I know is that's the only person to have died from it in the US and it was a person who'd been in Mexico and had just crossed the border.

Okay and that just furthers my point! Wasn't even ours. I can understand the parents wanting to get the child help...but it also annoys me that they don't give a shit if they're bringing it into the U.S.
I thought it was ~400 cases worldwide, how has it became 727 cases worldwide? also i think this thread has really gone too far on keeping track of the h1n1 virus. although it is on the news i dont wanna hear it in here aswel...D:
1,569 Cases worldwide Now

2nd person in america has died off swine flu

(CNN) -- Texas health officials have identified the first U.S. resident who died while infected with swine flu but stopped short of directly saying the virus killed her.

The news of Judy Trunnell's death came as officials in the United States and Mexico voiced hope that the worst of the new flu strain may be over.
By early Wednesday, the number of confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus rose to 1,516 in 22 countries, according to the latest World Health Organization tally. The count includes 30 deaths: 29 people in Mexico and one in the United States.
The United States reported 403 cases, but Trunnell's death had not been added to the WHO count.
Trunnell, a pregnant 33-year-old teacher, had "chronic underlying health conditions" when she was admitted to a hospital in April, the Texas Department of State Health Services said. The agency did not offer more details.
The woman, who was eight months' pregnant, was placed on life support. She gave birth to a healthy girl via Caesarean section and died this week.
She was from Cameron County, which is on the U.S.- Mexico border.
Uh well duh. That's why it's crucial for a pregnant woman NOT TO GET SICK. She can easily die because her immune system is not only fighting to protect itself, but the child she's carrying as well. There are a lot of pregnant woman who'd contracted just the regular flu and died from it because their bodies weren't strong enough to carry both a child and fight a really nasty virus. I'm sorry, but I still think the media is blowing this whole fucking thing out of proportion.
I'm with Mandi, I'm still of the opinion that the media is blowing it way out of proportion. If the flu was killing LOTS of people, and killing them quickly, THEN I'd be worried. But, it isn't. I think it's just a new mutation of normal flu, and the media is scare-mongering since it's appeared so quickly.

It's treatable, it's not necessarily life-threatening. As long as people remain calm and don't over-react, I can't see a problem with it all. The media should be reassuring people, not dramatizing everything.
Uh. Wait. 20-so deaths? Everyone's going on about 150. The media needs to get their facts right -___-

No, that was the media blowing everything out of proportion as usual, just like I said. Also, the WHO confirmed that there had only been about a handful of deaths, NOT 150+ like the media was claiming to. Rumour had it that apparently the 'higher ups' was telling the media to hype it up so as to get the economy strain off of people's minds and have them freak out over something else. Certainly rose the sales boosts of medicine and shit like that. It's so ridiculous.
Afraid of Swine Flu? Nah, not at all. It's been said that it's the same as the normal Flu, if not less dangerous. It's just another media created epidemic to sell more products. It's like West Nile, EEE and Bird Flu, nothing came from these diseases that were supposedly gonna wipe out the population. Like when Mad Cow was a big deal, and it turned out that it couldn't be spread amongst cows, let alone to us. Anyways, I'm going off on a tangent, but no, the Swine Flu doesn't bother me at all.
It's wierd how the baby Never contracted swine flu and how he come out perfectly healthy after all a baby's have a really weak immune system. i know the media or hyping things up but there was a good point about it combining with a more dangerous strain then it will be a danger but i think the odds of that are very unlikely we still need to be careful though if people don't take it seriously then it will be a problem
Yeah, it is odd that the baby didn't come out with swine flu either. I think it's really just another media hype because somebody died in the US this week who might've been coughing and was pregnant. Let's just all freak out and say "ZOMG! IT WAS THE SWINE FLU THAT KILLED THIS PREGNANT WOMAN!" :ffs: Even an ordinary cold or sinus infection can kill a pregnant woman if she's not treated properly, taking her prenatals and keeping herself healthy. We don't even know how healthy she was prior to her death.
I think while it's not as deadly as some previous epidemics/pandemics.. it's still a concern. I live in Australia and it's just hit our borders.. the number of infected has just topped 50, doubling in just one day..
My state has been the worst affected thus far.

I beleive the global death toll from swine flu is just shy of 100. That's not a lot when you consider it as a global statistic - influenza kills 2000 or so Australians a year. A much more frightening statistic.. still, it's a cause for health concern when it is still spreading like crazy, on a global scale, with little sign of letting up.

There's also the worry that virus's mutate and evolve, and can become more resiliant over time, and more deadly.

It worries me.. but I don't walk around with a mask on and disinfect everything like a crazy person, but it is still cause for health concern. Especially when the spread is as high as it is, on a global scale. I beleive the last I heard, there were approx. 12,000 confirmed cases globally.

I expect to see a lot more cases, but so far we've seen little death result from it. But it's death all the same. Tell the families of those that have died, that Swine flu isn't cause for worry.
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Guy Kawasaki and his "team" aggregated the major news feeds about swine flu at - lots of information, by all authorities

About swine flu; yes, yes, it has affected a major live stock - pigs - but there's not much to affected pigs coming over here at the States. Since the outbreak of news coverage, the Mexican Agriculture department should have cordoned off any lines for pork transferring. The pigs I eat come from somewhere in the midwest or so. As for all else, the only pigs likely to have contracted N1H1 were those least cared for, pigs that wouldn't even be sent anywhere else, due to low quality and sanitary issues. Now for the people possibly infected, I also have no worries. By this time they should have been informed by the news on the 'telly' or the newspapers and gone off to the local clinic for treatment and vaccination.
Not worried at all. The media was blowing it way out of proportion. Luckily it's calmed down now.
No, because..

1: It's no deadlier than the Seasonal Flu.

2: I have yet to even get any form of the Flu. Why should my daily activities that apparently make me NOT get the Flu, get me the Flu? :monster:
No, because..

1: It's no deadlier than the Seasonal Flu.

2: I have yet to even get any form of the Flu. Why should my daily activities that apparently make me NOT get the Flu, get me the Flu? :monster:

I've been saying this for so long. Why was everyone freaking out over something that is basically the same thing as the regular flu?

Basically all you have to do is wash your hands, stay away from sick people, eat right, and exercise. Do that and you'll be fine.
I don't know why there is such a scare to begin with. I mean yeah, people are dying by it, and it IS spreading rapidly, but there are much deadlier diseases out there, and my gosh, they have a cure for it already, so why fret?

I'm sort of worried. Only because of late I've heard a lot of people around me at work saying that they may have it, since it spread into Australia. <_<

A lady today went to the doctors connected to our pharmacy and got swabbed and then got sent home.

I mean I know it more than likely won't kill anyone, but it doesn't sound very pleasant to have. =/

I am most definitely worried now because my 21st is coming up soon and I don't want to be dreadfully sick during it.