Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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Final Fantasy VII, no doubt. It was the first FF game I've ever played and it has remained my favorite since I was 10. I doubt any other FF game will change that. FFXIII may come close but it wont surpass.

it would be FFVII as its an awesome classic and the most populat final antasy ever
The best imo is VII, what a game that is, it's just got a great story line and so much fun to play and they characters were awsome, i mean Sephiroth was such a brilliant enemy!
All the characters are very likable too, and plus you get the gold saucer and get to see awsome flash backs of the characters too!

In that exact order. *highfives who ever else is cool enough for XII*

Judge Rulia will love you :wacky:

I still say VII followed closely by VIII & X, I just can't get enough of these three games. I haven't played VII in so long though,I relaly must play it again -_-
8D He knows about me already harhar. We already PM'ed each other ;D
too man people voting for seven and not eight.

The reason i choose VIII?
probably because it was my first.
Aren't you always supposed to remember your first?
well anyway, i liked squall and the other characters and the plot
For me Final Fantasy X was the breakout title, it attracted a new generation of gamers with it's obvious richness of story and gameplay. The franchise would not have grown into what it is today if it were not for the tenth instalment of the series. Square-Enix showed their RPG prowess utilising the new-found power of the PS2 to produce the most compelling game to hit the market at that time. It was not a game to me, it was an experience. An experience that melded me with the characters and left me with an enduring sense of involvement throughout. Progressing through the plot drew me in deeper to the depths of Spira and it's inhabitants. For a time in my life, Spira was my world.

-Sir Balthier
Well... now Crisis Core is doing it for me. I really love the battle system, it's great. :elmo:

Though options of gameplay may be quite limited to missions and battles, and not much else, I'm loving it. Plus half nekkid Zack = Heart. :wacky:
Well Its hard to compare much when comparing them to the other FF's, simplest thing to compare in my view is the leveling system. So I'm going with 10, I actually enjoyed leveling my characters.
I cant pick only one i loved VI VII VIII and XII
They all have different qualities tht i love about them
Currently, my favorite Final Fantasy game is VI. I'm pretty sure that Versus XIII will be the best from what I've seen.
I'll just make this nice and short...I happen to like FF6-it had my favorite characters Kefka, Celes, Setzer, Edgar, Locke...and one the best storylines. And then FF10, the music was at its best and no matter how cringe worthy the voice acting was, it worked perfectly. Followed shortly by 8 and 7, though I didn't really like the gameplay system in 8...and in 7 (it's been a year or so since I replayed it, but it's still a favourite.)
FF6 is my most favorite Final Fantasy. It was kinda unique compared to other FFs. The characters were also unique in their own way. Especially Kefka.

Though, I feel as if this FF was seriously overlooked by the general gaming public and overshadowed by its predecessor.

And when I say unique, I mean it. Selling a weapon or shield was not a wise decision at all. It's probably the only FF which follows this principle.
Mine would have to be FF10.


I love the characters (yes, even Tidus), the music, the story line, and especially the battle system