Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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In my opinion, it's Final Fantasy VI. I played that game, and wow, how awesome. I don't know. I just liked the majority of it and the flaws I noticed were no big deal.
i choose Final fantasy x. cause it actually takes you into the story, that your 1 of the party members, that make the game just so awsome. like when tidus told you everything what he did before the meeting in zanarkand. FFvii is also a good game it also let you take part of the party members.
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To me, it has to be Final Fantasy Tactics. Final Fantasy Tactics is my all time favourite game because of the story and the characters. The story is phenominal and the characters are so unique! My favourite character is Delita because its cool how he manipulates everyone and then becomes leader.
I personally found that Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was one of the better ones, but maybe 9 was my's a real close call...yeah I know most ppl are head over heels for 7 and it was kick arse, but me I like 9 and Mystic Quest better ^_^
!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!


YES!!!! YES YES!!!! My god i don't believe it! FFVIII is my favorite aswell! But the thing is...i really expected 7 or 10 to get the most votes...hmm.

Well i guess this proves once and for all that 8 has one of the strongest followings and is also one of the best in the series. (Despite what other people will lead you to believe :P)

Um...I think you need to look a lil' closer to the poll results. It has FFVII as the most, not FFVIII. Or maybe you just mispelled it.:huh:

Anyway, I voted for FFVII, it has alot of emotion after FFX, and it also has
tragic deaths, like Aeris being killed and Cait Sith's mog being sacrificed (it was cute, I wanted it as a stuffed animal, :( )
. Materia, they were shiny, I thought they were gems :wacky:, and the monsters....THEY WERE COOL!
Final Fantasy VII.

Easily the best for me. It was my first Final Fantasy, which maybe has something to do with my strong likeness for it, but it's definately my favourite.

What I liked so much was the story. It was just so interesting and great, and I really felt and knew the story as I played.
Also, the characters. Usually I have one or two characters that I wholly love compared to the others in a FF game, but with VII, I had quite a few favourites that I really did love, like Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, Yuffie, Aeris, Sephiroth and Cait Sith.
because I know it's a little outdated now, but it's always the one I end up going back to.
I voted Final Fantasy 7...

Not only that Cloud is the best char. of all time * In my opinion* But the storyline which is very complicated and very hard to understand...
I'm talking about Hojo and Vincents story and Aeriths and Yuffie the Turks ,ShinRa...they are all linked to each other.
Mako , materia and the list could go on forever...
Anyway Dirge of Cerberus was fun to play but a bit to lame...S.E. is going down day by day...getting a hot char as a mainchar for girls wasnt a good idea...and making Crisis Core just to get money off ruins the original FF7...they could insted put heart in what they have been workin and not just to be in for the cash.Cuz if the game would have been a real blast more money could have been coming. Zack should have been left dead...
Square ... hmph...I hope that they can repair the mistake one day.
A FF7 Remake would have been worth the money .

Take care.
I loved the battle system in X, It beats all the others hands down & being able to switch charcacters mid battle was an absolute godsend. I think I had more fun with the sphere grid than the actual game sometimes aswel lol
The best I thought was VII. In my opinion it had the best characters, the best storyline, and was the most enjoyable game.
I think VIII was the best followed closely by VII.

VIII had the most intense opening, a great story and cool locations. I really dug the renaissance style cities and designs. I also think a lot of the FMV's in VIII are wicked... like the naval approach on Dollet and the battle between the Gardens.

Triple Triad was hella addictive too and added a lot of hours to that game. The gameplay was great in general.. not perfect by any means... drawing could get boring/frustrating and the system meant magic use wasn't encouraged. But I felt these were minor faults in the scheme of things.

The Ragnarock was aweome too!
Final Fantasy VIII for me. I loved the storyline and the general feel of the universe in which the game took place. The cutscenes were great, I really liked the junction system, and most importantly: The game remained consistently great throughout all 4 discs. There was never really a dull moment, atleast not to me.

IX, Tactics, and VII comes after. In that exact order.
I liked Final Fantasy VII, but I love Final Fantasy VI. It had a huge, unique cast and one of the most unique magic systems I've seen thus far. It is also unique in that the initial plans of the antagonist do come to fruition.
No one picked X-2? Strange

Anyway, I voted for 8, seeing as it possibly has the best character interweaving of them all (although I do notice that the 'orphan' bit is a tad overplayed). I really enjoyed the backstory with the Moogles and Laguna and the dream sequences were were thought out and also well explained. The rivalry, betrayal, and condition of Seifer was a great bit, and the summons- Oh my, the best summons of any game. (I think that's one thing I disliked about 9; the summons were so disappointing).
The junctioning system was the most complex from any FF I've played and also the most useful once mastered. 7 gets second for the battle system though, materia was great fun.

So, my favorite was 8, followed by 7. Tactics came in third, and a 6, 9, and XII:RW were close contenders.
These are my favorites in order and why:

1. FF9- It had my favorite story, favorite music, favorite characters, favorite side quests, and good graphics. I can't think of one single bad thing to say about this game.

2. FF7- Most fans that I've seen place a vote for a favorite FF game, choose this one. Though it's my second favorite, it's barely behind FF9, and I can perfectly see why most fans would choose this one. It had a great story, great music, great characters, many side quests that were fun, and I just love how the weapons (the weapon beings that is) actually travel, and I love the thrill when you turn around and out of no where one is right behind you and scares the crap out of you, whether you are flying in the air or cruising in the water. The only thing that this game lacks is good graphics, but as a fan of classic games, and the memories and love I have for the old and classic FF games, graphics really don't even matter to me that much at all.

3. FF4- I loved the story, the music, and the remake really brought back old, yet great memories with the graphics. It also has great characters, and for some reason I love the Chocobos in this game.

4. FF10- This game had high hopes, and many people I talked to thought this game was going to be a major disappointment (don't ask me why, because I don't know lol), but it wound up being the exact opposite. The graphics evolved, and as everyone knows it was the first FF with actual voices in it, which made it just that much more exciting. The characters were great, Sin was awesome, and the places/storylines were just great. The only bad thing about this, was the ending.

5. FF3- This was a classic one. I absolutely love the remake on the DS.

6. FF1- This was a classic one as well, and I just happen to like this story better than the ones I have yet to list lol.

7. FF2- This was also a classic one, and I like this the next best for the same reason as above.

8. FF5- I love the remake on GBA.

9. FF6- Same as above.

10. FF10-2- I liked the mystery as it pertained to what happened to Tidus, but playing with just women at the beginning was stupid, and I absolutely hate the villains at the beginning. This sequel to FF10 was a major disappointment IMHO.

11. FF8- Most people I talk to about this game like it, but I just hate the game, especially the main character (Squall).

12. FF12- I haven't played much of this one, because I absolutely, and instantly hated the gameplay and stopped playing shortly after I started.
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I'd definitely say Final Fantasy IX was my favourite. I liked the music, and I really liked the ability and magic system. Also, the game was a welcome return to how Final Fantasy was before FFVII and FFVIII (meaning it had a more 'fantasy'-esque feel to it).
I d have no idea, but it's either one of the first 4, or FF9...
Not FF5, because it was boring...