Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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I too shall go through them all. Starting from the bottom.

Final Fantasy II - No real improvements over the first except maybe the fact you actually have proper characters. The development system, admittely intresting on paper, was poor. Its a good job that since it original release on the NES that it's been remade on newer consoles, because the GBA version at least makes it playable.

Final Fantasy I - A good game, though these day the NES version is praticly unplayable, and thats something coming from me as you all should know I don't care for how good graphics are in a game. Simple RPG, good fun, serves the seires well as its starting point. Again, good job on the newer releases.

Final Fantasy III - When I talk FF III, I mean the original NES version. I think its great! Of course not on par with future releases, but certainly a huge improvement on its two predocessors in everyway. It has a relitivly good story from the limits it has, and the job system (although mostly there just for show) is intresting. I have yet to play the DS remake but the original will always have merit! It a shame it was never released over here officaly.

Final Fantasy X-2 - I hate this game with a passion (see the worst FF thread for details), however I think it would be unfair to put it below the NES era games because tbh that would be dissing it too far. Even if it is cringe worthy, it still has its good points.

Final Fantasy V - Job system is great and it has some good memorable scenes. But the story seems abit bland in places. Its this reason it only goes down a notch below its predocessor.

Final Fantasy IV - The game that showed real development in the seires. ATB, bigger cast of playable characters with storylines and own unique features, memorable characters and bosses, epic story and Cecil is great as a main character! As some of you know I havent been a big fan of FFIV because of the time spend levelling (it does take ages admittedly) but ignoring that its a classic.

Final Fantasy VIII - I've had many fun memories of this game with my friend, something that will be picked up again later, and for a long time has been high on my list. Unfortunatly as time has gone on, its become quite tiresome. Good story overall and the Junctioning system is a great, fresh idea and the GF's were awesome. Triple Triade still stands as the best on-going mini-game of any FF. But its too easy to enjoy fully these days now im older and wiser. There are also some parts that I find good awefully boring.

Final Fantasy IX - Wasn't a huge fan of it before, but like IV have come to love it more. I played this properly all the way through not long after I had finished playing earleir FF's on the PS, so the little 'references' really made me smile. Characters are great, Zidane I thought was awesome, and the development system was a nice idea to include. I did like how each character had their own diffrent class, very FFIVish but a bit annoyed with how your party members kept switching and you were at times forced to spend time levelling for the 'familiar faces' to catch up as it were. Also, like VIII, had quite the few boring moments that seemed to drag.

Final Fantasy X - Great graphics, amazing story, intresting characters mostly, and unlike most new FF's, the bosses later actually keep me on my toes and require stratagy. The sphere Grid is my favorite method of character development in the seires. And the whole Aeon thing blew me away! What I don't like about the game is the turn based battle system, its a PS2 game not a bloody NES! The weapon system wasn't that intresting, though like the idea of 'modifiying'. The mini-games were crap. Blitzball had a good idea but in the end failed and the voice acting in places sucked. I would have also liked to have seen a variaty of monsters like had been done in VIII, and not just rehashed jobbies. The binning of the world map was also a sad loss. Overall a brilliant game, but feels that its somehow 'half-done' in some places.

Final Fantasy XIII - Makes up for losses from X, Everything XI should have been for us 'non-online gamers' and helps us forget X-2 even exsisted. Improved Voice Acting, Amazingly detailed settings, many different and intresting races, Real Time is awesome, and odd story for an FF but works. Love the hunts, the Bazzar and all the little tid bits like that. And like IX, has many referances to past FF's.Also like Balthier, what a man! Abit Starwar-esq but thats good, it works! Problems are that, like X, some aspects seemed rushed. Things like the Licence Board, though a good idea at the start, you realise its abit boring after a while and all characters battle wise become the same. Still, beats the shit out of most games these days.

Final Fantasy VI - Now this is a game! For a SNES game, its incredibly detailed and its long list of unique characters is just overwhelming. Replay value is high because of plot scenes you'll only see with paticular characters or combonations of characters. The first half of the game is almost flawless masterpiece, but the whole idea of the second just being made up of optional side-quests just addes to the replay value and doesnt ruin it at all. Great memorable villans, comical humore, hard parts, easy parts, this game is great. The Esper system is the only real flaw. Most arn't worth using, and its easy to take away a character uniqueness by learning them every possible magic but its a small nit-pick. A must have, I could end up playing it all day, in fact I will after this....

And the top of the pile....

Final Fantasy VII - I have many MANY great memories with this game. Me and my friend would play it all the time, discovering all its little secrets (remember, we didn't have access to the internet as freely as we do now, so no going to GameFAQ's every 10 secs!), and for a 9 yr old boy who isn't accustomed to epic games, the scenes in VII absolutly kicked our asses! many seirous FUCKING HELL LOOK AT THAT! moments. The story, despite being confusing and knowone knew what the hell was really going on, kept us hooked. Its got humore, its got sadness, its got just plain weird bits more than any other FF to date. Villans are awesome, and Sephiroth WAS badass. The gameplay was awesome. Materia allowed for mixed combonations in abilitys, very flexible and was generaly intresting. You just HAD to get all the diffrent materias going. Chocobo Breeding and racing, fooking genius. Betting on the races, certainly fulled my inner gambler of the time. It may look dated now, but the magic is still there. ITS JUST GREAT!
Nice post Moonchild ^^.

For me, it has to be FFVIII, with FFIX a close second.
I know there's constant arguing about how crappy the characters were, but I don't believe all these arguements are justified. Yes, some could be a touch better thought out but without the stories of the characters the storyline would not work at all; and the storyline is absolutely fantastic.

-I love the junction system. Once you get the hang of it, you can learn to customise your character as you wish, but at the same time you can see why people don't like that.

-The GF's make the game that extra bit special. The idea of learning abilities through the GF's is a great one, the only one I hated was boost. It took me forever to find out how to actually use that stupid thing. The one FF game, in my opinion, to better the GF system; is FFX. They got it spot on.

-Triple triad was a nice touch, and could play a sizeable part in the game. Once you actually learn the rules: same, plus, becomes very, very addictive. I may have spent more time on this game than the actual storyline.

-The scenery and towns! OK, to some of you this may seem like a very stupid thing to like, but it's not when you think about it. You could see just how much detail went into each location and they were by no means the same as each other; Esthar springs to mind.

Don't get me wrong, it had it's small faults. Every game does, but for me the pro's outweighed the con's easily. It's a game with massive re-play value and it's an absolute classic.
FF7 I find it all together and amazing game. I love the characters and the story line is beautiful. Its one of those I find myself playing unable to stop. ^-^
FFXII hands down. FFIX was my favourite until the release of FFXII.
FFXII has is much more interactive and 'flowing' than any other FF, and the battle system beats all others like rofl. Also the graphics are great, and Omega Mark XII/Yiazmat are the hardest mega bosses I've faced yet, especially considering Yiazmat took me 9 odd hours to defeat:wacky:.
wow. Um, this is like a life question here. I have number 10, but I just dont see what so great about. i got it when I was like 9, and i played it and now sin attacked thisplace on the beach...and it just doesnt make sense. Plus tidus is a FREAK. I think im placing my vote on ff3, ff8, or ff7. i just voted for 3 cuz no one did. also, 12 is very good, but ive been stuck on ghis for like 6 months now.
I'm glad IX is appreciated more than I thought it would be. It is a beautiful game. The characters, the locales, the music is all beautiful and comes together to make a great game. Final Fantasy IX featured the best compilation of cut-scenes and the game featured some of the most memeroable moments in the series.
Honestly I haven't played FF IX so I didn't vote for it, HOWEVER I have heard a lot of good (meaning Awesome) things about it.

Still I've voted for VIII, the mix of plot/movies/twists/characters and how their personalities were shown in various situations made it my fav. And of course Laguna's story T___T

Well that's my vote ^___^
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X was definately the best hands down!there was quite alot of sidequests to do as well as some really cool bosses and characters
FF VII was mediocre at best, a horrible translation with a dumb run of the mill "BIG METEOR WILL KILL YOU ALL" plot, also, near the end it got incoherent, like the writers had to keep a deadline so they made up some nonsense about cloning. The characters were unappealing, from the run of the mill "Main Spiky Haired Character Who Doesn't Say Anything" to the "One Dimensional Female With An Umbrella Who Isn't Around Long Enough To Even Use In One Battle"

FF X however had characters that I liked, a great ability system(Sphere Grid is godly, anyone who says otherwise needs to get their face smashed in with a bat) and a satisfying ending.
FFX to me. It goes so far in depth, that it takes forever to try to piece together every part of the plot into the puzzle. Time differences between 1000 years of existence, the different worlds and times of Zanarkands existence and dream stages, the connection between Yu Yevon, Sin, and the Bevelle/Zanarkand war...

Then the Aeons and how they fit into the story; the pilgrimage of past guardians and summoners, and the 3 amigos of Braska, Jecht and young Auron. So much happening in such a short game. Yes, a short game.
what is your favorite final fantasy game?

personally my favorite was final fantasy X-and VII

b/c of tidus and cloud
This should be in general discussion, but we already have a stickied thread for that...

Could someone either close/merge this please?
Final Fantasy X is my favorite. First game with voice overs, added a lot to the characters for me. Thrilling story, great graphics and gameplay. No other in the series really matches up. Final Fantasy VIII is my second favorite.