Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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Id have to say VII but Im possibly quite biased as it was my first RPG ever & I loved it instantly. The story had me gripped pretty much from the start. I loved all the plot twists
Altho I think VIII & X are a very close second (if not joint first) because again, I love a good story!
for me the best is final fantasy 7. purely cos i wasnt really into rpg games back then and by playing ff7 i was forced to play them forever more.

the story was jus so involving and the mechanics jus blew me away. i jus loved it and will always love it.

close but not to close for me is 9. has really good music and the story was pretty immense.

altho as i keep playing ff12 its rivalling 9 for second.
...N-No... it c-can't b-b-be possible... Not a SINGLE vote for Tactics!!?? Kudos to Sephirothalpha for at least mentioning it, but surely there are others that agree with me that Tactics is by far the best Final Fantasy? Let's list the general criteria for an excellent ff game:

1.Well developed plot: Good GOD, not only did they do that, they practically wrote an entire history archive! The plot itself was of Shakespearian proportions. The epic clash of the haves and the have-nots, the question of balancing morality with duty, and, of course, those with power desire more power.

2.Well fleshed out characters: Pure quality. One could truly experience Ramza's struggle of morality as the world in which he was raised proved to be one of falsehoods and existentialism. They even had characters tailor made to hate *cough* Argath/Algus *cough* Dycedarg *cough* (just a side note, I have found it is very difficult to cough 'Dycedarg').

3.A soundtrack that blows the mind: Okay, I concede that this game's soundtrack is not the best in the series. However, it really does match the overall tone of the game, and the game itself concentrates more on plot than cinema.

4.Someone gets betrayed: ...forget Sephiroth. His turn is a mere pirrouette compared to the ballet of betrayals that IS Tactics.

5.Miscellaneous: Tactics has Cameo appearances! It is a game that requires strategy like no other FF game before or after! Tons of replay value in that there are tons of jobs and abilities with which to experiment! The PSP version (the better one, in my opinion) even has multiplayer, so you can test your strategy against the mind of another human!

No doubt I have neglected other aspects that some would consider another vital point to any game in the franchise, but I am sure that Tactics is at least adequet in any of those points.

...If you couldn't tell, my vote is Other=> Tactics.
Hands down for me it's Final Fantasy XII. I don't think a Final Fantasy game has EVER kept me as riveted as this one has.
Now it's been a while since I've posted I would say near a year now or whenever FF12 came out, but I will jump at this thread.

Personally I am an old timer, I've played every Final Fantasy there has been except the 2nd one on DS.

First off, I was very very fond of the first Final Fantasy besides the fact my Nintendo would erase my games after I had been very very very far in them. The whole Red Mage/ White Mage/ Blue Mage/ Thief/ Warrior was brilliant from an RPG stand point. Final Fantasy 1 was the first RPG I ever played at the young age of 7-8. I loved the combat sequences to the small story lines to the Boat to the Airship. Amazing. Of course if you had a blue mage , you naturally were overpowered since he could cast lit 4 and blow everything out of the water.

Seriously though the FF game I loved was FF3 for SNES which I believe is realistically FF6. Beautiful game, with a slightly better story line. I loved the mechs and the magic and the abilities that each character inhibited.

This game did not have a match though for Shining Force, which was a brilliant game done by Sega. Great story, great use of leveling up, promotions and blah blah

My all time favorite RPG though was a tie between XenoGears and Final Fantasy VII and Silver Star Story Complete. For their time, these three had the most developed story line along with game play I could ever apply my mind to. My buddy let me know about about FFVII and for an RPG I thought it was to complex at first with all the materia and junk, but it wasn't until I was able to buy a copy of my own after about 2 months after it came out.. that I was able to see the true beauty of this game.

The first FMV I ever witnessed my eyes widdened, and yes I admit Cloud was a bad ass of his time along with Fei from XenoGears. Tifa, Aeries, Cid, Barret, Vincent, Yumi and of course the bad guys (Jenova, Seph, and the minor characters from shinra) - Ah each of these characters had their own stories, plots, and were amazing.

From Magic Materia to Summons to Limit Breakers, I can only describe this game as ominous. I told myself that no other Final Fantasy could ever replace this game as far as Story Depth, as far as gameplay, and as far as character developement than this. I really hoped there would be a 2nd addition to this game, like a FFVII-2 in which told the happenings after Chaos and Holy clashed. And since this rpg all left us with open mouths two movies have been created since, which have involved in more story depth of the Life Stream and Jenova. I played Vincent's game, which was a nice First Person Shooter, but I just wish they would have made a follow up, but I guess that's what Makes FFVII the best final fantasy game since.

Yea, I've played FF10 and FF12 and yes they were good additions to the Final Fantasy games, but the originality is lacking still. FF8 and FF9 were good as far as stories and FMVS go, but nothing to brag about as far as gameplay.

So that's my favorite, take it or leave it.
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Just a question... if FFX-2 is included, why not FFXI? Like it or not, it is a numbered Final Fantasy.

My favourite is FFVI because it is simply the best :P bit disappointed it doesn't have more votes though.
Final Fantasy X is my favorite. First game with voice overs, added a lot to the characters for me. Thrilling story, great graphics and gameplay. No other in the series really matches up. Final Fantasy VIII is my second favorite.

Ditto for me. We're like, the same person. :P

I played FF8 first, then FF10. Both had amazing character development, and their soundtracks were nearly flawless. To see what I mean, I just made a recent post in some other thread comparing FFX character dev. to FF12, so my multiple-page rant is there. :P

Out of all of the FFs, FFX was the only one that was able to evoke true emotions. Every bit of gameplay (save the random encounters) had an impact on the storyline, and the inescapable death of Sin might not have been original in other people's eyes, but it was original in mine. What other FF had a foe you could only beat in one way, and it came back time and time again to bring death and havoc? The spiral of death concept presented by Seymour was profound and morose.

There's so much to explain, I can't explain it all! >_<
The best FF game, once again I was torn but these time between FFVII, FFVIII and FFX, the three are the best games of the FF franquise but in the end had to vote for FFVII.

FFVII had everything, a great plot line, amazing characters, one of the best battle systems, the best villian ever, God even the music was
it had the only kiss Cloud ever got and it was from Yuffie :D
I find it very difficult, i've played all and they all have great qualities about them, but narrowing it down i'm stuck between IX, X and XII, VII is very special aswell, but the later releases have enhanced the series and stories even more than that.

IX was the most for fun, it had a great Chocobo subquest which is what I enjoyed the most in all FF Chocobo subquests in the whole series and had numourous references to the games before it, and a lovely medeivel style story like older FF's, but not original.

FFX was just epic, I absolutely loved this game, especially the chemistry between the characters, reminded me of the chemistry from VII, the summons were just jaw-dropping, Shiva was definately my favourite, loved the click of the fingers and the entrance, what attitude. lol

However I found the lack of subquests the downer of the game and what subquests were available were quite harsh, involving the Celestial weapons and the battle system was annoying aswell, every 5 steps mostly a random battle pops up. I was in heaven when I got the No Encounter add-on. The sphere-grid was the icing on the cake for me, absolutely brilliant leveling up system, and Dark Aeons were a great challenge, I haven't beaten them all though.

FFXII was a huge welcome difference for me and somewhat controversial for some, some of the graphical effects still out-do some next-gen titles, like the reflection an a smooth floor for example. I didn't bond with the characters like in previous FF's though, but I like Fran the most. I haven't finished XII though, but what I've played so far, I quite enjoy, but I do wish each character had their own skills, a job system would've been a great addition to it and would've made it more epic and less repetative with magic and weapons.

The licence grid and bringing all members into the fight were fantastic additions, bringing in "on the bench" characters after your team dies is something i've always wanted in a FF game. Running around instead of waiting for the loading screen is much better too, i used to dislike those loading screens with breaking glass n' such, much more freedom. I suppose the bland characters sort've don't make it as good as it should be, but the longitivity make it an epic adventure and the sidequests too.

I'm basically stuck on these so i'll go will all 3 tied.

I might aswell rate the rest.






7. FFI

8. FFV


Never played XI, because of the online thing, not going to rate the sub-games in the series, just the main titles.
I'm going to say VII, simply because it was the first Final Fantasy I ever played and also because its what enticed me to play other FF titles.
I also thought the depth of everything in VII was amazing ^_^
*bah! i dont vote for any best Final fantasy,cause theyre all sooo WICKED SICK!!! but i will vot eon the most memorable game i played,and its final fantasy VIII,i enjoyed playing this game over and over,the graphics are cool,the characters were entertaining,interesting and the ladies were hot.all in all a perfect 10 rating for avert factor,even a 10 for the flaws :D :D

*weeeeeeeeeeee :D
I don't think that there is a "Best" Final Fantsy game in the entire series, I mean I am a FFVII fan, there for I will think that VII is the best and yes I do think VII is the best followed by XII. And I know that after this post there will be others trying to prove me wrong, but it really doesn't work. I'm a FFVII fan and there for I think that VII is the best outta all of them ^^
Yeah, I would have to agree. Not only did FF V111 have great characters, all of which I adored, the plot was also sweet and enticing.

The weapons were some of the coolest things to look forward to, having to search everywhere to find the magazines, and then beat the monsters to acquire the specific items. Not to mention how challenging the game was once you got to the fourth disk.

Sorceress Ultimicia .....blah!

FF Viii
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I'm going with VIII it's a great game and almost perfect for me.BUT, it have a little mistakes.
My favourite is XII, but as this is which one you think is the best, I chose VII, it has the best characters, music, monsters etc. and although its not my favourite, (its my 3rd) it is what I think, the best of the FF games so far
The one that I think revolutionised the series the most is FF VII. It's impossible for me to pick a favourite, and I don't see there as being a best one, so I will vote on most revolutionary title.