Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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I think that Final Fantasy VII is the best Final Fantasy game, just did such a good job with the characters and the story, the music is good too, and the gameplay is great, what's not to love about it?
Definatly Final Fantasy 7 =D

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Ok I see I didn't add enough before so...
I chose FF7 because,

1) It's got the most amazing storyline of them all.
2) The best music.
3) The best characters. (Cloud, Seph and Vincent =D)

Yes, it may not have the best of Graphics, but the game doesn't need good graphics to have a great story.~

I just love everything! :D

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Iwould have to say FFVII, although its graphics are classed as complete rubbish compared to the more updated FF games such as X and XII it's storyline is amazing its characters are great and it has my favorite ability (like thing) system Materia
It has to be FFX for me. Not only is the storyline amazing (and better than the storyline for most movies imo), it's graphics are gorgeous, the gameplay is amazing.

Now I know that the character models aren't all that good looking, but the scenery is phenomonal. To be honest, it's better than the scenery for a lot of newer ps2 games, and even some next gen ones.

And this is the only storyline/game/whatever that has a love story that I actually like. Usually I hate how love stories are done, but this one was done perfectly for me. THE MUSIC!!

The ending as well. So sad. :(

Just my view on the game. =D
Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite Final Fantasy game.

The story is one of the best out there. So much depth, great characters, good gameplay, it just keeps you coming back for more! I can play this game over and over again and never get tired of it.

The only thing I wish they did was to make a new game + on it.
Going with FFVII.

Nice storyline, decent side-quests, mastering materia, likable characters, awesome soundtrack, and a bad-ass mad-man, Sephiroth.:cool:

Runner-ups: FFT, FFXII
I liked FF VII. but it was overrated with the sequals/pres sequals

the story, characters, music, even the gameplay was awesome. xD
I think that FF VI was the best. To me it had the best plot of the Final Fantasy games that I played. It also had a very wide variety of playable characters, but the characters were all still developed quite a bit over the course of the game. Each character had its own immense background story, and I liked that. It also had the best music out of the series. Whatever it was, it fitted the mood perfectly. And also the main bad guy wasn't just some evil entity, he was just this little annoying pest to begin with, but he became much more powerful over time. Anyway, that's why I thought it was the best. It was made before Final Fantasy became extremely popular, and if it was made sometime after FF 7, a lot of people would appreciate it more. It was an absolutely astonishing game, and it will always be my favorite.
I feel that 6 was overlooked, and then 7 came along and most people forgot about 6, and the rest started playing Final Fantasy starting with 7. Kefka is probably the coolest boss in any game. Period. He ACTUALLY destroys the world, and ends up becoming this godlike being. Amazing.
id have to say FFXII because of the new fighting style that ws pretty cool
my fav FF game would tactics. it is the very first FF game that relys mainly on strategy. also the battle system makes it seem more realistic as you have to move before you attack. plus the skill system is nice. if you haven't played FF tactics, i advise you to do so
yep as ive said my favourite would have to be number seven because i think it had the best graphic for its time and
:vincent:is on it so it had tko bwe good and every one had there own perrsonality and every one actully ated reasonab;ly human excepts
:vincent: of course so thats why i love final fantasy Vii
Alright guys, please quit the spamming and little chit chats with each other, especially rellik259 and Dincht. I have deleted many spammy posts from you two and I believe you two were already warned by other staff members.
FFVII for me, a great storyline and characters, the villain -Sephiroth- just rocked.
FFX was good to but still I like FFVII better.
For me, it has to be FFX... Other than my lovely Yuna, it has got great graphics, a nice storyline, and its popular among some of my buddies...

I personally haven't really played this game though, but should be getting the chance soon!
FFX was good in everything
graphics , song and story
But FFVII Character is better
and the story is beautiful just like ffx
and i got a problem to choose between them
but i vote to ffx​
My favorite Final Fantasy has always been FFVII. I have loved the game sine the first time I played the game. It was the first one I played as well.
I'm torn between X and XII. Both were equally amazing and I can't fault either of them in any way at all. The plot and characters in both games were simply outstanding and, at the end of the day, that's what we're looking for in a good game. Between the amazingly controversial story of XII and the horribly sad ending to X, it's impossible for me to choose which of the two I actually prefer.
FFVII definitely! Plot is great! and when that game came out, all graphic was great that time xD And it doesn't look so bad anyway.
And all that music.. perfect music for every situation