Crisis Core Can G be...

I dont think that Sephiroth and Genesis are actually related, they where both "created" by similar experiments but i think they where just random test subjects chosen by Hojo.
i really just do and also probably from KH we see cloud has a wing on his left side but he is right handed... i know kh doesn't have anything to do with ff but its facts have to come from somewhere, but if genisis were to be right handed and his left shoulder have a wing then my theory would be correct same for genisis if he is right handed my theory would still be correct

You really can't say this about Sephiroth, he wields a Two-Handed sword. Therefor he holds his sword with both hands.
You really can't say this about Sephiroth, he wields a Two-Handed sword. Therefor he holds his sword with both hands.

ummm... sephiroth is left handed, we all know that, its kinda like a common fact now, and we also know that Cloud is right handed, if you deniy, well see which hand sephiroth is holding his sword, when he only uses one hand, same for cloud
Maybe they aren't actually brothers but they may consider each other brothers, like Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo always called Cloud their brother
hmmm... if you had the same genes as me, would you be considered my brother, because he have the same basic principle of dna in our system, people would think that you know

Yeah, I can't see Sephy and G calling eachother brother though, maybe SE might develop this in some way, who knows?
ummm... sephiroth is left handed, we all know that, its kinda like a common fact now, and we also know that Cloud is right handed, if you deniy, well see which hand sephiroth is holding his sword, when he only uses one hand, same for cloud

Not denying he isn't left handed, but he does wield a TWO handed sword. Therefor the theory of the wing to sword thing, doesn't apply.
OMG! i'm freaking excited after reading this thread!

Yeah, I can't see Sephy and G calling eachother brother though, maybe SE might develop this in some way, who knows?

i think that SE purposely left the ending of DOC in such a way so that they could keep us interested... so i guess they will be revealing a lot of this in crisis core or maybe they will even make a totally separate game from this?:D
Crisis Core Website said:

A SOLDIER: 1st Class of the Shinra Company. He devotes himself to literature and enjoys reading from the epic Loveless. He has a friendship with fellow SOLDIERs Sephiroth and Angeal, though he also views Sephiroth as a rival. He went missing during the Wutai campaign.

And no, they aren't brothers. Genesis have a family, and his name is Genesis Rhapsodos.
And no, they aren't brothers. Genesis have a family, and his name is Genesis Rhapsodos.

I didn't know that. But in all reality, Sephiroth thought that his mother, Jenova, was an actual person. In all reality Genesis' family could be a Shinra front or something of that nature.
Can G be Sephiroth's brother??? I don't know what the story on G's gonna be in FF7 Crisis Core, but as of right now, I'm in speculation.

G pops out a single wing on the opposite side where Sephiroth pops out his wing. Hojo was the only one who saw Lucrecia giving birth, she was passed out. Could G and Sephiroth have been siamese twins?? Joined at the shoulder or something, which can explain why they have their wing on opposite sides. This is something that I'm seriously contemplating. I've seen no proof to credit or discredit this theory.

Your thoughts folks........................

well the only info that i know is that remember genisis might have been the child that was born......and got hidden..... and the part in ff7 when cloud was talking about the past about sephiroth saying he was created as a monster .....may be hojo cloned genisis dna and made sephiroth.......and they did do experiment on them right!! and give me a reply if im right or wrong......lmao

well all i can is that genisis may have been the child that was born...........and got taken away from hojo..........and plus the part in ff7 when cloud is talking about the past about sephiroth saying he was created as a monster....... may be genisis dna was been cloned by hojo and probably thats how sephiroth was born.....give me a reply back if im right or wrong....lolz
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Righto, time for an unoffical yet informative Moonie sum-up;

We have Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth. All members of SOLDIER. Shinra wanted to produce a strong army with the power of the Ancients, so used cells from Jenova (who they thought was a Ancient) to produce Sephiroth. That much we know for certain. Now I'm thinking that despite having Jenova, Shinra was experimenting with other sources to create their 'perfect army', and produced Genesis (But we know 'G' is before 'S' so obviously this was happening before Sephiroth was born).

Genesis, Sephiroth and Angeal all join SOLDIER and at some point during the war with Wutai Genesis dissapears. Eventually Shinra tracks down Genesis and Sephiroth is sent to capture him. With that not going as planned (from the trailer, I'm thinking this is the point Sephiroth goes mad and begins his quest to 're-take' the planet), Angeal with Zack are sent instead and thus begins CC proper. Now what ever is up with Angeal we will have to wait and play CC for ourselfs as nothing solid has been mentioned at all anywhere as far as I know. It seems that some of CC will be set around the time of the 'Nibelheim incident' so things are unclear as to what order events take place, what the trailer shows could be flashbacks, we will have to wait.

In the end, Zack defeat Genesis (Angeal has probably fallen at this time, Zack inheriting the Buster Sword) and Genesis is sealed away by Shinra for futher experimentation. The experiements with Genesis result in the creation of the Tsevits and the Deepground army, intending to be a special division of SOLDIER (this may/may not have been started at an earlier time, prior to CC but we will wait and see), and will not be heard of again until DoC. This explaines why Genesis called Weiss ''Brother'' in the secret ending of DoC.

Final Fantasy VII starts; Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth are dispatched to Nibelheim. Now from the trailor of CC, Sephiroth seems to at some point becomes hostile, suggesting that CC also elaberates on what happend at Nibelheim and shows what FF VII didn't previously. Eitherway, we know Sephiroth gets defeated, Cloud and Zack are captured and are experimented on in attempt to make a 'clone' of Sephiroth and so on, we should all know the rest regarding that...

The wings that Angeal, Genesis and Genesis have could just be side effects to the experiments they have gone through, they don't necassarly have to be linked to each other, though we'll have to wait if there really is a solid connection.

I have a feeling CC could fuck up abit of VII's original story. Adding things to the story before VII (CC) and then picking up on them after (DoC) makes me feel that this is now what SE wants as the true FFVII story and whatever happend in the original game is just a 'side story' if you know what I mean. I just hope it all fits nicely together in the end to stop that from happening.
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From what I hear Genesis is sort of a predecessor to Sephiroth, in the experimental sense. He was created prior to Sephiroth's creation though genetic experimentation. He was created through the idea of putting Mako inside a human body (thus explaining his Mako glowing eyes). These experiments created some flaw in him that Sephiroth did not have. My gues is that he eventually discovered the truth behind his creation and his purpose and, like Sephiroth, began to harbor a hatred for mankind. From the looks of the secret ending (I couldn't pay enough attention to get through the whole game ) It's looks to me as if Shinra (or some other entity) had managed to place him in suspended animation, from which he escapes.

His name (Genesis: 'The Beginning') also makes me think that perhaps he was the first experiment to be deemed enough of a success to be allowed to live and be part of soldier. I think he was the one to usher in the era of Sephiroth.

Again this is just my opinion. I need to do more research before I can know the truth
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Well, considering that fact that the FFVII spin-offs aren't written by the same people who wrote FFVII. Yes this does sound confusing.

Genesis is a prototype of Sephiroth.

Also please use the spoiler tag. Some people do not want to see any spoilers about Genesis or Crisis Core. ;)
Oh no, I'm just saying if you wish to say anything you know about Crisis Core and Genesis just use a spoiler tag. I myself don't care about spoilers, but some members wish to not see any spoilers about Crisis Core and Genesis. x_x
Everytime I stumble across one of these threads I end up so confused. I didn't even know who that guy WAS at the end of DOC, how do you people find these things out?

Was there any mention of this Genesis guy in VII or are SE just making up it as they go along?