Fan Art caucasian eagle's FF fan art

Omg....their...beautiful!! They look so realistic! When I first saw the Cloud one, I thought it was a real person! Awesome work you got there!:D
ow, hey up!! :mrgreen:

I dono if it's worth submitting my art here anymore, might as well delete the topic... but anyway i;ll post my latest work tht i did for fan girls :P

OMG that is so adorable. XD

I simply love the cat ears and how they're eating/sucking lollies. XD

Very sexy outfits and the detail in them is just amazing!

Their hair is just so beautiful and lifelike. I want to touch it!
You've done a fantastic job on this!
aaw thank u! lol i didnt work much on their hair xD

aaam another painting of Axel, but its only for practise =)

Wow! I never noticed your fanart thread before, Caucasian!

I love Axel's hair. It's simply flawless. I love how detailed it looks and the different shades of red. I also love the burning cards effect. It looks so authentic.

If this is practice- I'm astounded. It's astonishingly beautful! Keep working! <333
Probably the best painting I've seen of Axel to date (y)
It's unreal, the hair is fantastic and the colour and detail put into it is simply astounding. Everything has been perfect from facial and jacket features to the colour in general. And I love the detail of the fire and cards as well. Simply brilliant. Awesome work!
As usual, I think your work is grand, Im loving the cards on the axel pic. I envy your skills so much :gonk:

Love the one for the fangirls too, it's awesome. 8F
woow i didnt expect to get 4 replies back! thanx guys! u r really flattering me! :awesome:x3
well it's a practise for further improvement :) so u dont need to say wow xD

aam i have another piece here which i havent finished. It's from an illustration im doing off FF characters all joined together and having fun.


Cloud is having a conversation with Lighting. Im trying to depict Cloud flirting with Lighting a bit, but doing it carefully as she is a very manned and strong woman :P

Jesus Christ, I was clicking this link expecting some casual fan art, and I get this? Amazing, absolutely amazing. I love the way the Cloud and Lightning one is coming along, you're very talented. The painting of Axel is great, I can't believe it was for practice. The Vincent ones caught my eye right away. The one of Kadaj is absolutely incredible as well! I can't wait to see more of your work! :D
aaw thank u hun! :lew:^_^ well suuuure i will, i have sketches as well but i dono if u guys want me to post them ... =}
lol btw ur avie gave me giggles as i posted a drawing with Lighting in it and walla someone with her avie replied me. xD
Oh wow you've really done an excellent job on this recent one!

Cloud and Lightning are positioned awesomely and it does come across that Cloud is slightly flirting with her whilst she seems to hold back a bit.

You've done a fantastic job at making her legs cross over and and making her arms rest on them. It looks so lifelike the way they're both sitting.

Keep up the fantastic work!
Ooooh very sexy one of Vincent I must say.

The Cloud one is very detailed and I like those glasses he has on. XD

Love the way you've done his hair and how you've got him leaning on his sword.

Fantastic shading and I love how mysterious the Vincent one is.

The colours are so rich and lovely too. <3
aaaw thank u Kandy-Sugar! im still struggling with colous, i still can't use rich colours :S

new pic i did today, just felt like drawing although i was ment to do my work =S but i couldnt help it xD

Wow that one looks fantastic!

I really love the texture of his skin and all the different shades of colours you've used to make it look more real.

The hair is gorgeous! I love how you've used some lighter browns to mix in with the blonde. It gives it a more natural and realistic look.

You've really nailed his hairstyle too!

Awesome work on the outfit! So much detail. <3
wow thank u! ur reallly flattering me! it only took me an hour to draw and i didnt really work tht hard on it xD
i took this this night to carry on with the same illustration. Now i added Vinnie, but his face looks a bit too cold whereas he must smyle and act a bit cheeky on the pic, where he's tryin to listen to the conversation between the two, being nosy and all tht xD

now im off to bed it's 02:08 in the morning!!! 8O:confused: