Cloud's Love Triangle - The LTD of FFVII

Which couple are meant to be together?

  • Cloud x Tifa

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Cloud x Aerith

    Votes: 31 40.8%
  • Zack x Aerith

    Votes: 15 19.7%
  • I don't care...

    Votes: 16 21.1%

  • Total voters
Hey, just a friendly reminder to please try to keep it civil in here; it's great to have well thought out debates like this on the forum, but we do ask that everyone remains courteous to each other at the same time. Thanks =)
Hey, just a friendly reminder to please try to keep it civil in here; it's great to have well thought out debates like this on the forum, but we do ask that everyone remains courteous to each other at the same time. Thanks =)

Valvalis, duly noted, I just wanted to quote this post to show it didn't go un-noticed :3

Terra said:
No shred you say? I wouldn't be so bold as to make such a statement, Baron. Regret for her death? Its far more than regret. You must see that. If you feel as if that's all he felt, than you are darkening Cloud's character to one so sinister, it could be comparable to Sephiroth.

That was awesome Terra, really, that post was amazing. How anyone can possibly read that post and come up with a counter is beyond me, I am glad I am not the only one who finds it derogatory to Clouds character to say he had no feelings for Aerith, after all they went through together.

My mind is boggled.
There are many books, the movie, game quotes, translations from the Ultimanias and whatnot, that shows just how deeply Cloud cares for Aerith.

Fallacy (not an offense, this is just the technical term). There are many books, translations from the Ultimanias and other whatnot that show exactly what you said. Not the game and the movie, though.

Then it comes down to how canon you consider these other sources. People who believe in the theory of "the author is dead" will just ignore these sources. People who believe they are as much as canon as the game or the movie, if not more, then they will really reach the same conclusion as you did.
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Fallacy (not an offense, this is just the technical term). There are many books, translations from the Ultimanias and other whatnot that show exactly what you said. Not the game and the movie, though.
What? 8(
Are you kidding me? The movie shows Cloud having UNDYING feelings for Aerith! The game says she's SOMETHING DEAR TO HIM. The Game has Cloud tell everyone that he THINKS OF AERITH A LOT. The game shows Cloud telling Aerith that HE WILL BE THERE FOR HER. That's not something someone does if they don't care for someone.

The commercial for the game says they are a story of a LOVE. Just cuz you won't accept it doesn't mean Cloud's love/adoration/concern isn't there. That's absurd, dude.
Fallacy (not an offense, this is just the technical term). There are many books, translations from the Ultimanias and other whatnot that show exactly what you said. Not the game and the movie, though.

Then it comes down to how canon you consider these other sources. People who believe in the theory of "the author is dead" will just ignore these sources. People who believe they are as much as canon as the game or the movie, if not more, then they will really reach the same conclusion as you did.

I believe in the theory that the author is dead, however I don't feel as if such a theory should be absolute and that someone can't yield information from other sources on the same subject matter - especially seeing as to take it as such would undermine the theory entirely, the theory being that of progression from the author rather than stagnation within the work. In any case, to use additional references would be as justified as using just the one core piece of reference. I think it's a question of preference, rather than fallacy.
Fallacy (not an offense, this is just the technical term). There are many books, translations from the Ultimanias and other whatnot that show exactly what you said. Not the game and the movie, though.

Then it comes down to how canon you consider these other sources. People who believe in the theory of "the author is dead" will just ignore these sources. People who believe they are as much as canon as the game or the movie, if not more, then they will really reach the same conclusion as you did.
I know what fallacy is.

You must have been playing a fan game or something, because the FF7 I played certainly showed romance between the two. Either you didn't play the correct FF7, or its: You're willing to deny what is there in sake of your fandom.

To simply state that there isn't nothing in the game that is or comes off romantic between A and C can come off a bit, how do I politely say it...? Well, it comes are extremely biased. If you feel your bold statement is of the truth, please, enlighten us all with this proof that Cloud and Aerith didn't have any romantic interaction within the game (which is absurd, by the way). Otherwise, I'm going to have to call this post one based on biased opinion. Lastly on this note, I would have to use your bold statement against you and say: "there isn't any romantic interaction between Tifa and Cloud either, all just a figment of imagination built of of Crisis Core or the need to interpret what cannot be, interpreted."

Now to direct the last of your post:

It doesn't matter if someone feels as if the books aren't canon simply because they wish to feel so, or if the author is dead or something else rather silly. Its not up to you, the fan, to determine or pick what is canon or not unless told.
Cloud undoubtedly has feelings for both Aeris and Tifa, as they do for him (and for eachother in my dreams :(). To suggest otherwise would be ludicrous, there wouldn't be a love triangle debate without that pretense. In any case, Cloud sobbing like a little girl over her limp body would suggest there was something more than just friendly sentiment.
Cloud undoubtedly has feelings for both Aeris and Tifa, as they do for him (and for eachother in my dreams :(). To suggest otherwise would be ludicrous, there wouldn't be a love triangle debate without that pretense.
Yes, thank you. To say Cloud doesn't or didn't have at least some feelings for both women at least at some point in his life is just absurd. As Tom said, it's a love triangle... that means Cloud's feelings for both women. Meaning Cloud has feelings for Aerith, too.
In any case, Cloud sobbing like a little girl over her limp body would suggest there was something more than just friendly sentiment.
One of my points, too. :ryan:
I'm an Aerith/Cloud fan :)

Ok, so throughout the game you can't deny they don't have a thing for eachother. Cloud opens up to her, and when she dies, Cloud is thoroughly depressed.

However, throughout the game you can definitely tell Tifa has feelings for Cloud, but there not necessarily romantic. Some IMO are, but others are just a deep caring and deep friendship. They have a deep relationship that I think Cloud feels a bit mixed up in, but I definitely know Cloud's feelings are stronger for Aerith.

I think that Tifa has some romantic feelings for Cloud, but that they both know it's better if they are friends. After all, how come Cloud never openly acted, well, say "romantically?" (not sure what the best word is) to Tifa before he met Aerith? I think that when Aerith came along, Cloud openly had feelings for her and that sparked some feelings in Tifa.

But you can definitely see that Aerith and Cloud have a stronger relationship, and it's definitely romantic.
Fallacy (not an offense, this is just the technical term). There are many books, translations from the Ultimanias and other whatnot that show exactly what you said. Not the game and the movie, though.

Then it comes down to how canon you consider these other sources. People who believe in the theory of "the author is dead" will just ignore these sources. People who believe they are as much as canon as the game or the movie, if not more, then they will really reach the same conclusion as you did.

"Nothing that implies romance afterward, huh? How about Cloud yearning for her in AC? Suffering in loneliness until seeing her again? Living in her Church/calling it "his place"? Wanting her forgiveness more than anything? Thinking of her a lot after her death AND after his persona correction in FFVII? If Cloud doesn't have romantic feeling for this 'someone he doesn't even know'' by your admission; why will he never forget her/why is she engraved in his heart? Why did he ask her who he was? Why did Nomura say something "very dear" to Cloud can be seen as Aerith?, the date and or dates that they go on? Cate Sith offering to be their preacher after their affinity telling, everyone giving condolence to Cloud at her death, Cloud accepting the dates as pay for being Aerith's body guard, Cloud showing such great emotion at Aeriths death it convinced Sephiroth that Cloud had emotions too?" -- I am posting this again.

Are you implying that interviews with the creators are not compilable to this debate for who knows what reason?
Let's remember that just because someone interprets something differently does not make them wrong. And let's stay away from telling others that they didn't play the game or didn't play the same game you did, etc. It really isn't necessary. If we can't debate without making sly digs at one another, then agree to disagree and move on. Thanks. :)
I know what fallacy is.

You must have been playing a fan game or something, because the FF7 I played certainly showed romance between the two. Either you didn't play the correct FF7, or its: You're willing to deny what is there in sake of your fandom.

To simply state that there isn't nothing in the game that is or comes off romantic between A and C can come off a bit, how do I politely say it...? Well, it comes are extremely biased. If you feel your bold statement is of the truth, please, enlighten us all with this proof that Cloud and Aerith didn't have any romantic interaction within the game (which is absurd, by the way). Otherwise, I'm going to have to call this post one based on biased opinion. Lastly on this note, I would have to use your bold statement against you and say: "there isn't any romantic interaction between Tifa and Cloud either, all just a figment of imagination built of of Crisis Core or the need to interpret what cannot be, interpreted."

Now to direct the last of your post:

It doesn't matter if someone feels as if the books aren't canon simply because they wish to feel so, or if the author is dead or something else rather silly. Its not up to you, the fan, to determine or pick what is canon or not unless told.

We can see clearly that the biased post is yours. I didn't even mentioned Tifa, but you are only worried in trying to imply that my opinion is biased because I would be a supporter of Cloud and Tifa relationship. That is the proof of the immaturity of this discussion. I can't believe after 14 years, the fans are still stuck in a nonsense fight between Cloud X Tifa versus Cloud x Aerith.

Saying so, I'd like to remember you that all the "proofs" you mention that "came from the game" are always based on your own interpretation of the story. In no moment there is a quote or a scene where either Cloud or Aerith states they really love each other. If you could not grasp the ambiguity and the "building up a climax" strategy to keep the player interested in the story, there is no point in trying.

So, I'm yet to see an unrefutable proof that there was really love in the game, not just silly suggestions. Don't come with "Cloud thinks about Aerith", "Cloud cried when Aerith died", "Cait Sith predicted they would be together.", "There is a silly date between Aerith and Cloud (where she confess she doesn't know the real Cloud. How can you love someone that you don't even know?)" because they are no proofs of romance. They are certainly points from where you can build your own love theory and you have the right to fill the holes of the story the way you think most fit, but to say they are undeniable proofs of your theory is too far-fetched, naive and disrespectful to all the millions of FFVII players all over the world. And your silly attempt of ridiculing everyone that disagrees with you saying they didn't play the right game is offensive.
We can see clearly that the biased post is yours. I didn't even mentioned Tifa, but you are only worried in trying to imply that my opinion is biased because I would be a supporter of Cloud and Tifa relationship. That is the proof of the immaturity of this discussion. I can't believe after 14 years, the fans are still stuck in a nonsense fight between Cloud X Tifa versus Cloud x Aerith.

Saying so, I'd like to remember you that all the "proofs" you mention that "came from the game" are always based on your own interpretation of the story. In no moment there is a quote or a scene where either Cloud or Aerith states they really love each other. If you could not grasp the ambiguity and the "building up a climax" strategy to keep the player interested in the story, there is no point in trying.

So, I'm yet to see an unrefutable proof that there was really love in the game, not just silly suggestions. Don't come with "Cloud thinks about Aerith", "Cloud cried when Aerith died", "Cait Sith predicted they would be together.", "There is a silly date between Aerith and Cloud (where she confess she doesn't know the real Cloud. How can you love someone that you don't even know?)" because they are no proofs of romance. They are certainly points from where you can build your own love theory and you have the right to fill the holes of the story the way you think most fit, but to say they are undeniable proofs of your theory is too far-fetched, naive and disrespectful to all the millions of FFVII players all over the world. And your silly attempt of ridiculing everyone that disagrees with you saying they didn't play the right game is offensive.

There is no interpreting the commercial saying THEY ARE A STORY OF A LOVE. end of story. If Square Enix OKAYS(allows) a commercial where it states Cloud and Aerith are a story of a love, then they're a story of a love, damn man. Therefor, their love isn't left to interpretation, silly, or naive like you're telling us, it's not unanswered and it doesn't NOT exist--SQUARE ENIX said to their fans back in 1997 "Hey, SOBs! Cloud and Aerith are a story of a love."

I don't think it could get much clearer, do you?

And, just for pointers, Aerith does admit she loves Cloud for Cloud, by the way.:wacky::wacky:
We can see clearly that the biased post is yours. I didn't even mentioned Tifa, but you are only worried in trying to imply that my opinion is biased because I would be a supporter of Cloud and Tifa relationship. That is the proof of the immaturity of this discussion. I can't believe after 14 years, the fans are still stuck in a nonsense fight between Cloud X Tifa versus Cloud x Aerith.

I assure you my post was not biased. What I did wasn't "bias" it was me trying to come to a conclusion as to why you would be willing to go as far as denying events in the game, in favor of a certain fandom. It has nothing to do with Tifa or Cloud or the two as a couple. It was a question. You said there was nothing romantic in the game between the two, I stated there was and that it appeared we played two entirely different games. Now I am immature? Your allegations are baseless. What exactly has been "immature" of my actions other than those you disagree with? I asked questions and disagreed. If that rises the "immaturity" card from you, then by golly-gee, what is supposed to be said here?

You very boldly claimed there was nothing in the game between the two. Which I'm sorry to reveal, was biased.

This situation actually sorta reminds me of what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes) said about judgment and bias thoughts. I believe it was in The Study in Scarlet. Very brilliant author, I must add.

If you cannot believe it, there is but one solution to the problem. No one here is forcing your hand. If you feel it unbearable, no need to continue.

Saying so, I'd like to remember you that all the "proofs" you mention that "came from the game" are always based on your own interpretation of the story. In no moment there is a quote or a scene where either Cloud or Aerith states they really love each other. If you could not grasp the ambiguity and the "building up a climax" strategy to keep the player interested in the story, there is no point in trying.

As I have pointed out many a pages ago, there is no interpretation in the game. If there was a need to interpret anything in the game, the creators would have said so. Yet you are willing to so easily force what you may believe as the official statements down people's throats. I heard nothing of this from the creators that "its left to interpretation". If you had read this/seen it/heard it, please provide liable sources (and I don't mean a blurry, small, image in Japanese to which I must place all my trust, on one site) for me to see and review myself.

It is pointless yet you continue this debacle. Either you disagree with yourself that there is no point or you just cannot get out of the debate.
I don't get it...if people think its pointless why do they still continue...? >.<

So, I'm yet to see an unrefutable proof that there was really love in the game, not just silly suggestions. Don't come with "Cloud thinks about Aerith", "Cloud cried when Aerith died", "Cait Sith predicted they would be together.", "There is a silly date between Aerith and Cloud (where she confess she doesn't know the real Cloud. How can you love someone that you don't even know?)" because they are no proofs of romance. They are certainly points from where you can build your own love theory and you have the right to fill the holes of the story the way you think most fit, but to say they are undeniable proofs of your theory is too far-fetched, naive and disrespectful to all the millions of FFVII players all over the world. And your silly attempt of ridiculing everyone that disagrees with you saying they didn't play the right game is offensive.

Am I to believe there is no proof to debunk love between the two? You said there wasn't love between them, please provide the evidence that suggestions they do not love each other or have feelings between each other. Until that point in which you decided to share this evidence, I will write it off as biased perspective.

*proof of love: Aerith says it, Nomura said Cloud has his "own, undying love for Aerith" we also have the DoC saying: "Aerith is engraved in Cloud's heart forever". From FF7? We have them going on two separate dates, Cloud's absolute grief (different than the reaction from her other friends by the way) after her death, Cloud telling Aerith in Cosmos Canyon "But I'm...we're here for you" and loads more.

Now the Cleriths are naive, disrespectful, far-fetched, silly, ridiculous people for disagreeing with you? Saying you played a different game is not offensive. It is suggestive of a biased view, but it is not offensive. What is offensive is you clumping all the people who disagree with you and labeling them as "naive, disrespectful, far-fetched, silly, ridiculous people". That is offensive, yet this didn't come off that way to you?

I ridicule no one and I certainly don't try to. Just more baseless allegations, it appears.


I look forward to the next post. If/when there is a post, I will try and get to it as quickly as I can, but I have a lot to do so I cannot promise a Sonic reply xD



I had no idea you posted, sorry about that. :eek:

It wasn't meant to start a fight, it was just a observation/question of the clear differences in the games I played and the one he played. The one I played showed lots of romantic interaction between C & A, even between C & T... >.>
I assure you my post was not biased. What I did wasn't "bias" it was me trying to come to a conclusion as to why you would be willing to go as far as denying events in the game, in favor of a certain fandom. It has nothing to do with Tifa or Cloud or the two as a couple. It was a question. You said there was nothing romantic in the game between the two, I stated there was and that it appeared we played two entirely different games. Now I am immature? Your allegations are baseless. What exactly has been "immature" of my actions other than those you disagree with? I asked questions and disagreed. If that rises the "immaturity" card from you, then by golly-gee, what is supposed to be said here?

You very boldly claimed there was nothing in the game between the two. Which I'm sorry to reveal, was biased.

This situation actually sorta reminds me of what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes) said about judgment and bias thoughts. I believe it was in The Study in Scarlet. Very brilliant author, I must add.

If you cannot believe it, there is but one solution to the problem. No one here is forcing your hand. If you feel it unbearable, no need to continue.

As I have pointed out many a pages ago, there is no interpretation in the game. If there was a need to interpret anything in the game, the creators would have said so. Yet you are willing to so easily force what you may believe as the official statements down people's throats. I heard nothing of this from the creators that "its left to interpretation". If you had read this/seen it/heard it, please provide liable sources (and I don't mean a blurry, small, image in Japanese to which I must place all my trust, on one site) for me to see and review myself.

It is pointless yet you continue this debacle. Either you disagree with yourself that there is no point or you just cannot get out of the debate.
I don't get it...if people think its pointless why do they still continue...? >.<

Am I to believe there is no proof to debunk love between the two? You said there wasn't love between them, please provide the evidence that suggestions they do not love each other or have feelings between each other. Until that point in which you decided to share this evidence, I will write it off as biased perspective.

*proof of love: Aerith says it, Nomura said Cloud has his "own, undying love for Aerith" we also have the DoC saying: "Aerith is engraved in Cloud's heart forever". From FF7? We have them going on two separate dates, Cloud's absolute grief (different than the reaction from her other friends by the way) after her death, Cloud telling Aerith in Cosmos Canyon "But I'm...we're here for you" and loads more.

Now the Cleriths are naive, disrespectful, far-fetched, silly, ridiculous people for disagreeing with you? Saying you played a different game is not offensive. It is suggestive of a biased view, but it is not offensive. What is offensive is you clumping all the people who disagree with you and labeling them as "naive, disrespectful, far-fetched, silly, ridiculous people". That is offensive, yet this didn't come off that way to you?

I ridicule no one and I certainly don't try to. Just more baseless allegations, it appears.


I look forward to the next post. If/when there is a post, I will try and get to it as quickly as I can, but I have a lot to do so I cannot promise a Sonic reply xD


Yes, when it is your opinion, it is not biased, when it is an opinion of anyone who disagrees with you it is biased.

To make matters worse, you twist what I have said or imply that I've said what I've not said to make your arguments valid. That doesn't make you right. And that is your immaturity in debating.

The first thing your argument fails is that there is no interpretation for the story of the game. Everything comes down to interpretation, even reality, imagine a story. No author of anything has to state clearly: "it is open to interpretation", stories are made to be interpreted by the reader. The fact that nowhere in the game they say Cloud loves Aerith or Tifa and vice-versa makes it obvious that they didn't want to make it mandatory for anyone. The authors can write whatever they want. If they didn't, that means a lot.

If becomes even funny that you have written that because all your arguments concerning FFVII are your own interpretation of the game. How two "dates" mean true love? How grief about one's death mean love? How "I'm... we're here for you" mean love?

Now you changed completely the focus. It is not me that have to prove there is no love between them, it is you that must prove that there is love between them using only the original FFVII game resources. I think this is what we are debating. Every time you mention something stated in interviews, books, ads, game spinoffs, etc, you are missing the point of the whole discussion. Check my previous post again. What was wriiten there? That you assuming that there are many places where they show they really love each other in the game, books, interviews, etc was a fallacy because it is only valid for books, interviews, etc and not the game. Do you have arguments to refute this? If not, I'm not interested in whatever arguments you may have for your theory.

And now you do it again. I've never said Cleriths are naive, disrespecful, silly or ridiculous. You were disrespectful and you are being naive. I don't care about what people want to think about the game. I just think it is naive from you to want to force everybody to believe the same thing as you.

And, of course, again, your insults "are not offensive" according to you. What else I could expect? It is even more insulting that you twist what I have said to try to make the others think I am insulting lots of people. You ridicule people and your claim that you don't is void. The claim of being ridiculed comes from the victim, not from the author.

I expect you to come with a long post, as you usually do, saying many things unrelated to what I have asked you, what I have argued with you. Please, don't do it. Stick to my original question or use your time to argue with other users about other arguments.

There is no interpreting the commercial saying THEY ARE A STORY OF A LOVE. end of story. If Square Enix OKAYS(allows) a commercial where it states Cloud and Aerith are a story of a love, then they're a story of a love, damn man. Therefor, their love isn't left to interpretation, silly, or naive like you're telling us, it's not unanswered and it doesn't NOT exist--SQUARE ENIX said to their fans back in 1997 "Hey, SOBs! Cloud and Aerith are a story of a love."

I don't think it could get much clearer, do you?

And, just for pointers, Aerith does admit she loves Cloud for Cloud, by the way.:wacky::wacky:

Advertisement? Who asked about advertisements? Advertisements are not part of the product. I'm not here to debate accuracy of advertisements, my original argument has nothing to do with that.

Cloud undoubtedly has feelings for both Aeris and Tifa, as they do for him (and for eachother in my dreams :(). To suggest otherwise would be ludicrous, there wouldn't be a love triangle debate without that pretense. In any case, Cloud sobbing like a little girl over her limp body would suggest there was something more than just friendly sentiment.

Feelings are not always romantic love. How crying at death means romantic love? It is up to your personal interpretation, and not a truth everybody has to agree with. Keep that in mind.
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Advertisement? Who asked about advertisements? Advertisements are not part of the product. I'm not here to debate accuracy of advertisements, my original argument has nothing to do with that.
Yes it is.

Square Enix showed commercials for Final Fantasy VIII of Rinoa and Squall acting romantic. They did the same for IX, and X... all the pairings shown in those commercials proved to be in love and the canon couple of the game. Why is VII any different? Because it proves Cloud and Aerith love each other? That's completely biased.

The commercial is made to sell the game, SQUARE ENIX allowed/and okayed the commercials(for Europe, France, and America) and they ALL say the same thing, that Cloud and Aerith are indeed a story of a love.

If the commercials portrayed something they didn't intend, they wouldn't have published it. Just because YOU do not want to accept the heavy implications of these commercials doesn't mean it doesn't mean anything.

If 8, 9, and 10's commercials showed the canon pairings and those were not false in any way shape or form, then neither is this commercial for VII.

Even if it was false information and not what the game intended nor what the makers wanted us to think, why is it in the European commercial and the French commercial it's still the same premise? That Cloud and Aerith are in love.

Are you trying to tell me that SQUARE ENIX would okay not one, not two, but THREE false commercials that had no relation to the game or the story? I'm sorry, don't take this personal or anything but that's utter crap.

You can go ahead and tell yourself that these commercials don't mean anything, but that doesn't change the fact that like SquallxRinoa, ZidanexGarnet, and TidusxYuna in each of their game's commercials, Cloud and Aerith are shown as the love interest of the game just like them.

Go ahead and deny these commercials and their heavy meaning, but denying it won't make the truth any less true and it sure as hell won't make Cloud/Tifa canon in any way shape or form.

Feelings are not always romantic love. How crying at death means romantic love? It is up to your personal interpretation, and not a truth everybody has to agree with. Keep that in mind.
Cloud's heart broke when she died, and it's been said that out of ALL of her friends Cloud's pain was the strongest there was. If Cloud was just as much of a friend to Aerith as the others, why is it that HIS pain for HER death was the one that was strongest? He was just as much of her friend as anyone else was, so what's the deal? Why was his pain over her death so much bigger for Cloud than her other friends?

For the love of God, as Sephiroth rants on with his big ebil plan of killing the planet and everyone on it(which, by the way includes Tifa) all Cloud can say is "Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing."

Hmm, that's pretty weird. Cloud supposedly doesn't harbor romantic feelings for her yet here he is screaming in anguish how Sephiroth's plan to pretty much kill of the planet and Tifa&Co.&rest of the world doesn't mean a thing now because Aerith is gone... because Aerith was taken from him.

And you're trying to tell me that how Cloud feels and what he says is what a mere friend would do?

Sorry, something in your explanation just ain't addin' up.:ahmed:

(P.S. I was going to throw in further information about this from the ultimanias and crap, but you'll probably just say they shouldn't be used anyway. :andry:)

Also, how you've been talking is pretty damn disrespectful and naive as well.
Yes it is.

Square Enix showed commercials for Final Fantasy VIII of Rinoa and Squall acting romantic. They did the same for IX, and X... all the pairings shown in those commercials proved to be in love and the canon couple of the game. Why is VII any different? Because it proves Cloud and Aerith love each other? That's completely biased.

The commercial is made to sell the game, SQUARE ENIX allowed/and okayed the commercials(for Europe, France, and America) and they ALL say the same thing, that Cloud and Aerith are indeed a story of a love.

If the commercials portrayed something they didn't intend, they wouldn't have published it. Just because YOU do not want to accept the heavy implications of these commercials doesn't mean it doesn't mean anything.

If 8, 9, and 10's commercials showed the canon pairings and those were not false in any way shape or form, then neither is this commercial for VII.

Even if it was false information and not what the game intended nor what the makers wanted us to think, why is it in the European commercial and the French commercial it's still the same premise? That Cloud and Aerith are in love.

Are you trying to tell me that SQUARE ENIX would okay not one, not two, but THREE false commercials that had no relation to the game or the story? I'm sorry, don't take this personal or anything but that's utter crap.

You can go ahead and tell yourself that these commercials don't mean anything, but that doesn't change the fact that like SquallxRinoa, ZidanexGarnet, and TidusxYuna in each of their game's commercials, Cloud and Aerith are shown as the love interest of the game just like them.

Go ahead and deny these commercials and their heavy meaning, but denying it won't make the truth any less true and it sure as hell won't make Cloud/Tifa canon in any way shape or form.

Cloud's heart broke when she died, and it's been said that out of ALL of her friends Cloud's pain was the strongest there was. If Cloud was just as much of a friend to Aerith as the others, why is it that HIS pain for HER death was the one that was strongest? He was just as much of her friend as anyone else was, so what's the deal? Why was his pain over her death so much bigger for Cloud than her other friends?

For the love of God, as Sephiroth rants on with his big ebil plan of killing the planet and everyone on it(which, by the way includes Tifa) all Cloud can say is "Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing."

Hmm, that's pretty weird. Cloud supposedly doesn't harbor romantic feelings for her yet here he is screaming in anguish how Sephiroth's plan to pretty much kill of the planet and Tifa&Co.&rest of the world doesn't mean a thing now because Aerith is gone... because Aerith was taken from him.

And you're trying to tell me that how Cloud feels and what he says is what a mere friend would do?

Sorry, something in your explanation just ain't addin' up.:ahmed:

(P.S. I was going to throw in further information about this from the ultimanias and crap, but you'll probably just say they shouldn't be used anyway. :andry:)

Also, how you've been talking is pretty damn disrespectful and naive as well.

About the advertisements, you have never seen any advertisement in your whole life that has not exaggerated qualities of a product to sell it. Advertisements are always honest. It must be it...

If your opinion was truth, then you could say Cloud's reaction proves he loved Aerith in a romantic way. In many people's opinions, it doesn't prove. As long as you use your personal opinion as an argument, it will be worthless. It doesn't change a thing that three or four of your friends back your opinion. It is still just an opinion.

You are very disrespectful too. And through the whole thread, with many, many people. It is not my fault that I pointed an error of logic in one part of a comment and a whole horde of people started attacking me personally. No one answered directly my argument. You all keep attacking aimlessly anyone who doesn't say Cloud X Aerith isthe only acceptable interpretation. You are acting foolishly because I have not even said your opinion that Cloud x Aerith is not valid, I am just telling something obvious: nothing in the game makes your opinion the only one valid. If it was so, there wouldn't be all that silly war between "Clotis" and "Cleriths".

I think it would be more useful just to acknowledge that there may me different opinions instead of mass attacking everybody that disagrees. Forum-wise, this thread is really sad.
Cloud's heart broke when she died, and it's been said that out of ALL of her friends Cloud's pain was the strongest there was. If Cloud was just as much of a friend to Aerith as the others, why is it that HIS pain for HER death was the one that was strongest? He was just as much of her friend as anyone else was, so what's the deal? Why was his pain over her death so much bigger for Cloud than her other friends?

I really hate when people bring this up (Just so you know, I don't support CloudxAerith or CloudxTifa)

Of course Cloud is going to cry over his friend's death! I don't see why people keep bringing this up. None of his other friends died in the game for you to even compare his grief to. He could have cried more if Tifa died, he could have cried more if Barrett died, you don't know that so you can't compare this scene to anything or say it means love! Everyone cries when someone close to them dies (unless you're heartless)

He cried because his friend died. He cried because he probably blamed himself. It was obvious he was closer to Aerith than any of the others were close to her, but that doesn't mean he wasn't also very close to Tifa and if she were to die he would he would probably cry just as much.

Crying over a friends death in such a circumstance does not = Love or romance in the slightest D:

I just wanted to put that out there.
Yes, when it is your opinion, it is not biased, when it is an opinion of anyone who disagrees with you it is biased.

To make matters worse, you twist what I have said or imply that I've said what I've not said to make your arguments valid. That doesn't make you right. And that is your immaturity in debating.

No, I think you are mixing up definitions. An opinion of the statement you made would be; "I didn't see any romantic interaction between in the game!" The difference is that you presented this "opinion" as a statement, something that is true and official. I will repeat your "statement" (not opinion):

Fallacy (not an offense, this is just the technical term). There are many books, translations from the Ultimanias and other whatnot that show exactly what you said. Not the game and the movie, though.
If you had meant it to be an "opinion" you would have said it that way, instead you said it as a statement of truth, as if it was official. I didn't see an opinion on the matter. What I saw was the opposite; a statement of what it is. Can you have your own opinion? Of course, I'm not stopping you nor am I making you stay here to express your opinion. Did you phrase your statement into an "opinion"? you didn't.

That is biased.

The first thing your argument fails is that there is no interpretation for the story of the game. Everything comes down to interpretation, even reality, imagine a story. No author of anything has to state clearly: "it is open to interpretation", stories are made to be interpreted by the reader. The fact that nowhere in the game they say Cloud loves Aerith or Tifa and vice-versa makes it obvious that they didn't want to make it mandatory for anyone. The authors can write whatever they want. If they didn't, that means a lot.

If becomes even funny that you have written that because all your arguments concerning FFVII are your own interpretation of the game. How two "dates" mean true love? How grief about one's death mean love? How "I'm... we're here for you" mean love?

Not really. Interpretation is not up for you to decide of another person's creation unless strictly told to do so. You can say it, yes, but it doesn't make it true.

Tsk tsk, I never stated through this entire debate which I believe to be "teh canonz" couple, nor have I hinted toward any particular pairing to be standing for. What I have done was ask questions, state facts (not opinions) and debated how one thing could be told isn't canon or shouldn't be used simply because a side doesn't want it to be used.

People generally don't date a single person twice if they don't feel anything for that person (before you say it, friends don't go out on romantic dates on some stupid roller-coaster thing or in a park) nor do they treat a person the way Cloud/Aerith does to Aerith/Cloud.

How could "But I'm..." not be romantic? Do you know of what he was about to say? Just because he didn't verbally continue and finish his sentence of "But I'm here for you" doesn't mean he didn't feel it.

Compare the grief Cloud feels about Aerith's death to that of say, Tifa or Yuffie's grief. Much, much different. Yet the furthest we get out of this discussion is "well, Cloud was Aerith's friend".

If this is so, why is it that her death was the hardest on him? Why is that her death made this man cry -- who according to some Cloti views was just a "friend" -- but no other "friend" of Aerith's reacted to her death the way Cloud did (what he said, crying -- all that jazz)? How is it that the only other person who cried (I believe?) was Yuffie, a young woman (teenager)?

Yet all of Aerith's "friends" felt this grief but the creators singled Cloud out just to bawl his eyes out, feel the great lost of never seeing her eyes/smile or hearing her voice again etc etc. Did the creators just single him out...just because? :huh:


Now you changed completely the focus. It is not me that have to prove there is no love between them, it is you that must prove that there is love between them using only the original FFVII game resources. I think this is what we are debating. Every time you mention something stated in interviews, books, ads, game spinoffs, etc, you are missing the point of the whole discussion. Check my previous post again. What was wriiten there? That you assuming that there are many places where they show they really love each other in the game, books, interviews, etc was a fallacy because it is only valid for books, interviews, etc and not the game. Do you have arguments to refute this? If not, I'm not interested in whatever arguments you may have for your theory.

I didn't change any focus, though I see the game being played here.
I already gave examples of their love through my last post and all my other posts here. Short of that, I would have to play FF7 and record the entire play-through and post it here. You wish to see the evidence to this as otherwise, aka, as "non-romantic interaction".

Now it is your turn in the debate; give me the evidence that supports the conclusion that Cloud and Aerith didn't love each other or had any romantic interaction in the game. You decided to bring this statement up, back it or simply don't bring it up. That is how debates work. Simple as that.

And now you do it again. I've never said Cleriths are naive, disrespecful, silly or ridiculous. You were disrespectful and you are being naive. I don't care about what people want to think about the game. I just think it is naive from you to want to force everybody to believe the same thing as you. you are personally attacking me then? And I'm the disrespectful, naive, far-fetched, silly, ridiculous person in the thread? Exactly what have I done to win such heated feelings from you other than disagree with you? That qualifies as "disrespectful" to you?

I didn't force anything down anyone's throat. Show me where I have tried to force something down someone's throat. I have done the exact opposite, actually. I want to know why the Clotis see what I brought up the way they do. If debating and disagreeing with you makes you think the person is disrespect I don't think you should be in this debate because that same thing will continue to happen.

And, of course, again, your insults "are not offensive" according to you. What else I could expect? It is even more insulting that you twist what I have said to try to make the others think I am insulting lots of people. You ridicule people and your claim that you don't is void. The claim of being ridiculed comes from the victim, not from the author.

I expect you to come with a long post, as you usually do, saying many things unrelated to what I have asked you, what I have argued with you. Please, don't do it. Stick to my original question or use your time to argue with other users about other arguments.
My insults? Seriously...? Your allegations are getting worse, Tilinelson. I have never insulted you or anyone in this thread. Though you have to me...I didn't twist anything you said. Seriously Tilinelson, where is this all coming from...? Did you honestly say all of this against me simply because I disagree? :gonk:

What question have you asked me other than accusing me of things I haven't done? :/

You are very disrespectful too. And through the whole thread, with many, many people. It is not my fault that I pointed an error of logic in one part of a comment and a whole horde of people started attacking me personally. No one answered directly my argument. You all keep attacking aimlessly anyone who doesn't say Cloud X Aerith isthe only acceptable interpretation. You are acting foolishly because I have not even said your opinion that Cloud x Aerith is not valid, I am just telling something obvious: nothing in the game makes your opinion the only one valid. If it was so, there wouldn't be all that silly war between "Clotis" and "Cleriths".
We have answered you. You took it as an attack. No one here is attacking you, tilinelson2, we are just answering your posts with reasons/evidence/videos/quotes/commercials etc etc. No one is attacking you. The only person who has been insulting thus far has been you...

If you mean me saying "you must have played--" is an insult, please don't take it as such. I explained what I meant by it and if that is what you feel is the insult, then I offer my humble apology. That was not my intention with it and I never thought it would be taken as such....

I would like this debate to be actually contributing something. So instead of accusing me of actions I haven't done, stay to the topic please :) Until then, I think it best we don't continue our discussions...

He cried because his friend died. He cried because he probably blamed himself. It was obvious he was closer to Aerith than any of the others were close to her, but that doesn't mean he wasn't also very close to Tifa and if she were to die he would he would probably cry just as much.
*As I said above :)*

Compare the grief Cloud feels about Aerith's death to that of say, Tifa or Yuffie's grief. Much, much different. Yet the furthest we get out of this discussion is "well, Cloud was Aerith's friend".

If this is so, why is it that her death was the hardest on him? Why is that her death made this man cry -- who according to some Cloti views was just a "friend" -- but no other "friend" of Aerith's reacted to her death the way Cloud did (what he said, crying -- all that jazz)? How is it that the only other person who cried (I believe?) was Yuffie, a young woman (teenager)?

Yet all of Aerith's "friends" felt this grief but the creators singled Cloud out just to bawl his eyes out, feel the great lost of never seeing her eyes/smile or hearing her voice again etc etc. Did the creators just single him out...just because? :huh:
Terra Branford

It was harder on him that she died because he was closest to her obviously, we all go that much from the game I am sure but that doesn't say how he would react if any of his other friends were to die.
Also like I said, he probably blamed himself. I would cry a lot more than anyone else if i was the reason for a friends death.

Also wasn't he still 'Zack' at that time? (I can't quite remember)