[CX] The Facility

A bit of both, at different times.

I was away a bit a few weeks ago, but in general I don't game much now. Mainly for being busy, but also for spending time doing other things. I've been borrowing movies that I need to see. The kind of movies that everyone else in the world seems to have seen. After seeing them, it would then mean (in theory) that I can then join in conversation with people when they talk about them, etc.
Poor Dangor. He's been having too much of a life to game with us :sad2: Nah it's fine. As long as you've been fine and don't plan to eventually forget about us.

Do you plan to be gaming more actively once Uncharted III comes out?
I'd certainly be playing UC3. It might not be the day of release, but I'll get it for sure.

It probably wouldn't be an every night thing, though. I can't afford that kind of gaming anymore. Perhaps planned (or not) times on weekends and odd weeknights on UC3 would be good. I'm not really sure what things will be like at that time.
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Anyone here bought the code for UC3 early multiplayer access yet? Mine's still downloading, but hoping to try it out later tonight. Would love to play with you folks again.
How does one go about getting this early access multiplayer? Is there anything in specific you have to buy from Subway?
Just buy a 30 oz drink. The code will be written on the cup. Or you can get a combo and get three codes.
Is this just for Americans?

Or do British Subways have the same deal?

I never eat Subways but I'd probably do it for UC3.
Just for the U.S, but if you have PS+, it should be available to you now as well.

Also, here's an awesome commercial

I didn't see a lot of the characters until my 4th time watching.
I just got a code the other day but now that I see these options I dunno what I want to pick. I can wait for multiplayer access, it's only a month away. But I'm wondering if the custom multiplayer weapon is anything good or it's just something you'll get with the game anyway. :hmmm:
I'm planning on getting everything. Next week I'll stop by at Subway and order uh...two combos. That should nab me six codes. :hmmm:

I definitely want the custom gun, as well as the Subway shirt and hat. ^^
That's the resolution I just came to. :mokken: I'll go back and get a combo tomorrow. I downloaded the access for now.
Can you get me a combo too?! :whistle2:

But I'm wondering if the custom multiplayer weapon is anything good or it's just something you'll get with the game anyway. :hmmm:

Actually for this, I saw that there's an option to unlock a bunch of custom weapons through the main game. (Elena's G-Mal custom weapon, Eddy's AK-47; I think there's about 6-8 different ones). I'm not sure what Subway has to offer - I wish they specified that. But I'd still get it anyway.
I have two extra codes now. :grin: I got everything there is to get on the list so...

I think my sub 'artist' was a new one because he didn't realize the code was right on the sunchips bag, he put an extra one on there anyway. :ohoho:
I got the sunchips bag too. :lew: Well, that was when I bought 2 combos a few days ago, and right in the middle of picking my toppings (and about ready to pay for our meal), I asked the guy if they were doing the UC3 deal. He said no. I was so pissed. xD

What will you do with the two extra code????????>>>> :kira: (You could sell them on ebay)
Let me know whenever you're available to play, Mits, I think I'm gonna be playing most of my weekends. :hmmm:
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I joined your party on...Saturday I think? But it seems to be kinda glitchy. :hmmm: I know Argor and Pockets had trouble joining mine. It'll say they're in my party but once the game starts, they're not there.

They updated a new patch earlier and added two new maps (High Rise and The Ruins - with lava). Can't wait to try those out. I think they fixed the party sessions too. I'll be available tomorrow - I'm not sure what time...it kinda varies. Let me know if you can play. =]
I didn't even notice... I left my PS3 idle for a while at certain points so I hope I wasn't doing that when you joined. I'm excited for the revamped maps as well. Tomorrow... I get home at 3pm EST and can go on up until like 9pm. I'll keep an eye on here tomorrow so let me know when you (guys) are available. =]
I'd also love to play tonight.

Hopefully I'll be able to. If I can, it'll probably be at about 8 or 9'ish GMT. It may be able to be earlier if I do things in a different order. :hmmm: