[CX] The Facility

You guys up for later? I'd say around 2-3 PM my time.

And I don't know if it's just me, but whenever I'm not 'sprinting' and just running around regularly, I feel like a damn turtle (sorry, no pun intended there, Argor :argor: ).
Lol. I'm sure it was. :wacky:

I might be able to play at that time. When it is 2pm at your time it should be about 10pm at my time (GMT).

I think that might be just about right, and I'll hopefully get to log on at around that time to play.

I played the early multiplayer experience with an IGN code I got not so long ago. It was much better than the beta. Elena and Talbot are definitely the best online characters to play. Just sayin'
I disagree.

Sully beats all. :argor:

I played the early access too... I have Mitsuki to thank for buying a sandwich.

I really enjoyed it a lot. They gradually added more maps, and I enjoyed all of them. I managed to unlock the pump taunt before the early access ended, so all is good.

I'm getting the game, but it will not be on release. I can't let myself get distracted by it right now, and I also can't afford to buy it now.
But Talbot is superbly suited and booted. :O

I disliked how they included old maps at first since having paid for the DLC in UC2 it felt like a bit of a rip off but I did eventually get used to it and I liked how they redesigned them at least rather than taking them straight out of UC2 and putting them into UC3 :griin: Then once I could not longer access the early access I established that multiplayer would be a very good way of easing into the multiplayer again :D

I hate the snipers in UC3 though. I will miss pinging people with them like on UC2 :(
I don't know why they changed the sniper rifle in UC3. I was hoping they'd revert back to UC2's way, but whatever. =/

We all need a time to get together and play the MP.

But after I play a bit of the story mode.
I hate the sniper rifle in UC3 especially how you can choose it as your weapon throughout the game, it was much better as a power weapon. And I hate how you can't use it quickly either :rage:

I will be picking up Uncharted 3 this week when I am no longer have £-39 in my bank account :hmph: I can play whenever though as long as I'm not in lecture.
What changed with the sniper rifle?

I've never been an expert with the sniper, so I hadn't noticed a change. I got some good sniper kills in the early access, so I hadn't noticed it being harder to use.
They have a bolt action sniper as a power weapon which is a one shot kill. You can get it through a kickback as well. :mokken: I don't like sniping very much anyway, too paranoid someone will snap my spine from behind.
My main qualm with it is the auto-zoom when you aim, which makes it frustrating to use. By the time you adjust and find your target, someone kills you - all in a matter of seconds. :ryan:
^ This.

I don't like the Bolt action sniper, I tried using it on Museum and it felt so slow and heavy every time I tried to aim at someone I nearly died. :rage: I prefer my cheap way of using the RPG in a kickback :hmph:
I don't know why they changed the sniper rifle in UC3. I was hoping they'd revert back to UC2's way, but whatever. =/

We all need a time to get together and play the MP.

But after I play a bit of the story mode.

Sure, Ill be available if you want to play, Mits. Most likely more when the semester ends, but I can manage to play even during work times. Maybe on the weekend? Oh and what is that? I actually like the UC III sniper better. :lew:

The story is fantastic. I am on chapter seven as of now. I am in no rush though.

I tried co-op survival for the very first time since the beta...talk about 'intense gameplay'. The rounds are a lot longer, and there's a bunch more enemies, I think. My team mates and I were searching for ammo a lot often too. Really like what they've done so far.

And okay, Adri. Just hit me up if you see me playing co-op. I'll be on later tonight. About to leave to take my entrance exam. (Nervoussss)
00:28 in the Big Brother House. Ryan walked to Sainsbury's ATM at this time to check if his money had gone through. It had not. He will have to wait until Friday to see if his cashed to play Uncharted 3. Unlucky.

FML :(
Tried a few rounds of Survival. From what I gathered:

-More tough-armored enemies, which makes the rounds a lot harder.

-It's harder to determine which enemies will grab and choke you due to their costumes. Tough-armored guys will now choke players too, and you'll have to take their helmets off first before you can do a sneak attack and rescue your team mate. Or you can waste an entire M9 clip on him.

-Improved Siege. No need to have all three players inside the circle, though if you want your kills to count, stay inside. The time that you must stay inside the circle has either doubled or tripled...I like it. More challenging. A lot more enemies and tough guys too.

-Gold Rush. Treasure spawns twice before the round ends. Enemies will swarm near the treasure chest, and there's a bunch of them.

-For Survival mode, you can choose your level of difficulty, which is nice. Haven't tried Crushing yet.

I'm sure that's not all, but I can't remember the rest. I've only managed to reach Round 8 so far, which is incredibly insane. Really enjoying this game.
Mits! Last night was really fun. I know that armoured guy with the huge machine gun kept killing us towards the end of that co-op adventure Monastery level though. God, he was such a bastard. This game is much harder! I see myself dying a lot in campaign as well. Chapter 9 now, and I love it so much. Uncharted 3 is just fantastic. We got owned like hell. I am sure we will be much better by the time we practice more. xD Oh my god, but I am so much better at UC III online. I see myself kicking ass so much times. :ryan: It is so addicting!

Creepy crawler is my kickback for now. I would love to try some new ones. 17 medals is actually not so hard to get.
I finally afforded UC3. I did buy the Fortune Hunter thingy too since in Sainsbury's it was either £42.99 for UC3 or £24.99 when bought with a £25 PSN card. The latter was a much better option. :O

:sad3: really feel like I'm missing out here! I wasn't going to get it but I'm afraid I might have to :sad:

Why do 3 games I want have to come out in the same month! :rage:
I'll probably pick up a copy of this and Assassin's Creed Revelations (when it comes out) when they've both gone down in price... I can't afford the ridiculous full price D: