[CX] The Facility

Oh, less chapters than UC II? I do find the game longer though. I am getting Skyrim on Friday as well, so yeah Ill defo be swapping in and out. Just not on the ps3 XD Ill be busy with both. UC III is really lots of fun, and well Skyrim will be as well. You want me to go back and plat the first two huh? Maybeeeeeeeeee. Skyrim is going to be so good, and I doubt I will put these two games down for awhile..xD

Yeah, the game is definitely longer. I'm not sure whether the cutscenes are longer or that it's more because the game is harder and you die more - but there is definitely something that makes it longer regardless of less chapters. You should definitely platinum the first two, if you can platinum UC3 then the other two will be eaassssssssy :mokken:

I want Skyrim to be insanely good, I've been wanting to play an open world game for ages, but AAA ones are few and far between D:

Someone please remind me to go back through this thread (and also the UC3 thread) to read all of your interesting spoiler discussions when I eventually get the same. Hopefully I can contribute there then! :argor:

I also hope that you still all play the game online in a few months time, even if only casually (as I myself would only be able to).

I'm very happy that the game has been well received, and has been given a fantastic Ryno-rating.
Uncharted 3 definitely has the best written plot and most talking points, you've got to delve a lot deeper into the storyline to get the most out of it rather than more or less take it at face value like you could UC1 and UC2. I genuinely feel like it's the best game I've played, and once you start piecing everything together (UC3 will be MUCH better since you've played the two previous titles) then I honestly think it's an amazingly well written plot - my favourite of all the games I've played.

I'll probably stick with UC3 and play online quite a bit. I'm not really feeling it with MW3/BF3 this year :P
That will do, Ryan. I will when I have time. By the way, I was playing online just now and I saw two different symbols. Like one guy was level 18, and another was level 18, but the symbol was different? Do you get to that after level 75 or something? I am soooo confused. Also, I am coming back online soon if anyone wants to play.
Sure thing. Let's try Crushing. :) I can't believe we managed to finish Survival on Hard mode yesterday.
That was on Hard!? No wonder it felt so difficult haha! I thought it was on normal and I remember thinking, if this is normal then fml, crushing will be brutal.
Crushing is brutal. I tried it a few nights ago. Reached Round 8. No clowns though. :hmmm: Unless they are on Round 10. Are you absolutely sure there's clowns? I did see a mention of it somewhere.
I can't really find any information on it but there's a video of clowns in "crushing - borneo" so maybe it's just on Adventure? :hmmm:

That's it then. Our next adventure on UC3 will be to hunt down some clowns.
The 'clowns' are thugs or mercenaries in clown masks, I think.

I heard that there were 'bosses' in the multiplayer.

Are these bosses found on co-op adventure mode? Or in other modes too?
I've only played one arena game and one adventure game so I can't say for sure, but there wasn't any in arena... and the ones in adventure, even on normal are a pain in the ass, I think the game I played there was at least 5 carrying power weapons and even one who threw multiples grenades then blew up and turned into even more grenades :hmph:
This morning, I had a dream about clowns from UC3. Except they were bear clowns...if that made sense. (The bears had red faces). And then I woke up.

Anyone wanna play later? :griin:

Ariana, we need to practice for the competition.
It makes perfect sense. Here are some possible interpretations, none of which will be correct.

The clown-bears signify how you perceive that you have been humiliated recently in a fierce way. Clowns and bears can both be found in a circus, and you feel that at the circus, the joke is on you. Perhaps Ariana was harsh and used the thrust taunt over your dead body. The bears having red faces signals their embarrassment and shame which is reflected onto yourself. :sad2:

Or if I was to put my Freudian cap on... Eh... Let's not go there. *insert penis envy here*

In a medical sense, a priest or physician of Asclepius might conclude that you are hungry or have changed diet. The bears are fierce creatures that can eat quite a varied diet of meat and berries, but at the moment they are reduced to clowns. Clowns are pathetic and often use food to throw at each other (debasing themselves for the amusement of others), rather than eat said food. They are embarrassed about themselves and their new position in throwing rather than eating food, and thus the dream tells us that your mouth or your stomach are in need of nourishment.
Good games before, Mits. I think all of us screwed up towards the end of that co-op arena on Yemen. It was on hard I believe. Haha, and It was odd of you to pick deathmatch. Was that to get ready for the competition? xD
No, it was on Crushing, Adri. :wacky: Round 9...not too bad.

I picked Deathmatch because I wanted to get that one trophy.
No, it was on Crushing, Adri. :wacky: Round 9...not too bad.

I picked Deathmatch because I wanted to get that one trophy.

Really? That must be why... but I could have sworn it said co-op hard on my screen. :hmmm:
I am level 51 now. I just got the Fal at level 50, and it is teh sex. Seriously, I have been owning with it. Ryan, you should level up some more. :mokken:
Great games earlier, guys. Really enjoyed it. I'm uploading one of the videos from Desert Village...only because -pulls an Adri line here- I did pretty good there. :ryan:
I enjoyed them too! And I did level up some Adrikins :mokken:

I looked at my stat card and noticed three quarters of my kills come from melee :wacky: