[CX] The Facility

Those games were really awesome, Mits. I blew Ariana up, and I remember both of us being in cover and getting an rpg in the face, which I was really laughing at. Good job, Ryan! Also, I will be leveling up some more. :mokken: Oh and Mits, We got far in Borneo on hard by ourselves, till Ryan joined in. :lew: I blame Draza sniping the hell out of us. :(
Yeah we did pretty well on Hard, considering there was only two of us. I didn't know you can join your friends during co-op. I guess if it's a custom game, it's possible at least.

Ohh, I think I was with you guys when that RPG took you two down. :lew: I was a few feet away though so I was safe.

You are a truly valuable asset to the team, Ryan. Also, I am level 70 as of last night. I really played the whole day with you guys yesterday. :wacky: I may not legacy today, but I will see. :lew:
Nope, because Uncharted 3 is where it is at. I have hit level 73 as of last night. So it is safe to assume I will legacy soon. Essays will stop me from doing so. :( ND have the rank capped at legacy 3 level 75. I Imagine they want half the population to get to the first two first. I can not seem them undoing it anytime soon. Maybe it will be like the level 60-80 thing in UC2.
I bet at Argor251 loves the fact everyone in CX is playing UC3 over cod :lew:

I reckon they'll undo the cap by around Xmas time, there'll be a reason they've done it, I can guarantee it.
Argor251 does indeed love that everyone in CX is playing UC3 and is eating a no-fish diet.

However, Argor251 does wish that he could join you all. :sad2: I'll get it eventually! Don't you guys go anywhere!
Argor251 does indeed love that everyone in CX is playing UC3 and is eating a no-fish diet.

However, Argor251 does wish that he could join you all. :sad2: I'll get it eventually! Don't you guys go anywhere!

We will not! We will wait for you to play even if we are 175 levels higher than you! :awesome: Dan should get it at Christmas tiems.

Christmas? I guess that sounds about right, Ryan. I bet you will already be legacy 3 by then. :hmph:!
Argor251 does indeed love that everyone in CX is playing UC3 and is eating a no-fish diet.

However, Argor251 does wish that he could join you all. :sad2: I'll get it eventually! Don't you guys go anywhere!

By the way guys, the new cod is awesome, I got it yesterday :griin:

And since Assassin's Creed has just come out, and I want WRC 2011 when THAT comes out, AND I watched my friend play Skyrim earlier and decided I wanted that... UC3 is pretty far down my priority list :sad3:

So it might be a while before I can join you for a game!
Adri...was that you who added me on youtube? It says the name is "Adri"

Skyrim is fun. :griin:
Adri...was that you who added me on youtube? It says the name is "Adri"

Skyrim is fun. :griin:

lolwhut? I do not have a youtube, Mits. :lew:

Skyrim.... roll on Saturday! (I will finally have some time to get it and play it)
You guys are lucky I have essays and shite. :mokken: Or else I would play, and still be a higher level. :hmph:! Crushing victory? What? :rage:
Chloe Frazer c a l i l i l y

you should make us Uncharted 3 versions of these:
