Did anybody use Tecknicks?

Libra, Steal and I have Ashe use 1000 Needles on flyers at the mo. Don't really think about them much besides to use Libra and sometimes Steal.
I only used steal, libra and occasionally poach and telekinisis...
Not forgeting 1000 Needles!!!, well that one was a bit useless....
I only used Libra, Steal and Telecenisis. They were the only oned that I found useful. The next time I play through it, I'll use more because I think it will make the game more fun and there will be more things to do.
I only ever used Steal, Charge (not that quite useful but it works), Telekenisis and other ones that I do not remember about. Those are like main ones that I used though.
I use techniks with my magic caster Penelo. She is equipped with rods to give her more magical abilities and therefore is useless in hand to hand. I use them in with her gambits to save on mp when attacking.
I use steal the most, so I can get money for spells, gambits, and equipment I can't afford.
I used steal, charge and libra a lot. Never really bothered to go all the way down to Telekinesis on the LB. So i just used magicks and Fomalhauts against flying monsters.
Tecknicks were so useless to me. I only used Libra, Steal, Telekenisis, and probably one more at that. The rest did not appeal to me at all.
I used them sometimes, but for the rest of the time, they were pretty shit to use. I only ever used charge, telekinesis and libra. For the rest of the time i just used magicks, espers and quickening
Not really. Never used Technicks all that much 'cause I saw them as unnecessary to beating foes. :P
The only one I ever used was Libra, like most of you, because it helps knowing whether a particular monster can own you in battle or not. xD
The top three I use the most at my point in the game are Steal, Poach, and Libra. I put them in gambits when I need money or unhide traps.
1000 needles is good if you use it early on in the game, I let Penelo use it in her Gambits and it seems to hit alot more than it misses.