Did FFXII meet your expectations?

Did FFXII meet your expectations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 72.5%
  • No

    Votes: 19 27.5%

  • Total voters


[x Sexy Seducer x]
Nov 12, 2006
US of A
Since there have been a couple of posts seemingly pointing out the let-downs of Final Fantasy XII, I thought it would be interesting to make a poll about it.

So was FFXII all that you had hoped/expected it to be?
yeah I think so, barely..... main flaws are the camera system and the ridiculous chances for some rare drops & treasures (worse than FFXI!!). I've heard several stories of some spending 30+ hrs trying to get one drop or item, and I'm *stuck* without the Zodiac Spear and rainy Giza season at the Bahamut stage of the game. no way to repair this except to start anew.

that's at level 75+ with all 13 espers and all hunts complete (except Gil Snapper). honestly it's a shame... not to mention until recently I didn't realize I should be keeping track of how much & what I've been selling for Bazaar items, since it's so critical in the game for Tournesol and other top items.

without a guide from the beginning, you're screwed out of a lotta stuff imo.
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I voted No.

In terms of battles, weapons, magic, abilities, the license system, voice acting and graphics... yes it did meet expectations. Maybe could be called one of the best FF's in these terms.

But, in terms of plot, characters, and music... HUGE downer. Think of how the story of FFVII or FFX brought you in with lovable characters, a good plot, many twists, and great memerable music. Then you think of FFXII with lack or character development, a very straight forward plot from the start, and decent...but not great music. It doesn't really live up to the other games in these aspects.

I'm not saying that it is a bad game. Overall, I really liked the game, but it did not live up to my expectations.
But, in terms of plot, characters, and music... HUGE downer. Think of how the story of FFVII or FFX brought you in with lovable characters, a good plot, many twists, and great memerable music. Then you think of FFXII with lack or character development, a very straight forward plot from the start, and decent...but not great music. It doesn't really live up to the other games in these aspects.

I gotta agree with you on this, too. unfortunately... although I think FFIII, FFVII, and FFVIII were the best three FFs.
Gameplay wise this game has met my expectations but where it lacks is the story and cutscenes. To be honest, I don't even really know what's going on with the story, the cutscenes are so long and drawn out that they lose my attention. Something about nethicite and manufated nethicite, dr. cid and such. whatever. I just like playing through, that's been a blast. Even leveling in this game is fun, especially compared to the hassle it was in past games with the random battles, etc.

I also agree with those who complain about the necessity to have a strategy guide in order to accomplish certain tasks. how is anyone supposed to guess to not open those chests for the zodiak spear? things like that take some of the fun, mystery and challenge out of the game.

also, i'm all for change and advance in the series but the one thing i'm old school on is the map, i always loved the way the worlds could be traveled in the past games but it's different now, not as much exploration. they used to say "go to this village in the north" then you got out on the map and went looking for it, now they just point you in the right direction and lay the path out.

i'm ranting, time to cut and run
I gotta agree with you on this, too. unfortunately... although I think FFIII, FFVII, and FFVIII were the best three FFs.
You said it. 3, 7, and 8 were my faves too. I just finished 12 about 15 minutes ago and had to find somewhere to rant about the story/characters. The gameplay and graphics were excellent, a great development in the series I think. But at the same time, the characters just didn't intrigue me whatsoever. I felt like I was playing NES there for a second, just picking what class I want each character to be and then they never interacted with each other after that. They just all happened to meet up and share a common goal. I feel like they may have spent too much time trying to develop this masterpiece of a story and these characters were just a small part of it.

I'm still wishing for an alternate ended I just haven't unlocked yet. :P

In all fairness, it was a great game, the best RPG I've played on the PS2. I think FF7 just spoiled all RPGs for the rest of my life...
I loved it, just want more character development and maybe cap the license board in some way.
For as long as we all had to wait to get it, and our friends in Europe unfortunately have to wait even longer...which is a complete crock, I honestly thought it wouldn't live up to my own expectations. It has, and more.

This is by far the best game in the series that I've played, and I've played every one of them except for the Japanese released games (I don't have a PSP yet to play III).

I love the storyline and I ESPECIALLY love the difficulty when you get towards the end of the game, specifically the final battle. After X and X-2, I was hoping they'd make it more difficult, and they did.

The only real gripe I have with this game is the same gripe I've had with many others in the series.

If I buy diamond armor and equip it, I expect my character to have diamond armor on. Instead, the only defensive item you can actually see on your character is a shield.

With a game like Oblivion (which is currently 3rd on my top 10 behind GTA San Andreas, and FF XII) you can see what armors you have on as you buy and equip them.

Other than that, there is huge replay value to this game. I've beaten it three times now and I'm still not sick of it. Each time through I'm developing all of my characters in different ways.
I have not finished the game yet but I think it is one of the best ff games.
I've only played a few of the games. But this at the top of the list with FFVII. I like the battle style better than FFVII.
Oh yes. The battle system. Much better...and I hope it continues with XIII.

I bet I'm not the only one who's sick of random battles. LOL
It's already done from what I understand, and there is supposed to be both a prequel (for the PSP), and a sequel which will be an action game which will be made by the Kingdom Hearts team. The main game, however, will be the Final Fantasy team.

It'll be out on the PS3, but I'm not sure on even a tentative release date.

The day that game comes out is the day I buy the PS3, unless GTA IV comes out first.
I think ffxii has been preety good so far have yet to beat it yet due to working all the time grr... but anyways i agree with the most of ya the charecter development was poorly thought out.
and the summons are all cool looking and summon cool but they are weak panzies imo, i wish they went back to the old style summoning were when u summon your esper or w/e they come down do there special and they are gone, but it hits for alot of dmg and makes a difference in the game play, but thats just me. Otherwise it was a good game overall.
my favorites were ffviii,ffx,ffiii,and x-2 was ok.:)
yeah, i barely ever even use the espers.

random battles always did suck but regardless, VII is and will always be the best game of the series.
story not fantastic

I think it had the potential to be the best FF of all time. The gameplay mechaniks were MUCH better and battles and leveling is faster and easier since gambits added and you can pick out enemies that give alot of EXP. I haven't quite beaten it, I've been focusing on mark hunts and sidequests, but up to this point (Giruvegan) it seems to be missing the some of the fantasy that makes the story and characters really stand out.....though with the Occuria that just added alot to the story!

Although I have gotten 150+ hours of gameplay out of it, so it must be pretty good, definitely got my money's worth, I'll even replay with a new stategy, whereas leveling used to be such a pain, I doubt I'll ever replay most of the others.
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FF XII I felt def improved on the gameplay, but as everyone else pointed out, the story left much to be desired. I also did not like that many of the most powerful spells (Scathe, Scourge, Flare, Hasteaga, etc.) really could not be found until the very end of the game.

Also, the Tournesol and other powerful weapons were just too tedious to bother with (in my opinion). And I would rather a boss be super hard with normal HP than a boss like Hell Wyrm, Omega or Yizmat where it takes HOURS to beat them. I beat Hell Wyrm and it took me an hour and a half, that is when I decided that the other two were wastes of my time. The weaons in VII were hard, but at least they had like a million HP or so. I really liked X, VII and the U.S. II because all of them had excellent stories, realistic enemies, and kick ass spells you could use for more than the last battle of the game.

And the espers in XII? Cool to beat, but not really cool to use (though I really liked the various restrictions when facing each of them). VII's Knights Of the Round is still the COOLEST summon to date. Overall, Square made a HUGE leap as far as the battle system, but everything else in XII suffered as a result in my opinion.
I guess everyone hopes more things in each ff because they found it so nice that they wish that, it comes along.

but taking apart that stuff, It meets my expectations.
I, personally, was extremely disappointed with this particular installment of the FF series. While I could go on about the battle system, which was good, but not Final Fantasy-esque, I instead make notice of the lack of character development and storyline.

I felt absolutely no connection with any of the characters in this game. I don't quite understand Vaan's or Penelo's purpose in this game. Why are they there? What was all the hype about Vaan's dream to become a sky pirate? Why am I even playing? How can I enjoy a game where I don't feel for the character's purpose, let alone understand their purpose of even appearing in it?

Also, where is the character growth? Sure, Penelo tells Vaan that he's "changed," but how? Who was Vaan prior to our encounter with him? We never got to know the orphan in Vaan. We never got to experience his noted leadership of the other orphans. We never got to find out all that much about his background. Even Migello was a let down. I thought for sure he would have a part in the story. Where were they going with these guys? What about Ashe? She was falsely passed off as a suicide victim before we encounter her, but what was she actually doing during that time? Why does she constantly see Reks all the time?

Maybe they answered some of those questions and I simply missed it. Maybe it was because the straight to the point storyline simply failed to captivate me. I will give the game the benefit of the doubt here because I don't particularly care for storylines that readily revolve around political issues. Politics bore me, but that's not SE's fault.

Another thing that bothered me was the difficulty in obtaining rare items. As another before me posted, you basically have to start the game with a strategy guide to have any hope of having even 3/4 of the rare items. I was so frustrated when I learned that because I opened a few treasure chests I could never hope to wield the Zodiak Spear. Why do you taunt me so?!

I didn't particularly care for the license board either. It wasn't horrible, but I'm a materia man all the way.

On the positive side, the hunt side quests were mesmerizing. I can't count the number of hours I spent hunting and fighting and leveling all to defeat magnificent beasts. With a turn based battle system, the hunts would have given the game replay value all by themselves. I even felt honored when Montblanc and the rest of the clan showed me respect for bringing down our foes.

To review, the game wasn't that bad, but as a huge Final Fantasy fan, I was disappointed.

As a little disclaimer to this post, I only was this disappointed with this game because it held the beloved FF logo I have treasured and held so dear all these long years. Had this been any other game, I would have given the game a better review. I've just come to expect so much from SE and FF that when I see them falter, it upsets me. However, I have much hope for FFXIII.
I voted No. The Battle System is the biggest flaw and the License Grid thing is annoying and pointless, this game doesn't have the 'Hook' factor that keeps you playing for hours on end like most FF games. All in all my hopes were crushed by this game.