Did FFXII meet your expectations?

Did FFXII meet your expectations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 72.5%
  • No

    Votes: 19 27.5%

  • Total voters
It was a fun game. I'll give it that. But XII missed a few things. Most people already mentioned the story was lacking and that when you equiped armor it didn't show your armor on you. The espers were a waste of time except that devil looking one (forgot its name) that uses the "hit" command that pretty much instantly kills any foe except bosses. It was a great way to get through that secret dungeon place without taking forever on one enemy.

The hunts however, were really fun. I liked how they put Gilgamesh in there with everyone's signature weapon equiped but it did piss me off in one way. There will never be a signarure weapon for any FFXII characters because they can equip anything with the right license. I still have to finish the last few hunts too. I'll have to train forever to take the Hell Wyrm down though. I probably only need a few more levels to grow but I won't have to patience to kill him. I'll get one-fourth of the way done and just let him kill me.
Whatever. lol I thought the gameplay was fantastic. The gambit system is one of the most genius things I've ever seen. Programmers basically took their job, boiled it down to two simple variables, and let the player program their characters. It was really clever. I loved it. And you can say what you want but I have more hours in this game than any other Final Fatnasy I've ever played. It was great. Characters were just underexplained which makes me appreciate the game less.
At first i thought it was rubbish. I didnt like the battle system and i kept on dying :|:|:|
But now ive gotten used to it, it's awesome :)
i play it everyday, and i am currently training my guys so i can get on with the game without dying so many times :)
Oh yes, I missed the CACTUARS T_T

but I guess it's ivalice so there's another kind of fiend living there.
Oh yes, I missed the CACTUARS T_T

but I guess it's ivalice so there's another kind of fiend living there.

Arent the cactuars the cactites and cactoids? They look pretty much the same as the cactuars (when they're still roaming around) and maybe the ones standing still are...well just the random cacti around the desert.

/ontopic - Game was great fun for me, only complaint is some of the stuff is really hard to do without a strategy guide or something (Zodiark spear and some of the hunt club monster), the story could have used some help with character development but thats it in my eyes
The game most definately surpassed my expections. I like the battle system of previous FF's better, and I was disapointed in the lack of emotional story points, but other than that, I was surprised at the amount of hidden content, the over-the-top summons, and the beutiful world.
There were emotional parts of the storyline, I'm guessing people don't see things like I do i.e Look further behind things, like, trying to find pragmatics, whatever.

And yes, the cactuars were in there. Did we somehow miss the little green dudes at the beginning? They just have a different name thats all.
Those little cactuars were kinda fun to kill. Hehe. Well, they were cute, but they had to die! >.<

Anyway, FFXII did live to my expectations, despite my rants about some dislikes of the game. It really was a job well done. I don't concentrate on the flaws of a game. Instead, I see it as an overall. And I can say that overall, the game satisfied me, and that's all that matters.
FFXII didn't live to my expectations.
It surpassed it.

I thought it was gonna be another "meh" FF, like how FFX was, but I never expected it to be that good.
The storyline was excellent, the flexibility of the game, the challenge, etc. they were all good.
I couldn't agree more! This is a massive change for the series; and one for the better in my eyes. It is compelling in every sense, because the battles and gameplay are so seamless it's just so epic and beautiful. I've never felt so excited about a Final Fantasy game since I started to play my first one ever (FF VII).

The battle system is great I think it makes battles far more intense and difficult and, rightly so, as I was getting a bit pissed off with the easier battles you experienced in the previus FF's (except with the Dark Aeons, Ozma, Emerald and Ruby). FFXII makes battles much more enjoyable because of the harder battles; you always have to watch battles and never take your eyes off and constantly change strategies and be really active. It's great. The great thing is it gives you best of both worlds, turn-based mixed with real-time.

The choreography of the cut-scenes are nice too and the whole game just feels and looks far more epic than other FF games; and once again this is consistent throughout thanks to the seamless battle system. Music in the game is great also, especially during Esper battles (Love it). The voice acting's great too and the character's facial animations have just sky-rocketed from X.

I actually didn't have much expectations for this game besides with the battles, which I love, the rest is just really great. Beautiful game!!
And yes, the cactuars were in there. Did we somehow miss the little green dudes at the beginning? They just have a different name thats all.

Those cactoids were freaky-ass abominations. They're not cactuars. And name doesn't matter because Cactrot in Final Fantasy VI didn't bother me. They're retarded looking hideous monstrocities. They fail! They're horrible! They're not damn cactuars! lol

Cactuar in Final Fantasy VI:

Cactuar in Final Fantasy VII:

Cactuar in Final Fantasy VIII:

Cactuar in Final Fantasy IX:

Cactuar in Final Fantasy X:

Cactuar in Final Fantasy XII:

One of these things is not like the other... one of these things just doesn't belong... GUESS WHICH! Hint: The horribly ugly mutated "I just ate Taco Bell" turd at the bottom! That's which one! It's the special ed of Cactuars. I hate those damn things... I kept thinking "Dear lord, when are we going to get to the normal looking cactuars" and they NEVER CAME! They never came Judge Rulia! They never came! *cries self to sleep*
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FF did meet my expectations in the sense of fun but not in the story. And since the story is what most FF games are for I have to vote no. Don't get me wrong, it was a decent story yet it was not nearly long enough. When I beat it I was like, "That's it?" Seriously why be able to go to level 99 if you can beat the game at level 40?
the name of them says it all: CACTOIDS , not CACTUARS ... and phisically they were not the same. At least the sidequest of them was pretty funny x), but short.
I was very pleased with how most everything worked out in the game. Sure I would have gotten to know a bit more on the Characters' backstories, but overall, the game was worth the loooong wait.

i am very impressed with the game, actually amazed soo far, granted im only about 4 hours into it.....i'm already stoked about balthier, and the battle system, some of the new ideas in it (battle system, liscense system, and such) are great and bring a new flavor to the series which i think is important because without rennovations and new gambles the game series would become dull and flatline. then again i might be entirely wrong due to my lack of time invested in the game but i am impressed thus far
I love the gambit system. Right now, this very second, I'm facing Yaizmat. I started fighting him about 15-20 minutes ago. Since then I've gone to the bathroom, washed my hands, had supper, cleaned up my room and I haven't checked on my game once. I can still hear them fighting though. lol I know the battle rages. My main characters are lvls 89, 92, and 94. I have their gambits set up so well that I don't even need to check on them. I'm not sure if it's a benefit or not... but I like the feature. lol I probably won't finish the battle in this sitting... I'll run out of golden needles if I do. But it's fun hearing this battle rage while I post. haha
I love the game, it's a nice plot, cause it doesn't have the boring hinted romance in it, I'm sick of seeing it in FF games and it's nice to sort of have a wedding scene at the begining and out of the damn way ^_^.

I love the Gambits, I love the Battle style, I don't love Vaan, but i've never liked Main Characters of FF games.

I haven't even finished it and I love it, it's not obsessive so it doesn't fuck up my school work, it's overall a really good game
I say this game meant every requirement I wanted: new summons, no random encounters, and no easy bosses. What can I say, I love this game!