Did you miss leveling?


Fuzzy Slippers
Jan 10, 2008
Just wondering what you guys thought about not knowing a specific character level in FF10. Most of my enjoyment with the games revolved around leveling the characters up as high as I could, and seeing the actual number really displayed my accomplishments and how much farther I had to go very well. I would say I love final fantasy 10 but, as for not being able to see the levels of the characters I would say I was a little disappointed. I can see how it would pose a problem considering there are more than 99 level ups for the sphere grid, as far as moves go. I just miss hitting ^ and seeing Zidane Level 84 or Cloud Level 55. Is it just me or are there others out there who feel the way that I do about leveling up?
i didn't really miss it all that much as i could always look at my characters attributes and say oh yes my Tidus has 198 Str or summit and also things like OMG Rikku is so sucking at everything. but i did kinda miss sayin level 55 cloud... awesum
Nah, that was completely fine by me. In levelings, the computer decides which attribute is raised. In X you get certain points, which you can use by travelling around the Sphere Grid. Each nod has another type of points. You can decide if you want to alter that attribute or not. I like the way FF X goes.
I kinda did miss the levelling from other games but I did like how you could change characters stats by taking different routes along the grid allowing for more individual characters. What I would like to see is a final fantasy with a levels system but each time you level up you get points to spend to raise that characters stats or purchuse special moves and such.
I agree with you Mr. Hunter. A leveling system to spend points like sports games do. When you reach a point you get to purchase certain things. If they could make it work and keep the integrity of the game then it would be something impressive.
I prefered this to levels, it was interactive rather than just having your stats adjusted.

Also I've never been "zOMG LVL 100 SQUALL R SO GRATE".

I think it made leveling more fun.
Ugh, no. I think the whole leveling idea is so straightforward and boring. I mean, you wait until the character gets a certain amount of points and then they get a level. Wooohooo. At least with Sphere Levels, the process of obtaining new abilities and stats was more interesting and visual, and you could choose different paths in terms of growth. It's far more interesting and involving than having the game boost your stats for you and not knowing what you're getting better at most of the time.
I really missed it on my first time playing FFX, but later on I really liked it. Not necessarily more than a standard quantitative level system, but I just liked it. It was different, something a bit new.
It had been so long since I'd played my last FF game when I started playing X, that I really didn't even notice.. x.x

It doesn't matter to me either way, tbh.
I missed it at first but I soon got used to the sphere grid, and ended up loving it. I think it's the best FF stystem by far. It was actually veryernjoyable, I loved tinkering around with it
Is it not called leveling if you're doing the same thing (fighting loads of monsters) for the same purpose (gaining stats & abilities) only in a slightly different way (by using points [simplified] to move across a board to gain stats & abilities instead of just getting stats & abilities)? To me, it just added another step in the whole process...It was no big deal. The way they did it allowed for customization...but I'll take a Job Class System over the Sphere Grid any day...Yeah, even X-2's...:P
When i first saw the leveling up grid, it wasn't dissapointed, far from it...i was scared

"...ok...so there isn't 100 levels to go up...more like 1000..."

Some serious 'wtf' going on that day, i actually prefer it to the leveling up system now as in other ff games
I know how you feel. When I first got the game I was so fucking mad. But then you slowly get into the grid system. But I would much rather have a level up system.
I really liked the Sphere Grid System but the only thing I didn't like it was HUGE I barely finished it all, still I really like the leveling up system
I actually prefer the Sphere Grid. It makes the levelling up process more robust and versitile. It is nice to be able to chose the atributes that you can assign to each character, and I also like the way that you can quickly mess up the whole package by taking one player in the wrong direction.

Sure, it makes it harder to describe just how well your characters are doing when someone asks about Tidus or Auron, but the whole process has a lot of good points.

Take Rikku for instance, she is not the most useful of characters, but can be quickly tuned into a very versitile player should you use the majority of your Black and White Magic Spheres on her.
Likewise, it is nice to use some Black Magic Spheres on Yuna to get some powerful Black Magic that can cause some serious damage, and also nice to get Lulu using the powerful healing spells.

With the Sphere system, the more that you play and concentrate on upping the stats of your players, the more versitile your team becomes.

There is nothing stopping you developing a team who all have the ability to do everything, or make it so that two characters can do exactly the same things. Like Auron and Tidus having the same skills and magic, and Wakka and Khimari having the same, and Lulu and Yuna both having Black and White Magic at their disposal.

I like the levelling system, and am using the Expert Grid instead of the Standard Grid for that extra challenge.
I liked the sphere grid system as its probably the best to encourage your favoured type (eg warrior, mage etc) Not only that you needed some serious training to get past certain bosses (unless your a master of final fantasy games) So I cant complain at all about the Sphere grid system. The expert grid is pretty much the same as the standard it just has more empty nodes and a few extra locks, plus the magics and stuff are all in different places
Yes, I'm one of the people that loved the Sphere Grid. I didn't miss the traditional way, of leveling, at all! With the Grid it was much more colorful and pleasing to the eye and you could actually see your progress as you moved across the board. It was really nice to see a refreshing change in that area of the series and I hope to see more changes. Life and gaming is about variety, afterall.
Didn't miss it one bit, I absolutely love X's system, from the sphere grid to the CTB battle system. The nice thing about actual levels is that you can always compare your lvl to bosses and such and tell if you're overpowered yet or not, the actual number makes a nice benchmark in your progress. But you can really do the same thing with the sphere grid by seeing how far along the character's section are...and if you know skills/spells that can pretty much negate anything a boss throws at you, it's safe to say you're doing fine.
Just wondering what you guys thought about not knowing a specific character level in FF10. Most of my enjoyment with the games revolved around leveling the characters up as high as I could, and seeing the actual number really displayed my accomplishments and how much farther I had to go very well. I would say I love final fantasy 10 but, as for not being able to see the levels of the characters I would say I was a little disappointed. I can see how it would pose a problem considering there are more than 99 level ups for the sphere grid, as far as moves go. I just miss hitting ^ and seeing Zidane Level 84 or Cloud Level 55. Is it just me or are there others out there who feel the way that I do about leveling up?

i actually enjoy using the sphere grid my strongest is kimhari at 40 atk and im only at bilik desert:ifrit: