Fan Fiction [Discussion] Bleach; The End of Everything


ice ice baby
Aug 16, 2007
Ok so after deciding that I would decide how your characters would come out as well as creating them, I've starting making little character bio 'card' type things.

This new Discussion thread is to discuss the Fic etc. This first post will be updated each time I make more bio card etc. =3

















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These are just so awesome Vikki. I love them so far but as always I can not wait to see mine! Why do you have two of them though? Oh wait you swapped the two ok Nvm.
PHWOAR! I be sexeh! You chose quite a hottie for me Viks babes. I can't wait until you start writing so I can read the story! I'm soooo excited for it! :D You really did an excellent job on all these love. Wonderful! *claps hands* We need a hand-clapping smiley.
Wow! Great artwork Vikki! Can't wait until you start the story!
Whoa Vikki Awesome beggining. But wait there are final fantasy characters too because at the end the green haired lady said "you can call me Rydia" Oh my gawd just :awesome: Can not wait to keep reading. Anyway what about the tags? Very good.
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Nice opening chapter, lovin' the back hand at Zeria :P Cannae wait to see more :D
Oooh yay. You included Rydia in the story ^^ She so wouldn't have taken Kyle or Zeria's crap either :wacky:

I like it so far. I want mooooore.

And I liek my tag thingie ^^ It's awesome.
Good start, Viks. You're right, it's a little choppy and needs some touching up here and there. But you've set the table pretty well. I think it says a lot that you have the interest of someone who knows -literally- nothing about Bleach. *points at self*

Looking forward to Chapter Dos.
That's a pretty good start, babe. <3 I didn't know you started it. :ness: ah well, you're right it's kinda short <_< but I thought it was pretty good.
Wehey, I noted this rather fast for being me ^^

Not bad, not bad at all.
Im looking forward to the later chapters, and Im not gonna try and hide it, my character's entry ^^

Though, I know the time he appears is up to you ^^
The chapter I jstu dead was interesting, I could without problem see it as if it was the start of a Bleach ep, so youre doing something right ^^
Great story Vikki. Really enjoyed the opening. Bit of action and great characters.
/slowness, innit

Nice introduction Vikki :gasp: Short and sweet, definitely captivating...and definitely a good Zeria there. Fabulous work, hun.
Yay I finnaly appeared! And Vikki this fic is very good I love every minute of it but where are the other tags? o_O Hahahah I love my character already but I need to see the tag of me first.
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Babes you're doing awesome with this story already. I can't get over how amazing of a writer you are. When you start reading it just totally draws you in. Sorry it took me so long to post, but yeah. Can't wait for what's in store next, love! <3
Woo, finally caught up, Ive had such a busy week :gasp:

Love the bio cards, pink ftw :ryan: Gutted that Gabs got XIII though, I well wanted to snaffle that number :gonk:

Liking the story so far, the little spat between Zeria and Marshy was gewd, and I lol'd at Adri being a stuttering pillock, and I think you've got our Bowl spot on too xD
This story is really developing nicely, with good characters and descriptions. It would be a page turner if it wasn't on mah laptop. :awesome:
Vikki chapter 3 is awesome but what the hell is the mystery of Zeria? I can not wait to find out. Oh and btw why am I running away.