Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

LOL Smexy you bet you cool asses I bought it now I have Aerith for the Game and HOLY SHIT The battle system rocks now! Everythings so much faster and precise Im still getting used to the new Chase,but Im loving lightning and the new upgrades to the characters,hell Even Exdeath got me on my toes alot xD

I dident like using Lightning on hard since Thunderfall is hard to hit people with so I just spammed Ravenger attacks xD

BUT I LUFF'S IT xD wish my psp was better its not letting me react fast enough ((Damn buttons T.T))
told ya it was great XD

and can you see that it harder now compared to before :)
our update is thursday :( sooo we get it tomorrow sadly XD
This week's updates have begun in Australia... Shuma and Jill have been put up for PS3 and the PSP's gotten Enigmo and Street Fighter Alpha 2. Only a matter of time now.
the thing i will say is that the europe blog for the annoncement for prologus said that it "coming soon" it may not even come out this week in europe.... :D just don't get ur hopes up
Duodecim's coming out next week... if they're going to release Prologus at all in Europe, this week's when it's gonna happen. I'm sure of it. They wouldn't release a demo and the actual game in the same week - it makes no sense whatsoever.
ohhh yh........ good point is it just a week already XD....... god need to get my 25 pound for my legery edition :P
you just seen the news.... europe gets a day.... we getting it next thursday square have confirmed......... :( stupid europe ps store XD
This... this makes no sense whatsoever... why put out Prologus a day before the game itself releases, outside of schedule? Isn't all the work done on the damn thing already? It's not like you re-subtitle the thing or anything!

Graaah! Curse me and my Australia-ness! We get shafted with release dates so damn often I shouldn't be surprised they pulled something like this, but still...

*deep breath*

I'm okay now. I won't explode again. Promise.
i would say buy it from the us psn..... but you don't wana forge out more money next week

but yh this makes no sense at all... it has really put me of buying prologus now as i already brought the japanese version...... not sure as now it a case of just buying it 4 aerith and the 5 min story :D
For the sake of saying it, EU would've got the game a week AFTER NA got it, so Prologus coming a week before the release date is the same thing with Prologus coming out a week before NA's release date.

I'm torn. I wanna import the UK version of Duodecim, so buying Prologus now won't do much good (except kill time :P), but I have no funds in UK, and almost every site I visit has sold out of the 20 and 50 pounds prepaid card, so wtf am I suppose to do? Dx

EDIT: Owait, I just saw the actual dates-okay, srsly, wtf? The prequel coming out a few days before Duodecim in EU? Laaaame.

I think S-E just expects everyone to buy it because technically Prologus isn't a demo, but a prequel with an isolated story not in Duodecim, and more than anything, fans are willing to pay to use Aerith :hmmm:
Well Prologus isent hard to finish If my psp was in perfect working order I could have finished it last night,but yeah I love the new Difficulty level makes me excited to play on the hardest level *.* right now Im doing the 30 Battles,So far ive finished with Lightning and Kain((I hate thunderfall T-T)) Im dreading useing Kefka since his attacks are so slow and boring =/
aha i hate being hit as lighting.......

i just downloaded the usa version.... :)
I got it...

I was about to finish the demo last night, but my battery popped out (back case is missing xD) and I got annoyed and put it down for the night. The acting isn't terrible, it just seems like normal game voice acting :P

I forgot OK, Terra and the others weren't selectable in the demo. :(
Wait, so who CAN you play as in Prologus? :huh:

Also, I've been hearing how there's that minor story mode, but some kind of 30 stage run through? Is that true? o_O
The story mode is about 5 mins if your good with lightning

theres a Arcade mode normal 5 matches,and hard lvl 50 30 matches

you get to use Lightning,WoL,Sephiroth,Kefka,Cloud after you unlock him,uhh Garland and Kain i think
yep that's right you unlock cloud by beating tifa in hard arcade mode

and you can fight agasint anybody apart from laguna, vann, yuna, prishe and gilgamesh but vann, laguna and yuna can apper as assists for cpu