Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

Terra Branford said:
March 15th? Will we be forced to purchase this one as well?

Only if you want Aerith in English.
See, the way I understand it (please, if I am wrong feel free to jump in and correct me), the games are not region-locked like previous systems, but the DLC is region-specific, meaning you can play a game from, say, Italy on a US PSP without ramifications. When they start trying to apply DLC, though, as it IS region-coded, the game starts to go clunka-clunka-WHAM!
At least, that's how I think it goes down.
So we will be forced to pay for the demo to get Aerith. Dang it. I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to spend more cash on it, especially since I can't be characters I want to be in this game...

I guess I'll have to purchase it. >.>
Well if you think about it Terra,you can spend the extra cash your psn card has on Add ons for Duodecim on costumes and w/e else they will add later

That is very much true, I could do that, but I don't really like any of the addons they have offered thus far and I have a feeling they won't add anything again, or if they do it will be something I don't quiet like. :(

So I will probably never use that download system, unless more characters is somehow offered for download xD
I get the feeling that this is going to be a lot bigger than it initially comes out as, since the producers have said that they aren't interested in doing another Dissidia as a fighting game. I'd expect several more characters to come in as DLC in the near future, either as Aerith-style assist only or full blown PCs.

As for Prologus, I'm in on that - I consider it as being able to play Duodecim a little earlier. The fact that I get Aerith is a bonus.
I get the feeling that this is going to be a lot bigger than it initially comes out as, since the producers have said that they aren't interested in doing another Dissidia as a fighting game. I'd expect several more characters to come in as DLC in the near future, either as Aerith-style assist only or full blown PCs.

As for Prologus, I'm in on that - I consider it as being able to play Duodecim a little earlier. The fact that I get Aerith is a bonus.
I don't think its really possible for them to add characters to the game through download, I was merely hoping. Unless of course, If they could it would require erasing space in order to give space, since nearly all of the UMD has been filled with Dissidia 012 and the last Dissidia game's story, scenes, characters, level, music, attacks, magic, summons and all the rest, especially the physical memory it takes to store the data of the game...And erasing space would require them to think of a way to do that off of the disc :)

I think when they said they weren't interested in Dissidia as a fighting game, they meant it would take on more of a role like Kingdom Hearts. With that style of fighting and a more sensible story line.

...If the UMD behaves like any other disc, it can't be overwritten without specific hardware. DLC has been going on with PSP stuff for a while now - it doesn't overwrite stuff on the UMD per se, it just supercedes the programming in some areas (menu selection, game options etc.) You don't need to jam more stuff into the UMD, you just have to have data on a memory stick that says "all right, you're playing game X, so I should run this data". Then everything goes hoopy.

Also, I would so buy KH Dissidia. Make it with a better, less convoluted story and I'm sold. As an amusing side-note, however, I'd like to take a moment and muse on some other Dissidia genres. Like Puzzle Fighter Dissidia... :awesome:

...If the UMD behaves like any other disc, it can't be overwritten without specific hardware. DLC has been going on with PSP stuff for a while now - it doesn't overwrite stuff on the UMD per se, it just supercedes the programming in some areas (menu selection, game options etc.) You don't need to jam more stuff into the UMD, you just have to have data on a memory stick that says "all right, you're playing game X, so I should run this data". Then everything goes hoopy.
Exactly what I said....

Your post had come off like you meant downloadable characters for this Dissidia and I pointed out that kind of space would require deletion of taken space to make room for it. :)

And for downloadable characters and their movesets, separate things like that, would require space on the actual disc. Its like for Aerith. She's really already on the disc, hence the reason people are able to rip alts and whatnot, but the downloading activates it.

So for another character to enter through downloading, it would require putting the information on the UMD already, rather than downloading the data to be installed just on the memory stick alone.

If it was possible to download the full information, people would be able to put it up online for free, taking away a lot of profit.
This way insures they get their money and people actually do have to buy the download to activate it.
Also, I would so buy KH Dissidia. Make it with a better, less convoluted story and I'm sold. As an amusing side-note, however, I'd like to take a moment and muse on some other Dissidia genres. Like Puzzle Fighter Dissidia... :awesome:

Puzzle Dissidia? It would work much like the chessboard system then? :P
So I heard from a few of my friends that the English demo was supposed to be released on the 13th, but a delay happened and they pushed it to the 15th.

Anyone know if this is true? Not like it changes anything, just a bit curious. :)

I'm such a fool. My apologies, I had no idea what I was babbling about.
Its okay. I'm sorry if I came off like a jerk, that was not my intention at all >.<
I was just trying to explain, is all :)
So I heard from a few of my friends that the English demo was supposed to be released on the 13th, but a delay happened and they pushed it to the 15th.

...As a question of interest, when do updates for the PSN occur in the States? I can only talk for Australia, but if that's true... well, not even the heavens could contain my righteous fury. I want me my Dissidia Sequel, damnit!
Its okay. I'm sorry if I came off like a jerk, that was not my intention at all >.<
I was just trying to explain, is all

No, no, not at all. I feel as if I was speaking out of line and you did nothing but bring me back down to earth. No apologies are necessary.
the updates in the US happen every tuesday

Also I think they could add characters,if you download the data they could use the data transfer system in the game ((like how they use the Game install to speed up loading)) just a thought
...As a question of interest, when do updates for the PSN occur in the States? I can only talk for Australia, but if that's true... well, not even the heavens could contain my righteous fury. I want me my Dissidia Sequel, damnit!

No, no, not at all. I feel as if I was speaking out of line and you did nothing but bring me back down to earth. No apologies are necessary.
I'm not sure, I usually just hear about the updates. I don't ever really know when we are given updates. And to be honest, I haven't checked US update releases. I have been following the Japanese updates since day one. :P

the updates in the US happen every tuesday

Also I think they could add characters,if you download the data they could use the data transfer system in the game ((like how they use the Game install to speed up loading)) just a thought
It would still require the information to be already tucked away within the UMD :P

Game install uses the UMD to install its harder memory onto memory from the disc to help boost loading screens. Game install isn't a downloadable feature either, its there from already being on the UMD :)
So realistically, one could hack up their copy to get all the goodies without all that DLC fuss then? Hrrmmmm...So Aerith should technically be in the UMD?

Well I can't and have no real interest in that, so legit limitations it is for me then :P

Although, no I'm confuzzeled-does this apply to the digital download game version too? I'm not too sure how this would work, but they should be the same, right? :huh:

I'm crossing my fingers for more assists and costumes. Japan get's a helmet-less WoL for free, and lame or not, I want it ;A;
I'm sure with some way it could be done, but currently, no one has achieved modding that section of the UMD. I suppose it works like this:

Aerith is on UMD, but has a lock on her. Once the PSP reads the Prologus Demo has been purchased from the memory stick, it rips the seal off of Aerith and tells the UMD "Okay, give them Aerith!"

But without the demo and the purchase (whatever else is needed), the UMD cannot forcefully tell the PSP to give the player Aerith. I suppose you could...well, use another way. But I'm not sure that could work >.>

What do you mean digital version download game? Is that getting the Dissidia game off of the PSN? If so, and I'm not expert just know a few things, I think it would be a lot easier to mod/hack the ISO-thingy-mah-job file of it. But then again, I'm not entirely sure about that part :hmm:

I like that version of WoL as well T.T
According to Japan, the Quest Feature, aka the Fanfiction maker, since the release of the game in Japan, 5000 fan-made Quests have been shared, with 200,000 downloads registered on the S-E Quest Server.

I still wonder exactly how this Questing works. Can you really make these characters have dialouge? And can you really make them interact? Or is simply create a job, send character on it, earn EXP and treasure, beat boss and then end the quest? Or is there more to it?
According to Japan, the Quest Feature, aka the Fanfiction maker, since the release of the game in Japan, 5000 fan-made Quests have been shared, with 200,000 downloads registered on the S-E Quest Server.

I still wonder exactly how this Questing works. Can you really make these characters have dialouge? And can you really make them interact? Or is simply create a job, send character on it, earn EXP and treasure, beat boss and then end the quest? Or is there more to it?

I read this comment off of livejournal, but I think it's pretty legit:

Basically, you write text-only scenes for the story portions and set-up battles. You can add special conditions like "Win in under 3 minutes" and can script seperate story scenes depending on the player wins or loses.

Once the NA version is out, S-E will have Quest making guides available via Mog Web to explain all the details.

It actually appears to be quite in depth. If people are bored or unimpressed with Dissidia's story, they could just make up their own stuff and share it with people if they really wanted. I guess there's a limit, but I'm quite excited for this ^^