Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

Did they give Kain the same actor from the DS remake of FFIV? If so, he sounds different in this game. If not, who is he?

I loved Kain's voice in the DS T.T

It's a very good splice but looking at all of it, it's just the new footage spliced with the old opening, spliced with the numerals which are actually from KH: Deep Dive FMV.

All in all it looks nice but it's not real. :sad3:
Odd, it looks a lot like the opening to 012... :eek:

Anyways I saw a few battle videos with lightning and she sounds cocky and all but how does she play,is she a complicated person to use?
Nah, she's not complicated to play. She's extremely easy to use; fast, powerful and has a great range in both BRV build up and the O button attacks. She's not balanced, but overpowered. But I suppose there has to be one in every game xD

You can use her very well after just one match, or that's how me and my sister felt after using her once. :D
So Lightning in Duodecim is equal to Cable in MvC2? Purposely above-average because... well, because she is?
That kinda sucks, but no doubt she has weaknesses. Anybody noticed any - I'm kinda waiting for Prologus to come out before I try and analyze attack patterns.

EDIT: Just checked and yes, the Dissidia 13 demo has been taken down in Australia. Don't know why America haven't taken it down - perhaps the demo is moving West rather than East. Who knows?
So Lightning in Duodecim is equal to Cable in MvC2? Purposely above-average because... well, because she is?
That kinda sucks, but no doubt she has weaknesses. Anybody noticed any - I'm kinda waiting for Prologus to come out before I try and analyze attack patterns.

EDIT: Just checked and yes, the Dissidia 13 demo has been taken down in Australia. Don't know why America haven't taken it down - perhaps the demo is moving West rather than East. Who knows?
I have played against Lightning with a lot of characters (Spoilered just in case people don't wanna hear about player moves and weaknesses)
and have battles against other characters using her. I haven't seen her weakness yet. You can hurt her, but she's pretty powerful and fast.

She has this circle attack that reaches very far and takes away a lot of Bravery points and has very lengthy BRV attacks that can hit you from far away and they too, are powerful.

I think the best characters to use against her, is Terra, Vaan and Kain. They seem to be the only ones fast and strong enough to handle Lightning's quickness and power.... :hmm:
Hrmm... sounds like she
might be a character that rewards blocking strategies - most of the clips I've seen of her have her attacks be reasonably obvious and, while powerful, 98% look like they'd be a complete nightmare if they were reflected/blocked.
Ah well, just gonna have to see what she plays like for myself when Prologus gets here.
Hrmm... sounds like she
might be a character that rewards blocking strategies - most of the clips I've seen of her have her attacks be reasonably obvious and, while powerful, 98% look like they'd be a complete nightmare if they were reflected/blocked.
Ah well, just gonna have to see what she plays like for myself when Prologus gets here.
She's pretty good at blocking characters and stopping their attacks, especially if on the ground. That would probably be best, I'm not the best at analyzing this, but that's the best I could share.
Did they give Kain the same actor from the DS remake of FFIV? If so, he sounds different in this game. If not, who is he?

I loved Kain's voice in the DS T.T

Liam O'Brian did Kain in the DS version, and while there is a slight difference, I'm pretty sure it's him again in the Duodecim. It's been, what? Over two years since FFIV DS came out in English, right? Maybe the VA's voice changed a bit. I noticed that for Yuna's VA right away. Not to mention sound quality between the DS and PSP are significantly different :hmmm:
from what i get with lighting... use a person with long range attacks she has to be close for most of her attacks i find using people like terra... laguna, also when i been using close range characters she stuggles to use moves like Fire (Cloud) Flully (Squall) Impulse (Yuna) Holy (Bartz and Terra)

also i noticed that the cpu can't dodge some of the characters hp attacks to save there lives.... Like vanns Torrent (Water) Laguna Sallalite Beam, Vann Torando attack, Engery Ray (Yuna) and Hellfire (Yuna)

EDIT: this is from the eu square enix members blog

If you’re looking forward to the upcoming DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY for PSP, then here’s something more to look forward to! DISSIDIA duodecim prologus FINAL FANTASY will be coming to PlayStation Network soon. Here’s a quick summary of what prologus is all about, straight from the press release:

Unique Scenario: Lightning, the protagonist of the popular FINAL FANTASY XIII, will be introduced to the DISSIDIA series for the first time. Players can journey through a unique scenario featuring Lightning that will recount the events leading to DISSIDIA 012[duodecim].

Carry-over items from DISSIDIA duodecim prologus FINAL FANTASY to DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY: Players can continue their journey and have the advantage of carrying over in-game items acquired in DISSIDIA duodecim prologus FINAL FANTASY for use in DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY.

Unlock a new character: By purchasing DISSIDIA duodecim prologus, players will also receive the immensely popular Aerith from FINAL FANTASY VII for use as an assist character in DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
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Hoozah! Confirmation! :awesome: We'll probably get it the thursday after mind, since that's our PSN update day.

Tell ya what though, figures it'll be only a week before the actual game release, especially since they're charging us this time ¬_¬
English Trailer........ :D

Liam O'Brian did Kain in the DS version, and while there is a slight difference, I'm pretty sure it's him again in the Duodecim. It's been, what? Over two years since FFIV DS came out in English, right? Maybe the VA's voice changed a bit. I noticed that for Yuna's VA right away. Not to mention sound quality between the DS and PSP are significantly different :hmmm:
That's what I thought....I talked with Liam before and he said he voiced Kain but in this game, he sounds different, so it confused me xD

March 15th? Will we be forced to purchase this one as well?