Do you believe in God?

While I don't actively worship/profess faith in any God, I don't disbelieve in His existence. However, I'm not among those who go around questioning Christians about their beliefs. I don't think someone who worships any God is wrong. I don't believe anyone who worships anything is wrong. I have just never really cared for religion.
My advice to non-belivers is to read the bible or join a youth group to learn about christnaity. Because when non belivers hear about the bible and some of the storys about Noah or Moses they think they are made up stories.. beleive me i was the same way. Im not bashing non-belivers at all. Im not going to judge you now or ever. I don't have the right to, only god can do that... Now let me leave you with a qoute I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.
Albert Camus

I am a non-believer. Also I have read the Bible. More than once in fact. I don't think that the stories themselves are made up, I just think that since technology wasn't what it is now, then some of the phenomenon of science that happened back then were simply described as a "miracle of the Lord".

As for your quote. A man doesn't have to believe in God to live his life the way he wants to. I live my life as if their is a God, yet I don't believe in one. I am kind to everyone and respect all living things. Except maybe the mosquitos and various other insects that don't help out this world. I go out of my way to help my fellow man. If there is a heaven then I'm not going to get recruited, according to to the believers, because of what I believe in. To me, that's pretty fuct up. I don't live this way in case there is a heaven and I'm wrong. I live this way because I feel that it is the right thing to do. To me a person like me should be able to see everybody that does believe, yet lives a bad life, in the burning pits of oblivion. My rant is over, for now.
Okay, I don't think you understand the point of religion. It is about faith. Not proof; FAITH. If there were specific proof of God, it would destroy the doctrines of many religions. The whole point to religions is that you believe in God despite the "lack of evidence." If there were "absolute proof," it would help people who didn't believe to begin with. I doubt it would have a major impact on truly devout people.

...I think I've said this, like, fifteen million times now, but the Bible is not God's diary. It is a collection of scriptures, written by humans, intended to guide people. I think well-informed Christians and Jews know of the Bible's origins. They understand that it is not meant to be taken as ABSOLUTE AND CONCRETE proof that God exists, nor is it to be taken literally. As for the Satan thing, you do realize that in the Old Testament, Satan is one of God's consorts, right? He isn't the devil or Lucifer. As we can see in the Book of Job, Satan is certainly an asshole, but he isn't the "Satan" we know him as today.

I don't say this to be belligerent, but because you crave proof of God's existance so much, I don't think you COULD be religious. You sort of miss the entire point of being religious. No religion is about researching whether God exists or not and listing rational reasons as to why He/She/Whatever must exist. Being religious/believing in God is something deeply spiritual. It is not about reason or about rational argument; it is about faith.

If it's not about being rational then how can it be valid?
If it's not about being rational then how can it be valid?

Not everything in life is about rationality. People often have irrational emotions that are completely valid. Religion isn't about rationality; it's about spirituality. I've said that several times. Religion isn't science. You keep coming back to this idea of "well it's not rational, thus it's not valid." That just proves that you're just missing the entire point when it comes to religion.

If you really want something to think about: atheism is just as irrational as religion. There is no definitive proof of the existence or NON existence of God. There is actually NO way of either proving the existence or non existence of God. Taking a stance either way then is irrational because it is based on lack of information and simply just "what you believe." You have no proof there is no God. Don't try to run to biology, physics, or chemistry. Yes, those fields have helped us out tremendously but they don't really prove one way or another the existence of God. One can simply get around all of it by saying "God created evolution" or "this was all God's plan." And there's no way to prove that is wrong. The simple fact is: we will probably never know. So whether you are an atheist or a very devout person: it's all irrational and based on beliefs. It's like this: say someone has a shoe box. There might be something in it, there might not be. You can't tell just by looking at it. Whether you say "there is something in this shoe box" or "no, there is nothing in the box," you are making an irrational decision. You have no idea if the box is empty.
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Honestly, I don't believe in God. It's not that I have to have the proof or not to determine weather or not God exist. I just don't really care. I don't have much faith and I'm not very religious person.
I don't know if there is a god, and to be honest I dont care. I'm happy living my life the way it is. :)
i agree wwith ultima36, but i have never believed that there is a god, but like other people, i dont walk around hunting down christians and challenging their beliefs
its like what doctor cox does in scrubs with the receptionist because she is christian and she believes that everything happens for a reason, he challenges her beliefs by doing random things that make no sense and then during the course of the episode, things that have been bad turn out to be good because the team keep finding potentially fatal health problems and manage to stop them and in that happening, doctor cox leaves her alone
good point lol but i was just making a referance to the fact that some people challenge other peoples beliefs
i was, and anyway back on topic, i think its ok for people to believe what they want.
I don't believe in a God in the sense of what people worship. Definition of God is "creator of all things", meaning God in reality could just be a tiny particle that started everything. :)

I am however now seirously against religion and its actions. Its probably the most corrupt force that has ever been on the planet. Not all mind you, but most.
No, I do not believe in God as such. Though I do believe in a Higher status of life. But beyond that, I believe that the Torchwood side of it

"There's nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

is right. I also believe in reincarnation-you choose what you come back as-but not as high as that. I believe you choose what BEING you come back as, but not the status.

So no, I do not believe in God as the ultimate God.
I do not believe in God. However in my religion we do believe in Gods and Goddess.
I don't necessarily believe in a god, but I do think there is a greater supernatural being out there. Something was born out of Nothing.
Please don't presume me unreasonable. I just can't see the point in devoting your entire life to something you don't truly know is there!

You weren't unreasonable. In were full of reason in backing up your posts and stuff. xD

Anyways, there you go. I for one don't devote my entire life to the religion, but the way I use religion and believe in God is that I only follow it to attain a much more peaceful life. Religion provides you standards of living instead of having to make up your life on your own. It's a guide to life, and that guide is God.